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#53477 Your Ride?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 April 2005 - 05:17 PM in Off Topic

Kinda older but I jsut had to say something, even though it was pretty well covered.

I'd love to see you spend that much money and get a car as luxurious, fast, and all around as enjoyable as a 120k mercedes. In fact, I'd put money on the fact that that is bullshit. I see enough cars and "project" cars everyday to know that there is only so much you can do to a car to make it better. If you go out and buy a honda civic and drop $50k into it, it is still a honda at the end of the day.

The only thing that we bought for my dad's Bronco was rims. Everything else we made with scraps. $500 for the truck, $450 for the rims, $30 for bandages. Do the math for the total price. Way less than $10K yet could tow any other vehicle almost anywhere because we culdn't get it to fly to the moon. We've pulled out a few Hummer H2s, a few Hummer H1s, and a few Humvees in terrain from sand dunes to mud bogs. A few of those Mercedes SUVs over the summer also. At the end of the day, sure it was still a Ford, but it performed better than the expensive shit. It just depends on the driver. Yes I know he was talking about PP cars, no offense.

Personal opinion here, but there has been way to much conflict in this thread. I thought it would be interesting to see what people here drove. Unfortunately some people have been too closed minded on these boards to realize they are being complete dumbasses. Just reread xedice's post and you'll see what I'm talkinng about.

#53363 Your Ride?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 24 April 2005 - 04:10 PM in Off Topic

I'll usually make the upgrades for any motorized vehicle. Purchasing is to expensive; a few pounds doesn't seem to make a difference on something that weighs over 3000 of them. The only "improvements" I'll buy is for my bike, as a few pounds off of a 26 pound object (or 14 in the case of my 1989 Schwinn SX2000) is a big difference.

I'm wondering why a bunch of you younger kids seem to be mentioning your fucking parent's cars as your own; they aren't. Unless you can actually drive and you own the car, why bother mentioning it?

I take offense to that. In my family, we have to get our first car somehow. Be that buying it, convincing a simbling to give us one, or whatever.

#53298 Your Ride?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2005 - 09:09 PM in Off Topic

One of my rides is a 1987 48cc Honda Spree. So far I've given it a new pipe (117 dB baby), shaved 10lbs. off of weight, and am planning to give it a forced-air intake system and a new drop-V handlebar. I can get it to hit 38 mph and soon should be able to race with it. The best part is the gas mileage: 200 mpg with a half-gallon tank.

My other ride is a 2003 Specialized Hardrock Comp. It is fairly stock; everything but the pedals, seat, rear luggage rack, bar ends, and lights. I plan on getting a new crankset and cassette with better gearing for more speed. I also hope to get a new rear derailleur, handlebar, and Armidillo tires. Currently it can get to 33 mph on flatland and up to 11 ft. high with me as the rider. Gas mileage: depends on what I ate for breakfast.

I (so far) will be able to purchase a white 1999 Ford Freestar utility minivan. It has a 3.8 and only 40,000 miles. Needs a new tranny, which I have, and has no seat mounts in the rear. Luckily it's not going anywhere as the person who is "selling" it really hasn't openly stated that they are selling it to the public, only to their superiors. This thing gets about 30 mpg, yet still can hit over 100mph (and on a school system's budget).

Isn't not having a license great? I am so happy to get to take driver's ed. this summer.

<EDIT> Forgot to mention a 1989 Schwinn SX2000 BMX bike. It has no speed but great acceleration. I am hoping to make a replacement chainring from the stock 42T to a larger 54T.</EDIT>

#77744 Yet Another Nerf/dollar Store Gun

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 March 2006 - 08:34 PM in Modifications

Learn how to post pics here.

That was only a few posts above your post...

#27555 Yeeeeah Bitch!

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 02 June 2004 - 05:19 PM in News

Ummm.(:o)Wow. For fun? Amazing, but not unbelievable. If you like what you do, might as well do it.

This all is a bit confusing. I should ask my brother about this. He'll give me the gist of it. After all, he does this for work. It seems quite neat. I may have to get into this, just to impress friends and stuff. This probably doesn't mean anything from a firearms recognizer*, but that work is pretty damn good!

*I can identify and classify about 250 firearms, not that great, but good enough that teachers come to me. I'm not obsessed, it's just that I needed to prove a few people wrong, so I got into it.

