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#20185 Bolt Action With Ejecter

Posted by Liquideath on 28 February 2004 - 06:32 PM in Homemades

On the AirTech 2000 I just cut off the bulk of the case to make it smaller and look better. Then I just mounted the valve on the pump with epoxy and tape and put it back together. After it was all back together I telescoped some brass into PVC for the barrel. Oh and I almost forgot, I already had the pump plugged and the goo gauge made into an air reservoir. As for the Co2 hand gun I will put a movie up to show people how it works, but its just gravity fed bolt action like boltsnipers gun.

#20112 Bolt Action With Ejecter

Posted by Liquideath on 28 February 2004 - 12:52 AM in Homemades

I am currently working on a gun that will eject shells like boltsnipers but it is a pistol, check it out: http://www.angelfire...eath/index.html
Its not done just yet though, but i have the whole weekend to work now so I think I will finish it by monday. I will update the site as i get things done.

#20179 Bolt Action With Ejecter

Posted by Liquideath on 28 February 2004 - 06:06 PM in Homemades

No, your pic didn't work Ironman.

#33785 Condensing The At2000

Posted by Liquideath on 11 August 2004 - 11:22 PM in Modifications

If you really want to condense an At2k you are going to have to extensively mod the case. What I did was cut the whole top off the case leaving only the pump holding section and the handle. In order for the gun to operate once you have done this you will have to tape/glue the pull valve directly on the pump. If you can do this there will be no reason to take off the gauge, you even could make it an air reservoir if you like.
Here are some pictures of my Air Tech 2000:

#33880 Fbr Trouble

Posted by Liquideath on 13 August 2004 - 02:01 AM in Modifications

You could also go with 5/8 fbr and ½ PVC, that usually works for me. It all depends on your materials though.

#20158 A Question About Dremels...

Posted by Liquideath on 28 February 2004 - 03:39 PM in Homemades

If you don’t want your blades to wear out fast get fiberglass reinforced cut-off wheels. I have had my dremal since Christmas and i have only gone through one.