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#7909 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 08 August 2003 - 11:57 PM in General Nerf

Spoon, no offense, but you've really got to take a step back and look at your post(s) when you say that. I'd really love to argue all your points, but I don't feel there is a need to until the site is released in full.

Bite me. I never post anything I don't stand behind. I'm not saying I'm always right, but I'm always honest, so you guys can kiss my ass if you don't like what I say. If you want to bitch out and prove me wrong on everything I've said then go ahead and show me. Based on what you guys are saying maybe you've already thought of all this, maybe you've outsmarted us all. Maybe you're right, I HOPE you're right, but I don't believe in giving people credit based solely on promises. I don't even see why you're complaining, all this discussion is just a huge hype machine for your site anyway.

As for my belief that the "Nerf Internet Community" is a LOT less than people hold it up to be, I still agree with that. Our "community" is the same group of people, with vary little variation of who contributes anything. Our community never really changes, it's stagnated. And MOST importantly, it doesn't really ADD anything to the game. It's best and really sole function at this point is in organizing large wars. Ok great. Aside from that and the occasional mod from Cxwq, not a lot happens here that truly impacts Nerf and the game in any way for us. The Nerf Internet Community doesn't make Nerf more fun for me. I'd much rather be PLAYING nerf than talking about it. I truly question whether thats true for a good portion of the people on these (and other) boards.

#7914 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 09 August 2003 - 12:49 AM in General Nerf

No Cadmond I'm not going to quote you and argue you're points. I'm just going to call you an asshat and then ignore you.

You guys need to quit getting so goddamn offended by my (and others') skepticism. What exactly do you expect, for us all to believe all this hype and buy into you're ideal new site? You need to give us some more concrete reasons than that. And like I've BEEN SAYING, I hope you do. I'd LIKE to see the site become everything you say it will, but until then I'm not going to believe you're promises of a new NIC dawn based on your status or whatever the hell else. You can hit random keys with you're toes and call it content, it doesn't mean anybody is going to want to read it, or that it will be anything new or interesting.

So come on people quit this hype crap and just open the damn site and lets get this experiment moving. Now you fuckers have piqued my curiosity.

#7932 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 09 August 2003 - 12:45 PM in General Nerf

I know I haven't been even a little offended yet, I like a good argument! :blink:

Good for you. My goal is not to offend anybody (ok, maybe Cadmond). My goal is to get people talking about these issues which I think are very important for us. And because I'm not very mature, my method to get people talking is to yell. For me, Nerf Evolved isn't really a huge deal in itself, it's simply a prime example (and therefore a target) for some of the larger issues that I see affecting our so-beloved Nerf Internet Community.

#1422 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 15 February 2003 - 09:56 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there with Jordan, Steph and my friend Matt. My right eye is swollen and I'm chafing already (in anticipation no doubt), but I'm looking forward to it, it'll be fucking rad! See you at 9am! (makes darts)

#7907 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 08 August 2003 - 11:45 PM in General Nerf

Well I tell ya what Merlinksi, all of that is nice to hear. Like I said in my previous posts, I'd LOVE to be proved wrong about all this. If I seem excessively cynical and skeptical about all this it's because a LOT of people have promised stuff like this, put up a flashy intro page, and then never really done much else. Or they've launched the site and have it just as quickly vanish from the radar due to lack of interest, lack of NEW content, and lack of updates.

I still don't think we are focusing enough on the real newbies of Nerf. Any new person would come to any of these sites, be really confused, get yelled at for asking questions, and then leave thinking the whole thing is stupid. There are no intro to modding guides, there is only one guide to hosting a nerf war (mine), and really very little content that is at all interesting to anybody except already-hardcore nerfers. I hope you guys put more emphasis on these kinds of issues than other sites have, because THAT'S what we need to grow this "community". If it's just a bunch more of the same KINDS of things we already have, it's only going to interest those of us who are already into all this in the first place. And thats kind of against the whole point.

Hey if nothing else look at all this controversy as free publicity for your site.

