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#260139 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 29 December 2009 - 10:20 PM in Nerf Wars

We need a zombie round, otherwise the stock raider will serve no purpose.

Doesn't matter what you're playing, stock Raiders never serve a purpose :)

#259731 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 25 December 2009 - 02:05 AM in Nerf Wars

I now have like 7 primaries and 500 darts. You can change me to a definite. Lucian, I'll have enough weapons to equip your buddy when he comes to his senses.

#260286 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 31 December 2009 - 04:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Is anyone gonna bring name tags and a sharpie?

The NIC uses blasters as name tags. Even if you don't recognize DX or I, you'll probably recognize his Maximizer and my Berserker!

#260637 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 03 January 2010 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

If I weren't a level 13 Ranger, I would never have found the staging area. I needed to literally follow footprints, use a compass, ask for directions, and use Google Maps to locate it. 24 hours after the war, I'm still so sore I literally can't walk. It was totally fucking worth it. Highlights!

- Getting shot directly in the middle of my forehead. Perfect shot from 60 feet. Don't remember who did it, but they deserve a beer.
- Awesome +Bow dogfight with Cheesy
- Tactical PistolSplat/FuryFire/Longshot
- Lots of Longshots kicking ass!
- Max the Maximizer finally giving up the ghost. My regards to the bereaved, DX.
- Walking in 1.5 hrs late, into the most confusing game type I've ever played
- Intense fighting in a cool woodland setting. Cool in the 'got frostnip while reloading' sense.
- Meeting Lucian, Cheesy, Z80 (who goes to my school!) et al
- Reuniting with DX, Skitzo, etc
- After I refer to my Berserker: "Hey, you're that guy!"
- The above happening FIVE TIMES. They literally called me "that guy" every time.
- FuryFire sucking worse than your mom

I'll add more as I remember 'em. Awesome photography by Cheesy really jogs the memory.

#260007 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 December 2009 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, I'm worried about the weather as well. Is there a snow date, or will the war go on regardless of weather?

And Cheesy, there's no such thing as too many darts. I typically run through about 300 per war, but I'm not big on the whole 'aiming' thing. You'll want at least 30 per round, and count on losing them all.

#260440 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 02 January 2010 - 01:57 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be late.
I have a new Longshot.
The two are related.

EDIT: DX's Maximizer has an RSCB?! This is gonna be a battle royale.

#260264 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 31 December 2009 - 11:57 AM in Nerf Wars

Skitzo, I have tons of slingshot ammo. I'll weigh you out a bag.

Guys, it might be a good idea to set up a "BFNY Sales/Want to Buy Thread" to list what you have for sale, then link in this thread. That way, we can work out deals without having to cut into our game time.

#260357 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 01 January 2010 - 02:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Just thought I'd post a quick WTB for this war:
- Big Salvo tank[s]
- Tubing splices and 4-way crosses
- Tubing check valves
- 20ft of PETG (Thick or med wall is best, but I'll take whatever)
- A Berserker turret
- Felt and washers for CS darts
- Holsters and belt pouches
- Lightning Blitz
- Stock Lanard Shotgun
- Nerf Pinpoint Sight
- Nerf Bandolier

#259746 Battle For New York 4

Posted by Zack the Mack on 25 December 2009 - 01:02 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll also be bringing some nice finished blasters and interesting parts to trade.

Lucian, I can sell you some Stefans. They're Frost King foam with 1/4" BB's, perfect fit in 17/32, loose in PETG, and a bit tight in CPVC. I charge $15 for 50, or $25 for 100.

#289510 Barrel Tapping - A Cheap Shot?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 30 November 2010 - 05:30 PM in General Nerf

People definitely don't honor the "Barrel Tap = Expended Shot Rule". Too many people try and run through a crowd and yell "taptaptap!" Even disregarding those schmucks, I have never seen anyone discharge a dart after tapping.

