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#61025 A Nerf Video Game

Posted by Starbuck on 03 August 2005 - 07:32 AM in Off Topic

A friend and I considered modding Arena Blast with new guns like the PC, Splitfire, Sharpshooter 2, ect. We might get around to it one day...

#61027 A Nerf Video Game

Posted by Starbuck on 03 August 2005 - 08:19 AM in Off Topic

Mods are totally legal, so if you had the full game, you'd be fine.

#81330 How Tall Are You?

Posted by Starbuck on 05 May 2006 - 11:27 PM in Off Topic

For the record...

Starbuck= 6'5" 241 lbs.

As a tight end going across the middle on a drag, a 5'8" defensive back is killer on the knees.


#63112 'big Bad' Glory

Posted by Starbuck on 05 September 2005 - 04:50 PM in General Nerf

Now the Nerf market will be flooded with BBBs. There goes my days of selling over priced loser weaponry... ;)

#55750 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 27 May 2005 - 12:18 AM in Modifications

Just got done battle testing it. I used it for two hours and it did not jam once. I was carrying two ammo boxes(I just made another box that hold 50 rounds, as well) for a total of 100 rounds. I was able to repel several attacks of four people as well as siege a base. I had no problem with my mobility, carrying the Razorbeast with ammo box, a spare box with 50 rounds kept in an old army backpack, and a DT3 pistol with 15 rounds in a holster as my sidearm. I killed a total of 15 people (killed 2 people twice). My overall assessment of the new Razorbeast is that it is now a practical heavy assault weapon with good range and excellent rate of fire.

#55707 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 26 May 2005 - 06:41 PM in Modifications

To fire off 50 shots, it takes about 20 or so seconds. I'm glad you all enjoy my mods.

#55764 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 27 May 2005 - 10:30 AM in Modifications

Frank, thanks for the comments. The box takes care of the jamming issue, holding all of the weight. The spent chain will just fall to the ground after it has been discharged. That last of the CPVC in the chain does indeed show shorter sections of CPVC, those are probably 2-1.5 inch sections. After cutting 200 sections of CPVC at 12:00 at night, you get tired of cutting, thus making some CPVC sections shorter than others. But, the length doesn't affect performance.

#55934 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 29 May 2005 - 09:22 AM in Modifications

Infinite Shindig, we play our own style here. We decided to go to a more "realistic" approach rather than run around shooting at each other in a park or everyone setting up a loser nest and trying to shoot the other loser. It works on a squad based level. Several(usually 4-6) small 4-5 man squads (1 loser, 1 heavy weapon man, 2 standard weapons people, and 1 front man) are on a team and have responsibilities such as capping the flag, guarding the base, patrol, ect. Therefore, it is impractical to equip everyone with a long range single shot weapon. My gun is customized for our battles.

#55677 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 26 May 2005 - 02:18 PM in Modifications

Here I have some recent projects I have completed and would like to display to the Nerfing community for your viewing and modding pleasure.

First, I was given a Tech Target gun to fool around with. I looked on the web to see what mods I could find, but most required cutting and Dremeling, so I decided against that because it took a lot of time. First, I quickly opened it up removed all of the air restrictors. I took the stock barrel and hammered in a piece of 1/2 inch CPVC the length of the barrel and hot glued the barrel to the plunger tube. I just took a mallet and drive it in. The whole mod took about 5 minutes. The TTG's owner was quite happy with it. It fires out at about 75+ feet with a long of 82 feet.

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Next is my personal sidearm. I recently accquired a DT3 Battle Pistol form Flamebo. He had done a wonderful job modding it, and I was quite happy with it. I took the liberty to reglue the brass coupler he had put in there. I also made a new barrel for it. I took 5/8 inch PVC and nested 1/2 inch CPVC in it and glued the new barrel into the brass coupler. Then, I replaced the old spring with a larger Sharpshooter 2 spring. I was very surprised to see it fire a stock micro 80 feet the first shot. The average distance was 83.6 feet with a long of 87 feet. The accuracy testing proved excellent. At 45 feet, I hit a 1.5'x1.5' target 15 out of 15 times.

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I was fooling around with an Electric Eel and found it to be "unmoddable" since the screws had an odd triangular shaped head. Just to be stupid, I taped in some 1/2 inch CPVC into the clip. I put in some micros and was pleasantly surprised. I took it outside to see it fire micros at 63 feet consistently.

