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#12305 Expand A Blast

Posted by MAC on 03 November 2003 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

TOpic is extremely old, and so old that I forgot that I had asked it, and was about to reply to the person that i had the same problem until I switched the barrel to brass, until I realized it was me who asked the question.
Dont bring up old topics

#10422 Expand A Blast

Posted by MAC on 25 September 2003 - 08:04 PM in Modifications

I tried to modify my expandablast, but it only shoots about 20 feet. :unsure:

What I did was remove all the usless extra stuff, then i glued 2 pvc cuplers to a 8 inch piece of cpvc, then shoved it down the barrel untill it was snug. I then bought a new spring, but it would not catch so i had to use the old one. I put the gun back together, added some ruberbands, and tried it but was very dissapointed. With no dart in it, when i put my had infront of the barrel and shoot, i can feel tons of air comming out, but it dosnt shoot the dart very far. Am i using the wrong type of barrel? Should i use brass instead?

#34895 Gnomefest 2004 (gfiii)

Posted by MAC on 22 August 2004 - 07:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Overall the philly guys had a great time.
We got smoked the first round when we were teamed up on, but its all good cause we should have been more smart anyway, and not have gotten caught in between both other teams.

The pistol wars were really phat.

Dave was kinda bumbed that he couldnt use his titen, because he just made it. And talio, by the way the barrels are not pteg, they are airline tubing inside of pvc.

We don't mindthe nicknames, and by the way, we are still calling Tom, The Mouth. (he dosnt mind)

One last comment: Our ammo sucks, but I can't yell at anyone cause im the one who made it :P
I think our foam is to thick, because i have to twist it to get it into my barrels, and they get all squished, and when i fire it they explode when they come out of the barrel.
Gotta go to Home Depot, and find the type of FBR that Hersh and Talio use. I think its like frost king or something.

And thanks to the lglf for hosting the war.
To bad warlock couldnt make it, sorry i forgot the brass.

#16125 Thumb Tack Tip Stefans

Posted by MAC on 10 January 2004 - 03:42 PM in Homemades

They are the only kind i make since i can get tacks much easier than fish weights or bb's

They dont hurt that much more than the others, but of course you dont stick the pointy end of the tack out or you would puncture someone's skin.

#50018 Woohoo! 13 Beat A 4!

Posted by MAC on 19 March 2005 - 09:42 AM in Off Topic

I think i'm the only person who had bucknull winning...but thats because my bro goes there and I wanted to support him. It turned out good anyway.

#9574 How To Straighten Stefans

Posted by MAC on 10 September 2003 - 07:27 PM in General Nerf

ok thanx i am going to try to do that now :rolleyes:

#9567 How To Straighten Stefans

Posted by MAC on 10 September 2003 - 06:46 PM in General Nerf

I have heard different ways to straighten stefans such as putting them in the washer or drying them with a hair dryer or sumthing, but what is the best way to straighten a piece of foam backer rod?

#70314 To All My Fellow Herpers (reptile Fanatics)

Posted by MAC on 02 January 2006 - 06:54 PM in Off Topic

I'm a big reptile fan and also amphibians, but at the moment I dont have any reptiles. I do have some tree frogs and such tho...

#99313 Super Bowl Recap

Posted by MAC on 05 February 2007 - 08:32 AM in Off Topic

After the first quarter it was kind of a boring game. Not one of the better superbowls i've seen...

#13504 Nerf Hq?

Posted by MAC on 01 December 2003 - 07:37 PM in General Nerf


Chill dude he is just asking a question.

#15818 Super Bowl Predictions

Posted by MAC on 05 January 2004 - 08:39 PM in Off Topic


#11360 Y Does Cpvc Work Better Than Brass?

Posted by MAC on 13 October 2003 - 03:55 PM in Modifications

I modded my Tech target gun with 4 inches of 9/16 inch brass and 1 inch of 17/32, and i got ok results. I took it apart then put a 6 inch piece of cpvc on it, and the gun shot much harder and faster. I thought brass was suppost to work better on this gun.

