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#250447 Zombie-pocolypes

Posted by Zack the Mack on 14 September 2009 - 08:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Hmm, I wonder where this war idea came from! I'll see if I can show up. I hope it rains so I can powerslide down some hills!

#250520 Zombie-pocolypes

Posted by Zack the Mack on 15 September 2009 - 04:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Aww, you know that no Nerfer would play zombie games all day. It'll probably turn into 3-15 and the normal games after everyone gets bored and/or tired. Worst-case scenario, you can put your foot down and make sure it turns into 3-15 and the normal games.

#265854 You May Not Want To Re-barrell Your 4b Just Yet...

Posted by Zack the Mack on 18 February 2010 - 09:58 AM in Modifications

You shot a weighted missile a hundred feet? Unless you angled that Berserker, I'm calling shenanigans on this one.

#262274 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 18 January 2010 - 01:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, Alec! Change me to a definite, with at least 1 friend. Stevens is rollin' out!

#260265 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 31 December 2009 - 11:59 AM in Nerf Wars

You'll need to change me to a maybe. This is the second week of the spring semester for me - I'll need to see how much time and cash I have.

#264131 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 02 February 2010 - 12:37 PM in Nerf Wars

War's over, and it's postmortem time! Interesting bits coming your way!

- Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju! not functioning at all!
- RIDICULOUS COLD. Got frostnip on my left hand after ten minutes of play.
- Stevens army rolling out four-deep. Z80, Non-NIC Twitch, Noodles, holla.
- No gun breakages!
- Rapid prototyping the Shields game! See below.
- Slept through a train and missed one more...
- Kicking ass with a Pirates of the Caribbean pistol!
- Hanging with the Stevens crew, Cheesy, Lucian, DX, Silencer, et al
- Totally failing yet again to nail down a trade with Lucian

I want to give the Shields game type some special attention. We tested it out in a few rounds - two with one life, two with one life where you had to kneel as you counted, and a pistol round. Here's what I observed:
- Standoffs ended naturally. Players realized quickly that unless they were spread out, they would never land two hits.

- Standoffs weren't totally eliminated, since players were reluctant to take the first shot. Players who were confident in their accuracy or just reckless broke the ice by landing a hit or charging.

- Teamwork went through the roof. Players organized themselves into 'fire teams' or buddied up before rushes.

- Strategy came into play very prominently. Long-ranged players had to coordinate with short-ranged players so the latter could clean up after the former landed a shot.

- Gameplay proceeded slowly at first, then got faster as players were eliminated. The last player on a team had an impossible time.

- Short-ranged blasters, pistols, and melee weapons became really powerful. Players could continue their rush even if they were shot, and hitting someone at 10 feet could make or break a play. I cleaned up half a team using an Arrowstorm and a Warlock, and Jeff took down a few guys with an Atom Blaster!

- Players were confused about barrel taps, and we couldn't decide how to handle them. This part needs some work in the future.

- The kneeling thing was interesting, but dropping to one knee on frozen earth was torture. We ended this round quickly.

- Players still needed some time to adjust to the game. Many players' primaries took too long to reload, and players were unaccustomed to the type of strategy and teamwork needed to score kills.

- The general consensus was that Longshots would be super-weapons in this style. None of us actually brought a Longshot, so this went untested.

Bear in mind that the temperatures were EXTREMELY FUCKING COLD, which cut players' accuracy, and more importantly, reload speed. I'd definitely try this game mode when it gets warmer and players are encouraged to bring high-ROF blasters.

#262361 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 19 January 2010 - 12:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Bump, and one of my friends will need to borrow a primary. Can someone bring a spare?

#257623 Winter Bcno

Posted by Zack the Mack on 30 November 2009 - 11:29 AM in Nerf Wars

I'd probably be up for it. That's winter break for me, so I'll have plenty of time to mod and war.

Edit: 100th post! Hell yeah!

