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#97420 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 30 December 2006 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

Ok, but if the spring is the length of a old version NF, doesn't it rattle around and create a big ruckus when fired since it isn't long enough?

Eh, no not really. If I drop it and throw it out the window, yeah it'll make a noise. But just general use and such do not produce noises. I've just never had a problem with it.

#97423 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 30 December 2006 - 04:10 PM in Modifications

You used one of those heavy duty Nitefinder springs right? Is noise a problem, or have you done somethign to eliminate that?

No, no... I use "Handyman Springs." It's a spring I get from my local Home Depot. They are the length of a first generation Nite Finder spring, but are much heavier. They're just beast springs. And no, noise isn't a problem. Just fill in some empty spaces with FBR.

These springs are really great. I have one in all three of my NF's.

Absolutely the best springs, ever. They'll power anything, really. Plus a two pack of em' are only $2.50.

I've been using them for three years now.

#97457 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 31 December 2006 - 02:37 AM in Modifications

Be careful with those springs in new style nfs, unless you are going to be reinforcing the plunger rods. I have broken three with these springs without even seeing too much use. I have to admit they are pretty good springs, although they are kinda hard to cut.

They are rediculous to cut. I had to whip out the ol' Dremel cutting disc to cut three coils off to fit it in my DT-3 pistol.

My experience with the Handyman and Nite Finders has been pleasant. I've had two plunger head break on me from about six months worth of use, though. I reinforced the plunger head with a steel disc and I've had no problems since. They'll boot a dart out damn near 100 feet in a Nite Finder, and I've hit over that several times.

The Longshot can take the Handyman springs without a problem. I've seen no signs of stress in the casing after four months of use. The only drawback is for a younger kid, it might be hard to operate the bolt. Sometimes it will jam in but I nice heavy jerk remedies that.

#97466 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 31 December 2006 - 01:28 PM in Modifications

Umm.. do the balls shoot out the orange barrel or the smaller one.. and how? I always wanted to make a ball shooter but I never found the right pipe.

I take a nice chewed up Nerf ball, I'm talking one that came with my Ballzooka back in '95, and stuff it into the Titan barrel. I had to Dremel the inside of it a bit to fit the ball ammunition.

#97482 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 31 December 2006 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

How are getting such ranges with the micros in the MPL? And that is a pretty sick gun. I like the mods, and good to see somebody turn the LS into a small battalion's worth of Nerf firepower.

Well the MPL is a Titan in all regards to performance. It's common for Titans to get 200+ feet with micros if not much further.

Glad you like it.

#97496 'appy New Year

Posted by Starbuck on 01 January 2007 - 01:59 AM in Off Topic

It's 2:00 am here in the Confederate States of America, but 'appy new year, you buncha' flunkies!

#97497 Longshot Front Gun's Handle...

Posted by Starbuck on 01 January 2007 - 02:05 AM in General Nerf

Hey everyone. I've been modding the hell out of the LS, but today was the first day I decided to open up the front gun. As I expected, it was rubbish. But I DID notice that to my surprise, it had a DETACHABLE handle/trigger.

Which naturally leads to the question of weather or not it is possible to make a homemade with the LS handle as your grip. It's quite comfortable and houses a nice little piece that would save a good deal of time making. Can this be done, has it been done, and is it practical?

Also, I have a general question of Nerf Forums etiquette. In one of my topics I posted a picture of a mod. Someone said I should re-do it, as it wasn't as good as it could be. I then re-did it. But I was the last one to post in that topic. It wasn't really important enough to start a new topic about, and I didn't want to double-post. What is the proper "Netiquette" thing to do?

Thank you in advance!


I'm sure you can adapt the front handle anyway you want. For a long time, attached it to the lower bi-pod section and used as a vertical foregrip til I decided to mount a Titan under there.

On the subject of double posting... in your case, a double post would have been deemed acceptable. You were adding to the original subject and bringing the topic anew. If you had just edited the original message, then it would not have showed up as new and thus some people who had already read it would not have checked back to see the new info since it showed no new posts. I believe we can agree that is an acceptable double post.

#97524 'appy New Year

Posted by Starbuck on 01 January 2007 - 08:00 PM in Off Topic

It's 2:00 am here in the Confederate States of America, but 'appy new year, you buncha' flunkies!

Shame. In 142 years they haven't updated your textbooks down there?

Happy new year, all.

Eh, when I graduated we were still usin' slate and chisels. Paper came a few years later... :rolleyes:

#97743 Bayonets

Posted by Starbuck on 05 January 2007 - 06:45 AM in General Nerf

We implemented a melee rule last time I played.

It was ok. Not entirely the most useful thing ever, but kinda' fun.

I made a bayonet years ago for my SM5k. Never used it.