#78340 Who Are You?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 01 April 2006 - 06:26 PM in General Nerf

She awakens...

#75128 Who Are You?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 March 2006 - 09:07 AM in General Nerf

I had to go with Nerf Low Rider, even though I no longer own any of my guns, even though none of them, if I still had them, had any life left. However, I am sliding towards spending more time on a project and fully thinking everything through before the first cut, or rip, or melt, begins. Truthfully,

I am the one who has all of two other people who presently Nerf. We all had our own unique attributes which were reflected in our blasters. Every outing in the summer (once a week), my blaster was something different than the previous. Our older member still used his aging Defender T3 until it finally became brain dead. Still functions, just needs a diaper to keep the parts from falling to the ground. He currently is upgrading with all of the new releases. Our other member also had a new blaster every week, but this was due to him doing nothing right with an attempted mod, until he finally made a homemade. Back to me in the future, I moved, left every one of my Nerf blasters at my old house. Why? Reasons too complicated for a single topic and thread. Most of them were falling apart, breaking down due to repetative stress syndrome with the continual disassembly and reassembly, tweaking 'til there was nothing left...literally. Now, homemades are all I do. Also, big projectiles is all I do. I play in a heavily forested followed by knee to hip high grass for over 200 yards. After that, woods so thick I couldn't pass through them on foot. Hence I have moved spudgun technology to Nerf, utilizing 1.5" barrels and soon 2.5" barrels and tennis balls. I still need to pick up safer ammo for that onhalfer, but still...

I lost that previous tendancy to mod 'til it breaks. Once something is done, if it was designed to be permanent, don't mess with it unless it needs maintenance. Winter is was my offseason, not anymore. With my group now having a few acres at my place to play, and I introduced steel as a reinforcer for plastic parts, allowing lowest operating temperatures to be in the Kelvin scale. I have started shifting from manual labour with a pump and moved back to my air compressor, just as I had with my first homemade. No longer does that even satisfy me. I can legally shoot an actual firearm in my backyard. Combustion is now my medium on paper, soon to be in actuelle. Come sundown, I will more than likely have a new post in the Homemades picking up where boltsniper dared not continue: propane injection. Night games will be nothing now. Silencers only to hide muzzle flashes from everyone else's eyes.

A new member will be introduced from the airsoft world. He will join with Nerf only because he realized that we through more pain into the game than any other combat sport. He has access to a fully loaded machine shop. Yes, he will have all alluminum operating assemblies. He has no practice with such machines or making anything like this, however, has already employed me to make such things possible. There, I forgot what I was originally talking about and ended up probably far from it. So umm, what was this topic/thread about again?

#78143 Who Are You?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 30 March 2006 - 06:49 PM in General Nerf

Wow, not even realizing it, I becaome something which I don't even know what it would be. That was in the span it took me to post earlier in this topic 'til as of a week ago. Dayum.

Yeah, so what would be the "clan leader, use homemades like fishing rods (a different one for a different purpose, even if the difference is almost non-existant), love to host and play, photography/videography is the middlename, will only take a shot if it is outside of 200 ft. or within 10, can't wait 'til tomorrow, broker than a 1952 Marauder, must have some realism in games while keeping it Nerf" kind of person?

#29314 Which Nerf Gun Has Greatest Range?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 June 2004 - 06:07 PM in General Nerf

It all depends on the person modding it and what mods done. I would saya homemade rifle with properly weighted and shaped darts. Or a supersoaker.

#78245 Where To Buy Paint

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 31 March 2006 - 04:50 PM in General Nerf

Well my local Meijer puts Krylon Fusion on sale for $2 a can almost once a month. I also get 10% off that and sometimes 10% + 15% on certain Mondays...

I prefer white or gray primer then paint it or just using rubberized undersealer without primer since it can be textured or smooth yet give really good grip without being sweat-stained or melting. That suff is like $5 a can but I get it for free. Anyone who is coming to the KAF outing can have their grips done for a buck or two if they want. If a grippy surface is wanted, 30 seconds between varyingly rougher coats is required. Then the gun can be handled after 30 minutes to and hour, depending on the finish. Black only. By the way, it is aerosal rubber with an adhesive. That is really all it is...

Edit: Added some things, fixed some things...

