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#17776 Avatars

Posted by cooldood31 on 31 January 2004 - 09:19 PM in Site Feedback

I love squirrels to! I love throwing rocks at them and shooting them with my slingshot. I mean, like what would we do without squirrels?

By the way, could you put up a wolf avatar?

#72020 First Attempt At A Homebrew Gun

Posted by cooldood31 on 31 January 2006 - 07:00 PM in Homemades

Carbon, simplicity is half the reason I thought of a sten. Speaking of mass production, once the SNAP mk.2 is out, if it's shooting better (80 feet would be a good goal to shoot for) could you put the instructions out online, that would be awesome. I could easily see these things becoming the backbone of my arsenal.

A neat idea to do (once the instructions are out) is to have people pm you when they finish one, and you could keep track of the number of SNAPs produced in your sig. It would be interesting to see how many people start making these.

Once you have the basic SNAP shooting at a slightly higher range, another idea would be to try making some with turreted barrels (like an airtech 2000), or a bolt action clip (I think it's Ompa or Pineapple that makes these), of course you'd make the clip feed horizontaly right?

#71992 First Attempt At A Homebrew Gun

Posted by cooldood31 on 31 January 2006 - 01:23 PM in Homemades

Sweet homemade, Carbon. If you manage to get the thing working more efficiantly, I might make one myself (it would be my first homemade). It reminds me a bit of a sten (british submachine gun from ww2). Good luck with the changes, and I hope you find a good name for it.

#72095 First Attempt At A Homebrew Gun

Posted by cooldood31 on 01 February 2006 - 11:11 PM in Homemades

The long barrel might be what is causing lack of range. A plunger that size should be giving a lot more power. By the way, what are you weighting your darts with? It might also be just because your darts are too wide for the barrel. Once you find better fbr, could you try range testing again and see what you get. I'm sure the ranges will go up.

#72169 First Attempt At A Homebrew Gun

Posted by cooldood31 on 02 February 2006 - 09:51 PM in Homemades

That is one of the few Nerf guns I like the black paintjob on. Good job. I also like the fake clip, but just out of curiosity why didn't you put it directly left if you're going for the sten look? Anyways once you get the ranges with stefans, I might make a pair so I can dual wield them (has anyone here played the singapore sling level of Medal of Honour: Rising Sun? Sweet cutscene...).

#94199 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by cooldood31 on 11 November 2006 - 09:39 PM in Darts and Barrels

"Is it possible to buy foam backer rod from a store, and if so, where would you look to buy it?
Since I live in Canada, I don't have an Ace Hardware or Lowes near me."-Croc

I live in Canada also. I've been able to find 1/2" foam backer rod in the weather stripping sections at Canadian Tire, Rona, and the Building Box.

#41214 N-strike Maverick

Posted by cooldood31 on 09 November 2004 - 04:20 PM in General Nerf

I think the reason the cylinder is off center is because it partially opened to reload, but maybe not. I hope this isn't just a knock off of the buzz bee toys six shot and I also hope that it has a bigger plunger tube than the six shot, but the top cocking mech. makes me worry.

#41467 N-strike Maverick

Posted by cooldood31 on 11 November 2004 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

If it uses megas you can just wrap some duct tape around some 1/2" cpvc and ram that down existing barrel, and repeat that for every barrel.

#45550 Nerf World Order

Posted by cooldood31 on 06 January 2005 - 03:33 PM in News

This sounds interesting. I think it's a good idea, but it will be fun to watch what goes on here in the next little while. I think that this will be good for the forum, after watching the number of trolls and others that have come through here degrading it dureing the short while I've been a member. The world of nerf must constantly change and adapt. Looking forward to seeing if, and hoping this is, a change for the better.

#12350 As And Pb Vs Nerf

Posted by cooldood31 on 04 November 2003 - 08:38 PM in Off Topic

I say you guys should boot this moron. Alex, PLEASE blast nerfornothing!!! Dont forget to send me some of his hospital pictures.

just a thought, what would your parents say if you started plying pb in your living room?

