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#317322 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ChaosPropel on 21 June 2012 - 08:28 PM in Modifications

The purple tape makes it 50000% more swagtastic.
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Supah comfy wye pump handle, mechanically fastened. 1" x 1/2" bushing up top, mechanically fastened as well, dead space filled with hot glue.
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Thanks to Hoongfu for the help.

#288994 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ChaosPropel on 26 November 2010 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

Before I start, I would like to express my gratitude towards Broken_SVT, who helped me LOADS on this project. Thanks, man!

With only 4 months of nerfing experience, after going $20 over budget, and one week of work, it's finished...
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My Angel Breeched Longshot....
Here's a view of the closed breech from the jam door:
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I originally intended to make my breech completely "stock"-exactly how Angel's writeup explains it. However, I had to do some improvising, since none of the writeups I found told you exactly where to cut the black bolt-piece down to. I realized mid way through the bolt assembly that when my barrel when into the 19/32" brass, it was stopped, and hit the 9/16" stub before the breech was completely closed. This is how my "new" design came along.
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Basically, as the 9/16" barrel "half pipe" slides into the 19/32" brass and over the 1/2" brass, it slides over the 17/32" brass, and eventually is stopped by the 9/16" stub. However, for a 100% air-tight seal, plugging the air-release hole is still necessary. The 19/32" slides into the black piece a little bit. This is necessary for the 19/32" to be supported in the assembly, since the 9/16" does not protrude out of the piece. I still kept the 9/16" stub at the end to support the 17/32" and 1/2", and to create even more of a seal, if the half pipe touches it (this was more of an "attempt/experiment").

Suprisingly, my breech works almost flawlessly (the priming is quite hard, due to the excess friction between the barrel and the 17/32" stub), and opens enough to chanber a dart ~2-2.5" in length.

I did not feel that a writeup is necessary for this, but if people feel it is, please PM me and I will consider making a writeup. I personally feel that using this method makes the bolt-section a lot more versatile, and easy to make (measurement-wise and "getting everything to fit" wise).

Here's a view of the opened breech from the mag-well:
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I am officially naming my Longshot "Colossus", after the great Greek statue. I love the gun, and I think that this is a great personal achievement.
With a stock LS spring, Recon Spring, and Lanard Shotgun spring, I'm getting 85-90'. I have yet to integrate the LSFG, but I am pretty happy with the gun without the integration. I may do it in the future, though.

Here he is in all of his holiness-
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If anyone has any questions or comments on my breech or gun in general, please feel free to talk to me through PM's.

#320555 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ChaosPropel on 16 August 2012 - 08:58 AM in Modifications

I haven't gotten around to really doing anything to Ellen Page yet, as I was just in China for a month. Got lots of cool stuff planned though.
I was dicking around with the blaster today, and realized a Raider priming handle had a nice friction fit in the front area of the gun. Cleanest integration ever, lulz.
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I also buttplugged modified a Draconis rocket to shoot Jacksons. Money shot?
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#300907 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ChaosPropel on 02 July 2011 - 08:21 PM in Modifications

First post in this thread, but not first mods. :P

Here's a 3k I just finished up overhauling: 12" PETG barrels, Hornet pump replacement, rear-loading, replaced tubing (going straight from pump to tank), glued trigger pin; the works. I had to deal with a few leaks, which is why this took a couple weeks to finish, in addition to being because I wanted to get everything PERFECTO, which I think I almost did.
Please exscuse the crappy phone pics.
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Here's a view of the rear-loading slot; very clean, if I do say so myself.
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I didn't like the look of having no goo gauge, but I couldn't find a way to put the emptied, disconnected gauge back in the shell, so I did my tubing in such a way so that the tubing connector (quick-slip connect), could fit right inside the goo gauge slot (no shell mods required! fits perfectly!) I like it a lot.
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Instead of using a Mr.Mcnumbers barrel spacer, I made my own using his templates and 1.5/16" Home Depot polycarb. Pretty nice.
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This thing is seriously overpowered. At about 6-10', and 4 pumps(plugged hornet pump), it puts copperBB domes through cardboard. @ 5 pumps, dome darts usually go through both sides of a nerf AT box, and slugs go through on side. It's Effeminate.