#252884 Will This Explode?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 07 October 2009 - 08:28 PM in General Nerf

I'm planning to integrate a Marvelous Salvo into my Spy Gear Signal Launcher by splicing a T between the pump and blast-chamber assembly. The pump is a Spalding basketball pump with no over-pressure release valve. I'll put a check valve between the T and the SMDTG trigger to isolate the two systems. Here's a diagram:

Posted Image

Suppose I pump enough to safely pressurize the Big Salvo chambers and the SGSL chamber. I then fire the SGSL or Salvo and pump again to refill it. Since there's no OPRV, will this cause the other mechanism that had not been fired to become too pressurized and explode?

#289164 Which Spring Is Stronger?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 27 November 2010 - 08:01 PM in General Nerf

Also has anyone attempted to mod the alpha trooper drum for stefans? Is it possible?

The Alpha Trooper drum is mechanically identical to the Raider drum, so K9Turrent's Stefan mod should work. Wouldn't be a bad first Mod and PJ post.

#289173 Which Spring Is Stronger?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 27 November 2010 - 08:44 PM in General Nerf

Were was that mod posted? Link?

Here you go: http://lmgtfy.com/?q...ent raider drum

#254061 Vinyl Dye On Stefans?

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 October 2009 - 12:58 PM in General Nerf

Not a good idea. The solvent in the dye might melt your Stefans, it'll increase their diameter, and make them sticky in the barrel. You're better off taking the money you'd spend on dye and just use it to buy more Stefan supplies!

#247008 Uploading Pictures

Posted by Zack the Mack on 14 August 2009 - 11:09 AM in General Nerf

I'd say to avoid Photobucket altogether. Pics hosted there tend to expire and make write-ups useless. Use Flickr instead.

#280055 Umd Dart Of War 3

Posted by Zack the Mack on 12 July 2010 - 03:33 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm driving in from South Jersey on Saturday evening. If anyone wants to carpool and split the gas, send me a PM.

#279677 Umd Dart Of War 3

Posted by Zack the Mack on 07 July 2010 - 08:59 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there, and I'll be bringing a purpose-built indoor primary.

JSNO and Dart of War in one weekend... that's 500 miles of driving and 12+ hours of Nerfing. I love it!!

#280339 Umd Dart Of War 3

Posted by Zack the Mack on 15 July 2010 - 03:38 PM in Nerf Wars

I found some pictures of this war's venue on the UMD NAS's site:
The pics are too big to embed, but check them out if you're undecided. They'll change your mind.

#299283 Tyco RC Rapid Assault

Posted by Zack the Mack on 04 June 2011 - 10:45 AM in Modifications

Tear the turret off and mount it to your shoulder, and you can be War Machine.
I want one!

#287915 Troubleshooting: Stampede Firing Uncontrollably

Posted by Zack the Mack on 04 November 2010 - 01:35 PM in Modifications

I just finished a Stampede with 14.5v battery pack, and when I pull the trigger, the blaster fires uncontrollably. Unlike the common catch-spring problem that SGNerf identified and troubleshot, this is caused by a "race" condition between the plunger tube and the actuator gear.

I'm posting this thread to get some help solving this problem and chronicle any solutions for future modders. I'll put up photos as soon as I can.

Here's the problem:
The Stampede's plunger tube is pushed forward by a large gear which is about 2/3 toothed and about 1/3 smooth (untoothed). When the motor rotates the smooth part in, the plunger-tube assembly can slide freely and is pushed backwards by that weak black spring you can see through the window, which resets the blaster.

Normally, the gear turns fairly slowly, exposing the smooth part long enough for the spring to fully reset the plunger assembly. This releases the white motor switch, cutting power to the motor.

However, when the voltage is increased, the toothed part of the gear might rotate back in before the plunger-tube assembly has fully reset. This means that the white motor switch is never released, and thus the blaster fires uncontrollably. This can also cause the gearbox to become misaligned, which creates further problems and can damage the mechanism.

This is the "race" - the plunger tube needs to fully reset before the untoothed part of the gear rotates out.

