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#178474 At3k Problem

Posted by veginator on 20 September 2008 - 07:13 PM in General Nerf

I have recently aquired two at3k's and they sucked when stock so I proceeded to take out the air restrictors and replace the barrels. There is one problem with this though, I think I have gotten some debris in the valve or the o-ring is just old, but either way the valve is not sealing so could somebody please help me.

#178483 At3k Problem

Posted by veginator on 20 September 2008 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

Okay so I couldn't see anything downin there but I decided to swab it with a Q-tip and then sprayed it with some more lube. Then being the genius that I am decided to not try to see if it worked and just go back to the computer to see if some one could help me. Well I just tried the pump and it works now.

#217001 Alabama War

Posted by veginator on 08 March 2009 - 07:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Most of the south-east wars recently have been primarily in Georgia, and there have been some in Florida.
Upcoming ones are:
+ Spring SENO (March 29th)
+ South-East Tune-up War (April 11th)

You really should come to the tune-up, attendance is already around 15 and many maybes.

#144780 Big List Of Nerfers

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2008 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

I think we should do make a list of nerfers like the one at NerfHQ. This could help plan for future wars. Please put your name and location and I will be constantly updating.

#144785 Big List Of Nerfers

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2008 - 08:28 PM in Nerf Wars

That is why we have our Frapper-

Link- http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=5739

Okay then, Everbody add yourself to the Frapper

#203151 Single Pump At3k

Posted by veginator on 13 January 2009 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

Looks good man. This is mine from a couple years back...


In fact this has been done at least three separate times before. I did one a couple months back and some one posted yet another example of it being done.
Search: at3k pump extension
Sorry no link, new internet provider

#205226 New Type Of Spring

Posted by veginator on 21 January 2009 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

This past christmas I got a new Vurtego air spring pogo stick, and after about three hours of hopping several feet in the air I wondered to myself if this could be applied to nerf. I got my answer soon enough.
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Coming out the back of my shotty is a cutdown magstrike pump with improved seal and schrader valve. One might ask why the need of the improved seal. The answer is that the air spring is primed at about 20 psi and when fully compressed can reach close to 80psi which would blow out the flimsy o-ring that came with the pump.
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As you can see the spring works by pushing against the shotty plunger rod.

Unfourtunately this design failed because:
1)The friction between the pump head and the pump tube was so great that at lower pressures(the only time I could prime the gun)the spring would stop halfway
2)The spring was not easily recreated

#205241 New Type Of Spring

Posted by veginator on 21 January 2009 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

If you want to use an extension spring why not attach it directly to the plunger rod?

#205409 New Type Of Spring

Posted by veginator on 22 January 2009 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Uh, it is perfect seal how else would I be able to put in air then compress it. The air would just leak out.

#205247 New Type Of Spring

Posted by veginator on 21 January 2009 - 08:37 PM in Modifications

When I built it I meant for it to be used in conjunction with the stock spring so I could adjust the power of the gun given the situation.

#205328 New Type Of Spring

Posted by veginator on 22 January 2009 - 06:50 AM in Modifications

Splitlip I don't think you or many other people get what I did. This is not an air cylinder actuated by air coming through the schrader. I first put about 20 psi in the valve and then the pump is extended. When the shaft is pushed back the air compresses and acts like a spring.

Thank you foamfoot but the pogo stick is about 10 times bigger.

#205252 New Type Of Spring

Posted by veginator on 21 January 2009 - 08:49 PM in Modifications

If your going to use the springs with it also, it will probably accelerate slower than the springs, rendering it useless.

If I could make another one with less friction it would accelerate at close to the same speed as the spring.

#191980 At3k Pump Extension

Posted by veginator on 25 November 2008 - 09:46 PM in Modifications

Anyway, as for the 3K, flow-rate isn't the limiting factor. It's pressure (and I think the seal, but I'm not sure). The design of the pump makes it more difficult to get as much pressure built up compared to an AT2K or other pump guns that have an exruting pump (instead of a sliding pump, like on the AT3K, AT4K, and SM3K).

The purpose of this mod was to make slide pump guns such as the at3k easier to pump when they are plugged. I think it turned out well.
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Materials needed:
6-7 inches of 1/2inch OD aluminum pipe
3 in of 1/2 cpvc
1/2 cpvc endcap
at3k or similar slide pump gun

Tools needed:
1/2 inch drill bit
glue of choice
dremmel of round file

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First locate the pump and take it out.
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Now drill through the hole shown with the 1/2 inch drill bit
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Once you have done that jam your aluminium into the hole you drilled.
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Now to make room for the aluminum you need to cut this piece out of both sides of the shell.
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You are also going to have to close up the shell and take your drill and make another half inch hole.You are also going to have to file it down so it doesn't rub.
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Next you need to cut the aluminum to size and drill out your cpvc to fit over the aluminium and glue it on there.
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Finally slap on the end cap and put on some barrells if you haven't already.