Thanks to Landstricker for the 3k. :)

#317257 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 20 June 2012 - 06:14 PM in Homemades

Oh children...
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It's a plusbow. Shortened from the original design, metal plunger tube, U-cup seal, delrin plunger rod, polycarbonate handle (three layers of 1/4" thick PC), and clear polycarb sideplates, that I made prettier with craft foam. Purple and orange are classy.
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It's only about 1" shorter than a stock crossbow. I took an inch off the plunger tube, and the sideplates are only 12" long.

She'll be at DCNF.

EDIT: Updated with better pics.

#309324 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 09 January 2012 - 06:38 PM in Homemades

Needs a handle.

#308629 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 22 December 2011 - 09:16 PM in Homemades

So after my personal-use Snapbow broke at DCNF2 (after serving me through most of the day, very well) bcak in September, I've been meaning to build another one. I originally intended it to just be a standard snapbow, but, along the way, I, well, decided to give it some smexy upgrades.

Here she is:
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She's rocking a custom cut poplar wood thumb-hole stock (thanks to Langley and Andtheherois for inspiration for the stock design), completely sanded, rounded, and smoothed with 320 grit sandpaper. This thing is amazing to hold.
The snap also has a 1/2" PVC foregrip, as well as a very smooth trigger. The board at the back of the stock is 1/4" thick wood, I believe it's poplar as well. The stock rod at the top is 3/4" oak dowel. Bushing is a 1" x 1/2" hex bushing, pretty standard. Standard superlative plunger head seal.

Closeup on the stock:
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There's also some black foam at the back to pad the stock, making it hella comfy to hold/wield:
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This beast is seriously awesome to shoot. It uses a 12" plunger tube, and has a little over 6 inches of draw, making it very wieldy while maintaining a nice amount of power. I really like it, and I anticipate it being (one of) my primaries for a while.

Everything on this is completely mechanically fastened, with the exception of the foregrip (PVC pipe) to plunger tube connection, which is glued with large amounts of high-temp hot glue, simply beause putting screws there would be ruinous.

#301125 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 07 July 2011 - 06:38 AM in Homemades

Finished up my latest homemade, a RCP-Ring Catch Pump (similar to the one Diamondback posted 2 post back) on Monday, but was too lazy to take pics then...
It's not completely, done; I still have to remove some sharpie writing and find a way to un-fuglify the handle. I was careful, also, to keep the words "Reclaimed Water-Do Not Drink" from the side of the 1.5" thinwall PVC (FlexPVC Purple) visible...:P

Here she is in all her awesomeness; don't mind the pink sheets...they're NOT MINE! :P
The main blaster body is 1.25" PVC, with 1.5" thinwall PVC as the pump grip. The catch is a ring-catch, with an angle iron on the bottom as a trigger. There is a piece of 2" PVC as the sheath of the back-half of the blaster, with a 1.25" PVC tee inside of it(which goes over the 1.25" slotted piece/plunger rod guide @ the back of the blaster), acting as the stock. The handle is made of 1.25" PVC. Everything hwith here (besides the stock) is screwed in with 1/2" or 3/4" countersunk wood screws (#6).
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For the handle, I didn't like the idea of having a 90 degree pipe, so I improvised a bit. I cut a 2" piece of 1.25" PVC, then a 3-4" piece at an angle. I then solvent welded them together, after which I put JBweld to reinforce/bulk up, as well as e-putty on the inside to reinforce.
It's looking quite fugly right now; I'll be fixing it sooner or later...
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All in all, this thing was a total blast to build, works flawlessley, is quite comfy, and would be an awesome RBP-type blaster addition to ANY arsenal!

