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#248335 Resident Evil 4

Posted by Jack Ripper on 23 August 2009 - 08:15 PM in Off Topic

You fool. They're not zombies; they're people being controled by a parasite called Las Plagas.

If you want to know more about this game, go here.

Personally I think this games sucks for the following reasons:

1. Like I said before, no zombies. To me, one of the main things that makes a Resident Evil game a Resident Evil is the fact your shooting zombies. Instead you fight humans that are being manipulated by a parasite.

2. Insead of the evil Umbrella Coperation, the main villians are a group of monks that live in a castle in the Spain. It's basically the Spanish Inquisition with parasites. I was ready for them to say "Get the comffy chair!"

3. Your goal is the "ever-popular" "save the princess from the turtle-king." I thought Capcom was above this.

If your intrested in a good Resident Evil spoof, go here.