#94800 Next-gen Systems

Posted by cooldood31 on 19 November 2006 - 12:14 PM in Off Topic

I almost completely agree with Elf about the amount of money people spend on video games.

Interesting fact is that in the last generation (Xbox ps2 and game cube) over all ps2 controlled almost 70% of gaming market. [I am almost 100% sure that you are incorrect. Possibly 70% of the console gaming market, but there is no way that they domintated the ENTIRE gaming market.]

I'm not sure about percentages, but I do know that the PS2 is the top selling console to this date.

Fact: foot balls (American, and rest of the world-ian) and other sport balls can all be found for under $20. [So, what are you saying, that anyone who owns a next-gen system is a fat ass? I may not be skinny, but I'm sure as hell not lazy, I find time to be active and play games.]

I think what elf is trying to say here is that you could be playing real football for far less than it costs to play a digital version of it. Personally, football isn't my sport, but I would still much rather play a real game of it with my friends than sit on a couch pushing buttons on a piece of plastic and pretend to play.

If you think that all the money we put towards video games should go to the poor. How come you play nerf wouldn't that money be better spent on 3rd world countries. One longshot could feed like 130 people you know. Don't preach to me that I should help the needy. The needy need to learn how to help themselves.

I don't think Elf meant that you shouldn't spend any money on yourself, just that you should try to think about others too. And as for the needy learning to help themselves, that is the most selfish inconsiderate comment I've heard in months. How can people learn to help them selves if no one teaches them? How are the helpless supposed to help themselves? Not every country is as rich as Britain, Canada, or the United States, nor as gluttonous. Canada uses the most amount of energy per capita than any other country. The United States has a mere 5% of the worlds population, but uses over 25% of the worlds ressources. Being as rich as we are, telling the less fortunate that they need to learn how to help themselves is just greedy, selfcentered, and pathetic.

Here's another Fact: 40,000 children die every day from Malnutrition, Starvation, or Hunger-related diseases. [And I'm sure you give your $20 to Greenpeace or whomever every year? I take time out of my life to build for Habitat for Humanity, and I'm sure other gamers perform community service. Sure, not all of them, but I'm really not sure what you're saying here; just because we spend 500$ on a vid game sys means we don't donate to people to save lives? I gave to Tsunami survivors, Katrina suvivors. I will not however donate to food for starving kids. I donate once and awhile to science to find cures for diseases plauging Africa and the rest of the world, but if I save one kid, 39,999 could still die, so what's the point.]

Elf isn't saying that nobody else tries to help others, he's just saying that there are people out there starving and, we, as a society, do very little compared to what we could be doing to help them. People spend so much money on themselves and try to justify it by saying "well I gave to this charity" ot "I helped these people" the point is that people could be helping more. As for the children that you can't help there's a story I once heard:

[indent=1]'A man was walking along the beach one afternoon as the tide was going out, when he saw a boy throwing starfish into the water "What are you doing?" the man asked.
"When the tide goes out, the starfish get stranded on shore and die, so I'm throwing them back into the water." responded the boy.
"But there are so many, you can't possibly save them all. You can't make a difference." said the man. The boy then picked up a starfish off the shore and said,
"It makes a difference to this one." and threw it back into the ocean.'

I'm amazed at how defensive and offended people get when others don't sugarcoat every one of their phrases, or point out faults.


So why don't you all get off your gluttonous self-centered asses and do something to help someone for once![Just unnecessary]

Is it really unecessary, or was this phrase have a long time coming

#94680 Next-gen Systems

Posted by cooldood31 on 16 November 2006 - 10:10 PM in Off Topic

I'll probably be getting a Wii. Mainly for Smash Bros. Brawl, but also it seems that it's the only next gen system with any innovation. Sony and Microsoft seem to be locked in a battle about having better graphics and more powerful systems, whereas Nintendo is focusing on making gameplay better. I've been waiting a long time for someone to come out with a point an shoot FPS (Ever since playing Duck Hunt and Yoshi Safari) and Nintendo's finally pulling through with Call of Duty 3 and Red Steel (although I seriously think Red Steel is being over hyped). Also, I like the idea of downloading games that were on older system (Goldeneye anyone? How about Perfect Dark? Yoshi Safari? Maybe Duck Hunt? Bomberman 64?)

