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#15702 New Users:

Posted by Spoon on 04 January 2004 - 02:58 PM in Site Feedback

It'd only be ridiculous if you popped a 8 foot boner for charity while wailing so hard everybody's heads exploded.

That'd be cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet!

#2704 Shirts?

Posted by Spoon on 26 March 2003 - 05:49 PM in Site Feedback

The concept of RAD teams is kind of outdated I think. They were really most effective back when most guns were single shot. With all the full and semi auto guns these days, you don't need such a tight formation to cover each other.

#7587 Online Games And Us

Posted by Spoon on 01 August 2003 - 09:43 PM in Off Topic

Vacc's only hunting you because he heard you had cheese.

#7441 I Need Help

Posted by Spoon on 28 July 2003 - 06:26 PM in General Nerf

A modded Lanard Max Shot (you can find it at Toys R Us for $15) will shoot farther than a 1500. Just follow the mod instructions on this site for it. Alternatively, you can find a Supermax 5000 which is also a great losing gun, but harder to find.

#6527 Quick Question For Cx:

Posted by Spoon on 03 July 2003 - 10:32 PM in General Nerf

She's dead serious.

Groove, coincidentally, was sponsored by Best Buy.

#7405 I Need Help

Posted by Spoon on 27 July 2003 - 06:04 PM in General Nerf

Ebay is your only hope, and most Crossbows go for 50+ on Ebay. Forget the Crossbows and BBB's, they're outdated and overrated. Get a Lanard Max Shot or AT3K or something.

#15934 This Is Ridiculous.

Posted by Spoon on 07 January 2004 - 03:04 AM in General Nerf

Yea as for the mods thing I'm kind of sitting on the fence because while I totally agree that coming up with your own mods is an essential part of the "nerf experience" and all, even I have followed mod instructions before. I think it's cumulative. It's rare that one person comes up with a totally original awesome mod, it's more often a basic mod that someone publishes that then gets expanded on over time. It's the people following the instructions but also keeping an eye on improving the mod itself that's important.

As for C02, my thoughts are similar to Cxwq and Famine's: They're great if you want a project or something, but in my opinion change the "feel" of the game by making it way too focused on distance and power. Not to mention the safety risks that start to come into play. Nerf's never going to gain much popularity if the only way a kid who is starting out can not get slaughtered is to build his own C02 powered homemade. Christ I don't even think I could build one.....

#2693 Shirts?

Posted by Spoon on 26 March 2003 - 02:34 PM in Site Feedback

>will work for computer upgrades< I should write another article.....but I have no idea what I should write about.

#16725 Nerf Rad Teams

Posted by Spoon on 20 January 2004 - 05:04 AM in General Nerf

Ok, RAD teams went something like this.....

The whole thing is based on aggression, going at the enemy FAST, NOT stopping, just charging in and using fear tactics to your advantage. Avoiding stand-offs and stalemates at all costs. Also, you use long range single shot guns to "hold" the enemy. Basically if a guy is up against another guy with a more powerful gun, the first guy will NOT usually advance on the loser. This way you can use two or three long range shooters to "trap" an enemy in place while the assault people with multi-shot guns or autos charge in fast and hard without stopping. Now the enemy is trapped because they don't want to risk charging the losers and getting picked off, but the assault force is NOT stopping and when someone charges at you screaming people will USUALLY miss, even if it's an easy shot. That's where the fear tactics come in. If you show any hint of hesitation then it won't work and it'll just turn into a stand off.

There were more complicated sets of tactics that I came up with but they all worked off of this double-sided concept of extreme aggression and using long range shooters to "hold" the enemy (kind of like in Ghostbusters) while assault forces stormed in for the kill.

What I'd call "RAD" style tactics are rarely employed in nerf wars, but whenever I've used them in conjunction with a couple other people they've worked really well.

#3690 Weird Question

Posted by Spoon on 20 April 2003 - 01:22 AM in General Nerf

IMO, hot glue shouldn't be used on mods at ALL. It's just not very strong, it's kind of a cheap cop-out if you ask me. In my opinion if it's not bolted together, it's just gonna break.