#7891 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 08 August 2003 - 08:40 PM in General Nerf


Look you guys can kiss my ass and masturbate yourselves for all I care. I tried to get really excited about this community thing for a while, it was called Nerf Online, before that it was the Nerf Listserv, and before that it was a a couple of original sites, like mine. It was nice while it lasted and now it's gone. I wrote a bunch of articles, I administered forums, and I've been doing this shit online for upwards of 8 years now. All I see for progress are a couple of people really trying to put out good content, and everyone else leeching off of them and contributing nothing. I don't visit NHQ, I don't plan to visit NE regardless of how good it turns out to be. , There are exactly THREE reasons why I'm even on Nerf Haven anymore:

1. I like Kevin's mods.

2. I like talking with a handful of the regs.

3. I use it to keep up to date on YANO planning.

That's it. End of story. I wouldn't MIND if some big Nerf sites closed down, I wouldn't MIND seeing the community (whats left of it) decline. Because then we'd have smaller YANOs and to be honest I liked them BETTER smaller. If something came along that MADE MY NERFING EXPERIENCE BETTER, then sure I'd be excited. Nerf isn't online, it's in person, it's with your friends, and IT'S FOR FUN. You guys can fantasize about leading the hungry masses to online Nerf eutopia, but if you'll excuse me, I'll just be enjoying playing the GAME.

#7785 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 07 August 2003 - 03:12 PM in General Nerf

Why, exactly, do we need another set of forums for the (very small) nerf community? All this is going to lead to is the greater stratification and diffusion of the already fledgling online Nerf community.

Aside from the flashy intro page, what exactly is your site going to add that sites like Nerf Haven, Nerf HQ and Nerf Center don't already have?

We don't need more forums. What we need is for you people (ie: the internet nerf community) to just go back to enjoying nerf for what it is and enjoy it, and quit this fantasy-leader grandstanding where all that counts is your "elder status" among a group of not more than 50 unpopular adolescants.

I don't mean to be so negative. The site looks nice and it's obvious you guys put a lot of hard work into it, I guess I'm just kind of questioning the direction the "community" is taking.

#7889 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 08 August 2003 - 08:24 PM in General Nerf

Since you're apparantly having a difficult time digesting Vacc and I's argument, let me boil it down for you:

1. We HATE the "Veteran" thing, and wish people would stop trying to make themselves feel more important through Nerf forums.

2. We don't WANT one site. We just question the need for another site, especially when we already have sites that contain active forums, and original content. See 3 for more.

3. We don't think enough people WANT, or COULD provide decent original content to fill a new site up with. Think of exactly how many people really contribute ANYTHING original anymore. I can count them on one hand. I'm not saying I'm any better, but I'm trying to be realistic.

4. We think you people are taking this whole "Nerf Internet Community" thing way too seriously. Here's a thought: There IS NO "Nerf Internet Community". Think about it, all of the popular Nerf sites, it's all the same couple dozen people. The rest just sort of come and go. There is little solidarity, and even less progress. The idea for this site isn't progress, it's simply a different way to present the same information generated by the same couple people. We think all of us should just chill the hell out and enjoy the game.

5. From here it seems that with Nerf Evolution you want to combine the snazzy looks of Nerf Center, the large userbase of Nerf HQ, and the forum-quality and original content of Nerf Haven all into one site. Sure, that'd be nice. But why should the creators of these sites, after all the work they have put into it, want to merge into one large entity that they no longer own and can no longer influence?

If you want to make a new site that will ADD something that CANNOT be found on any other site then great. Thats not what you're going to do, you're just going to give regular forum-goers a chance to post content of their own. Well what do you think happens here, at THIS site? Who do you think writes the articles? Aside from Cxwq (who does 2/3 of the original content for the whole damn community these days), it's YOU people, the forum goers. Sure you're site would make it a bit easier, but you seem to believe that theres a bunch of people just DYING to contribute. Theres not. It's still going to be the same small handful of people writing the same articles about the same subjects. Same shit, different packaging. I just don't find anything really invigorating about your idea. But hey, I might be wrong. I'd love to be PROVED wrong. But you seem to expect us to be excited about the prospect of a new site opening that will suck away visitors to our sites, in order to give them a chance to post content at yours, when they have JUST as much of a chance to do it here, or at NHQ.

