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#49760 If You Could Ask Hasrbo

Posted by Namm on 16 March 2005 - 03:26 AM in General Nerf

I actually would be interested in the design team. Like what people major in and if the job is fun. Also, if its not too rude, whats the pay like?

#34404 Hornet

Posted by Namm on 19 August 2004 - 03:55 AM in General Nerf

Im not really sure about epoxy/air tight seals, I would use plumbers goop.

#38656 Heavy Duty Darts

Posted by Namm on 09 October 2004 - 10:18 AM in Modifications

You just taped the weight in? Thats extremely dangerous, its going to come out, tape is no where near strong enough. Oh, and "heavy duty" darts have no place in a war, but they are fun to mess around with.

#26360 Guns

Posted by Namm on 17 May 2004 - 07:15 AM in General Nerf

AirApache, it isn't that weird to have two xbows is it? I have two, but then again, I use them both. I also had two friends a while back, each at different times, who managed to get their xbows thrown away by an angry parent (usually for leaving "red spots" on their siblings) before I could get them, if it werent for that I would now own four crossbows. Oh, and twenty-five is nothing, I had to pay 60 for one of mine (the other was free ^_^ ).

#34403 Funny Names

Posted by Namm on 19 August 2004 - 03:49 AM in Off Topic

Amanda hugandkiss "cant anyone find me amanda hugandkiss"

mike rotch "has anyone seen mike rotch lately"

#46053 For Any Shaolin Soccer Fans

Posted by Namm on 13 January 2005 - 03:02 AM in Off Topic

Already seen it. Probably because I live in singapore though. I like shaolin soccer more, but thats just me, this one wasnt bad. Actually, I take it back, they were about the same.

#23014 Finding Rpl Compression Springs

Posted by Namm on 31 March 2004 - 03:25 AM in Modifications

I got two compresion springs at home depot, they were short and very strong, and a little wider than a TT spring. I found them in the same department as the expansion springs. They arent all that useful though sense they're too short for rifles, and to strong for pistols, but suprisingly enough i managed to put one in a nightfinder, i didnt do anything to the catch either. They're really good for NFs but not much else.

#27617 Differences Between Sm3ks

Posted by Namm on 03 June 2004 - 05:44 AM in General Nerf

There are two versions of the sm3k yellow. One was produced by larami (it was actually called a supermaxx 2500, but its easily mistaken for a 3k), and one was produced by hasbro. I belive the hasbro built one fires megas, not larami darts. I own an larami 2500, 2 blue (newest) sm3ks, and I used to own a green sm3k, and a hasbro produced yellow sm3k. The Larami 2500 has a larger airtank (from what I can tell), it also rotates differently than the 3ks. The 2500 actually uses a small amount of air from your first one or two pumps to move the barrels (I'm not totally sure how it works, but I know it uses air, it has no rod or mechanical parts that the pump moves, only the air pipe from the pump that goes into a smaller airtank, which is hooked to the much larger main airtank). The hasbro yellow 3k uses a rod that is moved by the pump on the first pump (its all mechanical). My larami 2500 is brassed, but I've never really mesured ranges, and recently its stopped firing, though it holds air, I think the trigger has probably just come unhooked from the firing rod.

#28262 Defective Guns New In Box

Posted by Namm on 10 June 2004 - 09:21 PM in General Nerf

SM5k Major leak, it wouldnt hold any air longer than a few seconds, I returned it, and of course, amazon suddenly ran out of stock. I also have bought two at2ks that both had the tube that goes from the pump to the airtank broken off of the pump. that was mildly confusing :unsure:

#27993 Damn Memory Loss...

Posted by Namm on 08 June 2004 - 06:23 AM in General Nerf

I dont want to highjack this thread, but does anyone have a mod for the range shot? Before I started modding nerf guns, it was my favorite pistol, but I barely use it anymore. I tried to mod mine, but the way the plunger is positioned, its very hard to get any range out of the gun. The plunger is also very small compared to most nerf pistols. I first put a stronger spring into the gun, but the increased friction (or possibly it gets stuck at the end of the pluger when its fired) causes the plunger head to come of randomly. Every time this happens I have to open the gun up to fix it. I also sawed the barrel off, and used a copper coupler, some blue tack, and a chunk of cpvc to make a barrel. On occasion, when it fires, it goes no more than 30 ft. Has anyone had any sucsess with this gun?

#26971 Code Of Conduct

Posted by Namm on 25 May 2004 - 12:40 AM in Site Feedback

Just as a question, why is the "Null vote" button larger than the "Vote" button?

#80400 Co2 Push Valve

Posted by Namm on 19 April 2006 - 09:23 PM in Homemades

I really dont know when I'll get around to it, but I do plan on making a home made nerf gun. You know..eventually. Anyways, I want to use co2, but I dont know what type of valve to use. Paintball valves (I think, I'm not 100% sure) use a hammer to hit a valve, which opens and closes, but because of the way its placed in the gun (In the bolt, or behind it...I dont actually own a paintball gun) It would be hard to take out and use for a home made. I dont need an electronicly operated valve, just something were you push a button, or part, and it opens. Even better, you push a part, and it snaps open and then closed quickly. If I could use a pvc valve I would, but co2 is very cold, and much too high a pressure for pvc. I dont want to have to do a lot of work to make the valve functional, like boltsniper did with his BASR, and the brass eagle valve. If anyone knows of a solution, or where I could cannablize a valve from, that would be great.