#78300 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 01 April 2006 - 01:24 PM in Modifications

PETG can be found at a pet store because it is sometimes used in the aeration systems in larger aquariums. Same thing with vinyl tubing. My local pet store sells vinyl tubing in sizes ranging from 1/8" I.D. all the way up to 1.5" I.D. That was the last time I went there, however...

I have yet to see PETG at any of my pet stores except a specialty exotic fish fish store which sold some in 1" I.D.

#78356 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 01 April 2006 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

First off, FISH. AQUARIUMS. What else did I just say? Hmm...

Second, there are hundreds of retaielrs, which have already been posted. Have you tried McMaster-Carr?

Edit: NerfMonkey beat me by a seond or two...

#28421 Where To Buy A Laser Pointer?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 13 June 2004 - 05:24 PM in General Nerf

I'm going to regret responding, but every dollar store I have been to carries them. That is alot of states. Have you checked them yet? Family Dollar, $1 Dollar Superstore, etc. There ya go. Be happy.

#75808 Where Do You Nerf?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 March 2006 - 12:07 AM in Nerf Wars

So, as I was searching through my quantifiable number of pictures on PhotoBucket, a free image hosting site, I decided to compulsively create this topic slash poll. This is where I Nerf. Also, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

While doing so, it is great to listen to music such as this (WARNING: Mozart alarm will sound).

So, does everyone else have their own little spot? Or do they use their local parks? Or what? Pick it and reply.

Edit: Hectacre, really big, like a farm...

#75861 Where Do You Nerf?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 March 2006 - 10:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Umm...where did that come from? I think...that perhaps...this was the wrong topic he was replying to. For future reference, you should leave multi-task posting to the pros? I dunno. I was quick dumbfounded by that post. I can't find the word "fence" or "fense" on this page, unless I missed something somewhere...

Didn't want to revive this, so this edit will explain the later questions/comments:
That board that is being looked at is located on a very neglected trail, which is on the very North side of my property. Since it is used primarily for offense against the place which someone called H, or Hotel in whatever alphabet that is, I called the picture "North trail offense from Hotel." That should solve some stuff...you'd have to see a map (wherever I put it) of the whole place for it to make more sense.

#53068 Whats So Special About The Titan?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 21 April 2005 - 06:04 AM in General Nerf

I think this says it all. I said think, not "know."

#52642 What's The Best Pipe To Use For Megas?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 16 April 2005 - 05:20 PM in General Nerf

There's steel pipe that works well too (don't happen to know the size). I only started using that because it was a buck more (for 5') than 1/2" PVC (10') at my Lowes and it fits my darts better. It's also really heavy compared to PVC. I like heavy guns, though, because its a better workout. :D

#36504 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 05 September 2004 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

I know that this scenario is not for nerf, but it works great for my team. Just use an arrow gun for the "secret weapon".

#73246 Ways To Shoot A Dart.

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 15 February 2006 - 08:49 PM in Homemades

Combustion, or chemical reaction? What kind of chemical reaction, then? Gas to a more expanded gas, or solid to gas, perhaps liquid to gas? Does it involve heat like combustion? Is it a cold reaction instead, where heat is take in? I think I made a point. I did not mean anything offensive though, so no one take this the wrong way.

#26696 Water Bottle Stock

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 21 May 2004 - 08:45 PM in Modifications

Not to be going off topic, but it is possible to get pictures on the Internet even if you don't have a digital camera. When you get the pictures developed on a standard film camera, depending on where you go you can get a CD that has those pictures on it. Then all you do is save the pic of the stock on your computer as a file that is for pictures (i.e. .jpg, .gif). Go to this site and enter the file name that you saved it under. Then click browse. The complete file name should then show up where you typed the -filename-.-whatever compressed format it was saved as-. Click "host It" at the base of the page. It will then give you an address that you will entered into your post on a forum (in this case Nerfhaven's forum). Copy and paste that url in your post and there you go! Free web hosting and a picture to help out Hunter or whoever else needs it. I got this by searching these forums by the way.

#36476 Was The Pentagon Hit?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 05 September 2004 - 01:13 PM in Off Topic

I find it funny how some of you are calling each other stupid, yet you use the word "isle" when you really mean "aisle"...unless there are some small islands in planes you're referring to.

