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#12229 My Sharpshooter 2

Posted by cooldood31 on 01 November 2003 - 11:41 AM in Modifications

So the micro-stephans ar slightly bigger than nerf micros?

edit: oh, i forgot to tell you. I attached a piece from the trigger of my sm2500 becaus the little holes hold megas perfectly.

#12243 My Sharpshooter 2

Posted by cooldood31 on 01 November 2003 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

I kinda like it the way it is (a good weight and with almost a foot of pipe out the front, except the upper barrel. That I still have to get more pipe for.

#12260 My Sharpshooter 2

Posted by cooldood31 on 02 November 2003 - 12:30 PM in Modifications

just finished putting on the upper barrel. My SSII now looks so much like the shot guns from StarTrek DS9 when Sisko travelled back in time and played out the part of Gabriel Bell. Does a short or long barrel shoot farther?

#12551 Number Of Guns

Posted by cooldood31 on 07 November 2003 - 08:51 PM in General Nerf

I only carry one arround. It's all i've got, it's all I've ever needed.

#12227 My Sharpshooter 2

Posted by cooldood31 on 01 November 2003 - 11:38 AM in Modifications

i left the top berrel normal for short range and quick reloads. I'm also gonna be carrying another weapon. And since nobody else i no has ever modded a nerf gun i have the best range out of anyone I know. So Grinchie, since you don't know what conditions I'm under, current state of my competition or anything about me cut it with the destructive critisisme. OK?

#57512 Eat It

Posted by cooldood31 on 14 June 2005 - 02:18 PM in Off Topic

Cool! I didn't know many other people here read those. Cool that you won. You're obviously not that bad of an artist if you got your comic on there.

#33242 Forgive My Noobness

Posted by cooldood31 on 05 August 2004 - 09:03 PM in Modifications

If the barrel is attached to theplunger, hacksaw it off 1/4" away from the plunger in it's uncocked position and glue/ epoxy/ duct-tape a barrel in place. Internals pics?

#13370 Crayola Markers

Posted by cooldood31 on 28 November 2003 - 10:02 PM in Modifications

Just buy some 1/2" cpvc pipe. It's really cheap (under 5$) and works well with micro stefans. That's how I did mine and it stings for 5 minutes if you shoot yourself at 3". My parents won't let me shoot my sibling because it "might hurt them too much".

#12111 I Need Help

Posted by cooldood31 on 29 October 2003 - 08:27 PM in Modifications

i kinda need help with my nerfing. i started out with a sharpshooter 2, then i bought a crossbow at a garage sale for 2 buck (and loved it like hell). My friend's brother broke within a month. i also got a quad misile launcher and a supermaxx 3000. They both broke. So i'm left with my ss2 (i made it shoot micro's by wrapping tape arround 2 crayola barrels and stuffing them in the normal barrels).

I just wanna know which gun i should buy next, and if the crayola and pvc mod for the ss2 is any good (because i want to be able to shoot both micros and megas from my ss2).

#13367 At3k Leak

Posted by cooldood31 on 28 November 2003 - 09:51 PM in Modifications

It's a bit off topic but Ice Nine, how did you get the barrel assembly off your at3k? is is just singled or is it a clip or breech loader?

#12155 I Need Help

Posted by cooldood31 on 30 October 2003 - 06:37 PM in Modifications

Too late. It was thrown out years ago! :unsure: wish I knew more about nerf then. But anybody now if the crayola and pvc sharpshooter 2 mod is any good?

edit: and about the AT2K, does it shoot farther with the brass or the pvc mod

#12149 I Need Help

Posted by cooldood31 on 30 October 2003 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

Yea i think im gonna buy an AT2K and single barrel crayola/pvc mod it. And what about my sharp shooter 2? is the crayola/pvc mod any good? I want to shoot micos and megas from it but not power it up to much for close range or indoor use

#12163 I Need Help

Posted by cooldood31 on 30 October 2003 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

i do take care of them: yhe trigger mechanism wore down on the 2500, the tubes on the cheap misile launcher were as weak as straws, and i still hate my friend's brother for breaking my crossbow :angry:

#15235 Good Find

Posted by cooldood31 on 29 December 2003 - 02:35 PM in General Nerf

Sure, sell a great gun in the states and onthe other bloomin' side of the continetnt!!!

#15224 Good Find

Posted by cooldood31 on 29 December 2003 - 11:04 AM in General Nerf

What city?!?!?!?!?!? What street?!?!?!?! I wanna get my hands on a couple! YAY!!! Max Shots! :D

#14240 Which Gun?

Posted by cooldood31 on 13 December 2003 - 10:32 AM in Off Topic

Depends, what guns do you have already?

#14340 Which Gun?

Posted by cooldood31 on 14 December 2003 - 08:23 PM in Off Topic

Buy the tech target, because cocking mechanisms kick butt and have a higher rate of fire than pump mech

#59469 Titan Setback

Posted by cooldood31 on 16 July 2005 - 05:10 PM in General Nerf

Fairly common problem when modding newer guns. I'd suggest using TS's suggestion B, along with using pliers for extra leverage. This ussualy works for me.

#56969 New Spring For Sharpshotter 2

Posted by cooldood31 on 08 June 2005 - 02:14 PM in Modifications

Yeah, but if he ships it to me, than I'll own it, which is the best possible outcome.

#56901 New Spring For Sharpshotter 2

Posted by cooldood31 on 07 June 2005 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

1. Try CXWQ's mod under the mods section of the site
2. If you can't find brass, do pretty much the same thing except use 1/2" cpvc
3. Put it in a package and mail it to me. I think this is the best option, as I wouldn't charge you a cent. :)

#12364 Anyone Nerf Here?

Posted by cooldood31 on 05 November 2003 - 01:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Does anyone nerf/ live arround London Ontario?

#13511 Misile Launcher

Posted by cooldood31 on 01 December 2003 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

I gave my misile launcher cpvc barrels (now it shoots stefan micros) but it still lacks range. Anyone else have any mods for this gun?