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#3111 Yo

Posted by Spoon on 08 April 2003 - 04:06 PM in Off Topic

Not only that, but it's one of those wooden rulers with metal on one side. You know, the ones you always fantasized about using like machetes.

#3110 Horsemen On G4?

Posted by Spoon on 08 April 2003 - 04:05 PM in Off Topic

JT no offence but I would stop posting as much

Since, after all, you are the undisputed authority on posting too much....

#3090 Girls...

Posted by Spoon on 07 April 2003 - 11:21 PM in Off Topic

Back in the day, when _I_ was in middle school and before AIM even existed, we had to do things the hard way....namely, unbelievably awkward telephone conversations where it took 20 minutes to say goodbye. Ahh those were the days.....that I hated.

Things are so much easier in college. Well, for some people at least. Others just never seem to get out of the whole high school "drama" mentality.

#3053 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 06 April 2003 - 11:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Including me, I'll be bringing 6 people. Me, Jordan, Hubbard, Steph, Matt, and Jason (his first war). Should be rockin dude.

#3052 Yo

Posted by Spoon on 06 April 2003 - 11:48 PM in Off Topic

Oh, well I'm sorry but you've already been marked absent. Try to be here on time from now on.

#2963 CS Or DoD?

Posted by Spoon on 04 April 2003 - 05:26 AM in Off Topic

Actually Famine BF1942 and DoD feel and play totally differently. BF1942 is basically WW2 Tribes with no jetpacks and better vehicles. It also chews up lesser systems and craps them out (ie, mine). DoD is much more "in your face" and fast paced, but also doesn't have nearly as much depth or range of gameplay as BF1942.

Firearms was cool before version 2.0. I used to play it a lot and loved it, but when they took the awesome M-60 machine gun sound and replaced it with this pathetic limp-dicked clicking sound....well, that was it for me. DoD has the most satisfying machine guns EVER as far as I'm concerned. Nothing beats being perched in the top of a building in the Avalanche map with your .30 Cal just 0wning that courtyard flag.

#2962 San Diego, Cali Ppl

Posted by Spoon on 04 April 2003 - 05:21 AM in General Nerf

Dude, Southern Cali is the CENTER of the nerf universe, despite what others on this board will tell you. Check the April Yano Planning Thread in the Nerf Wars forum on this site, there's a big war in Irvine, Ca (about an hour north of SD) on Sat, April 12. Check it out. The SD crew also nerfs pretty regularly. We've been running big wars in the Orange County area for YEARS, you're in the right spot.

#2961 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 04 April 2003 - 05:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Jesus Christ, for the first half of your post you had me hyperventilating, thinking you had gotten shards of glass in your eye or some shit like that.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I've experienced a similar loss in my life...

#2914 CS Or DoD?

Posted by Spoon on 02 April 2003 - 11:19 PM in Off Topic

CS'ers can suck my balls, DoD will own CS forever. Anybody who doesn't believe me has either never played DoD (version 2.0 or later at least) or is just plain wrong. You hear me? WRONG!

#2913 What Is The Difrince.

Posted by Spoon on 02 April 2003 - 11:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Basically, in East coast style wars, there is NO delay between hits, and each invidivual dart counts as a hit. So if you get hit by a 4 shot Powerclip burst, you're hit 4 times, and theres no counting. In west coast you count after each hit, and single bursts of darts still count as one hit. So getting shot by a SM5K=1 hit, getting shot by a single 4 shot Powerclip burst=1 hit. West coast is slower and more strategic, East coast is just balls out.

#2836 Nerf War Stories.

Posted by Spoon on 31 March 2003 - 06:17 PM in Site Feedback

I'm actually not sure at all what I am supposed to say to that comment other than this right here. Either that, or just laugh at you.

Why? Whats so weird about making a nerf movie? Hell I'm a film student and I've been toying with the idea of making a fictional nerf movie. It could be done well, if it didn't take itself too seriously. I think a tongue-in-cheek nerf movie with campy characters and awesome battle sequences would be pretty cool. It'd be a bitch to film but.....

#2835 Crossbow.

Posted by Spoon on 31 March 2003 - 06:10 PM in Modifications

The Crossbow is one of the mechanically simplest nerf guns ever made. It has very few parts, and the function of each part is obvious just by looking at the internals. Just see whats broken, and then figure out how you can fix it, it's not that bad. Don't be afraid of making things worse, just take your time and think your decisions through. Oh, and don't do anything stupid like saw the casing in half or something.

