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#59376 Just Basic Mod, How Do U Do It!

Posted by Starbuck on 15 July 2005 - 10:11 AM in Modifications

I will PM this poor man and help him.

#59260 Anyone Ever Shot One Of These...

Posted by Starbuck on 13 July 2005 - 07:24 PM in Off Topic

Just outta' curiosity...

Has anyone on here ever shot any type of an 1896 Broomhandle Mauser? My father and I collect a wide array of military weapons and we are considering purchasing one of these pistols. I was just wondering how they shoot, accuracy, ect. Here's a picture for reference:

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Any information on the acutal shooting would be helpful.

I actually have plans laid out to start on a semi-auto Nerf pistol based on the Mauser design. Probably a four or five shot semi-auto pistol. I'm looking to start on that here in the next week.

#59215 New Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 13 July 2005 - 11:21 AM in General Nerf

Yes, I used CPVC that I Dremeled to get in there. I can't remember if I had to Dremel some of the insde of the barrel or not. But, regardless I got them in there. You just have to work with it.

#59196 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by Starbuck on 13 July 2005 - 12:34 AM in Modifications

Great find! This thing looks to have potential. I can't wait to get my hands on one of these... :nugget:

Edit: What's the accuracy like?

#59192 New Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 12 July 2005 - 11:55 PM in General Nerf

I had one a year ago and modded it with great success. I cut six 3" pieces of 1/2" CPVC and wrapped electrical tape around them about 3/4 of the length. I Dremeled the exposed portion so that it would fit into the barrels on the drum. I them jammed the inserts into the barrels so that the CPVC fits down in the "slots" so the SuperMaxx air vavles would open. I was consistly hitting over 80 with four pumps. PM me if you have any questions.

#59127 Defender T3 Mod (full Write Up And Pics)

Posted by Starbuck on 12 July 2005 - 09:57 AM in Modifications

Thanks, guys.

Seal, my catch works fine. I really don't have a problem with anything falling off.

We might as well call it "National Mod" week, as I've already posted two mods and I've got a couple more to write up and post.

#59115 Defender T3 Mod (full Write Up And Pics)

Posted by Starbuck on 12 July 2005 - 12:22 AM in Modifications

Thank you, Viper. Yes, I agree about the arrow launcher. It has a larger plunger and spring than the Crossbow, so it has potential that some don't recognize. Many have not given the DT3 a chance.

#59109 Defender T3 Mod (full Write Up And Pics)

Posted by Starbuck on 11 July 2005 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

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I then proceeded to mount another weapon to my DT3. This is one of the more odd weapons I have created. It's an Auto-Grip "Boomstick." I Dremeled off everything, leaving only the bare plunger tube. I then nested a 5" piece of 1/2" CPVC in a 2" piece of 3/4" PVC and hot glued into the plunger tube. One of my buddies wrapped the whole thing in electrical tape for reasons unknown to me (^_^). I then took a 4" piece of a metal coat hanger, wrapped it in electrical tape and taped it to the gun and positioned it so that the 4" piece hits the small trigger/release button on the Auto-Grip. All one has to do to fire the boomstick is hit the metal piece (a better picture can bee seen below). This little oddity has an average range of 79.3 feet per shot. Not too shabby at all...

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Here is the firing mechanism. As stated before, it's a piece of coat hanger metal attached to hit the trigger when hit or squeezed.

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I found that the boomstick fit perfectly into the arrow holder on the belt clip of the weapon. I stuck the hind quarters in the holder and mounted the barrel along the side of the weapon, seen here.

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Here is the overall final product. What was once a booed upon piece of junk has now been turned into a 3 shot 80+ feet sidearm.

The Defender T3 I have here is in almost new condition; I believe that contributes to the longer ranges in both the pistol and the arrow launcher.