Even if you haven't upped the voltage on your Stampede, it's likely that this problem could happen anyways once the lubricant wears off and the plunger-tube assembly returns more slowly.

I tried replacing the black spring with a more powerful one, and it still didn't reset fast enough. Any ideas?

#288432 Troubleshooting: Stampede Firing Uncontrollably

Posted by Zack the Mack on 15 November 2010 - 12:35 PM in Modifications

I've fixed the problem!

I replaced the stock spring with one from a Big Bad Bow. I had to cut off about two coils to make it fit, but it works fine.
The increased spring strength requires more force to compress and thus the gearbox turns more slowly. Less momentum on the main gear means that it has more time to reset!

The blaster fires hard and fast, and I haven't noticed any heat or damage in my postmortem.

Long story short: If your Stampede is firing uncontrollably and your catch spring is fine, upgrade the spring.

#357122 Top 5 best springers for Nerf wars

Posted by Zack the Mack on 13 December 2016 - 02:14 AM in General Nerf

If you're going to a NIC war, #1 through #4 are Rainbowpumps and #5 is a tie between a Plusbow and another Rainbowpump.


If you're doing a more casual, close-range battle, you will get outgunned by flywheels. Few springers have an advantage over a flywheel blaster, but these have special properties that could make them competitive:

  1. Longshot - The best platform for a clip-fed modded springer, period. Supports the beefiest springs, the silliest integrations, and the most sophisticated breeches. A maxed-out Longshot could outrange a flywheel blaster and provide area denial.
  2. Dart Zone Magnum - Big, filthy, stinking drum. If you can run really fast and have good game sense, you can mop up opponents as they swap mags.
  3. Buzz Bee Sentinel - The People's Rifle accepts Nerf mags, shoots 120+ FPS, makes you The Terminator, and costs ten bucks. You see A LOT of these at Superstock wars.
  4. Alpha Trooper - The definitive HvZ blaster. Lightweight, good ergonomics, cheap, and versatile. So reliable it's basically indestructible. Slam-fire works well. Not competitive in brief games, but perfectly suited for multi-day HvZ scenarios.
  5. Ultimator - The only springer that shoots HUGE ROCKETS. Provides +5 ranged touch attack and +10 movement speed while wielded by BallisticJoe.

Honorable mention: Stampede. It's technically a springer. But only technically.

#357130 Top 5 best springers for Nerf wars

Posted by Zack the Mack on 13 December 2016 - 12:29 PM in General Nerf

Try playing in the rain and ask the flwyheelers which type of blaster is king.

Good point. Just remember to strip, dry, and lube your blaster afterwards so the spring doesn't rust.

#245423 Titan Football Rules!

Posted by Zack the Mack on 04 August 2009 - 10:45 AM in General Nerf

Between rounds at Apoc 8, I was trying out a crappy Lord of the Rings longbow, and another Nerfer attempted to shoot them down with a Titan-rocket-firing Chimera. This quickly turned into catch-the-Titan, which quickly turned into Titan Football! Sorry if I put this in the wrong section, I couldn't find any other rules-related articles.

The first batch of rules turned into a major clusterfuck, which was awesome. I've refined the rules a bit, and posted them here for your own Titan Footballing pleasure!

For this game, you'll need a missile-firing Titan or Chimera, a Titan missile, something to mark goals, and at least 10 Nerfers. Find a nice, open space with no obstacles. Mark goals about 100ft apart. Break into two teams. Each player can only use spring pistols.

Flip a coin to choose who's on offense. One player on the attacking team is the QB and gets the Titan. Form a line of scrimmage - offensive players in a line with the QB, defending players in a line 20 feet away. The QB "hikes" the Titan by starting to pump it, and lets the rocket rip. Team on offense tries to catch it.

If it's caught, next down starts where the catcher is tackled. Tackle players by shooting them (no barrel taps allowed!) or just simply get in their way. Tackled players can't shoot, drop the missile, and stand still until the end of the play. 4 downs per round, only one first down. You ken do eet - get that Titan into the end-zone!

You can also blitz the QB, preferably with a Lightning Blitz.

