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#205212 Season Of Foam Updates

Posted by veginator on 21 January 2009 - 07:27 PM in General Nerf

This is just all kinds of awesome. I can't wait to see this unfold!

Holy crap! The Great Stefan returns. :o
(my apologies to Baghead for going off topic)

#207678 K9's Review Of The Buzzbee Belt Blaster

Posted by veginator on 29 January 2009 - 06:31 PM in General Nerf

Does anyone else notice how it looks like a spartan laser?

#265734 Blaster Classification/rating System

Posted by veginator on 17 February 2010 - 10:52 AM in General Nerf

I really like this idea of putting blasters into specific classes but I do see 2 problems with the system.

1. Not all people may have a specific blaster for each class. This would be especially a problem where I nerf as many of us don't even have a proper pistol.

2. You're rate of fire measuring system doesn't take into account air vs. springer. I personally am working on a clip fed shotgun ,but the pumping would make the actual rate of fire slower than most singled springers.

Again, I am not bashing the idea but suggesting a couple refinements that would help to convince others to use the system.

#265838 Blaster Classification/rating System

Posted by veginator on 18 February 2010 - 04:24 AM in General Nerf

I agree, it would definitely be useful to add point values for rscb/hopper/inline clips, since they're used so often nowadays.

Wouldn't that just fall into the the "clip" category?

#269950 Nerf Claymore/trip Mine

Posted by veginator on 22 March 2010 - 05:17 PM in Homemades

Military Simulation. All the veterans and old farts hate it, thats why you have been getting all the warnings. They believe that nerf should be nothing like airsoft or paintball, so I would suggest that you take off the digi camo and put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

On topic: I really like your ideas to put different aspects to the game. I every war I have been in it it was standoff after stand off of long range primaries. Its nice to see someone working on something that needs improving and not useless +bow variations.

#234098 Pullback Shotty

Posted by veginator on 03 June 2009 - 09:04 AM in Modifications

Here is the original pullback shotty as promised:

Posted Image
And here is the the real reason I invented it and a sneak preview of whats to come

Posted Image

#234184 Pullback Shotty

Posted by veginator on 03 June 2009 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

I dig that paintjob, but no more 2k's?
A splitfire? Very mysterious.

What do you mean mysterious? What does everyone do with a splitfire? Its not that hard if you think about it.

#234625 Pullback Shotty

Posted by veginator on 06 June 2009 - 01:47 PM in Modifications

It doesn't look that way to me at all. Maybe you can supply more examples?

The +bow is pullback because it's an intentional homage to the crossbow.
The Ultimator, XXL Bazooka, Maximizer, MaxShot, and perhaps even the stronger versions of the PistolSplat are more powerful than a Crossbow. Certainly the ERTL Pump Shotgun, and possibly its Rapid-Fire sibling. None of those are pullback. What other powerful blasters are?

I see your point Bob. All these blasters, except the shotguns, provide quite a bit of leverage to compress or extend a godly spring. Perhaps you could come up with a lever system for the PAS to compress three +bow springs.

I believe it is easier to use a pull back than pump action, because the muscles in your arm have more leverage your arm is at a 90 degree angle than out stretched.

#242709 Nerf Raider Cs-35

Posted by veginator on 19 July 2009 - 03:22 PM in General Nerf

can you whack it in with a powerful enough blow?

that kind of blow is not something you'd intentionally give out to a blaster..


To sig or not to sig... :(

#233555 Pullback Shotty

Posted by veginator on 31 May 2009 - 06:08 AM in Modifications

I will post pictures of the original once I finish painting it(sometime today).

#234257 Pullback Shotty

Posted by veginator on 04 June 2009 - 11:14 AM in Modifications

Get ready for the shotty guru.

#234599 Pullback Shotty

Posted by veginator on 06 June 2009 - 09:09 AM in Modifications

I'm really not into this because im not a body builder and that doesn't look to pleasent to pull back

Well neither am I but it is easier to prime. Why do you think the most powerful nerf guns ,like the crossbow and plus bow, are pullback.

#215188 Homemade 2k Tank

Posted by veginator on 26 February 2009 - 06:55 PM in Homemades

Dang it. I was just about to make mine.

#207817 May I Please Have Your Attention

Posted by veginator on 30 January 2009 - 06:44 AM in Off Topic

Oh great another memeber lost his memory. The first time this happened was with that boom31 guy.

#148932 Pvc And Air

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 08:00 PM in Homemades

What kind of pressures do you plan on using in this gun anyway. 40? 50?

#148922 Pvc And Air

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 07:49 PM in Homemades

You are such a panzy. Do you know how hard it is to break sch. 40 pvc? The only way you could break a pressurized vessel would be to swing it as hard as you could against a tree or something like it. It wont do anything if you just drop it on the ground or bump it.

#167559 Is It Possible To Run A Car On Sugar?

Posted by veginator on 09 August 2008 - 09:10 AM in Off Topic

I'm with Talio my parents no the cost of gas so they find different ways of getting to work. My mom carpools and my dad rides his bike. Which is why he decided to build an awsome new road bike.