I've never been a fan of tapping. It gets abused and creates arguments and injuries. If Nerfers are going to be wimpy and ban short-range shots, which people take anyways, tapping should be made more like a melee, and shouldn't be done with a blaster. I saw Chops right after he got smacked in the head, and that tap was NOT safer than being hit point-blank.

#302445 Barrel Break Nitefinder

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 July 2011 - 04:14 PM in Modifications

Is it necessary to use the 1" PETG for the plunger tube or could you use the NF plunger tubes?

You need to use 1" PETG - it barely fits as-is. The original NiteBarrel BreakFinder was going to use the original PT's, but they're too thick-walled.

Fish, what improvements/differences did you make on the original design?

#257098 Ballzooka Mp150

Posted by Zack the Mack on 23 November 2009 - 01:07 AM in Modifications

That's pretty damn cool. You might also be able to make a hop-up by putting some sort of small, friction-y piece on the end. When the ball flies out, it catches momentarily on the piece and gets some backspin. That's how hop-ups work in that game with plastic pellets that Nerfers aren't allowed to acknowledge.

If you're going with the whole backspin idea, use some dimpled practice golf balls or fuzzy miniature tennis balls. The textures are designed to catch air and get gnarly spins.

Can't wait to get shot by that thing.

#249976 Automatic Blowgun

Posted by Zack the Mack on 08 September 2009 - 09:29 PM in Homemades

So the darts curve around inside the wye... How long are your darts?

#355019 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by Zack the Mack on 15 July 2016 - 12:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm excited to end my hiatus and fight this Apocalypse! Also catch Zubats.


What is the correct term for an amount of Southerners?


The collective term is a ranch of southerners.

#299599 Apocalypse 2011

Posted by Zack the Mack on 09 June 2011 - 03:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm back, and I'll be there! If anyone can sell me 500 Slugs with airgun fit in PETG, hit me up.
Anyone in central NJ, Essex County area need a ride, say the word.
For the record, Benbo, I'll be bringing a Stampede with stock ammo. Stampede strike force!

#364082 APOC 2019 - Saturday August 3rd in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by Zack the Mack on 16 July 2019 - 10:40 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there with the NYCNO crew! Maybe our next podcast will be about Apoc?


Also, I think Ted is a cool guy.

#259060 Any Nerfers Live In New Paltz Or Neer There

Posted by Zack the Mack on 15 December 2009 - 12:02 PM in Modifications

I'm around an hour and a half from New Paltz, NY, according to Google Maps. The Battle for NY is probably close to your hometown, if you're looking for a war.

#264015 Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

Posted by Zack the Mack on 31 January 2010 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

I played a game called VIP here it is

Teams: Two, the VIP and bodyguards, and the assassins.
Objectives: The VIP's team generally has to keep the VIP alive for a certain amount of time, or to move them to a "safe" location. The assassins have to kill the VIP.
Overview: The VIP's team is generally stacked with the more firepower, but is almost always outnumbered. The VIP is generally very lightly armed, or not armed at all. As an interesting reversal of the game, the Bodyguards may be required to "rescue" the VIP before taking them to safety.

Yeah... I mentioned above that I wanted to keep this thread for elimination rules, not game types.

You also ripped that off from Wikipedia. I wrote it.

BTW, we played "Shields", aka 2-3-15 at BCNO. It was a hell of a lot of fun and really did make standoffs impossible. Many kills came from melee weapons and even an Atom Blaster.

#263653 Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

Posted by Zack the Mack on 29 January 2010 - 11:13 AM in General Nerf

Yeah, it's a double post, but it's worth it.

BTW, if the "LARP" rules was supposed to be based on my whole scheme, could you make it sound slightly less retarded?

The proper rules are that all players have 2 HP (doctors or VIPs may have more).

Role playing is retarded. If your role is a doctor or a VIP, you have more health. Hmm...

#263650 Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

Posted by Zack the Mack on 29 January 2010 - 11:08 AM in General Nerf

I see a problem where people may count at different rates and/or not be honest. This would be extremely vulnerable to cheating.

What else bothers me is that it may be very hard to count fairly in mid-combat.