#250094 The Real Pawar

Posted by Zack the Mack on 10 September 2009 - 07:01 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be there, and bringing up to 3 friends.

#247791 The Real Pawar

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 August 2009 - 10:22 AM in Nerf Wars

Like Spartan's war named Chelsea, I'll need to find out the logistics once I'm in college. This is the first week of school for me, so I might have other responsibilities and obligations. By responsibilities, I mean alcohol. And by obligations, I mean more alcohol. I'll keep you posted.

#250321 The Real Pawar

Posted by Zack the Mack on 13 September 2009 - 02:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, Talio, that chip on your shoulder has a chip on its shoulder. The reason I'm writing this a day after the war is because it got me so goddamn tired! Between the running, powersliding, and Effeminate battling, I don't think I've been to a more intense war. The weather wasn't actually that bad - just cloudy enough to cool us down, and just drizzly enough to turn the entire battlefield into a giant Slip-n-Slide. Everyone was a good sport, a strong Nerfer, and willing to play along with some more interesting games than 3-15.

- Getting shot by ballisticjoe's AT2K from 100 feet, five seconds after the round started. That's not an exaggeration - the shot was angled.
- Bustin' out the new +bow and kicking ass - Thanks, leet!
- Seeing the source of Spartan's... Spartanness
- Ice shooting through a Tupperware when testing our Core
- Powersliding down two hills to escape a horde of zombies
- Nail-biter showdowns with Ice, Lanard Shotgun vs RSCB'd +Bow
- Actually getting sidearm kills!
- Loser battle with the new guy that turned into me chasing him down with dual Wipeouts
- Blowing off my RSCB and barrel during DTC
- Getting Blitzed by Gears three times... that shit's hard to dodge
- Seeing the current Guiness record for most glue poured into a Big Blast
- Possibly breaking Ice's Magstrike pump
- Scoring a disturbing number of crotch shots

#283334 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 17 August 2010 - 12:43 PM in Nerf Wars

What the fuck is going on with this.

+1. I wouldn't have known about the date change if Ellen Rage didn't make this post, and I might have shown up this Saturday. Pull your shit together, dude.

I can't make the 28th. I'm moving back into college that week, and I'd rather drink than Nerf.

EDIT: I can still make the 21st.

#283430 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 18 August 2010 - 03:51 PM in Nerf Wars

DarthMaker from NRev says he'd prefer the 21st.

#281046 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 23 July 2010 - 12:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll go. BJ, Chops, and others, I can try to pick you up if you're on the way.

#280811 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 July 2010 - 11:52 AM in Nerf Wars

Really? Where?
And no, Im busy that weekend.

We've got Apoc on the 7th, and LINO on the 28th. Now that I think of it, LINO isn't close to PA at all. And I don't think it would interfere much anyways. Never mind.

#280799 The Next Pa War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 20 July 2010 - 08:34 AM in Nerf Wars

I'd love to go, but it depends on the date. There are at least two August wars already planned in the area - could we have this on 6/31 as a warm-up for Apoc?