#2762 Mods For A Eab

Posted by Spoon on 28 March 2003 - 01:33 PM in Modifications

1/2" SCH 80 PVC can be found at any hardware store for cheap. Home Depot, Ace, Loews, etc.

#2734 I Just Got A Sm3000.

Posted by Spoon on 27 March 2003 - 01:31 PM in Modifications

With PVC the barrels won't rotate properly under war conditions, they'll just be too heavy. Plug the overpressure release valve on the end of the plunger.

#2704 Shirts?

Posted by Spoon on 26 March 2003 - 05:49 PM in Site Feedback

The concept of RAD teams is kind of outdated I think. They were really most effective back when most guns were single shot. With all the full and semi auto guns these days, you don't need such a tight formation to cover each other.

#2693 Shirts?

Posted by Spoon on 26 March 2003 - 02:34 PM in Site Feedback

>will work for computer upgrades< I should write another article.....but I have no idea what I should write about.

#2692 At3k

Posted by Spoon on 26 March 2003 - 02:32 PM in General Nerf

Yea mine got 10 feet out of the box as well, par for the course. Mod that bad boy and you'll be impressed.

#2681 How Do You Mod A Warthog.

Posted by Spoon on 25 March 2003 - 11:07 PM in Modifications


#2680 First Mods For A Bbb

Posted by Spoon on 25 March 2003 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

Saw off all of that useless crap on top of the gun. The barrel mod depends on what darts you use, if you use megas stefans, do PVC, if you use micro stefans, do brass. If you do brass, you'll get the best results with a telescoping brass barrel. See Cxwq's excellent Barrel Selection article on this site for more info on that.

#2677 How Do You Mod A Warthog.

Posted by Spoon on 25 March 2003 - 11:04 PM in Modifications

Ok, let me know.

BTW, did I leave my black belly bag up there in NJ? The one I always carried ammo in?

#2676 Good Sniper Wepons.

Posted by Spoon on 25 March 2003 - 11:03 PM in General Nerf

The RF20 is an evil mechanism of unending pain.

#2631 How Do You Mod A Warthog.

Posted by Spoon on 24 March 2003 - 06:36 PM in Modifications

I once had a warthog. I decided to open it up and perform the standard mods to it (sealing of holes, removing of posts) and the damn thing never worked again. I returned the weapon and it was the last one I ever saw. The point is, be careful with it. The gun is never going to get top notch range, but it is the coolest little gun nerf ever put out, and is more valuable , in my opinion, as an unmodded item of novelty. In fact, if anyone has one they are willing to part with, I'd be more than perceptive to a transaction involving it.


Dude I've got two. What will you give me for one?

Yea bands work fine. I've opened them without problems, it's just tricky to get the springs to stay put while you put the casing on. Not much else you can do aside from bands though. Still a great gun. No range, but as a holdout it works. Very reliable and shoots 2 shots at once.

#2567 Liquitron Modification Testing

Posted by Spoon on 22 March 2003 - 10:23 PM in Modifications

Absolutely excellent work, I love the degree of scientific rigor you used. We need to adopt this method when we test mods. The Liquitron guage mod was something I had been curious about as well.

#2532 War On Iraq

Posted by Spoon on 21 March 2003 - 10:28 PM in Off Topic

I havn't read or heard anything about Iraq launching any Scuds in the last few days, where are you getting this from?

#2530 Tips To Get A Good Clan.

Posted by Spoon on 21 March 2003 - 10:12 PM in General Nerf

The whole Clan mentality is really only for if you plan on nerfing against other groups of nerfers. Other than that, it gives a group some sense of identitiy on the NIC. I know in NJ there are enough cells of Nerfers to warrant having individual clans and we do meet to have inter-clan Nerf Outs; the same is also true for So. California. Otherwise, if you just Nerf with your own group of friends or represent the only cell of Nerfers in your state you probably don't feel the need to identify yourselves as a "clan".

In other words: We're better than you are.