If you want to impress us, do something that hasn't been done. We STILL do not have a popular and actively used Nerfer directory, we still do not have a single "hub" where people from all over can meet other nerfers and plan wars. We have a SERIOUS lack of new and interesting mods, especially documented mods. Nobody is doing anything with pictures of video, nobody is writing Nerf fiction (anymore), there is STILL no SINGLE PLACE a new nerfer can go to get up to speed on all of this shit. Nobody seems to really be that INTO NERF, they seem to be MORE into the "Nerf Internet Community" which they pride themselves to be pillars of. Pillars of WHAT? The only thing that goes on in this "community" anymore are off-topic discussions, the same old questions about the same old mods, and a lot of "what do you think is the best gun EVAR????//". About the only thing the NIC is good for anymore is organizing (already regular and prominent) Nerf wars. Watch me do an excited little jig.

I apologize if I sound overly cynical, I just frankly don't see much to be excited about. Wheres the innovation? Wheres the fun? You're site's name is very fitting. Nerf Evolution is just that, a natural "evolution" of the same sites we have now. I just don't think theres enough of a reason and enough of a userbase to fill both, and I'd frankly rather not see Nerf Haven die. We don't need an evolution, we need a revolution if we expect to have a "community" again. I'm busy. I'm lazy. So are a lot of you. And I know that about the only thing that excites me about Nerf anymore are the actual Nerf wars that I go to. Because they're FUN. Because I like the PEOPLE, and because I like to run around and LOOK STUPID. Typing all of this heated prose to a bunch of teenagers about a game that almost everyone else thinks is ridiculous and overall taking this so seriously makes me FEEL STUPID. There's a big difference. I don't LIKE feeling stupid. I'm only doing this in the hopes that I can convince you all of my point of view. If you don't agree you're welcome to argue because hell, that's how progress is made.

You people are going to destroy my wrists....

#7890 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by Spoon on 08 August 2003 - 08:27 PM in General Nerf

Yah, I did the No thing too, though only for a short time just before its end...

It just didn't work, and the method Hal used for posting articles to NO was just bad, sorry Hal it was and you knew it...

F-125 could easily implement a Karma system, much of the code to do somthing like that is already written, it would only be a matter of puttin git all together. Which is alot faster and easier than writing it from scratch.

But F-125 will not use a Karma system, at least I have no plans to implement one, the idea doesn't strike me as interesting or useful enough, for my site that is, no offense to NH.

Blah freaking blah. Admit it Zatzai, you like programming more than you like Nerf. This seems more like a code exercise than a passionate gift to the Nerf community. Do you really think that the only thing holding Nerf Online back from a tidal wave of original content was the POSTING SYSTEM? I can imagine a TON of 14 year olds going "Ya know, I'd love to write this in-depth mod walkthrough, but I tell ya, posting it would just be too much of a PAIN".

#528 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 11 January 2003 - 09:08 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there for sure. BTW, any of you used the Airtech 4000 personally? Email me with your thoughts on it. I need a new main weapon, and I want more range than a PC. Can the Airtech 4K be brass modded?

#1335 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 12 February 2003 - 11:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I got the PETG shipment today...

Fucking rad!! Oh if only I had the time to mod my AT4K before the war.....damn.

#1326 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 12 February 2003 - 09:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Well seeing as how it's actually been raining down here the past couple days, this might actually be an issue. I'm guessing you'd want to war anyway even if it rains, right Cxwq?

#638 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 15 January 2003 - 09:28 PM in Nerf Wars

I just talked to Barney, he's definately in. He said he can give you a ride Zack, no problem. I also told him to talk to Nick and Paul, we'll see what they say. Hot damn, I'm getting a tad excited. Rock!

#622 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 15 January 2003 - 01:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Cxwq: I've only got enough FBR and to be bringing around 60 brass micros. Any way you can send me some more of the FBR we use? I've got plenty of weights and glittery glue, and I should have some free time to make a bunch of darts.

Glad to hear you're in (almost) for sure Box, it'll be cool to hang with you again.

Oh, and to ALL nerf war prospective attendees: Please for the love of GOD take your TIME and make some QUALITY micros. The average quality level of any micros not made by Cxwq or I at the wars is akin to just shooting handfulls of poop. Make some darts that will HIT something. Thank you.