#355278 The Mackazine

Posted by Zack the Mack on 30 July 2016 - 03:46 PM in Darts and Barrels

Hoppers are simple, powerful, and reliable, but ball valves take forever to reload. Instead of feeding darts one by one like an asshole, replace the entire hopper like a magazine - a Mackazine.
2016-07-15 14.18.28 scaled.jpg
This uses a 3D-printed part, which you should print at crappy resolution with 15% infill. If you're not a member of the glorious 3D printer master race, you could mold one out of epoxy putty or ShapeLock or even carve it out of wood.
This project is an improved version of Aeromech's Quick-Change Hopper Clip.
  • A hopper's worth of PVC pipe
  • An endcap or plug
  • Heavy-duty tape like Gorilla Tape
  • One tape measure, to be sacrificed for the greater good
  • One 3D printed / handmade retainer (STL attached)
  • Two spare self-tapping screws (about 1/8")
2016-07-26 00.49.13 scaled.jpg
STEP 1: Glue your endcap or plug into the hopper. Blasphemy.
Retainer scaled.png
STEP 2: Cut a 5 3/4" segment of tape measure. Drill 1/8" holes 1/4" and 1/2" from one end. These measurements are easier than usual because you're cutting a tape measure.
STEP 3: Cut a strip of tape long enough to cover the tape measure. Fold it over the tape measure. Use heavy-duty tape - the glue on electrical or duct tape can soften in heat and expose the razor-sharp metal.
STEP 4: Use two screws to fasten the retainer to the strip, right through the tape.
2016-07-26 14.11.11 scaled.jpg
STEP 5: Tape the retainer assembly to the hopper. Your Mackazine is done!
2016-07-29 00.35.10 scaled.jpg
STEP 6: Optional: Sand the edge off your blaster's wye to make reloading easier.
2016-07-26 14.12.04 scaled.jpg
To fill a Mackazine, just shove darts into the pipe, heavy side up. You don't even need to hold the retainer open.
Inserting scaled.png
To load a Mackazine, align the retainer with the wye and swing the mag into place. The tape measure will give way with an audible snap and release the darts.
2016-06-25 18.11.57 scaled.jpg
You can carry them in a magazine pouch - one AR15 pouch will hold two. The pictured rig is a Voodoo Tactical Six-Mag Drop-Leg Shingle purchased from Amazon. Note that one magazine pouch is deliberately not loaded with Mackazines - mags in that pouch could jab my lower body if I jumped too aggressively. Gotta be safe!
TACTICOOL CONSIDERATIONS: The main advantage that Mackazines hold over a dart-by-dart system (ball valve, Hole Door, breech) is that the darts don't need to be oriented as they're inserted. You don't need to pull a handful of darts from a dump bag and turn them around as you insert them, which improves situational awareness while reloading. 
The main downside is the weight of the Mackazines. The pictured 10x10 loadout didn't affect my agility, but it was heavy and fatiguing over time. For extended wars like Apoc, I plan to carry just four extra Mackazines and retreat to reload if necessary.

Attached Files

#355298 The Mackazine

Posted by Zack the Mack on 31 July 2016 - 11:17 PM in Darts and Barrels

You can also use these to reload a traditional wye through a ball valve (or check valve) if it doesn't have the other slip female connection cut off. That way you have the option of just topping off your hopper by hand, or doing a full reload of it.


That's a great idea. I don't have any "magic ball valves" with a loose dart fit to test, but if you used this configuration, you could use thinner-walled tubing to reduce the weight, since the Mackazine wouldn't need to mate with the wye.


the tape measure material will definitely break over time, but you've also got another ten+ feet to use so who cares. 


A 5.75" length of tape measure should buckle but never crease. This is the minimum length I could use - even a 5.5" segment of tape measure will crease after a few insertions and quickly snap off. 


But yes, one $5 Harbor Freight tape measure has enough material for at least 60 Mackazines.


Before settling on the tape measure, I tested styrene, PETG, HDPE, Kapton, vinyl, and ABS spring elements, and they all creased within a few dozen actuations. HDPE (milk jug, used in Aeromech's original design) was the most durable plastic, but it weakened after only 20 or so actuations.


If you wanted to make a really, really durable Mackazine, you could try heat-treating the tape measure or just using spring steel stock.


Those slugs look familiar, by the way!


Guilty as charged. Shands did supply the pictured Slugs, and they're quite good.

#355316 The Mackazine

Posted by Zack the Mack on 01 August 2016 - 05:11 PM in Darts and Barrels

How do reloads work when there hopper is still filled with a few slugs? Do you have slugs fall to the ground or get in the way of the new Mackazine you're trying to insert?


The retainer snaps back pretty quickly and traps the darts inside. Sometimes, the retainer will pinch a dart against the hopper opening. 


I've found that one dart will usually stay in the wye. Loading a jam-packed Mackazine over it acts like overfilling a standard hopper and causes double shots. If you tend to reload early, you might want to leave an inch of headroom just in case.


