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#261828 Helping Air Seal On Revolving Barrel Guns

Posted by hulianomarkety on 14 January 2010 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

Ok. So i have airsoft as well as Nerf, i was looking at my revolver a while ago, and was looking at how they get a good seal. they had some sort of cone shaped thing on a spring. so what happened was, as the cylander advanced, the thingy pushed down, then when the cylander was ready, it pushed back up. i was thinking someone could make one of these out of rubber or something, and put it to use getting a better seal on you maverick or whatever. heres a picture i made in Google Sketchup of what it would look like:

Posted Image

odviously this is just a quick sketch (if it actually shows up) but you get the idea. there would be a hole through it, and all the sides would be flat, and solid. but sketchup is NOT that user friendly since i started using inventor at school... (mac vs pc compatiblity errors SUCK) but anyway, this would more be if you were , for example, try and make a semi automatic maverick, or whatever suits you with a rotating barrel. but there would be a spring behind it and it would move up and down and you would get a better seal, theoretically.