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#332601 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 01 August 2013 - 08:48 PM in Homemades

Double Rainbows are the best and Koree's the coolest for pushing the design through his birth canal.

I made a Double Rainbow today.

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There is a dinosaur on my Double Rainbow.

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She has pretty blue eyes. Like Ellen DeGeneres.

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These are her buttocks. They are nice buttocks.

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Shown here with a swagful dart pouch I made for the war this Saturday. The dart pouch also promotes world peace.

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Shown here with a swagful pump grip I made for it (HDPE) that I won't be using because it promotes white supremacy.

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Closeup on the pump grip for the white supremacists viewing this post.

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Here's what I'll be seeing all day Satruday. Just add a few ugly men in front. Use your damn imagination.

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Here's your porn.

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#309192 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 06 January 2012 - 09:44 PM in Homemades

I've put aside my pumpbow project to work on a Fallopian Mk2....here's what I have done today, which I did over about 3-4 hours of light labor with some breaks and a dinner.
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You can see that I have the plunger rod done (except the catch notch, which will come last). This was a real challenge, as in the Fallopian, at least under my measurements (which include 6" draw), there is 13.5" room for a spring. However, the [k25] I'm using is only 11"-that means I need a 1.5" spacer at the front of the plunger rod, behind the head. I used some 1/2" PVC, superglued to the 1/2" delrin plunger rod. However, the [k25] still rode up the PVC, so I made a custom disc out of a PVC endcap (too lazy for polycarb, lol), with a 1/2" hole, and an OD big enough to hold/block the spring, while small enough to still slide in the 1" PVC inner float support. That's the white thing you see. Then there is etape under/to the left of that to stabalize the [k25]/center it.
There's also the rainbow catch I made for it and the SSSB stock I'll be using, similar to Zorn's original build.
I hope to get this finished up tomorrow morning.

#320101 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by ChaosPropel on 07 August 2012 - 07:07 PM in Darts and Barrels

Does anyone know we're to get red foam or silicone tips? I saw sgnerf's darts and I'm looking for the tips he uses.

The foam and tips that SGNerf use are from Inf0rm3r de Oznerf.

#307908 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 29 November 2011 - 05:48 PM in Homemades

Hey guys I'm about to start my plusbow, and I am wondering. I am in Australia and the materials over here are different and scarce, I don't know if i can get the parts for the plunger tube and the plunger, but i can do everything else, also with the Rev2 templates, do you have to scale any parts up? They look rather small.

No, you do not. You can just use the templates as they are.

#290259 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 06 December 2010 - 03:19 PM in Nerf Wars

I don't know if Dizzy has already contacted them, but there's a laser tag place called Shadowland that has facilities in Gaithersburg, Chantilly, Columbia MD, Springfield VA, and Frederick MD. I'm not sure if they woud allow nerf guns, though.

#289589 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 01 December 2010 - 07:12 AM in Nerf Wars

I don't mean to post-jack, or anything, but....
Since we have gotten so many people who are clearly active nerfers in the MD/VA/DC area reply to this post, I propose that we start a group of people/wars similar to BAFF, where we have monthly/bi-weekly wars. The purpose of the BAFF wars was to bring wars to an area that didn't have many wars, but had many nerfers. However, we would need to have at least ~5-7 confirmed people (people that want to do this, and CAN do this) before we could actually START.

Just an idea :lol:

#289539 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 30 November 2010 - 08:27 PM in Nerf Wars

I can most likely make any date that you guys decide on, but sudden schedule changes do happen.. :)

#295692 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 09 March 2011 - 08:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Bummer....Hopefully we can get a DMV area war sometime in April , hosted by anyone.

#292950 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 16 January 2011 - 05:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Assuming that I found the right "Wheaton Regional Park" on Google, I should be able to make it to a war there-it's about half an hour from my house.

As for the date, any one of the aforementioned seem fine for me, but it's not certain.

#293119 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 19 January 2011 - 04:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a maybe...we've got MSAs that week, so I might not be able to make it.