Official data

Weapon: Defender T3 (released 1996)
Modification: Yes; new spring, surgical rubber, CPVC barrel(s)
Ammunition: 1.5" Stephan; weighted with 3/0 sinker
Wind: light head wind (under 5 mph)
Angle fired from: Flat
Height of gun when fire: 5'5.5"
Terrain fired upon: Flat; grass

DT3 Battle Pistol (new; Pistol #2)
Long: 89'
Short: 81'
Avg: 84.2’

Arrow Launcher
Long: 98'
Short: 82'
Avg: 93.8’

Auto-Grip (Boomstick)
Long: 85'
Short: 74'
Avg: 79.3’

This Defender T3 is the perfect compliment to my new Magnum pistol. When using them in tandem, chaos reigns supreme on the battlefield. I understand that for many of you both the Mag and the DT3 are larger weapons, but since I am a man of larger stature (6’5”), I find it to be no burden to wield both of these weapons on the battlefield. As always, feel free to ask me questions or PM me. I hope you have enjoyed yet another Starbuck/Noid modification.

#59108 Defender T3 Mod (full Write Up And Pics)

Posted by Starbuck on 11 July 2005 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

Well, as many of you all know, I have successfully turned a Defender T3 Battle Pistol into, in my opinion, one of the best pistols today. Well, yesterday I acquired a whole Defender T3 gun (arrow launcher and pistol) with the original box. The box made me laugh... that kid on the back with all that Cyber Stryke junk on... what a dork. ^_^ Anyway, I started work on the DT3 yesterday and just completed testing today. Here is what I have done:

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First, I started with the Battle Pistol.

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I dissassembled the gun and took out all the internals. I took a Dremel tool and Dremeled the front two “rings” on the inside of the casing to fit 3/4" PVC. Note, 3/4" PVC is the only thing I had available.

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Here is my "bull barrel." It's 1/2" CPVC nested in 3/4"PVC. I cut a 4-inch piece of 1/2" CPVC. Then, I cut a 3.5 inch piece of 3/4" PVC. I wrapped the CPVC in electrical tape. Next, I took a mallet and tapped it into the 3/4" PVC. I then wrapped the 3/4" PVC in electrical tape. Finally, I Dremeled a hole in the plunger tube the size of the 1/2" CPVC and hot glued the new barrel to the plunger tube. I wrapped the back portion of the barrel and the top portion of the plunger tube in electrical tape for additional strength. You can see a better side view of the plunger tube/barrel below.

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Here, I took off the plunger assembly and replaced the dinky stock spring with a more powerful spring from a broken Sharpshooter 2.

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Here are the internals with the new bull barrel installed.

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Here are my two Defender T3 Battle Pistols. Note, that the top Battle Pistol has a longer barrel than the bottom one. This is so that this pistol can fit into the arrow launcher. The bottom pistol is used as a pistol only.

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Now to the arrow launcher*. This launcher has the biggest spring I have ever seen (save the Bow n' Arrow). I know people have put this spring into a Crossbow and have gotten great results. I stretched the spring a little bit, first off. Then, I sawed off most of the stock barrel. I then added a 3" piece of 1/2" CPVC to the barrel and wrapped it in electrical tape. Not pictured is the surgical rubber I use to boost the performance. Note, on top of the launcher where the handle used to be is now a sight. See the next section for further details. * (I know this mod has been done before, so I am not taking credit)

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What I did here was Dremel off all the handle components. I then Dremeled off the front section of the Armor Shot ammo holder (the front sloped part) and Dremeled a square in that piece. Next, I took the plastic sight out of a Bow N' Arrow and went over the reticle with a fine tipped pen. I then mounted the sight onto the Armor Shot piece to give me my sight. This thing was a pleasant surprise, as I found it to be an accurate device.

See the next post for the rest of the mod...

#59077 Rototrack Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 11 July 2005 - 12:58 PM in Modifications

Well done, ompa. I did this to my Chainblazer back about three months ago. The CPVC works wonders in chain, too. I had to make 200 of those inserts for all my chain. Blah, it took forever. Very nice work.