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Now here is the real beauty. I had mounted a Razorbeast on a tripod for defense. It works really well, but as most of you can tell, mobility is none. So, since I have two Razorbeasts, I decided to make the other one a practical mobile heavy machine gun. I took an old box and fashioned it into a smaller box that was big enough to hold about a 50 found belt. I glued on dowel rods to the side. I then mounted 1.5 inch CPVC sections under the Razorbeast where the dowel rods would be placed. Then I loaded up a 50 found belt and slid on the ammo box. I cranked out fifty fast shots. I was well pleased, but... there's always something more to be done. Getting the idea from the Electric Eel clip, I cut 2.5 inch sections of CPVC and wrapped 2 layers of electrical tape around them and hammered them down into the individual sections of my Razorbeast chain to enable it to fire micros. I did this for all 200 sections of my Razorbeast belts. I loaded it all up and took it outside. I cranked out 100 shots and was in awe to see stock micros fire 65+ feet! The box allows for greater mobility with more firepower than before.

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The original mounted Razorbeast.
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A top view of the Razorbeast.
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A side view.
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The CPVC box mounting on the bottom of the Razorbeast.
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A view from above of sections of belt with CPVC inserts.

I believe now with my modifications, the Razorbeast is finally a practical weapon on today's Nerf battelfield.

I'm sure someone has done the CPVC insertion modifiaction with chain before, but I've never seen it posted. It you have any questions, feel free to ask me or PM me. Hope you all enjoy!

#55917 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 28 May 2005 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

I have a strap for the thing. It indeed does make it easier to carry.

#55833 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 28 May 2005 - 07:58 AM in Modifications

Do you think it would be possible to make your own PVC chainss?

Yes, I think it is possible, but it would take a lot of work. You'd have to negotiate a lot of things. However, I think it can be done. I won't have to worry about that, though. :blush: I'd be glad to help anyone who is willing to try.

#56100 Range, Accuarcy, And Rate Of Fire

Posted by Starbuck on 30 May 2005 - 11:06 PM in General Nerf

I've Nerfed for 10 years of my life and with my experiences, accuracy is number one. I don't give a damn if the other guy has an automatic with 20 shots, if he can't hit you with 20 shots (and I have seen many people unload a Wildfire and not hit anyone) it doesn't mean a damn thing. Without accuracy, there is no kill.

#68884 Bolt Action Magazine Fed Carbine

Posted by Starbuck on 07 December 2005 - 08:44 PM in Modifications

Thank you.

#68864 Bolt Action Magazine Fed Carbine

Posted by Starbuck on 07 December 2005 - 03:06 PM in Modifications

I am not really caught up on my gun termenology. How does the stripper clip work? It sounds (and looks like) the casset tape peices that the darts are in couldn't work with the breach. Fill me in, thanks.

A stripper clip is merely a clip of metal that holds the cartrides. You insert the stripper clip into the top of the reciever and push the shells down into the magazine. For instance look at this M91 Mosin Nagant rifle being loaded:

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See the metal clip? That's the stripper clip. You just push the rounds into the magazine. The whole purpose, Weasel, is to speed reloading time by inserting 5 cartridges at once rather than one cartridge.

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With my carbine, simply insert the plastic stripper clip into the loading port and push the rounds into the breech, which takes them into the magazine. I know the picture is fuzzy, my apologies.

See the similarities between my stripper clip system and the one of an M91 Mosin Nagant?

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This makes loading much easier.

Um... the pump is the black tube above the barrel... on top...

Edit: For some of you noobs out there who have no clue what a SuperMaxx 1000 is, here is a pic of an unmodded one:
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#68857 Bolt Action Magazine Fed Carbine

Posted by Starbuck on 06 December 2005 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

I've taken a hiatus from modding for a while, so I'll open my workshop back up with this incredible new modification to an already classic gun.

I've owned a SuperMaxx 1000 before, and let me tell you, it is a mighty weapon. When modded right, it's a nearly perfect long range assault rifle. I saw a SuperMaxx 1000 that was missing quite a few parts for sale on NHQ and so I seized the opportunity to buy it for a mere $4. I looked high and low for a broken SM1k to get the parts to restore mine, however I never found quite what I was looking for. So, I put it away in a box to use the air tank on a future mod or homemade. Well, I just recently found it and decided to do something about the poor crestfallen warrior. Here is what I did:

What I had was essentially half a gun. No rotating drum magazine. No barrel. No pump handle. Just the back half of the gun. I had to completely rebuild the trigger and airtank mechanism, but it was worth the time and shot better than when it was new. I noticed that the space where the six-shot drum was once housed would make a novel place for a magazine.

