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#200527 '08 Highlights

Posted by veginator on 02 January 2009 - 12:07 PM in General Nerf


+ Going to my first war
+ Matching names and faces at Fall SENO
+ My little brother being called the "indestructable child" and
"three feet of nitefinder toting fury" because of his actions at SENO
+ Many new gun and homemades


+ Killing a few guns

#288489 2-11

Posted by veginator on 16 November 2010 - 06:46 PM in Homemades

Is this new gun perhaps named after the lotus 2eleven? The car 2eleven is basically a stripped down version of the exige/elise. I don't know if you did that on purpose but I can see the similarities.

#288501 2-11

Posted by veginator on 16 November 2010 - 09:53 PM in Homemades

Is this new gun perhaps named after the lotus 2eleven? The car 2eleven is basically a stripped down version of the exige/elise. I don't know if you did that on purpose but I can see the similarities.

Slug explains in this post.

He did? I read through it and didn't see any explanation.

#148917 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 07:39 PM in Homemades

Well crap. I dont really have anything handy to seal it with... Would e600 work? Its a really strong adhesive that Im starting to use instead of hot glue because its pretty cheap...

What are you going to seal?

#148897 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 07:01 PM in Homemades

I'm kind of scared to use PVC cannons actually...

Thats kind of funny to me because thats where I got my start in homemade guns in general.

#148858 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 04:40 PM in Homemades

1. yes it is fine to use it is just that some people don't use and eventually it will blow apart when they dont use it.
2. Do you mean a shrader or presta valve?
3. it is okay its just really annoying.

#148889 A Few Quick Questions Before I Cement...

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2008 - 06:49 PM in Homemades

Thats a shrader valve. I would seal it I were you ,but I have no experience with the shraders without threads.

#202305 A Simple Home-made

Posted by veginator on 10 January 2009 - 09:26 AM in Homemades

Good job but you don't need both putty and cement. The reason why is that pvc cement isn't a glue because it physically fuses the pipe. Also on your next homemade use purple primer before the pvc cement, you will get a much stronger bond.

#219530 Air Zone 2009

Posted by veginator on 23 March 2009 - 08:31 PM in General Nerf

The pump and blast is just a water gun. I have already seen it in target.

#217001 Alabama War

Posted by veginator on 08 March 2009 - 07:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Most of the south-east wars recently have been primarily in Georgia, and there have been some in Florida.
Upcoming ones are:
+ Spring SENO (March 29th)
+ South-East Tune-up War (April 11th)

You really should come to the tune-up, attendance is already around 15 and many maybes.

#167734 Apocalyptic Doom

Posted by veginator on 10 August 2008 - 08:10 AM in Homemades

That is a very well constructed rifle you got there. Can I just suggest that you mod your sprinkler valve for pneumatic activation. Trust me it has a faster activation, you save money on batteries, and you get a cool new trigger.


#217528 At2k Plasma Pistol

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2009 - 08:42 PM in Modifications

Wow I love it. My only greivance is that the pump and barrel are still visible. Not that you could do anything about it.

#205411 At3k Faceplate

Posted by veginator on 22 January 2009 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

Looks good, man. You should add a bit of epoxy or bondo or something like that around the edges to bring it together before you paint it, just to smooth it out.

Just add a liitle bondo says the guy with the bondo contaminated apartment.

On-topic:I really like it. Finally, I will not have to go around with a giant hole in my gun.

#197596 At3k Mod

Posted by veginator on 20 December 2008 - 09:27 PM in Modifications

Please don't do this again. PLEASE.

#178474 At3k Problem

Posted by veginator on 20 September 2008 - 07:13 PM in General Nerf

I have recently aquired two at3k's and they sucked when stock so I proceeded to take out the air restrictors and replace the barrels. There is one problem with this though, I think I have gotten some debris in the valve or the o-ring is just old, but either way the valve is not sealing so could somebody please help me.

#178483 At3k Problem

Posted by veginator on 20 September 2008 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

Okay so I couldn't see anything downin there but I decided to swab it with a Q-tip and then sprayed it with some more lube. Then being the genius that I am decided to not try to see if it worked and just go back to the computer to see if some one could help me. Well I just tried the pump and it works now.