#80589 Co2 Push Valve

Posted by Namm on 22 April 2006 - 12:33 AM in Homemades

I plan on using a regulator, I forgot to mention that. This valve would be for a homemade nerfgun, and as such, I do care about the flow. I thought about making a valve, but this would be finicky, and I was hoping there would be an easier solution, such as buying an already made valve. Because I'm using a regulator, I probably only need the valve to be good up to 200 psi, Its the temperature I'm afraid of, and the repeat use of co2 with plastics such as pvc. If anyone knows of a valve I could use, off the shelf, or something that would require minor tweaking, that would be great. I would really rather not attempt to build a valve.

#16604 Broken Larami 1000

Posted by Namm on 18 January 2004 - 12:23 AM in General Nerf

i recently bought a larami 1000, ive never worked on one before, i opened it up, to see if anything could be modded, and the rotating mechanics all flew out. I dont know how to put it together, but ive gotten close, if anyone knows how to put it together exactly right, a picture would be great. in the process the front of the trigger broke, right behind where the grey L shaped piece hooks in. The trigger, being the force behind the rotation of the chamber, being broken means that the excellent combination of power and rate of fire of this gun would be lost. If anyone has any ideas about how to fix the trigger that also would be great. I dont think epoxy would work, the trigger is extremely thin and i dont think it would hold very well. The only solution i can see is to melt a hole in both pieces and put a needle or something metal in and then epoxy over that.

#16672 Broken Larami 1000

Posted by Namm on 19 January 2004 - 04:33 AM in General Nerf

I really dont want to single it, and i dont think i can make a new trigger. I might just use some of the rotation pieces and just manually turn it. at least thats better than singling it. I dont know if mine was messed when i bought it but i didnt find any O ring, maybe im thinking of a different place in the gun. I might put in an at2k assembly just because the device provides a better seal with the barrels. Id have to try the manual turn thing first though. Again, any pictures would be great.

#27921 At3k Vs At4k

Posted by Namm on 07 June 2004 - 03:29 AM in Modifications

I own two AT3ks, a Supermaxx 2500 (larami), a sm3k, and an at4k. The 4k has got to be one of the most difficult guns to pump that I've ever used; Because of the position of the pump, its extremely uncomfortable and very hard to use. Having no petg, and because the 4k has 12 barrels, it would no longer rotate if I were to multibarrel it. Instead i removed the rotating device, and thought i might be able to get some results out of single-ing it. Wrong. The 4k also has a very small airtank, and I could never get it to fire past 50 feet. The AT3Ks have been alright, but I've never gotten as good as results as everyone else. Mine consistantly hit 60, but will never go further, thats ok though, because its multibarreled. I used to have two sm3ks, but I over pumped the modded one, so now I have one that im working on, but currently is unmodded. The one that I sucsesfuly mod (before it broke) used to get around 70 foot ranges (blue sm3k). The Larami 2500 I have is excellent, but recently stopped firing (I think the trigger has just come off its tracks); however, before this happened it used to get much better ranges than my sm3k, though I never officially mesured it, it probably fired 80 or more feet. I find the Sm3k and Larami 2500 much, much easier to pump than the AT3k or 4k, especially the 2500, though the at3k isnt that bad. On size and accuracy, I think the AT3k and SM3k/2500 are about the same accuracy wise; as for size, although the 2500 is bigger, I find it extremely comfortable, the 3k is not quite as comfy, and because of the large diamiter pump tube it feels like its going to crack in half every time I pump it, and the AT3k is not bad, but I always feel like its almost too small, the small pump handle makes it feel as if there is much more resistance compared to the 2500.

#38369 Arrowstorm, Help!

Posted by Namm on 05 October 2004 - 02:58 AM in Modifications

For plunger seals, I would use a lube of somesort, and then wrap the plunger head in masking tape (lower friction than electrical tape, and its cheaper), but not in that order.

#38302 Arrowstorm, Help!

Posted by Namm on 04 October 2004 - 02:53 AM in Modifications

Maybe your dart fit is good, but not quite tight enough. I use CPVC for my arrow storm, it works very well, and cpvc fights my darts fairly tightly. Other than that, you might want to check the barrel seals.

#37175 Any In My Area?

Posted by Namm on 14 September 2004 - 03:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Ok, I know this doesnt help, but I used to live in WA, I live in Singapore right now. If all goes according to plan, I'll be moving back this summer, so I'll look forward to possibly nerfing with you guys.

#25342 Alone

Posted by Namm on 01 May 2004 - 10:15 PM in General Nerf

I used to live in Washington state, but about a year ago I moved to Singapore. In WA I have a lot of friends that nerf, but here you're not even supposed to have fake guns, let alone go outside and shoot each other with them. Of course I wasn't aware of this when I packed all of my possesions for the move......shhh... :wacko:

#59689 Air Travel And Nerf

Posted by Namm on 19 July 2005 - 07:39 PM in General Nerf

I'm pretty sure cargo holds are pressurized, and I agree that checking your guns is the way to go.