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#6564 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 04 July 2003 - 05:41 PM in Nerf Wars

If you think my hair kicks ass now, just wait until it's black and blue, and longer.

#6629 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 06 July 2003 - 09:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Hah, no not exactly. I plan to dye it glossy black, and then put midnight blue over that so that it highlights dark blue in the sun, but looks black normally. Easier to maintain and I don't have to bleach my hair.

It'll kick ass.

#6392 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 01 July 2003 - 10:07 PM in Nerf Wars

Yea Jon you should have been there. It just wasn't the same NOT having to deal with shit that you forgot to take home.

#6639 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 03:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Yea if I can get the blue to show up I don't expect it to last long. I've never dyed or bleached my hair though, so that should help. My friend Ann changes her hair color every month (magenta at the moment), so we'll just try stuff out.

#6652 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 04:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I don't care what you call it, I'm not letting you suck my blood Vacc.

#3486 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by Spoon on 15 April 2003 - 03:38 PM in Off Topic

So basically that's the guy that isn't Jet Li. Fuckers

Seriously! I mean Jet Li is the man with the plan in the flam.

#88638 Armageddon Recap Thread

Posted by Spoon on 31 August 2006 - 03:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Haha that video is awesome. I don't remember the war being quite that "Effeminate", but I do think we should just play that music looped for the entirety of the next war.

I was sad that I had to leave before the last battle, that was really a great war. One of the best Armageddons yet IMO.

#85448 Armageddon Recap Thread

Posted by Spoon on 21 July 2006 - 02:01 AM in Nerf Wars

As much as I love to poke fun at Falcon (and believe me, I do love it so) I have to wonder what the BFD is? I didn't notice him (or anyone for that matter) taking things too seriously at the war. For all his "intensity", he's not the one bitching about "West coast tactics" and teammates not following in lock-step with their leaders. Because I am obviously the B3ST NERFER EVAR!!!11!, let me provide you with my fully researched dissertation on West coast tacitcs:

1. Try to shoot the enemy.
2. When you get your ass shot off, try to get your teammates to help you.
3. If they don't, call them homosexuals.
4. Repeat.

None of us out here (again, except for Falcon) Nerf anywhere near often enough to develop any kind of team-spirit or tactical sensibility. Also, we're all hippies. Again perhaps I had my "stupid asshole" glasses on that day, but I really never noticed anybody not counting hits either, except for the expected one or two disagreements. Then again, it wasn't like my slow ass was lasting till the end of every round....but still, it all seemed pretty par for the course.

I would also like to join Cxwq in commending Falcon on finding some fucking awesome war locations. Despite the hassle some people faced in getting there, that school was worth it, and in the end everyone made it anyway. If a couple mom's had to get bent out of shape in the process, then that's just the sacrifice one pays to have the privelege of Nerfing with me.

Now then, onto the real purpose of this post:

Awesome war everyone. This war reminded me what I had been missing the last 6-odd months and I deeply regretted the fact that I had to leave a bit early and miss the afterparty. Believe me, after mixing pheromones with you people all day, the one thing I truly wanted to do was to go watch all of you be stupid together.

It was great seeing everyone again, especially Groove (who, like it or not, is a regular now). It was also nice re-meeting OMC and Kuhlshrank who both seem like really cool guys and were a lot of fun to Nerf with.

Now then, to properly get things started for next year:

East Coaster's have sex with animals. ALL THE TIME.

#1280 How To Cut Brass

Posted by Spoon on 11 February 2003 - 02:28 AM in Modifications

I use a 35,000 RPM dremel with a diamond cutting wheel. Cuts through brass like warm butter, but it gets HOT. Use gloves. Oh, and theres always the risk of cutting off a finger. I tried hacksawing it but just couldn't do it very easily, I think my hacksaw blade is designed for wood or something.

#2441 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 20 March 2003 - 12:01 PM in Nerf Wars

alright, the gauntlet has been thrown, and i accept.  prepare your 30 stefans spoon.  my team is whoever i bring, and the difference will be made up with other people at the war, probably including CXWQ and Steve (if he's feeling badass).

I'm going to have you eating out of my hand, insect!

#2397 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 19 March 2003 - 05:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Pweened! Hubbard has just re-established contact with me and he will definately be joining Jordan, Matt, Jason, Steph and myself at the war! Dude with my team, that flag is staying SECURELY at our base this time.

I'll wager that my 6-person team this war would kick the ass of any other 6 person team you guys can come up with. I'll give 5 of my (über) micro Stefans to each member of any 6 person team that can kick our ass in a standard 5 hit war. Takers? >ring< Oh I'm sorry, school is now in session b10tches. Come get some!

#2961 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 04 April 2003 - 05:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Jesus Christ, for the first half of your post you had me hyperventilating, thinking you had gotten shards of glass in your eye or some shit like that.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I've experienced a similar loss in my life...

#3308 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 11 April 2003 - 03:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey Kevin how many darts are you bringing? I think I've got around 50 (maybe more) left from last time so I'm going to try to bring at least 50 or 60 more, although I'm going to shoot for making 100 darts tonight. I havn't had a chance to make any yet. I also have to do a bunch of modding tonight, crap. Gonna be another pre-nerf war all-nighter....