It is now much easier to pump up the gunto high pressures because of such a smaller amout of friction on the new pump handle.


#192141 At3k Pump Extension

Posted by veginator on 26 November 2008 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

Good idea! I've done the version where you extend the track as much as possible and remove the front screw post from the handle. It works really nicely. I like this version better, though. I guess I know what I'm doing to the other two I have... :)

I'm glad you like it. :) I think you will find it much easier to put in a lot more pressure. With the slide I practically had to brace the gun on my chest to put in 8 pumps but now I can easily put in 10(not recommended).

#192073 At3k Pump Extension

Posted by veginator on 26 November 2008 - 01:40 PM in Modifications

And I thought it was my first actually oringinal mod. I guess I should have searched better then. :(

#205411 At3k Faceplate

Posted by veginator on 22 January 2009 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

Looks good, man. You should add a bit of epoxy or bondo or something like that around the edges to bring it together before you paint it, just to smooth it out.

Just add a liitle bondo says the guy with the bondo contaminated apartment.

On-topic:I really like it. Finally, I will not have to go around with a giant hole in my gun.

#238087 Paintshop Help

Posted by veginator on 22 June 2009 - 09:20 PM in Modifications

The only way to get a smooth gradient is to use an air brush. A spray can does not fully atomize the paint so it will just look blotchy.

#141739 Sorry And Explaining

Posted by veginator on 21 February 2008 - 03:43 PM in Homemades

No, it will not just be pressure rated to 300psi I plan on going up that high. How you ask, ever heard of a CO2 regulator? :D

@Ice I am glad to see you saw the error in your ways. By the way dont use any more ball valves I tried that once but it didnt work well try to go with a modded sprinkler valve.

#140885 Sorry And Explaining

Posted by veginator on 17 February 2008 - 07:56 PM in Homemades

Thanks by the way has anybody posted a 300 psi copper cannon on here before because I have one in the works :D

#140989 Sorry And Explaining

Posted by veginator on 18 February 2008 - 10:03 AM in Homemades

Well you guys caught me Ive been a user of spudfiles for over a year now :D . But yeah Im building a 300+ psi cannon and and if I bug my dad enough he might buy a 200 psi air compressor .

#140870 Sorry And Explaining

Posted by veginator on 17 February 2008 - 07:20 PM in Homemades

Recently people got upset when I was flaming (yes I admit it) the avenger made by ice, but there are some reasons why. (this is more like a guide line for all homemades)
1. Always use pvc cement andprimer and apply them properly.
2. DWV, Cellular core, and ABS pipe and fittings are a no no. Your chamber must be pressure rated.
3. Have a way to measure psi(this does not include number of pumps)
If you have not followed these guidelines you have created a bomb and are a danger to yourself and everyone within a 50 foot radius. Otherwise good job.

#300236 Savannah Nerf Outing

Posted by veginator on 20 June 2011 - 02:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I have been away for long time here for a bunch of reasons, but I’m itching to get back. SO who wants to come to good ol’ Savannah for a war?
100 Constitution Way
Richmond Hill, GA 31324
The Venue:
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Possible Dates:
July 30 (0)
August 6 (0)
August 13 (2 votes)


Eye protection is a MUST!


Don't be a douchebag. If the strength of the weapon is considered to be excessive we reserve the right to "spot ban" it.

No singled, plugged Titans. Titans are allowed if they have more than 3 barrels(shotgunned)

No tack darts (A.K.A-deathdarts)

s :No guns that shoot over 200 feet.

No darts heavier than a nerf ball. Stefans must have a rubber, glue, cloth, or foam cover.

All darts and guns will be inspected thoroughly, no jutting out spikes on guns---use your head guys, and remember that these are toys--lets keep it that way!

Barrel Tapping is allowed however, your gun MUST be locked and loaded to tap--A tap from 5 feet away is nicer than being shot, wink...wink.

Do NOT bring anything painted all black. We REALLY don't want the cops called for someones stupidity!
Gun hits do NOT count at our wars. If I hear the distinctive “tick” of a dart striking a hard surface I assume it has not hit a human.

What to Bring:
-Water and plenty of it
-At LEAST one primary (if I deem your blaster unfit to be used on humans then you will not be able to use it)

PLEASE: Remember the don’t be a dick rule is always in effect

#277820 Lets Try This Again

Posted by veginator on 15 June 2010 - 07:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I’m itching for a war, who wants to come?

