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#208848 Armageddon X

Posted by Cannonball on 01 February 2009 - 11:59 PM in Nerf Wars

See, we don't have a problem with team picking procedure, It's just people are too impatient and stupid to sit still and speed the process along. At Lano, they were all over the place. They were a lot of new people though as far as I know.

#202470 Armageddon X

Posted by Cannonball on 10 January 2009 - 08:26 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm definitely confirmed for this one. This won't just be metal, but blacker than the blackest black times infinity!

#159738 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 19 June 2008 - 03:17 PM in Nerf Wars

I was looking over the pic and noticed that someone's feet were firmly planted to the ground. tisk tisk.

#156027 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 16 May 2008 - 11:59 PM in Nerf Wars

at least we'd hear the smack when you got hit in the mask.

#159806 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 20 June 2008 - 12:41 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm just messing with you anyway falcon. I just thought it was kind of funny.

#161713 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 06 July 2008 - 02:42 PM in Nerf Wars

no no, I was merely pointing out we won't really have to work hard to put down any resistance on our own soil. And yeah, I guess I could cop that little factor up to the "powers that be", But who are we to turn aside the favor of the nerf gods. I guess all those years of Bags sacrificing plushies on a foam altar will finally come to fruition.

#161778 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 07 July 2008 - 12:18 AM in Nerf Wars

Cannonball, I think you are seriously overestimating your coast's abilities. For christ's sake, RAMBO went to Armageddon last year and you (collective you) couldn't take him out. Our worst players can at least do that. Not to mention, I am the fattest and slowest on the East Coast, yet I managed to make it to the end of damn near ALL the rounds last year.

Why am I talking shit about a war I'm not even attending? Oh yea, because it's against the West Coasters. You motherfuckers killed Biggie. We never forget.

You can blame us for Tupaq too, but we really don't talk about that......

In any case, overestimating my coast's ability or other wise, I think we've all lost touch with the true meaning of trash talk. Who cares if you're right or wrong, IT'S "TRASH" TALK! shoot, I was under the impression it was all in good fun anyway.

#149877 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 07 April 2008 - 03:17 PM in Nerf Wars

put me down as an almost definite chance of attending.

#161676 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 06 July 2008 - 02:39 AM in Nerf Wars

considering the weather as of late, I think we'll just let the east coasters fall over from heat stroke/dehydration and then shoot them. And then we'll call the paramedics.

#159686 Midsummer Caff 2008 - Recap

Posted by Cannonball on 19 June 2008 - 12:24 AM in Nerf Wars

why are you the only person not moving in that picture falcon?

#137072 Lancer

Posted by Cannonball on 24 January 2008 - 12:39 AM in Modifications

quote from destructoid: "Now all Forsaken_angel24 has to do is get beefed up and take a ton of steroids so he can complete the Gears of War look in it's entirety. "

That made me chuckle. put a check on that. No steroids required.

#126540 The Spidey Dart Tag Guns Thread (warning Big Pics)

Posted by Cannonball on 18 October 2007 - 12:02 AM in Modifications

Pink hot glue is fuckin' gross looking. Nice integration though. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


It looks like polygrip or some other denture adhesive...

I think it goes pretty well with an already purple gun.

#126925 The Spidey Dart Tag Guns Thread (warning Big Pics)

Posted by Cannonball on 22 October 2007 - 12:35 AM in Modifications

Oh man, I'm looking forward to reading that write-up. Nice job. keep up the good work.

#128933 The Spidey Dart Tag Guns Thread (warning Big Pics)

Posted by Cannonball on 07 November 2007 - 12:59 PM in Modifications

I just picked up a pair earlier this week, so for those of you who are wondering if they are still around, they are.

I'm trying to figure out how to integrate one into my longshot carbine right now though. Pics when I figure it out.

#130064 Nerf In Popular Culture

Posted by Cannonball on 18 November 2007 - 03:28 AM in General Nerf

In Galaxy quest there is a Secret shot 2 and a lightning blitz and I think some other blasters held by some people dressed in alien costumes in the crowd. I watched it the other day. when the bad alien dude come out of the space ship I think a couple of foam arrows fly at him. I think that is the most I've ever seen.

#332954 Last Armageddon (Armageddon XV)

Posted by Cannonball on 13 August 2013 - 01:00 PM in Nerf Wars

I've been out of the country for a while, so I missed this. If it's not a joke then I'm in. If my schedule is open in a year at least....

#339745 Last Armageddon (Armageddon XV)

Posted by Cannonball on 24 June 2014 - 12:11 AM in Nerf Wars

Amazing war! Huge props to Ice Nine and the rest of our hosts/facilitators. There was never a moment where I wished I was having more fun. Started strong and ended strong. I'm definitely going to remember this war.

- the speed rounds were as fun to watch as they were to participate in.
- the little nerfers owned the day. It's pretty much unanimous that Thorn was a force to be reckoned with.
- everyone played like champs.
- got to meet some insanely awesome new people. Huxxley. Thorn. The East Coast guys. Draconis. Spoon. All cool dudes.
- got to play with some familiar faces. It was good to see the Washington guys and the Utah group again. Better see you guys next year!
- rounds went smoothly game after game.
- shutting down the left alley with Groove the first round of Missile crisis.
- 3 min. Missile crisis win was kind of nuts.
- human cover in freeze tag is your best friend.