#872 Pc Air Tank

Posted by Spoon on 25 January 2003 - 05:16 PM in Modifications

PVC wouldn't work right, all of the air would be let out in one burst. The reason the PC air tank behaves the way it does is because it's made of rubber and expands. You'd need to find a similar material to make an airtank out of. The rubber is at least 1/4" thick too.

#5074 There Is No Spoon

Posted by Spoon on 28 May 2003 - 08:08 PM in Off Topic

I'm going to Hooters tonight. So there. Not that I'm white trash or anything....

As a birthday gift to myself I ordered $1000 in computer upgrades. Next on my list: a cybernetic exoskeleton.

#1280 How To Cut Brass

Posted by Spoon on 11 February 2003 - 02:28 AM in Modifications

I use a 35,000 RPM dremel with a diamond cutting wheel. Cuts through brass like warm butter, but it gets HOT. Use gloves. Oh, and theres always the risk of cutting off a finger. I tried hacksawing it but just couldn't do it very easily, I think my hacksaw blade is designed for wood or something.

#32357 Want To Be An Extra In A Movie?

Posted by Spoon on 26 July 2004 - 07:49 PM in Off Topic

Okay so whats this film about?

Like Commando Bob beats up the bad guys?

Or like Blo Jo walks down the street?

Or where the monster hunts the people?

Oo, oo, what about the extras are like blown up in a blast??

Maybe you already said what the film is for but I really didn't see what the fillm was about.

Actually it's about a sarcastic pre-teen twerp who thinks he's funny.

#3677 Weird Question

Posted by Spoon on 19 April 2003 - 06:46 PM in General Nerf

Neither, they are about the same hardness. Any differences are probably just due to different brands of glue.

#32218 Want To Be An Extra In A Movie?

Posted by Spoon on 23 July 2004 - 11:30 PM in Off Topic

Ok guys here's the deal:

For those of you who have forgotten, I am a 5th year (yea, 5th) film student at Chapman University in Orange Ca. This summer in mid-August I am shooting a film, and on two of the days I need extras aged 10-13, no experience necessary!

The two days I need extras are Thursday August 12, and Wednesday August 18. We are shooting those days at a private school in Orange Ca, about an hour south of LA and an hour or so north of San Diego. The days would last 8-10 hours. We will provide lunch and snacks!

This movie is being shot on film and will be shown at a lot of film festivals. The extras in these scenes will be seen in the background of a lunch tables area at the school. Being an extra in a film can mean a LOT of waiting around, but it's also a great way to see first hand how movies are made. Even though this is a student film, we have a significant budget and lots of fun toys.

So if you or anyone you know are the right age range and would possibly be interested in this, please email me and I'll put you in touch with my Casting Director. My email can be found in my Nerf Haven profile.

#2228 Avatars

Posted by Spoon on 15 March 2003 - 06:57 PM in Off Topic

It's not a fluke, I been tried it's the truth. You might as well except it.

>convulses and passes out<

#1845 Cheap Effective Ball Ammo.

Posted by Spoon on 27 February 2003 - 04:06 PM in General Nerf

......this would assume that you wanted ball ammo in the first place which.....would be ridiculous.

#2208 Avatars

Posted by Spoon on 14 March 2003 - 08:59 PM in Off Topic


Vacc: Too cool for proper word usage.

#56352 Caff Recap Thread

Posted by Spoon on 02 June 2005 - 04:11 AM in Nerf Wars


You are all fucking pw3n3d!

#15838 Busted Screw

Posted by Spoon on 06 January 2004 - 01:25 AM in Modifications

Yea thats happened to me many times on my AT3K. Only option is to just drill it out. I use my Dremel with a small drill bit and just drill straight down into the screw until the head of the screw is gone, then you can just leave the post in there, no way to get that out. Lets just hope that this doesn't happen on a critical screw position or you're (pun) screwed.

#7477 Hey, Horsemen

Posted by Spoon on 29 July 2003 - 03:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Posted Image

#11141 At3k 101.4 (angled) Feet. Belive It Or Not

Posted by Spoon on 08 October 2003 - 03:52 AM in Modifications

Wow, you're defiantly shitty grammer and punctuation is surpassed only by Jon's.

Nice job on the AT3K.