#293461 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 27 January 2011 - 06:50 PM in Nerf Wars

How many people would there have to be for the war to actually be able to happen? I'm still checking with my parents to see if times/transportation will be ok.

#295462 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by ChaosPropel on 06 March 2011 - 06:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Good to see that you're back, Sharvil!
Sorry, but things have come up, so I definetely will not be attending. Hopefully there'll be more wars later this year that I can attend.

#293152 Community Snap Thread

Posted by ChaosPropel on 20 January 2011 - 05:32 PM in Homemades

Not sure if this detracts form the current conversation, but has anyone noticed whether a well made snap catch, or an r3l catch is more durable?

I've made a semi-well-made SNAP, and 2 R3Ls. I haven't used the SNAP much, but I have used the R3L a lot (not at wars-just random shooting), with no signs of wear whatsoever.

I'm sorry that I can't add more to this, but I can reassure you that R3L catches, when made well, are extremely durable.

#300737 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 29 June 2011 - 07:44 AM in Nerf Wars

Sounds good Sharvil!
We still need more people to confirm for both dates! If you've confirmed for the 16th, please see if you can come to the aftermath as well! I'll edit the OP to reflect the 2 wars as soon as we get more confirmed people for the 23rd.

Also, when I begin to make swords (maybe next week?), I will start with one for myself (obviously), and begin making 6-8 for the DCNF arsenal, if that's how you guys wanna do it. Anyone can borrow swords to use @ DCNF wars from the arsenal, and just give it back @ the end.
However, you can definetely use your own swords, whether they are homemade or Nerf N-Force swords. If you want me to make you a sword, just PM me and I'll do it for a few bucks. I can also, if you guys want, bring a few premade "contracts" to the war (as in not for the arsenal, but for sale [but not designated for any one person yet]), and you guys can check 'em out, and buy them if you so wish. If you contract one from me, I can personalize it by writing your name/drawing symbols on it as well.

I might also do knives...
Would you guys be interested in having sword only rounds, as well as sword+blaster rounds, or just one of them?
Would you guys like to have melee (as in swords and knives) @ both wars? Or only one? Or neither?

You can also bring/make/use your own craft foam swords or knives or whatever-those are allowed.

#300779 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 29 June 2011 - 09:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks for the input. Personally, I was gonna make a sword for myself to play with either way, and I thought that it may be a good idea to have melee rounds @DCNF. We could also do melee+blaster rounds, to make things more fun. However, if you guys are against having melee, I'm ok with that.

#300826 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 30 June 2011 - 06:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok guys! I'm bumping this thread now that we're 16 days out from the first DCNF! We still have a few things to take care of:

-Do you guys wanna have melee? We could just have melee built in to the day- as in you can use melee in any of the rounds (unless otherwise specified), and they can count as weapons, as well as blasters...and we just won't have melee-only rounds.
-Who else can make the Aftermath on the 23rd? WE NEED ATTENDENCE CONFIRMED!
-Be sure to check out the DCNF trading thread; It'll be sure to make you drool!
-What game types do you guys wanna do, besides Gunslinger, Defend the Core (Blitz will be supplying the core, thanks Blitz!), TDM, CTF, Every-man-for -themself DM, and pistol rounds?

Hope you guys are all makin' lots 'o darts! :P
I'll start updating you guys/checking on the weather as the date gets a little closer (probably when there's a week left till the war). However, it doesn't look like thie beautiful Maryland sun will be leaving us any time soon! :)

#300716 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 28 June 2011 - 09:04 PM in Nerf Wars

After thinking about this, that idea was stupid...

WHat? Ninja stars?

I have a nerf sword, so could that just work?
That looks sweet!

Sure, o' course!

#300602 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 27 June 2011 - 02:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Can I come I'm bringing a friend

Of course you can come! THe more the very merrier! That's 8 confirmed now, guys! Keep 'em coming! Please be sure to read the rules, and check out the trading thread in the trading section.