Clear PVC helps too!

#267081 The Grid Code Indoor Arena War

Posted by Zack the Mack on 26 February 2010 - 07:39 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm up for it any week in April. Talio, could the owners send you some indoor pics so we can figure out which blasters to use?

#358761 [NY] NYCNO 4 (March 18 Saturday)

Posted by Zack the Mack on 24 March 2017 - 01:59 PM in Nerf Wars

This was the first war I've run, and seeing everyone have a good time filled me with feels.



  • New Rapidstrike firmware was a beast
  • "Sticks and stones" pistol/shotgun/bow/melee 5-15 FFA rounds were balanced and intense
  • Improved flag push rules were a blast
  • There was a guy in a gorilla suit
  • Got to field-test a Nemesis and it's god-tier
  • Tactical tactics were real. Lots of sick plays and great teamfights.
  • Good mixture of cover and exposure
  • Nice and dry up to the end
  • Improved Harambe Defense VIP rules played great


  • Hard to control a Rapidstrike trigger in ski gloves
  • Still figuring out the best defender spawn time in flag push
  • Ekind waffle 'drats' kept wearing out
  • Reloading six mags in the cold sucks
  • Like a thousand Rival balls everywhere, took ages to sweep up
  • NYCNO field is getting stale. We're looking for a spicy new battlefield

#356869 [NY] NYCNO 2 (Dec 17 Saturday)

Posted by Zack the Mack on 25 November 2016 - 11:32 AM in Nerf Wars

If all the materials show up on time, I should be able to make it.

#356832 [NY] NYCNO 2 (Dec 17 Saturday)

Posted by Zack the Mack on 23 November 2016 - 03:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Are FVJ's ok? I'm having trouble finding a supplier for Koosh darts that will deliver on time.

#357131 [NY] NYCNO 2 (Dec 17 Saturday)

Posted by Zack the Mack on 13 December 2016 - 12:36 PM in Nerf Wars

I need to cancel my RSVP - I don't have enough waterproof gear to survive a 35-degree rainstorm.

Good luck, guys! See you in January!

#354507 [NY] NYC CPNO (July 9)

Posted by Zack the Mack on 23 June 2016 - 10:48 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll try to come. I don't have any superstock gear, so I'll just need to run a lot.

#354941 [NY] NYC CPNO (July 9)

Posted by Zack the Mack on 11 July 2016 - 12:46 PM in Nerf Wars

Great location. Hope we do more of these. Thanks y'all for lending me darts and a Sentinel.


It's good to go back into battle after a few years! I was so tired afterwards, it took almost 24 hours to recover!



  • Transforming Van into Gimp Hitler
  • A Nerf war! In Central Park! Public transit! Bikes! Convenience!
  • Great topography. Lots of cover but still good sightlines.
  • Not interrupted as often as I expected. We had to hold every 20 minutes or so, which is great for CENTRAL PARK MANHATTAN.
  • The People's Gun did great
  • Mid-war modding with hacksaws
  • Tactics! Strategy! Teamwork! Excitement!
  • Grabbing sacks of balls
  • Integration game on fleek
  • I can still dodge
  • Superstock > 80-ft standoffs
  • Pistol round, with very inconsistent definitions of 'pistol'
  • Got to field-test like 10 types of darts
  • Good variety of game types and teamcomps
  • You can never have enough Overwatch references
  • Camcorder viewfinders
  • Everything was lit
  • Tacticoolness everywhere
  • Sucker darts sticking to humorous surfaces
  • Bum-rushing opponents mid-reload never gets old



  • Too many players named Dave
  • DX runs too much! Stahp
  • About a foot of mulch and dirt in the staging area
  • Couldn't use my Sceptor  -_-
  • Recovery took a full day, a TENS machine, and about 120mg of THC
  • VIP devolved into bedlam almost immediately
  • My Recon got dysentery and couldn't hold its clipamagazines in
  • No one told me that BuzzBee blasters hold Nerf magaclips