#192141 At3k Pump Extension

Posted by veginator on 26 November 2008 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

Good idea! I've done the version where you extend the track as much as possible and remove the front screw post from the handle. It works really nicely. I like this version better, though. I guess I know what I'm doing to the other two I have... :)

I'm glad you like it. :) I think you will find it much easier to put in a lot more pressure. With the slide I practically had to brace the gun on my chest to put in 8 pumps but now I can easily put in 10(not recommended).

#191980 At3k Pump Extension

Posted by veginator on 25 November 2008 - 09:46 PM in Modifications

Anyway, as for the 3K, flow-rate isn't the limiting factor. It's pressure (and I think the seal, but I'm not sure). The design of the pump makes it more difficult to get as much pressure built up compared to an AT2K or other pump guns that have an exruting pump (instead of a sliding pump, like on the AT3K, AT4K, and SM3K).

The purpose of this mod was to make slide pump guns such as the at3k easier to pump when they are plugged. I think it turned out well.
Posted Image
Materials needed:
6-7 inches of 1/2inch OD aluminum pipe
3 in of 1/2 cpvc
1/2 cpvc endcap
at3k or similar slide pump gun

Tools needed:
1/2 inch drill bit
glue of choice
dremmel of round file

Posted Image
First locate the pump and take it out.
Posted Image
Now drill through the hole shown with the 1/2 inch drill bit
Posted Image
Once you have done that jam your aluminium into the hole you drilled.
Posted Image
Now to make room for the aluminum you need to cut this piece out of both sides of the shell.
Posted Image
You are also going to have to close up the shell and take your drill and make another half inch hole.You are also going to have to file it down so it doesn't rub.
Posted Image
Next you need to cut the aluminum to size and drill out your cpvc to fit over the aluminium and glue it on there.
Posted Image
Finally slap on the end cap and put on some barrells if you haven't already.

It is now much easier to pump up the gunto high pressures because of such a smaller amout of friction on the new pump handle.


#192073 At3k Pump Extension

Posted by veginator on 26 November 2008 - 01:40 PM in Modifications

And I thought it was my first actually oringinal mod. I guess I should have searched better then. :(

#159819 Big Bad Bow Nitefinder Integration

Posted by veginator on 20 June 2008 - 08:46 AM in Modifications

Why did you have to copy my gun and take credit for it?

#233039 Big Bad Bow Overhaul

Posted by veginator on 28 May 2009 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

I'm in the process of doing this. I started it when I saw your post in the mod/pictures thread. I need some kind of substitute for the SDR PVC because they don't sell it up here. Any advice? This thing looks Effeminate. Great job.

It is also known as for thinwall or sch. 20 PVC.

#144780 Big List Of Nerfers

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2008 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

I think we should do make a list of nerfers like the one at NerfHQ. This could help plan for future wars. Please put your name and location and I will be constantly updating.

#144785 Big List Of Nerfers

Posted by veginator on 11 March 2008 - 08:28 PM in Nerf Wars

That is why we have our Frapper-

Link- http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=5739

Okay then, Everbody add yourself to the Frapper

#265838 Blaster Classification/rating System

Posted by veginator on 18 February 2010 - 04:24 AM in General Nerf

I agree, it would definitely be useful to add point values for rscb/hopper/inline clips, since they're used so often nowadays.

Wouldn't that just fall into the the "clip" category?

#265734 Blaster Classification/rating System

Posted by veginator on 17 February 2010 - 10:52 AM in General Nerf

I really like this idea of putting blasters into specific classes but I do see 2 problems with the system.

1. Not all people may have a specific blaster for each class. This would be especially a problem where I nerf as many of us don't even have a proper pistol.

2. You're rate of fire measuring system doesn't take into account air vs. springer. I personally am working on a clip fed shotgun ,but the pumping would make the actual rate of fire slower than most singled springers.

Again, I am not bashing the idea but suggesting a couple refinements that would help to convince others to use the system.

#213573 Endeavors In Lunacy Or

Posted by veginator on 19 February 2009 - 07:33 PM in Homemades

Veg, we're gonna start incorporating a ball gun round or two into future SENOs. Perfect time to bring out a cannon for demo.

I probably couldn't do it unless you set up an air compressor. Even if they aren't very mobile though they are insanely powerful. So what I was into spud guns before nerf.