#6390 Max Shot Sched 80

Posted by Spoon on 01 July 2003 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Touche. You're not getting near my guns ever again Mr. Fancy Pants.

#15859 Broken 1500

Posted by Spoon on 06 January 2004 - 04:03 PM in Modifications

Honestly I think you're fucked. I've had leaks on 1500 valves before and nothing I did would seal them.

#4001 First Shot

Posted by Spoon on 25 April 2003 - 05:31 PM in Modifications

You need to replace the barrel. Read Cxwq's article on modding the Max Shot on this site, and apply the same technique to the First Shot.

Oh, and use Stefans not nerf micros.

#6364 Max Shot Sched 80

Posted by Spoon on 01 July 2003 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Dude, you epoxied a coupler onto a flat surface? Expect this to break next war.

#2680 First Mods For A Bbb

Posted by Spoon on 25 March 2003 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

Saw off all of that useless crap on top of the gun. The barrel mod depends on what darts you use, if you use megas stefans, do PVC, if you use micro stefans, do brass. If you do brass, you'll get the best results with a telescoping brass barrel. See Cxwq's excellent Barrel Selection article on this site for more info on that.

#1321 Homemade Darts?

Posted by Spoon on 12 February 2003 - 09:01 PM in General Nerf

You don't. You get a pair of pliers and rip the pin out.

#2913 What Is The Difrince.

Posted by Spoon on 02 April 2003 - 11:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Basically, in East coast style wars, there is NO delay between hits, and each invidivual dart counts as a hit. So if you get hit by a 4 shot Powerclip burst, you're hit 4 times, and theres no counting. In west coast you count after each hit, and single bursts of darts still count as one hit. So getting shot by a SM5K=1 hit, getting shot by a single 4 shot Powerclip burst=1 hit. West coast is slower and more strategic, East coast is just balls out.

#2762 Mods For A Eab

Posted by Spoon on 28 March 2003 - 01:33 PM in Modifications

1/2" SCH 80 PVC can be found at any hardware store for cheap. Home Depot, Ace, Loews, etc.

#5992 Sm750 Mod By Cxwq

Posted by Spoon on 24 June 2003 - 08:47 PM in Modifications

Might be a good idea, seeing as how if you plan to tell that to 200 people, you'd better be a damn good marksman....

#5397 Blastfire Firing Problem

Posted by Spoon on 08 June 2003 - 03:32 PM in General Nerf


#4448 Max Shot + At2k

Posted by Spoon on 11 May 2003 - 02:35 AM in Modifications

Integrations are great until you're actually in battle and they fall apart, as they almost always do, especially if they're done with tape. Bad nerfer, bad!

#1281 Big Visit

Posted by Spoon on 11 February 2003 - 02:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry but I'll be completely unavailable from the 20th through the 24th as I'm doing the sound mixing on a graduate thesis film then (and the next 2 weekends thereafter), sorry dude.

#1530 Favorite Yano Moment

Posted by Spoon on 18 February 2003 - 03:56 PM in Nerf Wars

All I know is, the "Chapman Defense" was rock fucking solid....

#2115 Stefan?

Posted by Spoon on 09 March 2003 - 09:00 PM in General Nerf

He doesn't nerf anymore, he hasn't been in the scene for years. He's still around though....if you live in Vancouver that is.

#2127 Stefan?

Posted by Spoon on 10 March 2003 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

ICQ message log says I havn't talked to him since October.

#2962 San Diego, Cali Ppl

Posted by Spoon on 04 April 2003 - 05:21 AM in General Nerf

Dude, Southern Cali is the CENTER of the nerf universe, despite what others on this board will tell you. Check the April Yano Planning Thread in the Nerf Wars forum on this site, there's a big war in Irvine, Ca (about an hour north of SD) on Sat, April 12. Check it out. The SD crew also nerfs pretty regularly. We've been running big wars in the Orange County area for YEARS, you're in the right spot.

#2046 Gym Size War

Posted by Spoon on 06 March 2003 - 11:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Overturned card tables are nice, but not very tall. Go to home depot, get a bunch of PVC and a bunch of couplers, and build 5-6 foot high rectangular or square frames, held upright by PVC supports, and then cover the frames with dark fabric. It'd be light, quick to assemble, and more versatile than cardboard.