The same could be said about the countdown in regular 3-15. It could be difficult to count during combat, but that could be a handicap for the player who got hit, perhaps? This is an untested game type, so this rule will get refined as games are played.

The hardest thing about the LARP Rules is the enforcement of micros versus mega darts. While running around getting hit, no one will stop to look and see the diameter of the dart lying on the ground.

As mentioned before, there will be issues with the definition of "long range" guns.

Won't that encourage barrel tapping AND shooting from point blank range? Or smacking someone twice? This is the only one that seems like a bad idea.

1. The attacker usually calls hits on the defender, so I doubt that would be a major problem in combat. If someone calls a ball hit and their blaster is chambered for Micros, you know that they're bullshitting. Gotta trust each other!

2. If the gun restrictions are used, either a standardized list or the war organizer would make the restrictions beforehand. I'm not a fan of this particular rule.

3. In 'modified barrel taps', the player must still remove themselves from combat and can't shoot or be shot for 15 seconds. They just don't lose a life. It's like stunning a zombie in HvZ. I'll edit the rule to make it more clear.

I don't understand proposed the barrel-tapping rule. Is it so you can barrel tap someone and run away (i.e. you need to reload, and your enemy's gun is primed), or is it to sneak up on someone and barrel tap 'em, while your buddy shoots him (That would go with the 2-3-15 rule)? But it sounds pretty good on most accounts.

The original version of the rules in the reverse plunger thread didn't cover barrel taps. Perhaps make barrel taps cause instant kills?

It takes less than 15 seconds to get off 3 shots with a speed loader. It takes even less to get off 3 shots with a turret or rscb.

Then you'll kick ass in this game type! Even if you can shoot rapidly, I'd imagine it would be difficult to take someone out at long range in 2-3-15.

#264129 Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

Posted by Zack the Mack on 02 February 2010 - 12:05 PM in General Nerf

I think there was some discussion about this one earlier in the thread, but I didn't see this specifically addressed: what's the idea behind this one? Isn't barrel tapping basically an anti-douche rule so that you don't shoot someone at point blank with a ridiculously powerful gun? Why penalize someone for doing it? Plus, it's harder to do a barrel tap, since you still have to have your gun loaded anyway.

Eliminating barrel taps in most outdoor games is generally regarded as A Bad Decision, since yes, short-range 4B shots hurt. One caveat is that unlike shooting someone close-range, a barrel tap can't miss or misfire. This means that short-ranged blasters aren't as useful, since the opponent's long-ranged blaster is more reliable. This rule allows long-ranged players to escape from a situation without having to hurt someone, but provides an incentive to use short-ranged blasters.

Deathmatch Style
Players have an infinite amount of lives, a set respawn point, and a time limit. Players must count their hits, so they can be tallied at the end of each round. The team with the most hits wins.

This is also known as 00-15. I'll add it to the list! A major downside of this rule is that players can forget or fudge their scores.

#263566 Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

Posted by Zack the Mack on 28 January 2010 - 06:14 PM in General Nerf

Sometimes, 3-15 gets boring or kicks off tedious philosophical debates. I've set up this thread to collect and organize our alternate rule sets, so war organizers and basement warriors can browse for something new. Who knows, maybe one of these will become the new 3-15?

The purpose of this thread is to collect rules for elimination - what gets a player killed. If you have a new game type, such as a variant on HvZ or CTF, this ain't the place to put it. None of these rules are my idea! They're collected from wars and other threads, which I'll link to when I'm feeling less lazy.

East Coast Rules
Players begin the game with 10 hit points. When a player is hit, they lose a hit point and don't count down. Before a game starts, the war host should decide how to resolve situations where players don't know how many times they were hit.

2-3-15 (Shields)
When a player is hit by a dart or barrel-tapped, they do not lose a life, but instead begin a 15-second countdown, during which they can still shoot and be shot at. If the player is hit again during the countdown, they lose a life and must remove themselves from the game for 15 seconds. If they finish the countdown without being shot again, they're good as new.
Variant: Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they lose their shield and count down as if hit. During the countdown, neither player can shoot or tap the other.
Variant: Gears of War Style
While a player is counting down, they must keep one knee to the ground. They can still move, fire, etc, but one knee must always remain in contact with the ground.