#213445 Endeavors In Lunacy Or

Posted by veginator on 19 February 2009 - 05:46 AM in Homemades

I would like to participate in some friendly competition at launching ballistic balls, but we'd really need to decide on a consistent standard ball that's obtainable for everyone.

My combustion cannon would send real golf balls (5 or 6 at once) to almost 190' but it's likely to be harder to achieve such range with foam's drag-to-weight ratio. I might get close to 300' with as many foam balls as can fit in a pringles can, but that would be cheating, because I expect they'd stay in the can almost the whole way.

I'd be good for some competition I have been llooking for a reason to start building cannons again. What kinds of restrictions would be in place? Also is there a chance of a prize?

#213373 Endeavors In Lunacy Or

Posted by veginator on 18 February 2009 - 10:09 PM in Homemades

If I ever get my big cannon working again I will show you real power. That thing could launch a pocket football at least 200 feet straight up. [/pointless bragging]

#193850 Fall Seno

Posted by veginator on 03 December 2008 - 08:34 PM in Nerf Wars

You can put a +1 next to my name. He's riding in the car with Veginator and I, but I won him as my guest.

No you didn't! We have yet to have our nerfy battle to the death.

#192534 Fall Seno

Posted by veginator on 28 November 2008 - 05:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I am thinking we should postpone it. Who wants to nerf in a thunderstorm any way? Plus it will give me time to finish my SNAPbow.

I am pretty much okay for any saturday.

#195479 Fall Seno

Posted by veginator on 11 December 2008 - 05:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey could you add a +1 to my name. It may not be the one with aside but at least I have his twin.

#197056 Fall Seno Recap

Posted by veginator on 18 December 2008 - 08:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Will you people quit complaining about running. It is getting pretty annoying. Also you can count on my brother being there the whole day next time and hopefully with a better gun. You shall all know the foamy wrath of the indestructable child.

#196600 Fall Seno Recap

Posted by veginator on 16 December 2008 - 07:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I have two pairs of saftey glasses, a bigblast pump-handle, and a Tech Target blaster that fires mega darts. If you want something that you left tell me. I cannot do the whole shipping thing so I'll just have to find someone who can, if you cannot wait till next SENO.

The big blast pump handle would be mine but you can just throw it away. Also what do the safety glasses look like.

Man I cannot wait till next SENO you can expect me and aside to bring 2 people each so thats 6 people for the away team next time.

#196066 Fall Seno Recap

Posted by veginator on 14 December 2008 - 11:08 AM in Nerf Wars

It was an awsome war, I am definetly coming to summer SENO.

+Good weather
+Seeing the amazingly clean SNAPbows
+Being able to fix my big blast
+Watching my little brother nail Zaxbys then chase after Rork

+Aside breaking my big blast
+Not being able to buy an at2k

#237602 First-alert Nitefinder

Posted by veginator on 20 June 2009 - 08:19 AM in Modifications

It sounds like a really annoying signal to your opponents. I do love the pokemon bed sheets though.

#224830 General Blow Gun Stuff

Posted by veginator on 21 April 2009 - 06:40 PM in Homemades

Could you show us some pictures of your godly blow..... gun.

#180102 Give Nerfers Some Respect

Posted by veginator on 28 September 2008 - 09:27 AM in General Nerf

We have some people in the neiborhood we nerf in who are constantly making fun of us. Last time they were yelling crap like FAGGOTS!! or GET A LIFE!! while riding in there golf cart. But these paintballing rednecks were paying to much attention to us and started to veer into the other lane where they were nearly hit by a pickup.

#243650 Guess The Amount.

Posted by veginator on 24 July 2009 - 06:24 PM in Off Topic


#215188 Homemade 2k Tank

Posted by veginator on 26 February 2009 - 06:55 PM in Homemades

Dang it. I was just about to make mine.

#267616 Homemade Gun?

Posted by veginator on 02 March 2010 - 05:19 PM in Homemades

The name you are seeking is a Check Valve, it lets air in one way, they are easily home made, or you can buy them at a hardware store.........

Ummm, no he had it right. A schrader valve is the one-way valve used on bike tires. That way he actually has a way to fill the tank.