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The war will be in our usual battle ground of the portables, a favorite for us Savannah nerfers.

Possible Dates:
July 24

100 Constitution Way, Richmond Hill, GA 31324
Posted Image

What to Bring:
-Water and plenty of it
-At LEAST one primary (if I deem your blaster unfit to be used on humans then you will not be able to use it)
-At LEAST one spring pistol (There is always someone in need of a pistol)

PLEASE: Remember the don’t be a dick rule is always in effect

Its been over a year since the last Savannah war so lets make this one good

Spud Spudoni+1


#277885 Lets Try This Again

Posted by veginator on 16 June 2010 - 05:04 PM in Nerf Wars

So far I have been telling all my friends the 17th so unless something unforseen occurs that will be the date.

#279508 Lets Try This Again

Posted by veginator on 04 July 2010 - 09:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Well something came up and I'll have to postpone till the following saturday the 24th

#278228 Lets Try This Again

Posted by veginator on 21 June 2010 - 06:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Date is now definitely the 17th so sound off if you are attending.

#280241 Magstrike Troubles

Posted by veginator on 14 July 2010 - 05:10 PM in Modifications

Don't refund it, dude. That's incredibly lame. I'd hate to buy a 'new' blaster only to find out someone phuct up the insides.

Why would they put a broken gun back on the shelf? If he just says its broken and I want my money back, they will just give him his money back.

#162184 Longshot Catch Mech

Posted by veginator on 10 July 2008 - 08:30 AM in Modifications

I am having a bit of trouble with reinforcing the catch mechanism of the Longshot. Could anybody tell descriptions or pics of how they did this?

#162198 Longshot Catch Mech

Posted by veginator on 10 July 2008 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

No ones done it. They've all been talking out there ass. Unless they never posted it.

You don't need to do it unless your spring is stronger than a ar15+ bbb spring combo (don't try that, trust me).

You only need to reinforce the bolt's connection to the bolt catch (if you replaced the breech) with glue. and put PVC in the stock so it doesn't collapse.

Thanks, I thought that since people were talking about it that someone had actually done it.

#148897 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 07:01 PM in Homemades

I'm kind of scared to use PVC cannons actually...

Thats kind of funny to me because thats where I got my start in homemade guns in general.

#148858 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 04:40 PM in Homemades

1. yes it is fine to use it is just that some people don't use and eventually it will blow apart when they dont use it.
2. Do you mean a shrader or presta valve?
3. it is okay its just really annoying.

#148917 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 07:39 PM in Homemades

Well crap. I dont really have anything handy to seal it with... Would e600 work? Its a really strong adhesive that Im starting to use instead of hot glue because its pretty cheap...

What are you going to seal?

#148889 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 06:49 PM in Homemades

Thats a shrader valve. I would seal it I were you ,but I have no experience with the shraders without threads.

#153893 R Thare Any Conyers, Ga Nerfers?!?!?!

Posted by veginator on 29 April 2008 - 07:49 PM in Off Topic

I'm a GA nerfer and know about 10 more within 5 miles but they don't let you use anything as powerful as a SNAP. Kinda bummed me out when they banned mine. Back on topic I live about half an hour from Savannah.

#142263 Need Help

Posted by veginator on 23 February 2008 - 04:41 PM in General Nerf

Carbon, what section in ace would you find the springs.

#142241 Need Help

Posted by veginator on 23 February 2008 - 03:46 PM in General Nerf

I have been trying to get new springs for my guns ,but I haven't been able to find any could you please tell me where to find some.

#144600 Maverick Not Shooting

Posted by veginator on 10 March 2008 - 05:55 PM in General Nerf

Well my maverick is not shooting a I dont know why all I know is that i have to cock it, then hold the slide back and pull the tigger and then it shoots but not very far...
I nevrer modded this gun except for the Russian Roulette mod :P

P.S. I didn't know if I should put it here or under mods

Are you holding the slide back while you shoot it?

#237602 First-alert Nitefinder

Posted by veginator on 20 June 2009 - 08:19 AM in Modifications

It sounds like a really annoying signal to your opponents. I do love the pokemon bed sheets though.

#272784 Reinforcing The Pas

Posted by veginator on 20 April 2010 - 02:10 PM in Modifications

The plunger rod itself needs to be reinforced. It was the one thing that would break in mine which had a stock and [k26] combo.

#209184 Log House Foam

Posted by veginator on 03 February 2009 - 07:18 AM in General Nerf

We've got some black and white Log House Foam here. It's loose in 19/32 and tight in 17/32, so I'm guessing 9/16 will be a good fit.

How tight is it 17/32? Do you have to twist it in?