#219530 Air Zone 2009

Posted by veginator on 23 March 2009 - 08:31 PM in General Nerf

The pump and blast is just a water gun. I have already seen it in target.

#159819 Big Bad Bow Nitefinder Integration

Posted by veginator on 20 June 2008 - 08:46 AM in Modifications

Why did you have to copy my gun and take credit for it?

#217528 At2k Plasma Pistol

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2009 - 08:42 PM in Modifications

Wow I love it. My only greivance is that the pump and barrel are still visible. Not that you could do anything about it.

#224830 General Blow Gun Stuff

Posted by veginator on 21 April 2009 - 06:40 PM in Homemades

Could you show us some pictures of your godly blow..... gun.

#140796 New Homemade "avenger"

Posted by veginator on 17 February 2008 - 01:23 PM in Homemades

can i just say that your construction skills suck and to stop making homemades

You joined in August '07 just to say that?

Yes but from what I've seen from his "guardian" he is building bombs.

#233039 Big Bad Bow Overhaul

Posted by veginator on 28 May 2009 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

I'm in the process of doing this. I started it when I saw your post in the mod/pictures thread. I need some kind of substitute for the SDR PVC because they don't sell it up here. Any advice? This thing looks Effeminate. Great job.

It is also known as for thinwall or sch. 20 PVC.

#140569 New Homemade "avenger"

Posted by veginator on 16 February 2008 - 11:24 AM in Homemades

can i just say that your construction skills suck and to stop making homemades

#362693 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 09 March 2018 - 08:30 PM in General Nerf

No more high powered blasters!?! Back in my day, my singled basspro shotgun had a stock spring, longshot spring, and a [k26]. If your blaster didn't draw blood at close range then it wasn't worth it. I get that hvz has become more popular so blasters couldn't be as powerful but god damn thats pretty lame.

Oh btw, when I say I can make anything I mean it. Being a senior mechanical engineering student doing research has its perks. What is something you guys would like to see?

#362671 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 07 March 2018 - 11:51 PM in General Nerf

Hey, I'm an old nerf tard who got into modifying back in 2007 and eventually lost interest after a lets say an 'unsatisfying nerf war'. Well my younger brother has caught the bug and I've been looking to make a mini come back. What I'm asking today is what kinds of blasters are competitive, and what are the wars that are popular now? I want to do at least one more war/event before I have to become full adult and quit forever. Let me know whats a good blaster/mod combo. I have almost unlimited access to a machine shop, 3D printing lab, and EDM cutter... aka I can make anything. Show me what you got.

#362698 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 10 March 2018 - 08:58 PM in General Nerf

I like the idea of a chain fed absolver but it doesn't really make a lot of sense with the all the high cap mags available now. I was talking to my brother and apparently whats keeping the power down on the ball shooters is the plunger size. Is this correct? I could solve that real quick on the lathe.



Yeah bud. Want me to tell you all the ways I better than you?

#362715 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 12 March 2018 - 06:46 PM in General Nerf

Woah woah woah engineer. Current SCAR methodology is just fishing line run through the pipe and anchored at either end. Try that first, then break out your fancy mill.

Fancy mill? Its just a vertical mill. Wouldn't be hard to put some barrel material in an indexing collet and start drilling some holes. I don't typically use the fancy cnc mill. Also, I always hated those fishing line and nail-on-a-stick methods for getting a rifled barrel.


A chain fed shotgun would be relatively easy in theory. Just replace the turret with a couple big sprockets like the vulcan has. Get me some dimensions and I can make a solidworks file simply enough. 

#362728 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 13 March 2018 - 06:36 PM in General Nerf


I've wondered if sprockets are the best way, or if a proper pawl setup would be better and NERF et. al. doesn't do it because they're used to turrets and turrets work fine for stock blasters.


Either way, I was thinking 1" 200 PSI PVC would be a good shell size. 3 darts should fit no problem, 4 if you cram them in, mega/rivals could also fit if you wanted. OD is 1.315" for all varieties of 1" PVC, ID is +/- 1.16-1.189". PVC because it'd be cheap enough to build a belt out of: 10' of the stuff would make ~40 links in the chain for ~$5 (plus whatever filler you use to make the barrels). When I was considering it more seriously, I was going to make a jig to just duct tape the shells together into a belt. Seemed like a good combination of simple, reliable, and cheap.

Oh wow, I misunderstood what you were asking for. For some reason I got in my head that you wanted to chain feed a doomsayer. So what you are asking for is a chain fed shotgun in the literal sense. That's a bit different than what I had in my head. Let me think for a bit on that.


Again, rifling isn't really what matters here. Check out Slug's recent thread about the VF1 barrel alongside the SCAR. Both were identical unless the fit wasn't right in the SCAR, then performance was better on the SCAR. The whole idea of fishing line is an adjustable elastic barrel, not to impart spin. People like JSPB and others who do it for spin are correlating two things and assuming causation. In terms of fluid dyanmics, it makes no sense that spin would help a nerf dart, DOOM wrote a dissertation-style nerf document that modeled a dart and came to the same conclusion, and cited evidence that spin doesn't help. DOOM'd document is an excellent read if you're up for it, its on his website, go read it.