#2444 War On Iraq

Posted by Spoon on 20 March 2003 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

Bah, I hate discussing crap like this. My girlfriend and I actually got in a fight last night over this goddamn Iraq thing. She has two good friends who are being sent over, and she's scared to death. I wish I had stronger opinions on the whole thing, but frankly I just don't. This just isn't a subject I think about very often because it does not directly affect me, at least not in any way I can directly perceive. I think that makes me a bad person or something. How about I go take a nap and someone wakes me when this whole mess is over?

#2442 Nerfhaven

Posted by Spoon on 20 March 2003 - 12:05 PM in Off Topic

At least I go down with the ship, instead of deleting its user database....

>wince< Set and match...

#2441 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 20 March 2003 - 12:01 PM in Nerf Wars

alright, the gauntlet has been thrown, and i accept.  prepare your 30 stefans spoon.  my team is whoever i bring, and the difference will be made up with other people at the war, probably including CXWQ and Steve (if he's feeling badass).

I'm going to have you eating out of my hand, insect!

#2400 Nerfhaven

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 06:05 PM in Off Topic

Vacc when you run a ship people jump into the water and drown themselves.

#2399 What Is The Worst Gun.

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 06:03 PM in Off Topic

Don't diss the Razorbeast dude, just because you didn't have the strength and skill to use it right, I loved that gun....And the Triplestrike? It's got quite a bit of power. The AT2K sucks out of the box yes, but it is easily modded to be quite good. Worst gun is either the Slingshot, Perceptor, or the Coral Viper

#2398 No-purchase Regrets

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 05:59 PM in General Nerf

Not over an Airzone. Seriously man, what got into you?!

#2397 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 05:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Pweened! Hubbard has just re-established contact with me and he will definately be joining Jordan, Matt, Jason, Steph and myself at the war! Dude with my team, that flag is staying SECURELY at our base this time.

I'll wager that my 6-person team this war would kick the ass of any other 6 person team you guys can come up with. I'll give 5 of my (über) micro Stefans to each member of any 6 person team that can kick our ass in a standard 5 hit war. Takers? >ring< Oh I'm sorry, school is now in session b10tches. Come get some!

#2359 Nerfhaven

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 02:27 AM in Off Topic

I agree, this board is the most intelligent nerf board I've ever been on, including NO, NC and NHQ. The atmosphere at this site is perfect.

#2358 Barricades At YANO

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 02:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Dude, barricades would totally own. We need something to spice up that location anyway and this sounds perfect. Ray if you took the time to make all the barricades like that, I would....like.....well lets just say I'd make it worth your while.

#2338 Nerfhaven

Posted by Spoon on 18 March 2003 - 07:27 PM in Off Topic

Uhh....hate to break it to you dude I check this site 3-4 times a day and there are ALWAYS new posts, every time. Cxwq can give you exact stats on that if you like...

#2305 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Spoon on 18 March 2003 - 01:25 AM in General Nerf

Bitch you've never beaten me at anything, and this is my specialty, though you mother would probably argue that my stamina holds that title.


I wouldn't doubt it, I mean even [B]I[B] couldn't believe it when Vacc told me how many times a day he masturbates....I'm sure Goo's mom was impressed too.

#2252 Larami !000 Vs. Big Bad Bow

Posted by Spoon on 16 March 2003 - 04:13 PM in General Nerf

While the SM1000 was definately the most powerful of the Supermaxx line, what caused most of the jams in my opinion wasn't the long barrel, but the chamber rotation mechanism. If the dart didn't fire all the way and you tried to fire again, it would jam the gun and eat your dart.

I also don't think that the BBB is more powerful than a well modded AT3K. Stock, yes the BBB has much more power, but even when well modded a BBB can't match the accuracy and range of the AT3K brass or PETG modded. Innaccuracy IMO was always a problem of the BBB.

It is also my belief that Vacc is a Grade-A Poopiehead.

#2228 Avatars

Posted by Spoon on 15 March 2003 - 06:57 PM in Off Topic

It's not a fluke, I been tried it's the truth. You might as well except it.

>convulses and passes out<

#2227 Lnl Spring

Posted by Spoon on 15 March 2003 - 06:54 PM in Modifications

Take your gun to the hardware store, try springs out until you find one you like. Most hardware stores will let you return things even if they are opened, as long as you have the packaging. Just buy all the springs that might possibly work, find the one that works best, and return the rest.

#2208 Avatars

Posted by Spoon on 14 March 2003 - 08:59 PM in Off Topic


Vacc: Too cool for proper word usage.