#300344 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 22 June 2011 - 10:18 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry for the double post, but I thought it would be appropriate, since I"m posting info that everyone needs to see.
I've added some pics in the OP of the location/a diagram/map

-Beall Elementary, Rockville, MD. GOOGLE IT!
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#300360 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 22 June 2011 - 02:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok, I'm gonna go ahead and make the war on the 16th, since, even if Dizzy can't make it to the 16th, we'd still have 6 people (as of now), which is the amount we would have, if Dizzy CAN MAKE IT on the 23rd, and we have it on the 23rd.

I still need someone to host with me! VOLUNTEER! Landstricker? Phree?Aftershock?
Also, if possible, please bring guests! We need more people!

Now go and make darts, people!

#300317 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 21 June 2011 - 08:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me on the list as definite for either 16 or 23 July.

GREAT! C'mon, people! We still need more definites to be set on either date!

Also, I need a volunteer (preferrebely someone experienced) to host with me.

EDIT: Updated the dart rules, as well as the attendees list, so it's more clear.

#300282 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 21 June 2011 - 11:00 AM in Nerf Wars

From now on, #DCNF on the IRC will be used for DCNF discussion purposes.

TO get to it, go to the Nerfhaven IRC, then type in "/join #DCNF"

#300273 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 21 June 2011 - 07:48 AM in Nerf Wars

NOTE: **Yes, I know that there is already a DCNF thread. However, because Sharvil is no longer hosting (and I am), I thought creating a new thread would be appropriate, since then I can edit the OP and such**

DCNF will be a monthly/bi-monthly/whenever possible war in the DMV area, meant to keep DMV Nerf active. DCNF's purpose is similar to that of BAFF's, except it's on the East coast! The first DCNF will be in July.

July 16th and 23rd (there will be 2 wars, one on each weekend)

Time: 10:20 AM SHARP will be when we start the war, untill whenever we feel like ending.
Please, if possible get there a bit( 10-15 mins.) earlier,if you think one/more of your blasters will be subject to range testing/ban

Trading times:
We will most likely have some trading time from 10:00 till when we actually start playing, and then trading time in between some rounds, during lunch, after lunch, and whenever you guys want to.

I will be hosting the first DCNF on the 16th, with Phree Agent as my co-host. Sharvil ill be hosting the 2nd one on the 23rd.

-Beall Elementary, Rockville, MD. GOOGLE IT!
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-10 AM until whenever we feel like ending

-No JOBARs, No Cobras, no singled Titans, no singled plugged-pump airguns designed to shoot anything larger than a Mega dart. (If you are unsure about whether your blaster fits this description, bring a back-up just in case.)
-No exposed metal barrels
-No blasters painted flat black
-No dressing up in camouflage
-Eye protection is manditory, I don't care how old you are
-Other blasters will be handled on a case-by-case basis(INCLUDING HOMEMADE AIRGUNS)
-Doomsayers are allowed
-If your blaster is more than 75 percent grey of black, please use orange tape on it.
-Super soakers ARE allowed, but will be dealt with/banned on a case-by-case basis.
-It is OK if people under 13 attend-they just HAVE TO have parents in the parking lot/in the field/watching the WHOLE TIME.

Guidelines to non-douche-ness: MUST READ!-We are using Beall's space for this war, and we DO NOT wanna get kicked out or get the cops called by the school!
-please keep profanity and vulgar symbols/actions to a bare minimum
-please keep loud yelling to a minimum too; there are houses nearby, and we wouldn't wanna disturb the school's environment with loud noises.
-PICK UP ALL TRASH that you leave, whether it is from lunch or a blaster. If you are seen leaving too much trash, you may not be invited to the next DCNF; the hosts/other attendees are NOT here to be your maids.
-try to pick up all darts during dart sweeps/lunch; we don't wanna leave too many darts on their field (it's pretty much the same as litter to them)

-If you repeatedly act violate these rules throughout the day, you may be asked to sit rounds out, or to leave/not come back to DCNF wars...let's make this a fun war for everybody, and a non-disturbing war for the school! Afterall, we're there to have fun, right?

