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#27518 X-box Counter-strike

Posted by Namm on 02 June 2004 - 12:21 AM in Off Topic

I play CS on the Xbox, but its a bit slow sometimes, because I live in Singapore. my gamertag is Namm. Just to let you know, im not very good.

#20949 Which One

Posted by Namm on 09 March 2004 - 03:29 AM in Modifications

Everyone else seems to love the at3k, personally both of mine have sucked, horribly. I like the at2ks much more, manual does not mean slow, or even slower than automatic. The at2k also builds up a huge amount of pressure, single barreled or multi barreled my at2ks all get over 80 feet on 3 pumps. My at3ks are much worse than that , the best ive ever had one of mine do is about 65, with five pumps. It is also fairly hard to operate an at3k in each hand, at2ks are quite easy to handle this way. With dual at2ks you always have a fairly high powered shot ready. Just my experience, from what ive heard about other peoples at3ks, they're pretty good.

#340306 WANO IV - Seattle, WA on Sunday July 13

Posted by Namm on 13 July 2014 - 02:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Update. Gathering place is reserved. Park in the northern lot off hwy 99 and call. We will be using an area right next to 99 just south of the big stone wall.

#334113 WANO III

Posted by Namm on 18 September 2013 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

I suppose it is my duty to attend and once more fly the banner of hoksmoor proudly.

#333104 WANO II

Posted by Namm on 16 August 2013 - 02:04 AM in Nerf Wars

The above picture of me simply shows the natural position my body assumes when not actively firing a crossbow at another human.

After you have that experience, everything else in life just seems like a waste of time.

#331820 WANO I

Posted by Namm on 12 July 2013 - 06:02 AM in Nerf Wars

This will be awesome and I will definitely be there, as a player and to help organize.

#20947 Vortex(Poll)

Posted by Namm on 09 March 2004 - 03:17 AM in General Nerf

correct me if im wrong, but isnt the firestorm a six shot semi auto? (not a true semi auto, but you dont have to reload) Also, according to Janga its also the most powerful, that sounds pretty good to me.

#25424 Unnamed Eab Creation

Posted by Namm on 03 May 2004 - 04:17 AM in Modifications

Did you ever get around to doing exact range tests?

#25252 Ultimate Artillery

Posted by Namm on 30 April 2004 - 08:22 PM in Homemades

It's not very practicle because, as i think you mentioned, you would only have one shot, probably throughout the whole war. Also, a while ago, somebody was convinced that they could use the same method you're talking about, to build a shotgun. I can't remember exactly what was said, but I think it was something about how it would fire the one barrel with the least resistance, and then just flow through that open barrel. If that happened you'd get one possibly decent shot, from one barrel, and the rest of the darts would flop out, or just not go anywhere.

#26157 Ufo's In Mexico

Posted by Namm on 14 May 2004 - 03:19 AM in Off Topic

"I've always held that aliens with the technology to get here will either ignore us, trade with us, enslave us, or destroy us. Why would they come all this way just to fly around in little blobs of light checking out Mexico?"

Maybe they were checking to see if we were worth trading/enslaving/destroying, apparently we didn't pass.

#35942 The Lnl

Posted by Namm on 31 August 2004 - 03:17 AM in General Nerf

Well, thats odd. My nightfinder gets the same range as my lockandload does, almost exactly, and I get a higher ROF with the LnL. As far as grips go, the LnL feels much better in my hand than the NF, and we all agree its pertty-er.

#33504 Tech Target Mod

Posted by Namm on 08 August 2004 - 06:22 AM in Modifications

Angled range isnt really all that important, whats the range flat? if you glue some fbr (foam backer rod) to the front of the plunger, it can often make the gun much quieter, and you dont loose range.

#27700 Tap Rule?

Posted by Namm on 04 June 2004 - 08:16 AM in General Nerf

We have a rule where if you're within 5-10ft (depending on game rules) away you can say "surrender", and if they agree to they'll say so, if they don't they, dont have to say anything, they can just try and shoot you. What happens is that many times someone thinks they can spin around faster than someone else can pull the trigger, they're usually wrong :huh: . Depending on who I'm playing with, we sometimes alow meatsheilding, which is where someone who doesnt have a loaded gun/ any gun on them (it happens) gets caught up to by someone on the opposing team who does. Once you touch the unarmed person, you can force them to drop their unloaded (or nonexistant) weapons, and walk infront of you, effectivly forming a sheild. If you shoot and misss someone during a battle, you run like hell, for fear of being tagged by the opposing team, being a sheild is not fun. If they run (when they've already become your sheild) you can shoot them, point blank, however, if you get killed before shooting them, they aren't out. Its a guessing game, because if you have a meatsheild and you are ambushed by other people on your sheilds team your sheild might run; at which point you have to decide if you should A: shoot them and run from the armed opposition (only aplies to single shots); or B: let them run, and try and take on the armed and just slightly more dangerous enemies. Hey, it works for us.