LARP Rules
When a player is hit by a projectile, they lose a number of lives that depends on the type of projectile. Micro darts always take away fewer lives than other projectiles. Example values:
Micro Dart - 1 Life
Mega Dart, Mongo, Ball - 2 Lives
Missile, Arrow, Marshmallow, Chicken McNugget - 3 Lives

Restricted Ammo
Long-range blasters without multiple barrels may not use Micro Stefans.
Sample list of applicable blasters: PAS, 4B and variants, AT2K, AT3K, SM5K, +Bow, Xbow, RFSG, L+L, Maximizer, MaxShot, Titan

Shields Permitted
Players may use a single shield of any size, within reason. Shields that aren't carried in the hand or strapped to an arm don't block shots. Projectiles that break through the shield count as being blocked. Shields do not block barrel taps.

Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they must count in but do not lose a life.

00-15 (Count-Up / Deathmatch)
Players have an infinite number of lives. When a player is hit, they're out of the game for 15 seconds, and the player who tagged them tallies the hit. After a set time limit, gameplay ends and each team totals their number of hits.

Spawn at Base
When hit, players must return to a designated team base to re-enter play.

#251141 ?magstrike-longshot Integration?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 21 September 2009 - 10:51 AM in Modifications

TantumBull cheated, he hacked into Nerf's server, stole the schematics for the Spartan NCS-12, and ripped them off.

The problem with the idea is that the Longshot's repeater mechanism is nothing like the Magstrike's. When you pull the Longshot's bolt back and push it forward, it pushes one of the darts from the clip into an internal barrel. They don't fire directly from the clip like the Magstrike.

You could probably integrate the Magstrike's internals into the Longshot so the air power fires a dart, but you'd still need to manually use the bolt to chamber a dart, which defeats the purpose.

If you had some serious modding chops, you might be able to integrate the Magstrike internals into the Longshot shell, so it's just a Magstrike in a Longshot's body. That would probably be a hell of a lot more trouble than it's worth, especially because the Magstrike fires from two positions and the Longshot only has one barrel extension.

It's possible to use a motor or something to actuate the bolt and get your full-auto. It's already been done, and it's called the Vulcan.

#257986 405th

Posted by Zack the Mack on 04 December 2009 - 12:04 PM in Off Topic

Um... We're here to play with nerf guns, not turn them into firearm replicas. Plus armor for nerf guns are for pansies.

They're not replicating real guns... they're making imaginary guns using make-believe toy guns. Basically, they're fake versions of fake guns created from other fake guns. I'd join in on the holier-than-thou brouhaha, but I'm too busy trying to figure out how the dart escapes the barrel in that Recon at the bottom.

#357029 3D printing in Nerf

Posted by Zack the Mack on 05 December 2016 - 01:31 PM in General Nerf

I use OpenSCAD. It's easy to change dimensions of your model after test-fitting. You don't need to move a lot of geometry by hand.

#357411 3D Printable Rapidstrike Mod Parts

Posted by Zack the Mack on 03 January 2017 - 04:54 PM in Modifications

Hey all, I'd like to share some parts I designed while modding my Rapidstrike. All of these are released Creative Commons 4.0 Noncommercial Attribution Share-Alike.


Editable models and installation instructions are hosted on Thingiverse. I've attached STL files to this post for convenience, but I recommend visiting Thingiverse as well.


Pusher Motor Cover and Nameplate

2016-12-29 15.35.05 scaled.jpg


If you upgraded your pusher to use a 180 motor, this cover plate prevents shorts while still allowing ventilation. It also neatly covers the Rapidstrike logo so you can pimp your blaster.


Thingiverse link with design files and instructions


Dual OLED Screen Bracket

2016-12-12 13.25.31 scaled.jpg


Replace your Rapidstrike's sling loop and rear sight with TWO OLED screens. If your sick gaming rig needs two monitors, so does your sick blasting rig.


