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There have been 4 items by Luminox (Search limited from 11-May 97)

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#289701 Multi-tool Titan

Posted by Luminox on 01 December 2010 - 10:35 PM in Modifications

Your pictures are not working for me.

#289597 Nano Belt Blaster

Posted by Luminox on 01 December 2010 - 10:02 AM in Modifications

Mid 80s with bad fitting darts? Seems a bit high. How strong is the stock spring?

#288987 Warlock Holster/sheath?

Posted by Luminox on 26 November 2010 - 08:01 PM in Modifications

Building a custom holster would be the best option.
I don't even think the tactical vest can hold a warlock axe. I meant it can hold a small blaster. I'm sorry if that was unclear.
Best of luck on building a holster for the axe.

#288985 Warlock Holster/sheath?

Posted by Luminox on 26 November 2010 - 07:47 PM in Modifications

Nerf does not make holsters for weapons as far as I know. I do believe the tactical vest can hold one or two smaller blasters.
I believe you should be able to make one without too much trouble. (I know, not the answer you were looking for.)