#602 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 14 January 2003 - 06:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Correct me if I'm wrong Cxwq, but homemades aren't allowed AFAIK. I'm suprised they're so uninterested! You'd think they'd jump at the chance to play in a war I'm not running. ;)

Cxwq: Not sure about Hubbard, I havn't talked to him in months, but I'll call him. As long as he isn't working I think he'd come. Jenny will be a no-show however.....

EDIT: Also Cxwq be sure to add John from San Diego (he had the PVC backpack powered PC), along with a few of his clan mates, though I'm not sure how many exactly. I told him to email you or post on the boards. I'd say we'll get 20 people for sure. If you remember we actually got MORE people to show up than had RSVP'd for Armageddon last summer. God I don't ever want to run a war that big again.....Just too crazy. In my mind, 20 is the perfect number. I'll bring the flagging tape!

#596 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 14 January 2003 - 05:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Excellent! Nice to hear from you again Steve, I was about to email you about this.

Oh Cx, also count on me bringing two of my friends from college, my girlfriend, and hopefully her friend from Thousand Oaks. Also maybe another guy who emailed me recently, I'll let you know.

Does anybody know how to contact the Desert Storm guys? I KNOW they'd be up for some nerfing.

EDIT: Damn it seems like we can't have a <20 person war if we TRY.....

#695 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 18 January 2003 - 03:15 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry you won't be there on Sunday dude, I'd love to nerf with you guys again. Either way I'm glad you guys will be at the next ones. I was hearing reports that you guys didn't nerf anymore, but I refused to believe it. :>

#705 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 18 January 2003 - 04:17 PM in Nerf Wars

It's 9am-5pm. Hope you guys can make it, if not we'll definately see you at the next war.

#1282 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 11 February 2003 - 02:36 AM in Nerf Wars

Dude, asses won't just be kicked, they'll be desecrated.

#1215 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 09 February 2003 - 05:47 AM in Nerf Wars

My brass AT3K is now complete, my guns are working in perfect order, I can finally HIT the person I'm trying to shoot at, I will destroy you all......

I seriously can't wait until next Sunday, this war is going to fucking rule.

#1185 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 07 February 2003 - 09:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Dude I've got, like, SO much fucking flagging tape....

However I'm going to have less time to make darts than I thought. I'll make some, but not as many as I had intended.

#775 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 22 January 2003 - 02:02 AM in Nerf Wars

Whoever gets them will look like a major dork.

And whoever does in fact get them, will be referred to explicitly as "Major Dork" by myself. It will be a dark day indeed for that unprepared soul.

#7141 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 17 July 2003 - 04:13 PM in Off Topic

I don't even want to know how we got here...

Hah. That's actually funny.

#6894 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 11 July 2003 - 08:59 PM in Off Topic

My brother has a Mustang. It's pretty cool. He only has the V-6 variety though.

And yes, the 2004 GTO is a remake (in spirit anyway) of the popular GTO line from the late 60's, early 70's. I'd get one of those, but I want things like air conditioning, anti-lock breaks, and airbags. You know, frivolous things.

#6653 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 04:32 PM in Off Topic

Meh, I agree that modern (thats the key word) American cars really aren't given enough credit. My Pontiac is at 97k and runs great, except for the fact that my passenger front windows is off the track, and my LCD clock only displays in Klingon. Japanese cars are just so....japanese......Small and efficient, how boring.

#6608 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 05 July 2003 - 10:04 PM in Off Topic

In any case, Pants.

Pants for llamas, perhaps?

Llamas make good housepets.

#6597 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 05 July 2003 - 04:07 PM in Off Topic

And I care because? You may be some kind of Nerf God, but I still find you to be a jackass, but I'm not sorry.

I'd like to, once again, state for the record that I have NEVER referred to myself as a "nerf god", and have actively discouraged others from referring to me as that. I've thought the "title" was fucking stupid ever since it was created back on the Nerf listserve some ungodly number of years ago.

That being said, my homie Arnold and I have this to say:

Posted Image

#6859 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 10 July 2003 - 08:50 PM in Off Topic

Once again ignorance and mass media influences win out over logic and reason. Hooray for me!