What Meaker is getting at is there is zero advantage to turning/milling a rifled barrel for nerf. Either 3D print Slug's VF1 and tune the diameter, or use a SCAR barrel. 



I hope that you are either being flippant or are referring to the dimensions of some specific part, like a nerf dart or stock vulcan chain. The dimensions are dictated by the design that no one has come up with. Everyone and their little sister can CAD these days, that part is trivial. Spending the time to design, prototype, and revise is what they were asking of you, not simply drawing up someone else's work.

I'm not talking about using it for a dart. From the evidence slug has presented its obvious that this would not work on a dart. I'm talking about the rival rounds and making them more stable at a higher velocity. I only want to use a mill because I want to. I like to work with my hands, that's it.


Woah you have an engineering degree that obviously means you are a god of design and fabrication and make literally anything

I neither have a degree nor am I the god of fabrication. What I do have is a fairly well equipped machine shop and some advanced research equipment. I also have a little bit of fab experience with stuff like automotive intake manifolds, exhaust, and chassis bracing.

#362707 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2018 - 07:50 PM in General Nerf

That's adorable.


To be clear, rifled barrels when used on darts are not used to impart spin. Anyone who claims that spin is the what makes the dart more accurate has a pretty elementary understanding of what's going on. I'm sure you already knew this though, being an engineering undergrad and all. The only reason that it's useful to change the twist ratio (a la Scar) is that doing so also changes the elastic inner diameter of the muzzle device. As you might imagine, more turns = smaller effective diameter.


Rifling and hop-up would be much more beneficial on a projectile with uniform density, like a rival round. As you nay surmise with your spud gun experience, hop up can increase the range and rifling the accuracy. I have seen some work with hop-up, but haven't seen much with rifling. That would be an interesting place to start if you're looking for a project.

Yeah I know, I tend to brag too much when I've been drinking.


I can think of a few ways to put some rifling inside a barrel. What is the current preferred barrel material for the rival rounds? Initial idea would be to mill a sleeve of tight barrel material and then slide it inside an outer barrel. Trying to make it out of one piece and be uniform would require a much more complex machining operation which I really don't feel like dealing with.

#362705 Trying to get back into it

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2018 - 12:00 PM in General Nerf

What about the 35 round drums? I know they weren't the greatest but they are certainly less unwieldy than a chain dangling down from the front.

Seeing as rifled barrels are becoming more common place on darts, I'm assuming similar tactics have been tried on the balls. What has been tried? From personal experience I know that, when fired fast enough from a barrel, golf balls will be unstable in flight unless you use a rifled barrel. Hell even a little back spin makes them much more stable at higher velocities.

#270597 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 28 March 2010 - 05:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a no-go for both dates. I have church commitments on Sundays. You guys have fun though!

So you couldn't come on a Saturday?

#265071 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 11 February 2010 - 04:45 PM in Nerf Wars

april 4

#264480 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 05 February 2010 - 10:48 PM in Nerf Wars

This is right around the same time as rork's war, WINCO. I'd prefer to go to both. Any chance of a change of date?

In short: no. The whole point of the date was to have it on or near spring break. Plus it's a couple months after rork's war.

#264459 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 05 February 2010 - 08:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I’m back and I’m itching for a war, who wants to come?

Posted Image
The war will be in our usual battle ground of the portables, a favorite for us Savannah nerfers.

April 4

100 Constitution Way, Richmond Hill, GA 31324
Posted Image

What to Bring:
-Water and plenty of it
-At LEAST one primary (if I deem your blaster unfit to be used on humans then you will not be able to use it)
-At LEAST one spring pistol (There is always someone in need of a pistol)

PLEASE: Remember the don’t be a dick rule is always in effect

I'm am not expecting mush in attendance since the close proximity to Rork's war but it will still happen. I will also be hosting another one after school gets out in hope of better attendance.


#269231 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2010 - 06:54 PM in Nerf Wars

For the love of god, could we all stay on topic?!?

#264527 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 06 February 2010 - 06:44 PM in Nerf Wars

WiNCNO is going to be on the 24th, to a very high degree of probability.

Top post updated

#269157 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 14 March 2010 - 08:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay this is really important.

The new date is APRIL 4 so ASON can attend

#269203 Spring Seno Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2010 - 02:34 PM in Nerf Wars

WiNCNO is on May 15. Also, we need to work out some licensing over the title "SENO"...

No one else was using it so thats what I called it. Also SENO has been traditionally held in GA or Alabama.

Also, why are you advertising YOUR war in my thread?

#202696 New Barrel Material And More!

Posted by veginator on 11 January 2009 - 07:22 PM in Modifications

Gourmet... pencils.... WTF?!?!?!?

Otherwise interesting find, not quite as cheap though as most PETG, and is probably lacking in quality

Actually I have seen these and they are not low quality at all infact they are much thicker and stronger than petg.