#36502 Was The Pentagon Hit?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 05 September 2004 - 06:00 PM in Off Topic

That makes sense, kinda. But couldn't he have just used his artificial horizon to guide him in the right angle of direction? Unless he had a hydraulic leak and his controls were shot because of it.

#73701 Vidio Games

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 February 2006 - 05:41 PM in Off Topic

I have all of the orignal Sonics for my puter. Wait, should I say that on the internet? Na ja.

Actually, I have easily at least 80% of the Sega games for CD consoles on my puter. Last I checked, there were about 383 Sega games on my computer's HDD.

One of the weirdest things to do ever is play Punisher with a keyboard. Same applies to Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Aero the Acrobat. Sonic isn't too weird, and even still, I have a gamepad that makes up for the awkwardness, when I really want to actually run a gameport to USB adapter.

#43736 Using A Silencer

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 December 2004 - 07:17 PM in Homemades

I think you scored low in Mavis Beacon due to your accuracy. :nugget:

From what I have noticed with the blaster directly beneath in the next paragragh, you are for the most part right. However, with a tight fitting silencer, there is the possibility of a slower dart caused by the unreliable friction of the tight bore.

My "silenced" AT3k; by using the directions (slightly moddified for my use) on this site works magnificantly. It is inaudible past 10 feet. As long as I keep all moving parts lubed and the case tight, no squeaks are heard by the enemy while in hiding.

Firearm silencers are different. First off, they don't "silence" anything, unless its a .22 with subsonics. They draw out the pressure behind the bullet, causing a report of around 90 dB or less and what sounds more like a pneumatic nail driver going off. The most "silenced" suppressor is found on HK's MP5SD series, whose internals are pictured lower. Posted Image
That is an outdated design, found also on early attempts of American/German/Russian designs of silent "spy pistols," which were found with a fixed (non-removable) suppressor, again much like that of the MP5SDs. What I find interesting on the SDs (also found on my AT for obviously different reasons) is what has been done to the barrel: porting just prior to the silencer to drop the bullet's speed to a subsonic level. It eliminates the sonic boom found after the bullet leaves the muzzle, or the need to use 9mm subs, it just depends on how you look at it.

#79831 Unlimited Ammo (fishing Effect)

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 13 April 2006 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

Well, after looking through this thread, time to post my experiences with fishing line, fly fishing with non-ded equipment, and other stuff of the like.

First off, this isn't anything that I haven't tried before. If anyone remembers my "Mr. Literal" thread awhile back, I used to like messing with rubberband guns to make Nerf weaponry. Well, no doubt, I tried to do other things with rubberbands. Now, what I once did, for no particular reason, was make something which could shoot something of good weight (1.5oz) well with a line attached. I found out that jsut one size 32 or whatever green rubberband will, in fact, send that little package of bass bullet sinkers with a line a good 15 feet...heavily angled. There was a good 100+ times as much resistance with the system I was using than any of my casting or spinning reels for pike, walleye, and bass. I mean, this was litterally a spool of replacement kite rope on a nail attached to the side of the gun.

Has anyone here actually tried to cast a topwater bait? Yeah, that's a bitch...anyway, it is possible, either by adding a wooden float or heavier floating line (lead) to the lure/fly. That adds all of, oh, a tenth of an ounce to another tenth of an ounce? So now there is still the weight of a 3/0 split shot, or less? Use a spinning reel. Not casting, since they are more expensive and involve 'thumbing' which is a bitch with so little weight on the end of a line. Then again, I've only been using one for two seasons...

So, take a KISS, get a spinning reel, flip the bar, shoot. Seriously. It will, in fact, barely hamper distance, if it does. I know it sounds ludacrous, but experience really does override theories.

I have a fealing no one will believe me...time to go do homework, then try and add a line to a Stefan or two and shoot them out of my SOBR...

#29737 Ultra Bright Nite Finder

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 June 2004 - 10:45 AM in Modifications

Very nice work. I was thinking of putting a small RIS rail on mine and then using a SureFire light, but that sounds like more work than replacing the bulb.

A lightbulb and an LED don't compare. Not even if that bulb is a Halogen. I have used a 2 AA MagLite, and if I compared it to my triple LED 4.5 volt light , the LED flashlight will quite litterally blind you, which works very well for dark room clearing, it gives more of a "deer in the headlights" effect compared to a normal flashlight, while the MagLite is just, well everyone knows about MagLites. Hell, that LED light is brighter than my 2 D MagLite. That even has a Halogen bulb (my dad got board so he messed with it). Then again, the LED is good for short distances, but the MagLite works good for medium-long range.