Dart Restrictions:
-Nothing heavier than a 3/16" steel ball bearing under a hot glue dome. In other words, BBs, 3/16" balls, and anything lighter than a 3/16" ball fishing weight are allowed under a dome. Washers under hot glue domes, no matter the size, are banned.
-Fishing weights and anything lighter are allowed under a felt pad, or at least a 2mm craft foam padding.

What to bring:
-A lunch, packed or pre-bought. There aren't many places to get food nearby.
-2-3 primaries.(Please bring more than one, since there is a large chance that it will break/fail during the day, or you will just hate it in the field/get bored of it)
-200+ darts
-A pistol or two-we will be having pistol rounds
-Fun ammo- rockets, missiles, megas, mongos, balls, etc.
-Stuff to trade/money to buy stuff. We will have trading time.
-Stock ammo, if your manly enough to use it. :P
-Bring some melee stuff-swords, knives, etc, just for fun.

What not to bring:
-Alchohol or drugs
-Real firearms
-Ghillie suits
-Flat black blasters
-Un-allowed darts
-Death darts

-Manta Rays and Laser Fang wings only.

-Melee hits count as barrel "taps". If your melee weapon gets shot it counts as a blaster hit.

-Pack one. There are places to eat within driving distance, not really walking distance.

Match Types:
-Deathmatch (3-15, 5-20, etc.)
-Not Deathmatch (will figure out what once I get a better idea of who will be attending)
-Pistol only rounds
-Whatever else we want to play

If we have less then 3 people attending a war, we can reschedule it or cancel it if needed.

Please comment saying whether or not you can go; and whether or not you can bring guests, on either one of the dates.

July 16th Attendees:

Phree Agent(+1-2)
Naes Draw



July 23rd Attendees List:




#300279 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 21 June 2011 - 10:39 AM in Nerf Wars

We're split up in dates right now...
I'll edit the first post-we'll have to get more people confirmed towards one date before we make the decision. However, I'd advise everyone who believes they can make it to either date to start preparing-darts, blasters, trades, etc., so that, even if the war ends up being on the 16th (3 weeks away-not too close, but not too far), you'll be ready, and won't have so much of a crunch time.

EDIT: Do you guys wanna start an email list or IRC chatroom? It may make it easier for decisions like dates and stuff.

#300364 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 22 June 2011 - 02:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Does anyone have anything they would like to sell at the war? I'm open to a lot, so just PM me with offers...
I'll be looking for some sch.80 PVC, colored hot glue sticks(larger size, not the smaller ones), a stock 4b (old style) and anything else you can offer.

#300425 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 23 June 2011 - 05:10 PM in Nerf Wars

I have a 50% chance of attending on the 23rd (if that makes a difference). If more people can attend on the 16th, then just keep it to the 16th (I wont be attending on the 16th). I'll comfirm if I am a definite or not in a week or two.

Sorry man, but the war's on the 16th, fo' sure, since there will be more people able to attend....
Hopefully you can make/host the next one!

#300669 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 28 June 2011 - 12:39 PM in Nerf Wars

So I was talking to Phree and some other people on the irc trying to decide which date would work better and the brilliant bob gave us a great idea. His idea was that we should have 2 wars. One on the 16 would be the "Big One" and the one on the 23rd would be the "Aftermath". Both wars would be at the same location/time ect. So I wanted to know if we would have enough people who would be able to come to both wars or even one of the two wars. If you don't want to come to the one on the 16th, then you can come on the 23rd and its the same the other way around. So what do you guys think?

Uhrrr....I guess that's a good idea! I could prollly come/host both of them. I think this would totally work, as long as there are enough people.