I had way too much fun. Thanks again to all involved. I'm sure I've missed a ton of mentionable stuff, but it was kind of a crazy day.

#165337 The Dark Knight

Posted by Cannonball on 30 July 2008 - 02:47 AM in Off Topic

I think after considering what happened to Bruce Wayne's "love interest" in the dark knight, they may introduce another big female character to fill that void. Knowing that Batman almost never seems to get a break I wouldn't be surprised if Catwoman or Poison Ivy stepped in to fill it. I would lean towards Poison Ivy more so than catwoman because catwoman has never really been an official villain, but more of an anti-hero. I could see Poison Ivy being some outspoke environmental activist that goes off the deep end. If it did turn out that way it would add to the pressure on Bruce's shoulders seeing since this new love interest would be completely contrary to everything he stands for. Just some thoughts.

#285370 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by Cannonball on 13 September 2010 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

I don't have a picture but it's simple enough. It's like:

red alligator clip (hot) <-----> red wire of Tamiya 1 connector, black wire of Tamiya 1 <-----> red wire of Tamiya 2 connector, black wire of Tamiya 2 <-----> black alligator clip (ground)

The alligator clips are hooked to the inner leads of the Stampede battery compartment.

Is this all within the tray, or did you hook it up within the gun itself? That would mean you would have to have taken the back end of the tray to seal up that compartment of the gun with. Did you have to unscrew those triangle screws? I have a 12v rechargeable battery that could fit into that space, but I didn't want to tear up that battery tray just to figure out how to close the gun up.

#285294 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by Cannonball on 11 September 2010 - 08:26 PM in Modifications

I don't know much about all of this battery stuff, but I dug out some old batteries from an airsoft aeg and compared them to the tray. this is what I came up with: Posted Image

I took the picture inside with my Iphone. The light isn't too favorable in this picture, but I basically just sat the battery ontop of the dividers to check and see if it could even fit in there. I haven't modified the tray yet at all. it seems like it will slip right in on either side. You just have to remove a set of dividers on each side. I don't know if two of those would work right for the stampede though. I might just take a shot in the dark and try it out.

#285355 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by Cannonball on 13 September 2010 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

Do you think you could take pictures of how you are hooking the batteries up? I'd like to see so I know where to start with mine.

#142815 Nonstandard Game Types - Ideas, Rules, Etc.

Posted by Cannonball on 27 February 2008 - 11:23 AM in Nerf Wars

I like the sound of that. It's good to sometimes get "up close and personal" in the way only a springer pistol can provide. Not to mention it's fun.

#141328 Nerf Eliminator And Hyperfire

Posted by Cannonball on 19 February 2008 - 06:35 PM in General Nerf

so they are basically just releasing a new color scheme for the dtgs. I think they just dashed the hopes of a good number of people on here.

#279562 Diy: Hopper Clips

Posted by Cannonball on 05 July 2010 - 07:30 PM in Darts and Barrels

Imaseoulman: I'm working on the top most pvc hopper right now. I have to glue the length of pvc that houses the darts in because it keeps getting shot out. Luckily, that clip requires a smaller section of pvc than the other in order to hold around 7 or 8 1.5 darts. That's because that section of cpvc within the 45 degree section is open enough to seat the first dart considerably within the barrel and the second dart almost half way on the remaining section of pvc. I'll post again when I'm done with it.

The second hopper however is getting around high 80's to low 90's from the PAS and high 90's to low 100's from the maximizer. for some reason, that clip doesn't like my converted dart tag darts. they are considerably smaller than my regular darts, but they have a pretty good fit into cpvc. They don't have any problems being fired out of single barrels though.

#279552 Diy: Hopper Clips

Posted by Cannonball on 05 July 2010 - 03:35 PM in Darts and Barrels

Just to piggy back on Bob's idea: here's a proof of concept, I guess:
Posted Image

I just took the 45 degree 1/2 pvc section and bored out the inside with a 5/8 drill bit all the way through. You'll have to clean it up a bit with a dremel and test fit a couple of times, but you should be able to get cpvc through there pretty easily. I took a 12 in cpvc section just so I'd be sure I had enough. I marked it around the 7in mark on one side for the barrel and cut about a 1in section into the cpvc. (I didn't really snap pics of that part, but I'll snap some later when I make another.)

This might be able to explain it a bit better:
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That black line is the small gap filled in with jb weld in between the cpvc and the pvc section. I use 1.5 in stefans and the first one in line slides quite a ways in there. It goes in pretty easy. I've test fired it as it is and it fired pretty well with my maximizer and my PAS. I haven't perfected it yet since it's the first one I've made. The cap of the clip I put on there was a little loose, so it shot off every couple shots, launching out the rest of my darts. (it was actually pretty funny) I plan on cutting short that section of cpvc at the end and permanently attaching a clip.