I sat down right away and drew up a magazine system for my new SM1k. What I came up with was from the military bolt action rifles of yesteryear. I designed an internal 3 shot box magazine to be loaded from stripper clips. I got to work on it and using a cassette tape case, I made a magazine. I used popsicle sticks to reinforce the casing walls. The follower is also made of popsicle sticks. On the bottom of the follower, I put another popsicle stick sticking out through the left side casing. This is used to pull the follower down for easier loading. I used a very light spring from a trigger on an old SM3k for the follower spring.

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Here, you see the starting gun plus the box magazine installed.

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Pictured above is the follower handle. For easier loading, push down and hold while loading rounds in the magazine.

Next, I installed the barrel and bolt. The barrel is quite an oddity. I found the barrel in my basement. It is about a foot long and fits my micro Stephans better than PETG, brass, or CPVC. I'm not sure what it is exactly, maybe some kind of tube my dad used, but I'd love to stumble upon more. I cut a breech into the back of the barrel. I was looking for something that fit over the barrel, but 1/2" PVC was too small for its outside diameter. I was going through a box when I found the cut off barrel of an old SM5k (the blue arrow barrel). I slid this over and it was the perfect match. It slid easy, but also was air tight.

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Next, I put on a barrel shroud. I found a piece off an old toy rifle that was about 6.5" long and cylindrical. I cut a channel in it for my bolt handle that I would later add and glued it to the front. I also put on a new pump handle. I jammed a piece of dowel rod down the pump plunger and plued it in. I then put a piece of 1/2" CPVC over the dowel rod and glue it on and wrapped it in electrical tape. Finally, I put the trigger button off of an SSPB to the end for an end cap.

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Then, I added my bolt handle. It's a 2.5" piece of dowel rod wrapped in electrical tape and securely glued on.

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To construct the stripper clips, I used pieces of the cassette tape cases. I Dremeled off the side of the tape case and found that my micro darts fit perfect in this. They fit it tight, but slide easy when pushed.

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To load the carbine, push the bolt forawrd. This opens the breech. Next, pull down the followed using the handle on the left side. Then, insert the stripper clip into the right side loading port. Now simply push the three rounds into the magazine. Close the bolt and pump two and a half times.

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Here's the final result:

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The ranges are fantastic. I'm hitting well over the century mark on every shot using 2" Stephans. The average distance out of 20 shots was 105.6 feet. The long is 116'4" not angled. Angled it hit 123'6". Not too shabby for what was once half a gun.

The accuracy is pinpoint. I can stand all day and consistently hit a 2'X2' target at 60 feet.

The rate of fire it excellent. I can squeeze off all three shots in under seven seconds. The reloading time isn't bad, either. I can load it in under three seconds.

The only drawback is the rare jam. Over the past two days of firing, it has jammed on me two times. To remedey this, just grab the left side follower handle and jiggle it. Really, two jams is not that bad, especially when the fix is only a flick of a lever. The magazine is going to left clear so one can make sure a jam has cleared if it indeed does jam.

I believe my carbine to be the first internal box magazine fed Nerf weapon. I am also positive it is the first to use a stripper clip system. I'll eventually get around to painting it, as well. I think this is a wonderful modification to restore and reinvent a legendary gun. I suppose it is really a poor man's F.A.R. :angry:

As always, feel free to ask questions. I hope you have enjoyed another Starbuck/Noid modification.

#69200 Bolt Action Magazine Fed Carbine

Posted by Starbuck on 14 December 2005 - 12:13 PM in Modifications

But how does the whole stripper clip work? How does the clip advance? When you pull the bolt handle? I'm really confused about that. Could this be used with other guns?


To quote an unknown person on an unknown webpage:

"The loaded stripper clip is placed over the receiver ,you press down on the cartridges stripping them out of the clip and into the gun's magazine. The rounds slide off the clip into the magazine."

The clip itself does not go into the magazine. It just guides the rounds into the magazine. The clip is expendable. Once the rounds are in the magazine, there is not need for the clip.

#69246 Bolt Action Magazine Fed Carbine

Posted by Starbuck on 14 December 2005 - 10:09 PM in Modifications

Thanks, LDM. If it had been an all original SM1k, I probably wouldn't have touched it.