#59040 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 10 July 2005 - 06:18 PM in Modifications

This reminds me of the Ura-Kai Two Towers Crossbow. A little unwieldy one handed but with those ranges it might as well be your primary, unless of course you still favor that cpvc Tech Target :blink:

I have huge hands, so it's no problem for me to wield that thing around. The Mag is pretty nifty, but I still use my modded DT3. :P

#59025 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 10 July 2005 - 02:50 PM in Modifications

Sorry for the double post here, but I just finished testing the Mag with Stephans. I'll be quick about this and post only the significant data:

Weapon: Original name unknown; Kilroy Mangum (released 1995)
Ammunition: 1.5" 3/0 weighted Stephans
Wind: None
Angle fired from: Flat
Height of gun when fire: 5'5.5"
Terrain fired upon: Flat; grass

Range (Not rounded)
Long: 115' 4.5"
Short: 99' 8.75"
Average: 104.6 feet

All those numbers are pretty beast for a pistol. I now officially declare the Magnum ready for active service. Hope you all have enjoyed it. 8)

#58989 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 09 July 2005 - 11:18 PM in Modifications

Well, you cocked the gun. When you cocked it, a flap just inside of the barrel would close to cause suction. This would suck water down from the water tank into the plunger tube. When you discharged the gun, the flap would fly open and a "blob" of water shot out. It was pretty powerful for a water pistol.

#58935 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 09 July 2005 - 12:41 AM in Modifications

Thanks for all the compliments, guys.

Janga, you're right... I've modded three or four water guns into fine Nerf weapons.

And if anyone knows the name of this water gun, please tell me. I'd love to know. It was made by Fantasy Ltd in 1995.

#58902 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 08 July 2005 - 04:25 PM in Modifications

Here are pictures for reference.

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The Mag and a Nite Finder

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The Mag and a Lock n' Load.

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The Mag and my DT3 Battle Pistol.

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The Mag and a couple SSIIs.

#58899 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 08 July 2005 - 04:09 PM in Modifications

The double springing could probably used to great affect on other spring pistols, Apache.

Ompa, the plunger tube is larger than that of a NF. The NF tube is 4 inches, while this one in 5.25 inches long. The plunger is 1.75 inches longer than a NFs.

Flamebo, I will take a pic right now for size reference. And no, I don't have any Stephans here at the hous. We had a war a couple days ago so all my good ammo is at a friend's house.

#58894 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Starbuck on 08 July 2005 - 03:54 PM in Modifications

It has been said that no spring pistol will ever be able to reach over 100 feet flat. Well, today I am here to prove that wrong. I have just completed a pistol that just does that. I call it the "Kilroy Magnum."

The other day, I was digging in my closet and found an old water gun. It is special because it is the only spring powered water gun I have ever seen. I can't remember the name and the sticker on the side has since worn off, but I'm sure someone on here knows the name of the gun. I do know for a fact that it was released in 1995. Anyway, I cocked it and pulled the trigger. I was very surprised to hear the massive bark produced by the gun. I immediately thought this had potential. I took it downstairs and dissassembled the weapon.

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This is the gun as I found it in my closet.

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Here are the inernals minus the water tank on top. Notice the similarites between it and conventional Nerf spring pistols.

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Now here is why this weapon is an oddity. Notice the double springs. I have never seen this in a stock weapon before. I took off the springs and replaced them with springs from a couple of my broken Sharpshooter 2s (new springs not pictured).

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Here is the plunger tube. I cut off the nozzle on the tube and Dremeled out a hole big enough for 1/2" CPVC to fit through and hot glued it back to the plunger tube. I then put electrical tape over the hot glued portion to strengthen the hold.

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On top of the plunger tube is where the water tank connected. I simply plugged it up with hot glue to prevent air from leaking out.

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I added a sight to the top of the gun once I had reassembled it. The sight is a piece off of a garage door opener. I have to clue as to what the piece is, but it looks like a sight and functions well as one.

