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#25996 Official Gn Response

Posted by Vassili on 12 May 2004 - 09:20 PM in General Nerf

Why must you bring NH into this? This is a personal problem between Forgotten Hero and Grinch. Tell me why does the entire Nerf community have to decide on this?

#27563 Making A Super Soaker Shoot Darts?

Posted by Vassili on 02 June 2004 - 06:16 PM in Modifications

If it takes 1-1/2 minutes to pump, you should definitely hack off your check valve and reduce the size of your airtank. With the check valve removed, you'll be able to achieve higher pressure in your airtank, so you should actually get increased range even with a much smaller airtank. On a super soaker, the check valve isn't on the end of the pump, it's next to the pump shaft, you should be able to figure out where it is.

#1575 Hans Blix

Posted by Vassili on 19 February 2003 - 12:24 AM in Modifications

Yeah but you can only have a really good PC if you put bike tubes over the bladder, and make sure you're not extremely stupid and take off the hose clamp to put on the bike tubes, but instead put them on via the pump. :D

#2215 Hans Blix

Posted by Vassili on 15 March 2003 - 01:58 AM in Modifications

For example, one of them could have used the bottom part of the casing to house a longer barrel, maybe even a silencer, but all chose to chop it off and have the valve/barrel stand alone.

Ahhh I was just thinking of doing that, like having the airtank at the back of the where the pump used to be and have a long barre where the pump used to be. I'd probably also cut a hole out of it for a breach loader.

#1001 Recent Forum Posts

Posted by Vassili on 29 January 2003 - 01:29 PM in Site Feedback

Hey mist are the EES guns air or CPS? BTW SSCL has come a really long way it looks nice.

#981 Recent Forum Posts

Posted by Vassili on 28 January 2003 - 04:56 PM in Site Feedback

Modding super soakers is even better than modding Nerf guns. There is a lot more skill involved. There isn't really a big site with pics of mods though. I've done some mods...CPS 10,000, CPS 4100 20x with frozen check valve and 3 layers of bike tubes, XP 310 shotgun balloon, and took some filters out of my 1700. Never made a WBL though.

#6835 SharpShooter II Nested Brass

Posted by Vassili on 10 July 2003 - 12:04 PM in Modifications

I can easily believe that his gets 60 feet, the SSII I did for IronRhino gets an average of 67 feet flat, but that is with a replaced spring.

#478 The Great Debate!

Posted by Vassili on 09 January 2003 - 11:16 PM in General Nerf

I'm a fan of modified micros. But then, that's mainly because I can't find the proper size of brass. We'll see once I get some... At some point.

I could send you brass if you really wanted. I can only get it in 1' sections, but there isn't much of a need to have a longer barrel, except maybe in a homemade with a huge air volume.

#30317 My New Homemade

Posted by Vassili on 04 July 2004 - 05:20 PM in Homemades

I love your breach design.

The only thing I would change is I would move the pump a lot closer to the barrel, and maybe add a stock. Otherwise, nice design.

#1786 Sm5k Pistol

Posted by Vassili on 24 February 2003 - 11:10 PM in Modifications

I have a Larami 2k inside my EaB but I'm having problems connecting it to the trigger and I think air leaks out through the pump. Still working on it. I might also have an At2k on the bottom part.

#1912 What Do You Do In The Winter?

Posted by Vassili on 01 March 2003 - 08:28 PM in Off Topic

There's not really much of a winter here in California, just some rain. It hasn't snowed here since I was 3.

#34234 Troll Wallpapers

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 10:34 PM in News

There haven't been any major recent troll problems in the last week and a half, it's just kind of Groove's response to all the useless emo trolls everywhere, am I right?

#34231 Hornet Mod!

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Parents won't let me buy online, or I'd have tons of PETG by now.

Yeah, that was me too. The cool thing is that PETG kinda came to me, so that wasn't ever a problem.

#34200 Hornet Mod!

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 02:29 PM in Modifications

Very nice, but you might want to rethink having 36 inches of brass on the front of your gun. I always didn't like Blastfires because they were so front heavy. Get some Petg if you can.

#4502 Er..sizes On Piping

Posted by Vassili on 12 May 2003 - 09:12 PM in Modifications

Yeah, what you want to buy is 9/16" OD because 17/32" OD with its ID of 1/2" actually compresses the darts a little bit, making it not a good choice for long barrels. However, spring guns get a lot better range with a small section of 17/32" OD brass at the rear of the barrel. If you want more info read Cxwq's article on barrels.

#5491 God Bless

Posted by Vassili on 09 June 2003 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

You realize you would have to internal band it to effect the performance of the gun, right?

#5563 God Bless

Posted by Vassili on 10 June 2003 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

My telescoped brass modded max shot put a 1/2" wide dent in the texture of my walls, but going through drywall is ridiculous. My parents don't let me shoot any of my guns in the house anymore.

#36822 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Vassili on 09 September 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Nice, I really like how you cut into the EaB shell like that to make your breach. :o

#990 Counter-strike And Other Hl Mod Players Here!

Posted by Vassili on 28 January 2003 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

Sorry but what is FA?

#37030 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Vassili on 12 September 2004 - 02:23 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I did cut a breach like that, but it was just a simple "Unknown" breach with no clip, so you win.

#30394 Air Xxl Skeet Shoot

Posted by Vassili on 05 July 2004 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

Looks like quite a good gun, but is it worth 50 bucks? Not with my money.