#94806 Next-gen Systems

Posted by cooldood31 on 19 November 2006 - 12:54 PM in Off Topic

Newsflash douchebag;

I love you too.

in the past 5 years I've given more to charities and other funds that are for the good of other people then I've spent on videogames. Do you want me to give every penny I make? Let's give to people we don't know who are probably going to die anyway, and then GIVE SOME MORE!

I never said you don't give anything, now did I? And about not spending money on yourself, to quote myself: "I don't think Elf meant that you shouldn't spend any money on yourself". And what's wrong with giving money to people that we don't know who are probably going to die anyway? If we can help to improve the quality of someone else, why does it matter if we know them, or if they die shortly afterwards?

No one said that PS2 didn't sell the most, but I don't agree with the fact that "they controlled 70% of the market" or whatever.

As I said, I don't know the numbers.

Yes that fucking blatant generalization was totally unnecessary, as was most of your post.

So what you're saying is that we should just sit around while thousands of people are starving and dying? While that's very decent of you

Who gives a shit if you'd rather play real football? You can't play real football all day. You can't do it with your disabled friends who want to feel like they can actually play, if videogames is as close to playing as they can get, you might as well play with them.

Again, your United States comment is an unnecessary GENERALIZATION. If I give 50% of what I make to charity or whomever you want me to give to and other pompous assholes who make 10x me decide to give nothing, how does that make me look? Bad. Gamers could be quite generous as a whole.

If you didn't notice, I also mentioned Canada using more energy per capita, and I said as a country. I didn't say "RAMBO, you greedy SOB, quit using all the F***ING ressources!" I said that as a society, we are very well off and should be doing more. If you are already giving a lot, you are doing your part.

Until you find a fucking resource and cite it and it shows that gamers as a whole donate less than the United States as a whole, SHUT THE FUCK UP

Nice day to you too.

In closing, I'd like to refer to my previous post and say: I'm amazed at how defensive and offended people get when others don't sugarcoat every one of their phrases, or point out faults.

#73203 Hasbro Press Release 2-9-06

Posted by cooldood31 on 15 February 2006 - 05:18 PM in General Nerf

The magstrike sounds interesting. I'm betting it's just a remoddled powerclip, but it might just be another multishot spring. The CS6 is probably going to be way underpowered, but I'm betting that the shell will be awesome for intigrations. As for the "scope" and stock, well, that's what dremels are for.

#82932 T.a.r. Tactical Assualt Rifle

Posted by cooldood31 on 07 June 2006 - 07:54 PM in Homemades

It looks a lot like one of carbon's S.N.A.P. type guns, except painted black. It even has the same trigger mechanism. You might want to build a new one with a larger plunger tube and a stronger spring, because I don't think 35 feet is all that great.

#94495 Holiday Raffle

Posted by cooldood31 on 15 November 2006 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf


#67732 Seno '05 Vid

Posted by cooldood31 on 15 November 2005 - 08:17 PM in Nerf Wars

That video is awesome, but now for some strange reason I have a sudden craving for a xbow, a blue bandanna, and 32 more friends. And is it just me, or is somebody there wearing a paintball mask? What types of games were you playing anyways?

#14559 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by cooldood31 on 17 December 2003 - 08:40 PM in Off Topic

Our army kicked butt in WWII. Our generals kicked butt in WWII. Australia sent in less than half the amount of troups but lost the same amount. Also, Britan went into WWII the super-power, the states came out the superpower. Canadahas had an average army throughout history, except in 1812, the war the yanks say "never happened". We so owned the states, and detroit (the wimps gave in when they saw the troups, they were afraid of our native american forces).

oh yea, we burned the flag, and the white house.