Thingiverse link with design files and instructions


Butt Plate

2017-01-03 12.42.10 scaled.jpg


If you removed your Rapidstrike's stock, you now have a gaping hole. Install this butt plate and now you don't. I included two versions - one has a cutout for a battery connector or a USB port, the other is solid.


Thingiverse link with design files and instructions



Thanks for viewing, and good luck with your Rapidstrike modding.

Attached Files

#357425 3D Printable Rapidstrike Mod Parts

Posted by Zack the Mack on 04 January 2017 - 02:56 AM in Modifications

Maybe you could modify the rear cover plate so it could be glued to or replaced the shell insert for the stock.


Totally agree, that is the most elegant way to attach the butt plate. My mod needed that dead space to hold a microcontroller, but if I built a production version of the mod, I'd combine the butt plate and stock retainer doohickey into one piece.


The screen bracket is amazing and I want one. What size oled does it hold and would you be willing to adjust it to hold a single oled on the top and a 3 piece segment 7 as the bottom.

The brackets hold the four-pin SSD1306 breakout board, which is also sold as an SH1106. Adafruit's SSD1306 breakout is wider and won't fit. Here's an example of the display board, but you can find a lot of clones from a lot of other suppliers.


Nice color, it's not really elite, but manages to fit well on the Rapidstrike color scheme

Yeah, I needed to use the ABS filament at my hackerspace, and this is the closest I could find. If you print these parts, I'd recommend buying orange filament, because it's pretty close to the stock colorscheme.

#357431 3D Printable Rapidstrike Mod Parts

Posted by Zack the Mack on 04 January 2017 - 01:23 PM in Modifications

Mind if I download the double display file and modify it for my own use?


Absolutely. Just remember the Creative Commons license - if you share the STL online, you need to include your model as well.

#358975 2017 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Zack the Mack on 01 April 2017 - 06:53 PM in Nerf Wars


[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/topic/27628-nyc-nerf-ops-5-foamcoming-saturday-april-29th/]April 29 \[NY\] NYC Nerf Ops 5: Foamcoming[/url]

#256346 20% Off All Nerf At Toys R Us

Posted by Zack the Mack on 15 November 2009 - 12:55 PM in General Nerf

Toys R Us is having a sale today [11/15/2009] only - 20% of all Nerf!

Coupon in PDF

Not sure if it's good for multiple purchases, but 20% off is a pretty sweet deal. Get a move on!

#282268 2-11

Posted by Zack the Mack on 05 August 2010 - 11:03 PM in Homemades

Awesome design, great progression of the +Bow. Simple, elegant, looks like anyone with a brain stem and a bandsaw will be able to fabricate one. It's the AK-47 of Nerf.

I especially like that catch - I can see it becoming a critical part of RTP-like blasters. What's it made of?

#256642 "silencing" My Nf

Posted by Zack the Mack on 17 November 2009 - 09:39 PM in Modifications

You could also just shove the entire blaster into an old throw pillow. Looks retarded, sounds quiet. You could also stuff it with polyester batting (teddy-bear stuffing). Search for "Pubed Tech Target".

#277148 'sticky' Petg?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 08 June 2010 - 09:31 AM in General Nerf

So, I bought some PETG from Mod Man to finish my Daikaiju Berserker. However, there seems to be a lot of friction between darts and the barrel - no blaster I try can push any dart more than a couple of inches. Tighter darts need a few minutes with a stick to push through, and even very loose darts get jammed partway.

I've tested with darts made from Frost King, converted stock darts, MrCrouse's foam, and others, and nothing makes it through.
I've tried barrels of 12" and 6" on a +bow, Signal Launcher, PistolSplat, and blowing them by mouth.

The PETG doesn't feel sticky or strange - it feels totally normal, but darts just won't let go of the walls.

This doesn't happen with the PETG on Silencer's NF (heh heh).

Any ideas? Should I sand down the inner walls, grease them up, change darts?