#33152 Forgive My Noobness

Posted by MAC on 04 August 2004 - 08:52 PM in Modifications

Sad to say, I do not think the scout is gonna be good. I opened mine up to find a small spring, with a small plunger. The barrel is not replacable because its part of the plunger. The air restricters are extreamly hard to take out. I finally took mine out and got about 30 feet at max. It is not rubberbandable. I then replaced the spring with a first shot spring. It increased the distance to maby 40. Overall, the gun is not nearly as good as the nitefinder.

#10279 By 2 Get One Free

Posted by MAC on 23 September 2003 - 06:34 PM in General Nerf

I went to my local toysrus because i was told they were having a sale. By two nerf guns get one free. I went, and I decided to buy a tech target gun and an at2000. I wasnt sure what get for free, so i looked around, and in the back of the shelf i saw a gun called the tripple strike made by nerf, and it looked perty old because on the back of it it had pic's of a screat strike II, and some other silver gun. Is this gun any good? Thanx

#28287 Defective Guns New In Box

Posted by MAC on 11 June 2004 - 08:23 AM in General Nerf

I dont see what hasbro can do about guns that it no longer makes that broke, or guns that lanard makes.

#71856 Uruk-hai Crossbow Mod

Posted by MAC on 29 January 2006 - 11:45 AM in Modifications

I think the gun has to much recoil, and its hard to aim.

#23928 Bean Or Hung?

Posted by MAC on 10 April 2004 - 06:46 PM in Off Topic

Hold on one second. I have been reading all these newb posts, and one thing is pissing me off. A mod posts right after the newb and tells him how useless his post is and to leave. Instantly all the semi-newbs on this site join the bandwagon and think they are cool by telling the newb exactly wat the mod already said, and theirfore creating more useless posts. ITs just gay that if Vac had said that it was a cool pole, and made a positive comment, all the semi-newbs that feel its cool to make useless post hammering some guy would have completely agreed, and all voted in the pole.

#81685 Airtech 4000

Posted by MAC on 11 May 2006 - 04:48 PM in General Nerf

dont bother...its a bad gun anyway.

#68905 Pets!

Posted by MAC on 08 December 2005 - 05:37 PM in Off Topic

Here is my frog...

Posted Image

#28380 Domination Nj

Posted by MAC on 12 June 2004 - 08:31 PM in Nerf Wars

The philly boys can most likely make the 25, but cannot make the 17 or 18th.

#78254 Rejected!

Posted by MAC on 31 March 2006 - 06:58 PM in Off Topic

Congrats on JH!

I somehow got accepted to Cornell. Its gonna be real cold next year...

#18487 Any One Live In Pennsylvania?

Posted by MAC on 08 February 2004 - 10:37 AM in Nerf Wars

Its actually my friends dad who ownes the big lot, i would have to ask him if were allowed to have otherpeople nerf there.

#18440 Any One Live In Pennsylvania?

Posted by MAC on 07 February 2004 - 05:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey I live about 20 min outside of philli, and i have about 6 other people who I nerf with a lot. My friends dad owns a construction company, and he just bought a big development. Their are some open lots with just wood houses that were allowed to nerf at.

#45222 My First Homade

Posted by MAC on 31 December 2004 - 01:39 PM in Homemades

What do you think of my first homade?
I tried the two valve system, but it suked so i just use one of the valves now.
I put a checkvalve in the pvc and use a sm1500 pump. It takes about 40 pumps to make it shoot real far. Should i make the air tank smaller so that it has more pressure?


#45355 My First Homade

Posted by MAC on 02 January 2005 - 03:15 PM in Homemades

If you make a pump in that way, you'll need to use two check valves. One check valve prevents air from going back out into the open air and the second keeps it pumped into your pressure chamber. I'm surprised a design like that pumps air at all. I'd suggest buying real check valves

I'd also slap a real barrel on this gun (cut off between the two check valves and add a coupler). You'll need a pretty long barrel to work correctly on a ball valve. That might mean you should make your air chamber bigger. If you intend on keeping the ball valve trigger, I'd try some way to grease it or otherwise make it open faster.

Good for a first homemade I suppose.