#14371 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by cooldood31 on 15 December 2003 - 03:07 PM in Off Topic

Yeah but what about the "Weapons of mass destruction". The U.S.A has a crapload of nukes, so now it's ok for the states to have weapons but not other countries? I'll bet if Canada ok'd the misile defence system the states would have sent thier troops straight here saying "if they have a misile defence system, who knows what else they have"

#14623 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by cooldood31 on 18 December 2003 - 07:34 PM in Off Topic

Yeah, if Canada's the peanut butter. Who invented and flew the first aircraft? CANADIANS. Who kicked major butt in WWII? CANADIANS. Who invented the CANADA arm? CANADIANS. Who came up with a lot of the technology for the first man to land on the moon? CANADIANS. Who sends thier troups to go help countries in need? CANADA. Who burned down your beloved whitehouse to strike back angainst an invasion of yanks? CANADIANS. Who made the first railroad across the continent? CANADIANS. Who beat detroit with less than half the amount of troups than were in the city? CANADIANS. What country did black slaves escape to for freedom? CANADA. What country owns all? CANADA! Who is a total dumbass? YOU, BITCH!!!!!

#14633 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by cooldood31 on 18 December 2003 - 08:54 PM in Off Topic

Shut your hole SB!

#14532 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by cooldood31 on 17 December 2003 - 05:00 PM in Off Topic

We have subs, we bought some second hand off the british.

#14684 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by cooldood31 on 19 December 2003 - 03:11 PM in Off Topic

"Who made the first railroad across the continent? CANADIANS."

I have no facts on this one, but chances are thats bullshit.

Ever heard of the CP rail?

Thanks for the back up Spectre.

Merry Christmas to all Canadians. And to the Amereican morons out there, a crappy new year. Bye all, permanently

#59766 New Member-saying Hello

Posted by cooldood31 on 20 July 2005 - 05:08 PM in General Nerf

Wow. I guess this shows how little we trust people. What motive would this guy have to lie? Just cut him some slack and see how he does. He might prove to be a great asset (not quite the right word, but you get my drift) to nerf and nerfhaven, so why turn him away. Just because somethings are hard to believe, doesn't mean that they aren't true.

#59774 New Member-saying Hello

Posted by cooldood31 on 20 July 2005 - 07:10 PM in General Nerf

I am well aware that nurturing isn't done here, and turning this place into Nhq is the last thing i'd want. I'm just saying that some people should back up a bit and give him some time to come up with proof. If he doesn't, We'll all know that he's full of "retarded bullshit".

#33925 Really Addicting Game

Posted by cooldood31 on 13 August 2004 - 06:53 PM in Off Topic

22 in the first mode.

#19240 Im Done Nerfing :(

Posted by cooldood31 on 17 February 2004 - 06:14 PM in Off Topic

I got shot in the eye once, from 10 feet, with a cpvc'd at3k (and a stefan). It stung, a lot, and after I stopped rolling around in pain, I got up and washed it out. It hurt for 10 minutes but I wore eyewear while I nerfed from then on. Tell your friend he's a moron. Tell his brother to get well soon.

#15034 Get Anything Good For Xmas

Posted by cooldood31 on 25 December 2003 - 02:44 PM in Off Topic

I'm back (I needed to talk to some real nerfers) even though I said I waouldn't be. Sorry about the cracks about USA, it's a great place.

Anyways, I got a lotr crossbow, The Two towers extended DVD and other cool stuff.

#63853 What Other Sports Do You Do

Posted by cooldood31 on 18 September 2005 - 05:57 PM in Off Topic

Recently gotten into playing mod-stock paintball.