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And here, friends, is the finished product, the "Kilroy Mangum" loser pistol.

I had originally started to put rubber bands on it, but I took off the surgical rubber on my DT3BP and put it on the Magnum. I headed out to my backyard with two friends to test the range and accuracy. Here is the official data as taken by myself and two others:

Weapon: Original name unknown; Kilroy Mangum (released 1995)
Method fire: Spring (double)
Number of shots: 1
Modification: Yes; new back spring, surgical rubber, CPVC barrel
Ammunition: Stock red Airjet Micro Darts
Wind: None
Angle fired from: Flat
Height of gun when fire: 5'5.5"
Terrain fired upon: Flat; grass

Range in feet, rounded to nearest foot

1. 92
2. 96
3. 96
4. 98
5. 91
6. 89
7. 93
8. 92
9. 97
10. 96
11. 99
12. 101 feet, 3.5 inches (Measurment not rounded due to being over 100 feet)
13. 98
14. 99
15. 96

Total Sum= 1433


Average range: 95.53 feet average per shot

Distance: 45'
Target size: 1.5'x1.5'

1. Hit
2. Hit
3. Hit
4. Hit
5. Hit
6. Hit
7. Hit
8. Hit
9. Hit
10. Hit
11. Hit
12. Hit
13. Hit
14. Hit
15. Hit

15 out of 15 hit

Accuracy: 100%

It is the first pistol I know of that has hit over 100 feet flat. I didn't think it was possible until now. I'm sure many of you will find it hard to believe. If you have any questions, please feel free me to ask or PM me. I hope you have enjoyed another Starbuck modification.

#57913 Meh Bitchin' Nf

Posted by Starbuck on 21 June 2005 - 11:51 PM in Modifications

I've done my own SSPB/NF deal, but I like your's. Good job. My only question is why did you leave the stock barrel on the NF? I believe I would have opted for CPVC or PETG if availible.

#57487 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

No harm was intended, Devious.

#57458 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 05:49 PM in General Nerf

Yeah you're right, the SuperMaxx5000 mod wasn't huge at all; in fact it's probably the most worthless mod out there.

Nope, I believe there are more worthless... perhaps that Pulsator mod someone posted a while ago...

#57447 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 05:15 PM in General Nerf

Fine, I'll help this topic get back on track. I don't like to wave my genitals around and gloat about this or that, but I suppose will today. I've been Nerfing for around 10 years now, so I've modded many Nerf guns, but here are some of the ones that really stick out in my mind:

1. 1999- I posted my first mod ever on Nerf Online. It was the SM5k. People were calling this gun a farce, but I knew it had some power. I figured that if you pry off the air restrictor and cut off an inch on the arrow barrel, you could launch anything that would fit down in there. This modification made Lord Gothmog (anyone remember him?) very happy.

2. My Razorbeasts. They were pretty much worthless pieces of shit until I got a hold of them and turned them into a death machine. I also mounted one of these puppies on a tripod in 97' and reattached it here recently.

3. My simple TTG mod. Takes less than 15 minutes to do and is one of the easiest and more effectives mods availible today.

Those aren't that big or monumental, but they've helped some people out over the years.

#57171 Powerclip Stripper Clip

Posted by Starbuck on 10 June 2005 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

Thank you, gentlemen. ^_^

#57155 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 10 June 2005 - 12:23 PM in Modifications

1/2 inch FBR.

#57146 Powerclip Stripper Clip

Posted by Starbuck on 10 June 2005 - 11:18 AM in Modifications

Well, I just got my Powerclip up and running again. As afore mentioned, it's a wonderful weapon. I really want to use it in the next war we have here, but I've only got one clip because I haven't had time to go on a wild goose chase to find a couple extra clips.