#71643 Tanks

Posted by Starbuck on 25 January 2006 - 03:33 PM in General Nerf

Yes... this is why I made an anti-personnel rifle...

Drop the boxes before someone replicates my rifle and drops you.

#57018 Need A Good Pistol

Posted by Starbuck on 08 June 2005 - 11:54 PM in General Nerf

Splitfire is the obvious choice there. Two quick shots, but is hard to find.

Other than that, I'd go with a Nite Finder simply because they are everywhere and easily modded.

#57093 Need A Good Pistol

Posted by Starbuck on 09 June 2005 - 07:47 PM in General Nerf

TTG has easier mods, especially if you go with mine. The entire mods take only 15 minutes and get great ranges.

#82047 Revival!

Posted by Starbuck on 18 May 2006 - 11:59 PM in General Nerf

Ok, I'm going to update everyone:

As of right now, we're working on the models. I've had school work and I'm going to the state track meet next week to throw discus, but I've managed to start modeling pistols. No textures yet.

I'm thinking right now, that this is going to start out as a gun skin pack for CS:S to whet everyone's appetite, but as I get going, we'll start our own scripting. I found a hold out of about 50 original NAB players from when I was big into the game and they're psyched and are ready to help.

To answer questions:

Are you going to put the game on a site so everyone online can play it if you make it?

Yes, once we're done, I'll upload it to the Artemis Arms website once both are complete and it'll be on there for all to enjoy.

Oh, and yeah, the Supermaxx 1500 makes more sense. But then again, it doesn't: it's effectivley the same gun as the AT2K, but they're both included? I kinda though redundancy would be bad. Like putting in a Larami Supermaxx 2000, and putting in a Nerf Supermaxx 5000: basically the same gun.

Well, in a CS:S sense, the Steyr AUG and the Sig 552 Commando is pretty much the same gun, aye? They both are full auto and they have zoome capabilities. Well, the SM1500 and the AT2k are two different guns with similar qualities, range and several shots. I was just trying to get the details right in this rough draft.

Thanks for the interest. Look for more updates and pictures of model rendering soon!

#81572 Revival!

Posted by Starbuck on 09 May 2006 - 04:17 PM in General Nerf

That's supposed to be SuperMaxx 1500, not 500. Didn't notice my typo.

The loading and stuff is being drawn up. I'm not entirely sure as of this moment how it will work, but I gurantee something is being worked on.

The mods will be available to guns it applies to.

The damage will depend upon what type of dart hits you. Megas obviously do more damage, yet have less range whereas micros fly forever, but pack a smaller punch. As far as one shot one kill, that would be rediculous in my opinion.

All weapons will have a specific ammo type.

The sounds aren't even on the drawing board yet.

I'm glad to see you all have taken a keen interest in this. I'll keep you posted.

#81543 Revival!

Posted by Starbuck on 08 May 2006 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

Ok, so I'm laying in bed and can't really sleep...

I'm thinking of the old Nerf Arena Blast days and when I was admin at Nerf Online. I'm thinking of how great that game was and it hits me... does it still have players? A quick yahoo search brings up a small community of maybe 50 players still playing it. Then an idea... what about a mod for it? Update the graphics, new gun models, sound, bleh, bleh...

I talked to my buddy, and he's already started on it. He said something about using the Source engine that was used with CS:S, HL2, and DoD:S. I've already drawn up the weapons:

Nite Finder (Glock)
Tech Target (H&K USP)
Lock N' Load (Sig Compact)
Sharpshooter 2 (IMI Desert Eagle)
Dual Mavericks (Beretta 92s)

Wildfire/Rapid Fire 20 (Fabrique Nationale P90)
Power Clip (Steyr TMP and Ingram Mac 10)
Razorbeast (Fabrique Nationale M249)
Chainblazer (H&K Mp5)
Arrowstorm (H&K UMP45)

AirTech 3000 (Famas F1)
Bolstsniper's F.A.R. (Colt M4A1 (duh!))
Sawtooth (IMI Galil)
Starbuck/Noid's T-26 Carbine (Avtomat Kalashnikova 47)
AirTech 2000 (Steyr AUG)
SuperMaxx 500 (Sig SG552 Commando)
Crossbow with magazine (H&K G3)
Big Bad Bow with tube magazine (Sig SG550)
SuperMaxx 5000 (Steyr Scout)
Artemis Arms Mountain Rifle/Titan (Accuracy International AWM)

Upgrades and ammo
Brass and CPVC barrels
Micro Stefans
Mega Stefans

It's a lot, but this is all in the works. I'm looking for model makers and skinners. Two of us can't do this together. If anyone is interested, please contact me. Thanks.