#95676 Christmas List 2006

Posted by cooldood31 on 01 December 2006 - 04:33 PM in Off Topic

-Bubble Bobble Revolution (DS). I remember playing the original on the commodor 64 when I was about 5 years old (and then the disk got scratched. It's among my top ten video games of all time, so the new one must be good.

-Nerf Magstrike. I need more clips for the one I already have, and dual wielding the would be awesome for indoor Nerf wars.

-Chapters/Coles gift certificate. I like being able to get a Wolverine comic book every month.

-Nintendo DS screen protectors. If you saw the screen on my GBA, you would understand instantly

#20756 Funny Video

Posted by cooldood31 on 05 March 2004 - 05:25 PM in Off Topic

I say funny. And it was a dictionary, not a text book.

#47416 Ch-ch-ch-changes Redux

Posted by cooldood31 on 17 February 2005 - 03:44 PM in News

Wow. This is quite the change, but whatever works best. Good luck with your new jobs, Talio and Shindig. Have fun using your new powers to wreak total havoc and/or end world hunger or stop war or something like that. Looking forward to see what you've got planned CX, as I think I've said before, this next little while's going to be interesting.

#16160 Buster Sword

Posted by cooldood31 on 10 January 2004 - 08:26 PM in Homemades

Nerfer16, like dav said his practice ones were like i'd cover 'em in foam (pipe insulator)

#16153 Buster Sword

Posted by cooldood31 on 10 January 2004 - 07:43 PM in Homemades

Way to big. I'd take a broad sword or 2 sabers (thick blade, not fencing type) over that any day, but it would be cool to beat someone with pvc nunchucks (yes i do mean the ol' wheat-beaters) you could even use some plastic chain like they have for those stupid fences! I think I'm gonna make a pair.

#13168 Why Do You Nerf?

Posted by cooldood31 on 23 November 2003 - 07:37 PM in General Nerf

I don't know if anyone brought this up already, but nerfing is just FUN!

#56887 Buxx Bee Toys

Posted by cooldood31 on 07 June 2005 - 04:50 PM in General Nerf

The owner of the company has an account at isoaker.com and asks what we'd like to see and tells us a bit about what's coming out. They make great soakers, way better than hasbro's lines over the past 3 years. As for the double shot, I'm working on making homemade shells for mine, should improve performance. People thought the scout stank, than they learned how to make it shoot 60-70 feet (from what I've been reading around here). The double shot is fun to shoot, and would be ok for indoor wars, but don't expect more than 30 feet flat from it.

Come to think about it, shooting off a pair of buzz bee toys pistols at a fun fair a couple years ago, is what got me into nerf.

#32744 The Next Eab

Posted by cooldood31 on 31 July 2004 - 06:55 PM in General Nerf

I have to get my hands on one of those! Another cool thing would be to cut down a nightfinder, give it a cpvc barrel, add a stock starting just under the handle, a cpvc "scope", paint it plack and white, and put a decepticon decal on the handle (in short make it look like megatron in gun mode). I just have to get my hands on a nightfinder...

#96110 Snowstorms

Posted by cooldood31 on 08 December 2006 - 08:03 AM in Off Topic

We got a foot and a half. Overnight. ALL the schools are closed today by order of the BOE. The mayor of London (Ontario) is advising us to stay home. Not even the city buses are running today. Isn't Canada great?

#96112 Snowstorms

Posted by cooldood31 on 08 December 2006 - 09:51 AM in Off Topic

I just heard from a friend that they have over 2 and a half feet of snow in other parts of the city. It's insane. I really need to find some people to go to the park with today and play 'kill the carrier'. That has got to be the best game to play in the snow EVER.

#19394 Perhaps The Coolest Mod Ever

Posted by cooldood31 on 20 February 2004 - 08:22 PM in Modifications

I think the wide spread is cool, and probably good for night/ dark indoor battles. have one normal and one blue, put him in the spotlight with one, then target and blast with the other. It's almost as good as running around blinding people at night or during a blackout!