I definitely say take it back. If you were to mod it and widen the plunger tube, you would have to move/modify/remove the rotating mechanism, which is kind of the whole reason why that gun would be so good.

Nice job on taking those pics, though.

#6817 More Pics Of The New Lineup

Posted by Vassili on 09 July 2003 - 09:05 PM in General Nerf

Actually, someone from NC found this. I remember I was browsing the site earlier and found an order form.

#3676 Hey Guys...

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 06:19 PM in Off Topic

Don't feel old, I'm 13 and I know exactly what it is.

#1576 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by Vassili on 19 February 2003 - 12:27 AM in Modifications

What are telescoping barrels? The reason I wanted to know how the rotating mechanism worked was because I thought I could do something like the Beast but with 3k or 4k, but evidently the barrels wouldn't rotate.

#22566 Grace

Posted by Vassili on 27 March 2004 - 06:44 PM in Modifications

Go to your local hardware store and pick up a C-882 Century spring, then cut it in half and you have the perfect EaB spring. You should be able to find that exact spring, even Lech was able to get it in Australia.

[edit] Didn't realize this thread was dead, sorry.

#1501 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by Vassili on 18 February 2003 - 01:55 AM in Modifications

Are these At3k's really useful in a war, though? What is the approximate range on it, if it's around 80-90 it would probably be really good. Also, how does the rotating mechanism work, like is does it rotate by the trigger, pump, or air?

#30687 Nightfinder P-38

Posted by Vassili on 08 July 2004 - 10:46 AM in Modifications

Looks nice, but I don't see how it resembles the P-38.

#34292 People Taken To Jail And Guns Confiscated For Nerf

Posted by Vassili on 18 August 2004 - 02:44 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, dudes, the guy wasn't trying to be a retard, but it just so happened that he posted something that's already been mentioned a ton before. It's not like Cx is just gonna come and ban him. Also, you guys get way too excited when you're waiting for C to ban people. Yeah it's funny, but it's like you guys get boners over it.

#27087 1500 Spupermax

Posted by Vassili on 26 May 2004 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf

Also, 200 feet shouldn't be too hard to achieve with a 5k...

Yes, it would. I can get at least 130 feet with mine, but 70 feet is a whole lot more. :P

I meant angled. IR's got about 130, too.

And yes, if you massively expanded the airtank of a 1500, then used darts heavier than the standard NATO round, you could get 200 feet. Of course, as Cx, said that's really not a 1500, but a homemade, and you have made Nerf a lethal sport/hobby.

#26499 1500 Spupermax

Posted by Vassili on 18 May 2004 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

I'd have to back Talio up here, hitting people with arched shots is just one of those skills that us talented people posses. Try using an EaB and you'll see how accurate arched shots can be. Of course I'm not talking about a 45 degree angle here, only slightly arched.

Also, 200 feet shouldn't be too hard to achieve with a 5k...

#3966 Sigs

Posted by Vassili on 24 April 2003 - 10:50 PM in Site Feedback

Hey I live closer to Santa Cruz than probably everybody here, and Santa Cruz is the biggest hippie town I've ever heard of.

#3553 Suggestions For The Store

Posted by Vassili on 16 April 2003 - 08:48 PM in Site Feedback

I think it might be a good idea if you had the X-stream guns in the store, they're cheap and very good.

#49350 Yet Another Music Thread

Posted by Vassili on 11 March 2005 - 08:14 PM in Off Topic

I wasn't going to join because music wasn't one of my favorite things to think about after getting my iPod stolen, but I got it back so I'm in.

#4753 Favorite Video Game

Posted by Vassili on 18 May 2003 - 09:39 PM in Off Topic

Super Metroid, all the Zeldas, Perfect Dark, Super Mario. Some of my favorites.

#5819 Favorite Video Game

Posted by Vassili on 19 June 2003 - 03:25 PM in Off Topic

I've played both Max Payne and Enter the Matrix and I thought that some scenes in Enter the Matrix were just so cool (cartwheeling with dual MAC 11s while having bullets just miss you), but overall Max Payne is a much better game.

#2076 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 08 March 2003 - 06:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Zero, what are the shells going to be made out of? It would take forever to cut 50 shells out of brass! Crayolas? CPVC?

#2412 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 19 March 2003 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow Zero gets colorful!

Anyway that thing is awesome tell us when it's done.

#2060 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 07 March 2003 - 08:56 PM in Nerf Wars

A big stationary bike pump pumping constantly wouldn't be able to fire all the darts off, you would need a pumping, then firing time. This would be good because it would be transportable, though.

If you attached it to a jeep, then you could have the rotation of the wheels power a pump or have it power a air compressor. That would be really hard but really cool.

#5775 Just Starting

Posted by Vassili on 17 June 2003 - 10:27 PM in General Nerf

And if you live in Northern California around San Jose maybe you could come to one of ours wars.

The longest range Nerf guns will get is about 150 feet flat, which is what brass Supermaxx 5000s will get. However, some homemade guns have been known to exceed 200 feet.

I know my site is down as of now, but tomorrow I suggest you read this. It's the advantages Nerf has over Airsoft, written by BoltSniper.

Nerf guns do hurt, but not any more than airsoft or paintball.

#5814 Just Starting

Posted by Vassili on 19 June 2003 - 02:48 PM in General Nerf

Actually most employess don't know where foam backer rod is. You should look with in the caulk section.