#48946 Supermaxx 750 G-36, And Other Integrations!

Posted by Namm on 07 March 2005 - 06:36 AM in Modifications

This isnt real important to the topic, but what did you do to that titan handle? Looks nice, the 750/g-36 is awesome. Good intergrations, the double 2k looks like it would be hard to handle though.

#33067 Stefans

Posted by Namm on 03 August 2004 - 10:38 PM in Homemades

Probably a dome, I would guess it'd be more areodynamic. I make both (mainly by accident) and it doesnt seem to matter that much, or at least not for me.

#27766 Sm5k

Posted by Namm on 05 June 2004 - 01:34 AM in General Nerf

My SM5K started leaking yesterday, and within hours it would no longer hold air. I've opened it up, and I can push the firing pin all the way forward and pump, and the air still leaks, out of the front. I think the valve is off center, it might be from over pumping but I think its from general wear and tear. Does anyone know anyway of fixing this, or is it ruined?

#83055 Sm3000 Pvc-cpvc Nest Mod

Posted by Namm on 10 June 2006 - 01:40 AM in Modifications

110 what now? I've had at least three of those guns, and before the pump handles failed (they always do), I could only get around 60 feet out of them. At most. Are you measuring flat distance, from shoulder height? If you were angling the shot, from your roof, then those ranges would be completely normal. Maybe I'm being over critical, it could just be an excellent mod, and you happen to angle your shots slightly. Sorry, those ranges just don't sound reasonable to me.

#27751 Seattle?

Posted by Namm on 04 June 2004 - 09:00 PM in Nerf Wars

I know this doesnt help you much, but I always feel I have to post on these. I used to live in Seattle, but recently moved to Singapore, in a year or two i should be back, maybe we'll nerf then.

#47455 Rifled Barrel

Posted by Namm on 17 February 2005 - 10:15 PM in Homemades

Weasel, if I'm reading this correctly, (tell me if I'm not), then the 20mm pvc was only used to make the grooves in the 40mm pvc. It isnt employed on any gun as a real barrel, so he's probably not going to hit anyone with it.

#286821 Puget Sound Nerf War

Posted by Namm on 11 October 2010 - 06:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped organize this war. It was a total blast! I've got 8-10 friends who after hearing our stories are now interested. If the dates for the next war are set well enough in advance I have a good chance of bringing all of them.

Also: Flaming Hilt,

Your slides were excellent.

#286705 Puget Sound Nerf War

Posted by Namm on 08 October 2010 - 10:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be there, and I will bring a friend!

#29224 Props And Superweapons In Wars?

Posted by Namm on 23 June 2004 - 06:34 AM in General Nerf

Well, if the shields are "reasonably penetrable " there could be other solutions...

#37277 Problem With Stefan Darts

Posted by Namm on 16 September 2004 - 03:18 AM in General Nerf

If you could be more specific it would help. You may have accidentally picked up a different brand of FBR, some brands use use different sizes than others. It could be that the specific pack you picked up happened to be a little bit thicker. Foam backer rod isnt usually made very precisely, so you get alot of variation. You might have picked up the wrong size for all we know. Add some details, and then we'll probably be able to give you a better answer. If your darts are too thick for your barrels, just stretch the FBR out a little bit, it can make a big difference.

#25840 Practical Barrel Legnths For Tight Barrels

Posted by Namm on 11 May 2004 - 03:19 AM in Modifications

On the site you posted, it had 17/32 (my fbr is small) aluminum tubing, would that work as well as brass? Has anyone tried it before?

#39672 Powerclip Question

Posted by Namm on 23 October 2004 - 09:22 PM in Modifications

Micro darts are smaller than mega darts, how did you get mega darts to fire out of the powerclip in the first place? The holes in the clip are only big enough for micros. Thats what airsoft meant.

#28906 Powerclip Qestions

Posted by Namm on 19 June 2004 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

On plugging the release valve. There is a release valve on the air bladder itself, when it gets to its maximum size, or just before, the end of the bladder is forced up against the case of the gun, and a small push valve on the bladder lets out air. There is one of these on the wildfire and im pretty sure its on the rf20 too.