Do you get free PETG if your woman has already attended one war? >grin<

Dude my 6 man team is going to be packing SO much fucking heat, it's not even funny....I think we'll have 4 PETG AT3K's between us. You guys are gonna get pweened. CHAPMAN POWER!

Update: I have just officially decreed that my team shall now be called the "Spoon's Super-Best-Friends Squad". We'll say it with a sneer too.

#1833 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 27 February 2003 - 04:57 AM in Nerf Wars

>goes to beat the war drums....can't find them and gives up<

#3227 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 10 April 2003 - 01:08 AM in Nerf Wars

Hal: DUDE! Glad to hear you'll be able to make it!

Mason: Seriously man, don't worry about it. We all want to have fun too. Cxwq makes a good point though, none of us "hate" anybody just because they're younger, and none of us make fun of other nerfers. However some of us DO trash talk quite a bit. I, for instance, am notorious for yelling "FUCK!" or "Son of a BITCH!" after getting shot. It doesn't mean I hate you, or that I'm mad at you at all, it just means I can't control what I'm saying during moments of extreme activity. :alien: Don't worry about it, it'll be awesome. People keep coming back for a reason, and it's NOT because of me, I assure you....

#3053 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 06 April 2003 - 11:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Including me, I'll be bringing 6 people. Me, Jordan, Hubbard, Steph, Matt, and Jason (his first war). Should be rockin dude.

#2165 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 12 March 2003 - 01:17 PM in Nerf Wars

I think barricades would help, especially on the grassy knoll and near the flag planter like Ray said. I don't see why you are complaining about the Alamo Josh, I mean with as open as that area is, losers dominated the games. We didn't even play in there last time though.

BTW here is my count: Me, Jordan, Steph, Matt, my other friend Jason (couldn't make it last time), and probably Steph's friend Bran. So definately 5, possibly 6.

#1531 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 18 February 2003 - 03:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Fucking sweet! Thats the Saturday beginning my spring break! I'm so there dude.

#3466 Nerf Movie

Posted by Spoon on 14 April 2003 - 10:12 PM in General Nerf

Ray: We should get together in person then sometime, Pomona isn't too far away from me, like 30 mins.

I wonder if a nerf drive by wouldn't come off as just stupid....

This is going completely in the other direction but what if the film revolved around Nerf becoming the nations next spectator sport craze. Improbable of course, but it would give a reason for everyone to be using nerf guns.

#3473 Nerf Movie

Posted by Spoon on 14 April 2003 - 11:10 PM in General Nerf

Dammit, why is it that whenever I read "pasadena" my brain automatically decides that pasadena instead should be pomona. Seriously, this isn't the first time this has happened....

The camera angles and how to get them are the jobs of the director and the cinematographer, respectively. The writer simply writes what can be seen and heard onscreen, but stays away from directing the camera. Not that it really matters in a project like this, but just for clarification.....

#3606 Nerf Movie

Posted by Spoon on 18 April 2003 - 01:50 AM in General Nerf

hey, raway, you can hate nerfhq, but you don't have to be a jackass about it.

No actually see there was this new law passed in his county. He DOES, in fact, have to be a jackass about it. If you're upset by this, I recommend that you contact you're local city councilman.

#3435 Nerf Movie

Posted by Spoon on 13 April 2003 - 10:55 PM in General Nerf

If I'm in it, I have to be a bad guy. Who totally kicks ass.

I love the idea of making a nerf movie, but if you're gonna do it with this kind of plot, you have to make it somewhat tongue-in-cheek otherwise it'll be just stupid to most people.

Oh, and if you're thinking of a 25-30 minute film, you'd better be thinking of at least a week of 12 hour shoot days. You'd better shorten it to 5-10 mins, trust me.

I'm sorry, but the film student in me is starting to kick in.....if you're seriously thinking of doing this email me and we can talk about it. I don't know what you're filmmaking experience is, but the concept of a nerf movie has always been cool to me.

#3441 Nerf Movie

Posted by Spoon on 14 April 2003 - 02:31 AM in General Nerf

Ray: Where do you live again? Perhaps we could get together and script something out. I think the fight choreography will be harder to plan out than the script will. I think it could be pretty awesome though, even if the whole thing centers around one big fight scene (which, with a 5-10 min film, we might have to do). I just need to be careful to not try and "take over" you're idea. :>

#15702 New Users:

Posted by Spoon on 04 January 2004 - 02:58 PM in Site Feedback

It'd only be ridiculous if you popped a 8 foot boner for charity while wailing so hard everybody's heads exploded.

That'd be cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet!

#638 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 15 January 2003 - 09:28 PM in Nerf Wars

I just talked to Barney, he's definately in. He said he can give you a ride Zack, no problem. I also told him to talk to Nick and Paul, we'll see what they say. Hot damn, I'm getting a tad excited. Rock!