Well, to remedy the problem of having one clip, I turned to old world military rifles. Most military rifles of the early 1900s were a turn-bolt action rifle with a box magazine (exceptions: 1895 Steyr was a straight pull bolt, the 1889 Schmidt-Rubin was also a straight pull, and the 1886 Lebel had a tubular magazine) that was loaded using a stripper clip. A stripper clip is a piece of metal that holds usually 5 rounds of ammo. You inserted it into the top of the magazine and push down to load the rounds. This was all before the box magazine of the M-16 and AK-47.

I devised a stripper clip and made it from poster board. I cut out roughly the length and width of the PC clip. I took an Exacto knife and cut out holes for each of the 10 spaces on the clip. And here are the results and step by step usage:

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The clip loaded with 10 rounds.

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The stripper clip beside the PC clip.

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Insert the stripper clip into the PC clip.

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Push down until the clip is flat again the PC clip.

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Now, quickly push all the rounds down into the clip.

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The PC clip is loaded and the stripper clip is discarded.

One can produce a PC stripper clip in under 5 minutes, however, this device is in its infancy. A noticeable problem is that the rounds get turned into different directions, thus making it harder to load the PC clip. The other problem is that the poster board is flimsy. I believe if I use a thin wood to make the stripper clips, it should correct both of those problems. This stripper clip system should hold me over until I can secure a couple more PC clips. Feel free to ask questions. I hope you have enjoyed!

#57093 Need A Good Pistol

Posted by Starbuck on 09 June 2005 - 07:47 PM in General Nerf

TTG has easier mods, especially if you go with mine. The entire mods take only 15 minutes and get great ranges.

#57018 Need A Good Pistol

Posted by Starbuck on 08 June 2005 - 11:54 PM in General Nerf

Splitfire is the obvious choice there. Two quick shots, but is hard to find.

Other than that, I'd go with a Nite Finder simply because they are everywhere and easily modded.

#56985 Firefly Speculation

Posted by Starbuck on 08 June 2005 - 04:27 PM in General Nerf

Thank you very much for your information and time, Chiefthe. I'm delighted that the people behind the scenes care about us Nerfers so much as to answer these questions. Thanks again.

#56964 Powerclip Problem. Help!

Posted by Starbuck on 08 June 2005 - 11:04 AM in General Nerf

I have just fixed the problem. The black piece on the end of the arm was worn a bit. I epoxied on a piece plastic on top of the black piece, covering up the worn part. This remedied it quite well, and it gives me a slighty better ROF due to a quick edge sliding the clip upwards. I want thank everyone for their help!

#56963 New Spring For Sharpshotter 2

Posted by Starbuck on 08 June 2005 - 10:27 AM in Modifications

No, you can send it to me. I can modify an SSII with my eyes shut. I dunno how many of those I've modded over the years.

#56960 Firefly Speculation

Posted by Starbuck on 08 June 2005 - 09:43 AM in General Nerf

Chiefthe, just wondering about the darts... I know they will be micros, but how will they glow? Are you making the dart tips glow or are you going with the glow-in-the-dark tape strips to be put around each dart? Just curious...

#56945 Powerclip Problem. Help!

Posted by Starbuck on 07 June 2005 - 11:10 PM in General Nerf

Chances are you've mabey over tightened things (football player!) or moved things around ever so slightly so it's harder for the clip to slide.

:P Haha, good one, Franky. Alright, I'll check that first thing in the morning. I'm glad I've also got your PC coming to me, as well. Thanks, Frank. :cry:

#56940 Powerclip Problem. Help!

Posted by Starbuck on 07 June 2005 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

I did that, Devious. They are as tight as possible.

#56936 Powerclip Problem. Help!

Posted by Starbuck on 07 June 2005 - 10:23 PM in General Nerf

Thank you so very much for your advice, gentlemen. I took it apart again and tightened everything, however this did not remedy the problem. The arm slides around the triangle, not going under it, thus not advancing the the clip up. I've uploaded this picture to help. Sorry it's blurred. Perhaps, this will give you a better view of the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!

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Edit: Since the arm is going over the triangle, I thought about hot gluing in a small piece of plastic on the railing that hold the arm. This would push the arm over to the right just a small bit, there keeping it closer to the clip. Let me know what you think.