In any case, it's a work in progress, but it sure is easier to go this route instead of boring out one of those 45 degree 1/2 pvc slip joints. Those are way more laborious to produce.
Posted Image

#138241 The Snap-duo

Posted by Cannonball on 02 February 2008 - 03:54 PM in Homemades

Is the manta shield big enough to cover both snap tubes? I'm just eyeing it here but I think you may have some of it sticking off the sides. Regardless, awesome job Carbon. If you turret those two, it will look something like the double gatling gun Heavy arms carries in Gundam wing. My animefanness showed. my sincere apologies, I just thought it would resemble it.

#139982 The Snap-duo

Posted by Cannonball on 13 February 2008 - 04:57 PM in Homemades

nice work. I like how you can remove the shield. What's with one T replacing one of the key rings in the front of the gun? are you going to replace the other as well or is it just harder to cock that tube because of holding the gun/posture?

#142778 Dart Holding Gloves

Posted by Cannonball on 27 February 2008 - 01:58 AM in General Nerf

I like the knit stuff better. It's way less punker. I have nothing against hot topic though. I was wondering though, how is the fit of the gloves? do they make it harder to hold your guns or is it really not noticeable?

#142589 Dart Holding Gloves

Posted by Cannonball on 26 February 2008 - 10:49 AM in General Nerf

the weather is actually cold enough for those gloves. we've been having weird weather anyway.

#143036 Dart Holding Gloves

Posted by Cannonball on 28 February 2008 - 05:33 PM in General Nerf

If pride was ever the issue, I don't think any of us would be running around with brightly colored guns shooting darts at each other.

#143124 Dart Holding Gloves

Posted by Cannonball on 28 February 2008 - 11:21 PM in General Nerf

I think if you started crocheting crossbow cozies people would warm up to it a little more.

In all seriousness, I like the idea of just using whatever you've got and working with it. crocheting gloves with built in ammo holsters is a way to get around the problem of stuffing darts in your pockets. I personally think massive cargo pockets are ridiculous but to each his own. I think innovation is a very important part of what we do here in any case.

#133671 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 24 December 2007 - 02:03 PM in General Nerf

no ranges yet. I'm pretty much busy for the rest of the day since it's christmas eve. Internal pics probably will be taken later tonight since that is the only time I'll have to dissect this monster. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Also, how do I get this topic switched over to general?

#133609 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 23 December 2007 - 11:31 PM in General Nerf

$20.00. I'll be opening this bad boy up tomorrow and I'll make sure I take pictures of it.

Oh shoot. My bad guys. I accidentally put it under trading. How do I get it moved to general?

#133605 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 23 December 2007 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

I messed around with the "laser"/light thing too.

Posted Image
"Tactical light" setting

Posted Image
"red dot" setting

All in all, slightly more impressive than a nitefinder light.

I test fired it and it doesn't sound too different than a stock longshot. I haven't taken a look inside yet, but I'll throw some pics up when I get around to it. Any picture requests? pm or just comment, I'll be happy to snap them. And if my pictures need to be resized, let me know.

Edit: I read the comments that you guys put up before I finished.

I think ranges are better than a stock maverick. Ranges might compete with a nitefinder missing one of the restrictors. I'll range test it officially tomorrow since I'm confined indoors right now.

The arm doesn't really get in the way.

#133602 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 23 December 2007 - 11:03 PM in General Nerf

Alright, I just snagged me a Recon I could call my own today and I figured I'd show you guys some pictures that weren't of a box. Here they are for those who are interested.

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Inside the box

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Here's the main gun compared to a nitefinder.

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The whole thing compared to my slightly longer Longshot carbine. The handle on the gun feels better than it looks, but the stock is flimsy as hell and will most likely snap off during intense play.

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Pulling the slide back is similar to pulling the bolt back on the longshot. It stays in position until you push it back forward. Here is the breech. It has a little lid over it.

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And there is the little arm that lets you know when the thing is cocked.

#295599 Bs-12 Advanced Tactical Nerf Rifle

Posted by Cannonball on 08 March 2011 - 08:43 PM in Homemades

That's just all kinds of awesome. Digging the ARs too.

#183862 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Cannonball on 14 October 2008 - 11:58 PM in Nerf Wars

looking forward to it. You bringing some of your goods to sell to the war? I might be able to support your various addictions then.

#179534 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Cannonball on 25 September 2008 - 03:11 PM in Nerf Wars

sounds good so far. We'll see what happens when the date closes in on us.

#192421 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Cannonball on 28 November 2008 - 02:13 AM in Nerf Wars

Put me down for sure +1

#194855 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Cannonball on 08 December 2008 - 09:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Man, I'm psyched up. It's safe to say the HB guys bring the cavalry to the wars. Right on. My buddy who's gone to the last 2 wars with me (You should know him bags, he goes to your school) just got his hands on an xbow too so I should have him set by saturday. I'm pumped! Got some more darts made and probably another buddy to drag along to boot. It should turn out to be a day of Effeminate proportions.