#149734 Official "show-off Your Crossbow" Thread

Posted by Namm on 06 April 2008 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

Posted Image

Name: N/A
Mods Done: Level 4 reinforcement, replaced plunger tube, plunger head molded to tube, 4 piece barrel.
Integrations: N/A
Comments: I have two crossbows, and the other gets around 100' on a good day, thats normal for an xbow. I only ever use this one though, because it gets absolutely absurd ranges.
The original crossbow plunger tube actually narrows slightly towards the front of the gun, meaning the stock head will not seal further back, reducing the effective draw. By replacing the entire tube with PVC (almost same size, a little larger diameter) and then sizing the head to that, you can increase the draw length to that of the entire plunger. Also, an aluminum sleeved shaft, new spring, lots of bands, a 4 piece barrel (essentially CPVC to brass), and great dart/barrel don't hurt.

#33560 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by Namm on 09 August 2004 - 02:10 AM in General Nerf

I really doubt hasbro is going to change thier dart design for one gun, the revolving chamber will probably have some room between it and the front of the gun, and the dart wont go all the way down.

#33492 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by Namm on 08 August 2004 - 12:40 AM in General Nerf

I dont own a N-strike, but it looks like a PC would be fairly clumsy to use if attached to the titan, if you have a missle loaded on the titan/a longer barrel on the titan, and you try to replace/reload the PC clip....It just seems like it would be hard to do.

#33404 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by Namm on 07 August 2004 - 02:07 AM in General Nerf

You mean a Splitfire?

#20197 Nerfers In Seattle Area?

Posted by Namm on 28 February 2004 - 07:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok, this probably doesnt help you very much, but i used to live in Kenmore. I recently moved to Singapore, im moving back in about two years if any of you still nerf by then.

#26970 Nerf Hurts

Posted by Namm on 25 May 2004 - 12:29 AM in General Nerf

I personally feel the ear is the worst place to get shot, ever worse than the groin.(At least you have pants there.) The worst thing thats ever happened to me, in nerf, is that I've been hit with a brassed 5k at 20-30 feet, in the ear, I didnt get up for at least 5 minutes.

#33405 N-strike Hornet Discussion

Posted by Namm on 07 August 2004 - 02:20 AM in Modifications

I know this is a bad question to ask, but its been bugging me. The sliding piece which resets the gun, I know where it is on the internal pic, but where is it on the outside, what do you grab or slide or move to pull forward or back the knob on the inside? Is the piece on the left side (which there are no pictures of)? Is the whole front of the gun a slide?

#49869 My Next Big Project

Posted by Namm on 17 March 2005 - 04:02 AM in Homemades

Idea #3, Although high power is cool, and fun to show to friends, it wont get much use in a war. (to powerful/and or takes too long to reload)

#51812 My Newest Homemade

Posted by Namm on 07 April 2005 - 03:17 AM in Homemades

I believe the way paintball deals with the equalization problem is to use (a) regulator(s). You can buy a paintball regulator if you want, but they're fairly pricy (for a nerf gun part). I'm not an expert on the subject though, if someone knows more about this, please correct me.

#37099 My Modded Nite Finder

Posted by Namm on 13 September 2004 - 07:10 AM in Modifications

Nice job, what are you using for a barrel?

#21026 Max Shot Color Scheme

Posted by Namm on 10 March 2004 - 04:28 AM in General Nerf

I was just about to post something about that, its probably the exact same thing internally, but we can always hope. I also noticed that their mission statement claims they're not stealing ideas from nerf ("innovative"), and that tomorrow is their future, mine too, get over it, its not that exciting.

#25359 Lefty? Righty? Switch?

Posted by Namm on 02 May 2004 - 08:44 AM in General Nerf

For all of you who voted "switch" does that mean that you hold a gun in each hand sometimes, or maybe a pistol in your lef hand sometimes; or does that mean that when the urge strikes you, you'll lay flat, SM5K or X-bow in hands and put the but against your left shoulder, and fire it with your left hand?

#20732 Leavieng (this Time For Good)

Posted by Namm on 05 March 2004 - 04:01 AM in Off Topic

shut up

#33779 Jspb - Ninja Blow Gun

Posted by Namm on 11 August 2004 - 09:49 PM in Homemades

GeneralPrimevil, The mouthpiece looks like a coupler with masking tape on the edge. 3D, Excellent job, I like how the word ninja is painted onto the gun.