I'll have you all know however, that I am blazing through "Auto Repair for Dummies", which is actually a really good book, and so I'll hopefully be able to CONTRIBUTE to the next heated automotive discussion.

So there.

#6640 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 03:07 AM in Off Topic

OMFG JSkater that pic is freaking hilarious.

#6565 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 04 July 2003 - 05:43 PM in Off Topic

You see, cars have this magical little invention. It's a dial that TELLS you how many miles it has. It's called an odometer. It's located near your spedometer.

You may have a car, but I still find you annoying. Sorry.

#6695 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 10:45 PM in Off Topic

Bourgeois I may be, but I can't help wanting a car that shatters windows when I start it up.

Lately my eye has fallen on the soon to be released 2004 Pontiac GTO (www.pontiac.com/gto). I don't care if it falls apart at 80 thousand miles, you just can't argue with a 350 horsepower/365 torque V8. It's also half the price of my other dream car, the Viper.

Meanwhile, back in the cold claustrophobic confines of reality......

#6814 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 09 July 2003 - 08:22 PM in Off Topic

Oh God, don't EVEN get me started on Dell's India tech support.....>shudders<

#6754 Driving

Posted by Spoon on 08 July 2003 - 04:06 PM in Off Topic

>stands up, raises his finger in the air, opens his mouth to speak, realizes he knows absolutely nothing about this subject, closes his mouth, sits back down<

Lets talk about computer hardware, heh.

#44293 December Yano

Posted by Spoon on 18 December 2004 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Look buddy, if you try to find it based on the school's street address you'll never find the place. Mapquest and Yahoo will fuck you over. We've been nerfing at this school for two years and have found that out through trial and fucking-lost-people.

#44413 December Yano

Posted by Spoon on 20 December 2004 - 06:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Ahh fuck.

Turns out, my school (and therefore my place of work) IS open this week, so I actually have to work the morning of the war and can't get out of it. Good news is I only work till 11, so I'll be at the war by 11:30am. Bah, sorry guys. Don't wait for me obviously.

#43449 December Yano

Posted by Spoon on 06 December 2004 - 05:18 PM in Nerf Wars


Steph probably can't come on the 22nd but could come on the 26th. I can't find if this year's winter solstice is Dec 21 or 22. If it's the 22nd then she won't be there. I can still make either date. It seems I'm too late though, so I'll talk to her. I need to check the boards more often.

#38898 December Yano

Posted by Spoon on 13 October 2004 - 04:45 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh man....

As you all may have noticed, I haven't posted in like for-fucking-ever. See, this is my last year in film school and I'm BUSY. I don't mean "washing my hair" busy, I mean "hardly eating and getting 3 hours of sleep a night" busy. From this coming weekend until the end of November, I am booked solid on a film shoot (mine or someone elses) every weekend. I'm writing/directing three films in about six months, finishing my feature script, finishing my advanced classes.....I would list all the things I'm doing, but I'm too tired.

So yea I'm not available until Christmas break, around mid-December. If you guys want to war before that go ahead, but I unfortunately won't be there.

It sucks too, because I NEED an outlet for frustration these days. We gotta have an awesome war in December when we're all on break.

#43315 December Yano

Posted by Spoon on 04 December 2004 - 06:25 PM in Nerf Wars

The 24th won't work for me, as my family opens gifts on Christmas Eve. The 22nd or 26th are both cool with me I think. If that guy at Venado is in his office the day after Christmas, I'm just going to laugh at him.

#43215 December Yano

Posted by Spoon on 03 December 2004 - 12:07 AM in Nerf Wars

OMG I'm still here!

I am currently in various stages of production on three films, am writing a script, working on several other films, and completing my degree. Very busy.

I'm off of school on December 18 and will be (relatively) free until December 28, when I go out of town and then immediatly start school again when I come back.

Sorry guys, senior year of college does this to you. At least when you're a film major. Let me know.

#4235 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Spoon on 02 May 2003 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic


I think you've overlooking one very important item. We must concede that, being nerfers by trade, we are not the most knowledgable or equipped to handle the extermination of endless waves of undead thirsting for human brains. We must ask ourselves, "What would Milla Jovavich do?"

I think we need lasers.