#51934 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 02:39 PM in Modifications

I should buy up Razorbeasts, mod them, and re-sell them. Haha. :D

#51958 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 04:50 PM in Modifications

Thank you, Blink. :) Nope, my 3b is not hard to cock at all.

#51918 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 09:27 AM in Modifications

Yes, we've used it in battle and yes, it's very effective as far as defense in concerned. The range of 45 feet is average, sometimes on a good day we'll get a more closer to 50. Range hasn't caused any problems as of yet. As afore mentioned, we have 200 rounds worth of ammo belt hooked to it, so it's ideal for defense. My BBB carbine fully modified gets accurately 110 feet with a stock airjet dart. With a Stefan, it'll push 120 or so.

#51970 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

I'm glad you enjoyed my work, Formerly Sane.

Moose... I've now brassed the barrel and absolutely stretched the hell out of the spring. I put some WD-40 in there as well to assure smoothe operating. It hits out at around 120 with my Stefans.

#52012 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

That razorbeast is for basedefense, not losing, so 50 feet is perfectly fine.

My thought exactly. Most of the time, you will have people rushing you at close range. The RZB is a master of close quarters combat.

#52027 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 10:58 PM in Modifications

Indeed, Viper. Tis I, Starbuck from the days of NO and NC. :nugget:

Greek Assassin... I found an old Army net in the base that I've made provisions for. I put two dowel rods on the tripod and stretched the net between them. I tried cardboard, but it exposes your torso. The net protects your entire upper body. I'll post the pics of it tomorrow.

#52049 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 09 April 2005 - 06:15 AM in Modifications

Believe it or not the chain doesn't cause any mobility problems. We can still turn it just fine. If you keep the ammo box directly beside of it and about three inches away from the tripod, it's perfect. The only problem is when we try to tilt it up. We can get to about 45 degrees, but anything over that is impossible because the chain then freaks out. This, however, is not a giant problem because we rarely would one want to fire over 45 degrees.

Still working with the motor. I'll have info on it later.

#52682 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 17 April 2005 - 12:49 PM in Modifications

Yes, I am the Starbuck from Nerf Center and former admin of Nerf Online. My BBB carbine will get about 90, sometimes a hundred feet since I put on a brass barrel and replaced the spring. Angled it will throw a dart about 120 feet. I'm glad you all enjoyed my work.

#51994 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Springs do not concern me, friends. I have a source for springs so if one breaks or is defuct, I can just reinstall another one.

The range for the BBB is with about a 40 degree angle.

As far as attaching a motor... I've done that in the past with Razorbeasts. I ended up break off the handle and screwing it up permanently. I might screw around with the RZB and that damn broken Power Wheels motor I have somewhere...

#51915 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 07:59 AM in Modifications

Here's some nifty guns I finished recently.

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This is the 3B I got finished with last night. I cut him down, taking off all the crap on the top and bottom. I also added some old cut up shotgun shells on the side for ammo holders. He's my artillery carbine and I've named him "The Governor."

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I know everyone has seen a modded SSII, but I took a strip of copper, covered in electrical tape and duct taped it to the side to make a clip. It will secure the gun anywhere you can fit the clip. Eliminates the use of a gauky holster.

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This was a Star Wars water pistol. Named him "Kilroy." I sawed off the end where the water nozzle is and melted a plastic stopper over the water tank. Just pop a round on the plastic tube inside and pump a quick 25 times. It generally fires accurately 50-60 feet. I also took the plastic sight out of an old Bow N' Arrow and took a fine tipped pen and drew in the crosshair for the scope. I added the Nerf sticker on the side for the heck of it.

Last... but certainly not least...

My artillery piece.