#300674 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 28 June 2011 - 01:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Land, can you make both?
Here's the attendees list so far, I'll keep updating for the 23rd as people confirm, and I'll add it to the OP as soon as we get a good amount confirmed:



#300612 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 27 June 2011 - 03:14 PM in Nerf Wars

He said he he can use 3/0 fishing weights with a hot glue dome tip

Lol, we are banning 3/0s under fishing weights...sorry!
However, if he can get the 3/0 under a Mcmaster pad or at least 2-3mm of craft foam, I'll allow it. If he wants to use domes, can he use copper BBs? That's probably the best way to go. I don't know about 3/0s under those Lowes pads, though. How soft are they?

#300610 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 27 June 2011 - 03:10 PM in Nerf Wars

I don't have a camera, but they heavy duty felt pads from lowes. They cover the whole tip of the dart

Im' gonna have to say no for now, since I've bannd all slingshot darts for everyone else. Also, those felt pads look like they wouldn't pad very much. Can your friend whip up some other darts before the war date? If it's ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE, I may mae an exceptionl, since we want as many people to come and have fun as possible.

#300543 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 26 June 2011 - 08:14 AM in Nerf Wars

I have had a change of plans again. I was scheduled to come back from Canada on the 16th but we are now coming back on the 9th. The bad news is, that my family (and others) had booked a camping trip back in April. It turns out that they made the reservation on the 16... So I guess I'm out on this one unless somehow the war is switched to the 23rd which I would be a definite for (I don't think it will be changed just because of me). Have fun at Beall. Chaos don't forget to keep track of the weather and don't forget to bring the things I told you to bring to the war.

That sucks, man. Sadly, we won't be able to change to the 23rd, as of now, since we have more definites for the 16th...
Hopefully you can make/host the next one! Have fun on your camping trip! Thanks for all your help w/ hosting and stuff, too!

Just a little recap, since my previoius posts were not very clear:

We currently have 6 confirmed definites, awaiting a couple of people's statuses. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE, guys! Let's make this an awesome and worthwhile event!

EDIT: Also, I added some behavioral guidlines/rules to the OP, called the "Guidelines to non-douche-ness"

Guidelines to non-douche-ness: MUST READ!-We are using Beall's space for this war, and we DO NOT wanna get kicked out or get the cops called by the school!
-please keep profanity and vulgar symbols/actions to a bare minimum
-please keep loud yelling to a minimum too; there are houses nearby, and we wouldn't wanna disturb the school's environment with loud noises.
-PICK UP ALL TRASH that you leave, whether it is from lunch or a blaster. If you are seen leaving too much trash, you may not be invited to the next DCNF; the hosts/other attendees are NOT here to be your maids.
-try to pick up all darts during dart sweeps/lunch; we don't wanna leave too many darts on their field (it's pretty much the same as litter to them)

-If you repeatedly act violate these rules throughout the day, you may be asked to sit rounds out, or to leave/not come back to DCNF wars...let's make this a fun war for everybody, and a non-disturbing war for the school! Afterall, we're there to have fun, right?

#300700 DCNF #1- Now Recapping!

Posted by ChaosPropel on 28 June 2011 - 06:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Would you guys be interested in melee rounds? If so, would swords be of interest? I plan to, if you guys want me to, start making a batch of pipe insulation/pool noodle/PVC swords to be the official "DCNF swords," and I'll just bring them to each war, so we can play with them. However, if you want to buy one, I can make/sell you one for a few bucks, and it can be your personal sword. If not, you can just "rent"/use them for free @ DCNF wars. However, I may need for everyone to pitch in 2-3 bucks for materials cost for the group sword supply, since I don't have unlimited moneyz..:P.

Do you guys even wanna do a group sword arsenal? We could just do "everyone makes their own, if they want one, and I can always contract/make them for people"? I'm afraid that, if we do it like that, some people would have to sit the melee rounds out, just 'cause they don't have a sword. Or we could just do "everyone who wants to makes their own sword, and anyone who doesn't have one can borrow one from me, for a few dollars(a few dollars gets you the sword as a loaner for all the wars).