#695 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 18 January 2003 - 03:15 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry you won't be there on Sunday dude, I'd love to nerf with you guys again. Either way I'm glad you guys will be at the next ones. I was hearing reports that you guys didn't nerf anymore, but I refused to believe it. :>

#622 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 15 January 2003 - 01:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Cxwq: I've only got enough FBR and to be bringing around 60 brass micros. Any way you can send me some more of the FBR we use? I've got plenty of weights and glittery glue, and I should have some free time to make a bunch of darts.

Glad to hear you're in (almost) for sure Box, it'll be cool to hang with you again.

Oh, and to ALL nerf war prospective attendees: Please for the love of GOD take your TIME and make some QUALITY micros. The average quality level of any micros not made by Cxwq or I at the wars is akin to just shooting handfulls of poop. Make some darts that will HIT something. Thank you.

#602 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 14 January 2003 - 06:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Correct me if I'm wrong Cxwq, but homemades aren't allowed AFAIK. I'm suprised they're so uninterested! You'd think they'd jump at the chance to play in a war I'm not running. ;)

Cxwq: Not sure about Hubbard, I havn't talked to him in months, but I'll call him. As long as he isn't working I think he'd come. Jenny will be a no-show however.....

EDIT: Also Cxwq be sure to add John from San Diego (he had the PVC backpack powered PC), along with a few of his clan mates, though I'm not sure how many exactly. I told him to email you or post on the boards. I'd say we'll get 20 people for sure. If you remember we actually got MORE people to show up than had RSVP'd for Armageddon last summer. God I don't ever want to run a war that big again.....Just too crazy. In my mind, 20 is the perfect number. I'll bring the flagging tape!

#596 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 14 January 2003 - 05:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Excellent! Nice to hear from you again Steve, I was about to email you about this.

Oh Cx, also count on me bringing two of my friends from college, my girlfriend, and hopefully her friend from Thousand Oaks. Also maybe another guy who emailed me recently, I'll let you know.

Does anybody know how to contact the Desert Storm guys? I KNOW they'd be up for some nerfing.

EDIT: Damn it seems like we can't have a <20 person war if we TRY.....

#1422 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 15 February 2003 - 09:56 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there with Jordan, Steph and my friend Matt. My right eye is swollen and I'm chafing already (in anticipation no doubt), but I'm looking forward to it, it'll be fucking rad! See you at 9am! (makes darts)

#705 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 18 January 2003 - 04:17 PM in Nerf Wars

It's 9am-5pm. Hope you guys can make it, if not we'll definately see you at the next war.

#775 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 22 January 2003 - 02:02 AM in Nerf Wars

Whoever gets them will look like a major dork.

And whoever does in fact get them, will be referred to explicitly as "Major Dork" by myself. It will be a dark day indeed for that unprepared soul.

#1185 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 07 February 2003 - 09:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Dude I've got, like, SO much fucking flagging tape....

However I'm going to have less time to make darts than I thought. I'll make some, but not as many as I had intended.

#1282 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 11 February 2003 - 02:36 AM in Nerf Wars

Dude, asses won't just be kicked, they'll be desecrated.

#1326 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 12 February 2003 - 09:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Well seeing as how it's actually been raining down here the past couple days, this might actually be an issue. I'm guessing you'd want to war anyway even if it rains, right Cxwq?

#528 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 11 January 2003 - 09:08 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there for sure. BTW, any of you used the Airtech 4000 personally? Email me with your thoughts on it. I need a new main weapon, and I want more range than a PC. Can the Airtech 4K be brass modded?

#1335 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 12 February 2003 - 11:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I got the PETG shipment today...

Fucking rad!! Oh if only I had the time to mod my AT4K before the war.....damn.

#1215 Socal War In Feb

Posted by Spoon on 09 February 2003 - 05:47 AM in Nerf Wars

My brass AT3K is now complete, my guns are working in perfect order, I can finally HIT the person I'm trying to shoot at, I will destroy you all......

I seriously can't wait until next Sunday, this war is going to fucking rule.

#2305 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Spoon on 18 March 2003 - 01:25 AM in General Nerf

Bitch you've never beaten me at anything, and this is my specialty, though you mother would probably argue that my stamina holds that title.


I wouldn't doubt it, I mean even [B]I[B] couldn't believe it when Vacc told me how many times a day he masturbates....I'm sure Goo's mom was impressed too.

#1019 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Spoon on 29 January 2003 - 09:27 PM in General Nerf

Dude, those can almost all be attributed to NO or at least an NO era occurance, and that is not the sign of an old nerfer. I mean, that reaches back a whoping 4 years. Now if you had said "You've done the "destructer variant" and the ss2 STILL doesn't fire 70 ft." Well then I'd have to say you were one grizzled son of a bitch.


OMG hearing "Destructor Variant" again brings back so many memories.....I don't think ANYBODY's SS2 fired 70 feet back then, or even now for that matter.....

I remember when I'd root through every box (yes, box) of megas at TRU trying to find "Magnums" for my SS2. I recall when I first fired a Ultimator I thought the world was ending or something.