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I took some copper tubing and bent it around the end of the barrel to make a bipod and taped it on. It doesn't look the greatest cosmetically, but the bipod is in the developmental stages. Next, I mounted the modified RZB to an old tripod that I found at the flea market for $4. It gives us a stable firing base and allows for quick, easy, and accurate firing. I sprayed some WD-40 down in the mechanism that turns the belt for smoothe operation. I also made a device that virtually eliminates all jamming and skipping. I took some copper tubing and ran it underneath the gun and bent it out in a "L" shape. I used zip ties to secure the copper tubing. Next, I put some rubber and wooden rollers on it to keep the belt feeding properly. 99% of the time if it jams, it is because the belt is too heavy. This device keeps some of the weight of the belt off the gun. I also took it apart and oiled it down and stretch the main spring, so I get about 45+ feet with it. We have two 100 round belts that we use. I had some old .50 caliber ammo cans that I picked up at the army surplus for $5 and we keep them in that. It not only looks like a real machine gun, but it is an easy way to store your ammo. It's a great field piece to set up as an offensive weapon or set it up for base defense. I've even put in in the back of my buddy's truck and made a "gun ship" out of his truck. Haha.

People have pointed out that it is somewhat of a burden of the battlefield since it is large and is mounted, however, I understand that. I was able to attach a sling so I could tote it around off the tripod. My mobility was not affected whatsoever.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask or PM me. Hope you guys enjoyed these guns.

#57458 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 05:49 PM in General Nerf

Yeah you're right, the SuperMaxx5000 mod wasn't huge at all; in fact it's probably the most worthless mod out there.

Nope, I believe there are more worthless... perhaps that Pulsator mod someone posted a while ago...

#57487 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

No harm was intended, Devious.

#57447 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 05:15 PM in General Nerf

Fine, I'll help this topic get back on track. I don't like to wave my genitals around and gloat about this or that, but I suppose will today. I've been Nerfing for around 10 years now, so I've modded many Nerf guns, but here are some of the ones that really stick out in my mind:

1. 1999- I posted my first mod ever on Nerf Online. It was the SM5k. People were calling this gun a farce, but I knew it had some power. I figured that if you pry off the air restrictor and cut off an inch on the arrow barrel, you could launch anything that would fit down in there. This modification made Lord Gothmog (anyone remember him?) very happy.

2. My Razorbeasts. They were pretty much worthless pieces of shit until I got a hold of them and turned them into a death machine. I also mounted one of these puppies on a tripod in 97' and reattached it here recently.

3. My simple TTG mod. Takes less than 15 minutes to do and is one of the easiest and more effectives mods availible today.

Those aren't that big or monumental, but they've helped some people out over the years.

#63274 New: Tech Target Redesign; New Dart Tag Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 07 September 2005 - 07:06 PM in General Nerf

I'll throw in my two cents...

I think they are coming out with the "Scout Tech" because the TT pistol we have now is too powerful when modded. The TT when modded with any of the thousands of mods is very Lock N' Load-esque. It's powerful, accurate, and plentiful. It has a large plunger tube with a nice big spring. The Scout has a minute tube and a laughably rediculous spring. It just has no power. I believe they are trying to phase out the "potentially" powerful guns execpt the BBB, as it has already come out, but no one knows for how long.

Yep... the original TT will be hot stuff down the road, just like the LnL.

#63276 New: Tech Target Redesign; New Dart Tag Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 07 September 2005 - 07:43 PM in General Nerf

You bastard. Now I feel the urge to go out and buy several Tech Target Sets. Seeing as my parents won't let me buy stuff online, I'm pretty much stuck buying the full, overpriced sets.


Omp, that would not be a bad idea. In a couple years, we'll see noobs posting topics begging for a TT like they do now for LnLs. It'll be utter chaos, but I've got em' covered. :lol:

Ah... let the hoopla begin...

#53896 Holsters Or Straps?

Posted by Starbuck on 01 May 2005 - 10:55 AM in General Nerf

I use a strap for my BBB carbine. I don't use a holster anymore since I came up with a clip so I can clip my SSII to anything.

#53954 Holsters Or Straps?

Posted by Starbuck on 01 May 2005 - 03:59 PM in General Nerf

I use a strap for my BBB carbine. I don't use a holster anymore since I came up with a clip so I can clip my SSII to anything.

Hold up. Carbine? You mean a light rifle? What the fuck? It's a Nerf gun for god sakes! It's already light. If you need it to be lighter, you need to do a push up or something. Grow a pair brother.

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I call it a carbine because I cut the excess stuff off. This makes it more compact. Since real carbines are a cut down version of the larger rifle, I called it a carbine. So, get off my nuts.

Navy Seal, my clip works really well. It's never fallen off when I've been running.