I am using a "real check valve"
Its a fishtank one that fits perfectly inside of 1/2 pvc and makes an airtight seal. I don't need two.
I do have a barrel but i just removed it. It fits inside of the valve because the end of the valve acts as a coupler.

#39283 Nerf Tourny Nj Come All 13+

Posted by MAC on 19 October 2004 - 07:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey I have the perfect solution...

We can just say the philly guys are the best and leave it at that :rolleyes:

#44820 Reckoning 2004

Posted by MAC on 24 December 2004 - 10:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm pretty sure the Philly crew is not coming this war.

The philly guys can't make it ^_^ Our break ends jan 3, and school exams are right after break, so my parents won't be letting me go to this war. I did talk to many of the philly guys, and they all were intrested in the war, especially the "Mouth", but we probably wont be able to attend any wars until spring.
THanx tho

#42149 Prank Ideas

Posted by MAC on 21 November 2004 - 01:46 PM in Off Topic

Put a for sale sign on the back of his car, then write his phone number and a cheap price like 1,000 dollars. Then people will call him asking to buy his car and he will have no clue whats going on.

#39511 Turkey Day Weekend War

Posted by MAC on 21 October 2004 - 08:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Ill check with all the philly guys. Im not sure about this war because my bro is comming home from collage, and my family might be going on vacation somewhere.

#41701 Turkey Day Weekend War

Posted by MAC on 15 November 2004 - 07:07 PM in Nerf Wars

90% chance the philly guys can't make this war. I really want to but ive got a crap load of work to do over the break, my bros comming home from collage, and my parents told me im not allowed to go to any nerf gun wars durring the break. So count the philly guys out unless I update with better news. :angry:

#77708 Eagle Eye Mod

Posted by MAC on 26 March 2006 - 05:37 PM in Modifications

I've used similar tubing and found that it fits tightly inside 1/2 pvc.

#77677 Eagle Eye Mod

Posted by MAC on 26 March 2006 - 01:54 PM in Modifications

Still not possible. You must have angled it.

#11074 Modified Cps 2500 Got 273 Feet!

Posted by MAC on 06 October 2003 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

I think you all should chill. All he did was say how far his nerf gun shoots, and even thought its not a nerf gun, and probably dosnt shoot that far, he is allowed to be excited about his gun, and if you dont agree with him just ignore him instead of flaming the hell out of him.

#292794 What Should I Name My Band?

Posted by MAC on 14 January 2011 - 10:03 AM in Off Topic

the shaft ticklers

#53506 Late May War

Posted by MAC on 25 April 2005 - 07:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Ahh my exams start at the end of May and go until June 3rd. So those weekends im going to be studying crazily. I am hopeing to attend a war soon especially since the warm weather has finally come.

By the way whats the deal with guns allowed. Are you still banning fast shooting micros?

#47421 Nj March War, Via The Viking

Posted by MAC on 17 February 2005 - 05:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, that means brassed 2k's and other super micro shooters are out of the question. Also, I list the Titan under my banned list for wars I run, Horseman rules or otherwise. The regulars are ok cause I know almost everyone is using PVC with Mega's. For the newer guys, general rule of thumb, if it's more powerful then Freds 1500, it's not going onto the field. Thats pretty much how I'll be judging it. Twins, leave that bitch cannon of your's at home and use an actual Nerf gun.

There goes 99% of the philly guys guns...........

#47730 Nj March War, Via The Viking

Posted by MAC on 21 February 2005 - 08:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Philly kids, or are we too scared to put down the brassed weapons?

More like you're to scared to face up to them... :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, its going to be difficult to convince my parents to let me drive 2 hours on a weekend, since its not during my spring break. In the summer its much easier since being down the shore is closer to these parks.

#67164 Happy Halloween

Posted by MAC on 05 November 2005 - 05:53 PM in Off Topic

Check this out


#33008 [ec] Gnomefest3 August 21st

Posted by MAC on 03 August 2004 - 02:46 PM in Nerf Wars

The philly guys can probably make it, thats if we are wanted there, considering everyone is bitching about our brassed weapons.

#34206 [ec] Gnomefest3 August 21st

Posted by MAC on 17 August 2004 - 04:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Would me bringing 9 people (including me) be to many?