#53318 Track&field, Cross Country, Bicycling

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 24 April 2005 - 07:30 AM in Off Topic

Under two minutes in an 800m run is pretty good. Let's say you ran it in 1:51. That means that your personal speed averaged about 7.207m/sec. That's almost as fast as a :13 100m dash. So if you went all out in the 100m, you could be a very good sprinter. I'm only good with longer sprints, as I have a higher average speed in the 200m dash than I do in the 100m dash by .5m/sec., or at least in my last meet. I'll find out if it stays true this week at practice.

#53281 Track&field, Cross Country, Bicycling

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2005 - 04:05 PM in Off Topic

Well, the metric system is for people who can only remember multiples of ten. For all the smarter people who actually have to memorize something, the bodypart-based system is used (one foot is the same as a size 11.5 foot, an inch is the width of the thumb, the yard the length of a stride).

4 X 1600

I take it you mean a 1600 relay (or a 4x400)? That's four runners, once around the track each. Otherwise, running a mile in 64 seconds is damn near in possible. Also, unless your state is using different standards, isn't it a 300m hurdle, not a 400m hurdle? All the tracks that I've been to only have marks for the 300m and 55m hurdle spacing. Do you run once around the track or only around the corner?

#53214 Track&field, Cross Country, Bicycling

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 22 April 2005 - 06:12 PM in Off Topic

Anyone here use their running from wargames for a purpose besides getting away from welts? I run the 200m dash, a progressing 31 seconds, and am working on the 800m run, a pitiful 2:58 seconds. I also do shotput; 31 ft. with an 8lb shot. Mind you, these times/distances are for a middle schooler, so they are comparatively good, minus the 800m. I put 'cycling in the title for no good reason. I ride a 38:51 seconds, 23km road time trial on a custom bike with a disk wheel. I'm expected to hit below 32 minutes in a few years on a newer bike with some more practice and after I've done more than three races. My mile sprint time is a still improving 1:47 seconds, same bike as mentioned for the TT.

If anyone else does anything related to the title, post some times, or advice if you're good. Chances are this is going to be like my other topics and have zero replies and next to zero page views. I know we're not all that lazy though.

#35176 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 August 2004 - 04:46 PM in Modifications

or even small rodents

Chinchillas are soft enough for the wusses, but the tougher people can use hedgehogs.

#78778 Titan Mod

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 April 2006 - 07:36 PM in Modifications

Any gun that gets over 150' I think is way too powerful for any conventional nerf war.

Hmm...conventional...hmmm...MidMI isn't that conventional since the clan KAF isn't that conventional. So, ompa, if you want to make a road trip to be allwoed to go against your judgement and shoot your Titan to the best of its potential, come to MidMI.

Yeah, "conventional" wars don't have ranges over 300 yards...

#25992 Time

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 12 May 2004 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

So either way, you're screwed if you enter this thing?

If my "beliefs" on time travel are true though, then teleportation would be how to travel in time. I think that there is this exact same galaxy/solar system/planet/thingy somewhere else in the universe, maybe hundreds of them, but at different time stages. For instance, there could be one with this esarth only 3 million years in the past. Or future for that matter. And if we could teleport, then we could go to that different timed planet. But since we can't get back, we'd need one large cell phone coverage plan in order to relay our findings. That's just what I think, I also think someone covered this earlier in this thread. This whole post is kinda stupid on my part, but oh well. Great thread though! Very interesting.

#38664 This Had Me Laughing...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 October 2004 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

I think he hit "new topic" instead of "add reply"...

Then why is there a title on this topic? Or is it default from the topic he last read?

<EDIT> I just remembered that I read his post yesterday. It was really stupid and pointless.</EDIT>

#76069 Thin-walled Pvc?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 13 March 2006 - 08:05 PM in Homemades

I use Lowes for my PVC needs. Otherwise, McMaster-Carr has everything plumbing, and then some.