#56890 Firefly Speculation

Posted by Starbuck on 07 June 2005 - 05:06 PM in General Nerf

when has there ever been ANYTHING except philips screws?

The Electric Eel had triangular headed screws.

#56885 Powerclip Problem. Help!

Posted by Starbuck on 07 June 2005 - 04:44 PM in General Nerf

I recently accquired a Powerclip in a trade. It was unmodded and worked great. I was amazed by its high rate of fire. Well, I did the standard clip mod to it to allow for interchangeable clips and about a day later, it started screwing up.

My problem is this: it will not advance past the third triangular piece on the side. The arm that moves the clip up gets hung on the third piece. Instead of the arm moving under the piece and forcing the clip up, it moves to the side and does nothing but sit there and go back and fourth. Is there anyway I can remedy this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#56829 Firefly Speculation

Posted by Starbuck on 06 June 2005 - 10:39 PM in General Nerf

So they are going back to the Electric Eel type high intensity light and "tracer" darts... interesting...

#56741 Sharpshooter 1 Mod... Oh, My...

Posted by Starbuck on 05 June 2005 - 10:31 PM in Modifications

Thanks, man.

#56713 Sharpshooter 1 Mod... Oh, My...

Posted by Starbuck on 05 June 2005 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

Yes, that's right... a Sharpshooter 1 mod. Oh, my! :lol:

I hadn't seen anyone post one nor could I find one while searching through archives and the Internet. It's very simple and produces a pistol that is actually practical for a Nerf war and is a pretty good sidearm. So here it is, my SSI mod:

First, I took the gun apart. I took out the plunger and took off the spring and stretched it real good. Next, I cut off a piece of CPVC that is 4 inches long. I used 1/2 inch CPVC so I could shoot micro sized darts. I took the 4" CPVC piece and I put it down over the rod on the end of the plunger. I marked where the CPVC touch the plunger tube with a Sharpie marker. Here's a picture:
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Now, take a saw and cut as straight as you can on the mark you made on the plunger tube. This removes the rod and makes a bigger air hole.

Next, take the 4" CPVC piece and hot glue it to the plunger tube. Hot glue it on really good to create a good air seal. You cannot have any holes between the CPVC and the plunger tube.

Let the hot glue dry. After you let it dry, take some electrical tape and wrap it around the plunger tube. Everything should look like this now:
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But, before you can put everything back together, you will have to take a Dremel tool and remove some of the plastic around the hole where the old dart rod went through because the CPVC is much bigger than the original hole. Be care and try to make it even as possible so your barrel doesn't end up crooked.

Now, reassemble the gun. Put on some rubber bands for more velocity. It should look like this:
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Here's a picture of the barrel new barrel from the front:
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Ranges are as follow:
Long: 68'4" (flat with a 1.5" 3/0 weighted Stephan)
Short: 59'7" (flat with a 1.5" 3/0 weighted Stephan)
Angled: 74'6.5" (with a 1.5" 3/0 weighted Stephan)

Accuracy: 86%(13 out of 15 hit the target) at 45 feet on a 1.5'x1.5' target

This will make good use of that old Sharpshooter that you couldn't shoot do to using type 1 darts. Feel free to ask me questions. I hope you all enjoy it.

#56611 Your Combo

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

I agree with Apache. Some people run around with 4 or 5 guns. What's the point? Two is the maximum that anyone should carry. I find carry either a PC or BBB and one of two pistols gets me through a war quite well. There is no need to strap your entire arensal to your leg.

Haha, I love it. "heavily modded."

Hey, once a Sharpshooter 1 is fully modded, it's a killer. B)

#56606 Your Combo

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 09:57 PM in General Nerf

Here's how I roll...

Primary: BBB carbine with 25 rounds or Powerclip with several clips
Sidearm: Defender T3 Battle Pistol or heavily modded Sharpshooter 1 with 15 rounds