#81046 The Snap-4bp

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 01 May 2006 - 04:29 AM in Homemades

I just thought of something. Since you have designed that magazine (I use the term loosely) in such a way, you could very well make Stefans of half the length (and therefore 5/8 of the weight) and hold two darts in tandem within that magazine. That would allow you to do double-feeds with 4 chambered rounds, instead of only two with what is being worked with now.

Or you could just continue with what you are doing and see less range. All your choice...

#77337 The Snap-3

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 March 2006 - 08:28 PM in Homemades

"My name's Primevil"
"Hi, Primevil"
"And I...hate...hoppers"

Speaking (well, metephorically anyhow) seriously now, hoppers are tEh ShiT compared to magazines for use with a long projectile. However, a gravity fed magazine is completely different. If Nerf used round projectiles (like non-Nerf activites), then that would be different, kinda...

For what it takes to make a hopper compared to what it takes to make a simple box, just make the box, no? That's just my two cents, but two cents is a lot back in the day...

That hopper reminds me of an R-clip or whatever it's called. That gives me an idea...

#77941 The Snap-1 Mk2

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 28 March 2006 - 06:08 PM in Homemades

Hey, I got me some springs for free. However, they take a bit of strength to compress. Since I can use hand excercisers up to 150 lbs and these springs moved a 100 lb. scale without compressing more than a half inch, I dunno if I could use 'em.


That plate next to it is from an air chamber (large diaphragm valve) which is about 5" in diameter. The springs are 11" and 12" long.

To make relevant to the grip situation, if I used these springs and held on to the grip while cocking, the bond would break before it reached half-cock. Not only that, the force (if it did get fully cocked) would probable break the piston head when it slams into the cylinder head...

I'm gonna look through Lowes' supply ans see if I can't find a 1" I.D. spring or a 2" O.D. spring. One or the other, or one for each gun since I have to make a few of these before June...

#77391 The Snap-1 Mk2

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 24 March 2006 - 06:26 AM in Homemades

Yeah, I think I'm gonna make one of these, only with 2" PVC instead of 1.25" since that's what I have laying around. I'll have to use 1.25" PVC and fittings in place of the 3/4", but big deal.

Very nice write-up, by the way. I didn't find anything missing...

#77507 The Snap-1 Mk2

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 March 2006 - 11:19 AM in Homemades

Well, the piston head (plunger head) willl weigh approx. 4 oz. without any holes. The piston itself will probably be made of whatever steel (aluminum if I'm lucky) tubing I can find. I have most of the differences between that and mine down, I just need to write a shopping list. After that, I will start work, probably finishing this over my spring break. Then I will have two homemades which work as, well, Nerf homemades should, shooting mega Stefans. I think I'm gonna do a SNAP-2 style thing with a modified Unkown breach.

So theroretically speaking, if I stick to the 4:1 cylinder to barrel ratio, I should be getting the same 100' ranges, right?

Measures of each piece that I have calculated so far:
  • LoP~12"
  • Overall Length~53"
  • Piston Travel~10"
  • Barrel Length~30"
I just need to buy a few things, then I will start work.

A few questions:
1.) Can I hold the whole thing together with sheet metal screws? Exception being the cylinder head and piston head. Those would be glued. The cylinder head is the reducer from 2" slip down to 1" female thread.
2.) Should I use "see bottom this post"?
3.) Should I make the piston travel longer? I have really stiff springs which are 16" long. I might even have a 20" somewhere...

With that, I could pop out the four (in a cross pattern parallel to the base of the pipe) to remove the piston, spring, spring guide, and spring stop thingy.

Edit: that spring guide is threaded steel rod by the way. It is secured to the bushing plug via two lock nuts and two washers. There would be a coupling which would be were the pins are as well so there is twice as much material. That would also allow me to put this back together more easily.

#77529 The Snap-1 Mk2

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 March 2006 - 02:41 PM in Homemades

Yeah...that wasn't the plunger. That was what held the spring at the back of the gun. I have later since noticed many massive problems and redid that image to what is now here. Yeah...self-explanatory. I rushed that image so there are some screwups, it also is not to scale. Pretty much, it is the same thing as the SNAP only 2" and with a different system of holding the spring at the back of the gun. Roll pins will be behind a 1.25" bushing cap. This will allow me to remove the whole piston, spring, etc. by just popping out two or four roll pins. The whole thing will be held together with screws, utilizing set screws to keep that rear bushing centered.