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#257458 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 November 2009 - 04:45 PM in Modifications

Vulcan...nothing special. Improved seal, removed internal ars and belt ars. Made it R.C. car battery accessable. Shoots loads faster and a little farther. Super fun to use:
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Many more guns later...

#256526 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 16 November 2009 - 10:18 PM in Modifications

Mah Berzerker...did lots to it, including unique and easy way to coupler it with a pvc coupler...PM me for questions. I may edit it here eventually...
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Ranges are 100+ on the main gun and 35-45 with the turret. Diamondback iz very happy...

Oh, and colored e-tape=win, just saying.

#256206 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 13 November 2009 - 06:07 PM in Modifications

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Two of my Gunslinger pistols...both have draw extentions. Disk shot has a cut down [k26], NF has one of those rediculous homedepot springs that BadWrench used in his LS. The spring could not possibly compress more than it does when the NF is primed, maximizing the power. Longest draw extention I've ever done.

No ranges yet. Disk shot gets roughly 90, NF should get more than that.

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Just a little tip for draw extended NFs. Cut off the top of the priming handle and along the raised parts in the back of the shell behind the catch. This allows you to move the plunger tube farther forward, therefore increasing volume.

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Mi quadshot. I'd call it a man cannon, but eh...

I left the original front part of the turret for barrel support. There's a little PVC spacer between the barrels within the e-tape. Supports them well, but I'll be getting a polycarb spacer on it asap.

Another little tip for this one:
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Not deserving of a full writeup, but gluing a little piece of plastic behind where the bottom edge of the turret sits helps to ensure that the turret doesn't wobble up and down. This works well, in my opinion, as opposed to an unnatractive external support...*ehem* ice *ehem*...

Rearloading. Ranges are beyond 100ft. flat. It's freezing though, so my darts are a little too loose.

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The above rearloading 3k was a little leaky. All better now. Still no goop...I hate using it unless I can avoid it. Ranges are just as rediculous...I did some cosmetic stuff to it with my new e-tape...very fun. I also put the original pump handle back on. It doesn't do anything functionally anymore. I just personally think it looks better.

And finally...

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Meet the PMS-800. It didn't get to tear up the field at DCNO, unfortunately. Prepare to see it rocking some socks at a war near you. It has a brother, by the way...WAFFLE, get some pics up.

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Pictured with the alternate turret in front of a fancy schmancy underused dart board.

That's all for now...

#258061 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 December 2009 - 09:53 AM in Modifications

^Looks awesome. I'm liking the shotgun attachments. I'm assuming those would be helpful during DTC rounds^

Anyway...my take:

The Totally Awesomesauce Unnamed BBBB

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Got the idea from zorn's BBBB above awhile back, and decided to make my own. Hole in the front was almost perfect...missed by a little bit:
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The pump I used is a bike pump and a little smaller than Zorn's, I believe. This one's dual action though, so it makes up for what it lacks in volume. I use 7-8 pumps. I've pumped it up to 12 before, and probably could pump it up more than that, but I really just don't...7-8 shoots pleanty far. Speedloader's new, suggested by Zorn. I usually use 4" of 17/32" in 12" of PETG, but I tried this out, and it hits better at 7 pumps than the other at 9.

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In both locations, tubing had to be twisted in, so it was first superglued in place, then covered with a layer of goop, then 48 hrs. later followed by epoxy putty. Tubing's joined outside with the barbed adaptor. No glue or anything. Holds up just fine. mine's just external simply because it makes my life loads easier, and if I ever want to remove the tank, I can muscle the barb out of the tubing. If it were a continuous length, it'd be stuck because the pump is fixed.

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Detatchable, adjustable Firefly stock. This portion makes this blaster one of the most comfortable I own. There's a coupler secured to both the gun and the stock, so I can use different lengths of PVC to suit different blasters. This is all I really have though so far that I use it on, but I'll definitely be making some more blasters to accept it.

Again, credit to Zorn for the original idea, and a great one, too.

EDIT- Yeah, those are my basement stairs, I know they're kinda dirty.

#258091 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 December 2009 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

Woot, now it's not a double post. Looks good, btw, but you already knew that.

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My rearloading 3k. Now made to accept my Firefly stock. I also re-did the seal, and it fires a lot harder now. I'm guessing around 140 with good darts. It was tagging 130 before.

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I use the stock upside down on this one...just more comfy for some reason.

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New rearloading slot thing...much better lined up than my original one. Works a lot better.

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Hopper Clipped 2k. The clip is fixed (not removable), and holds 5 darts. Hornet pump. Only a little external tubing...looks a lot cleaner without the wireloom, but I put it there to protect it. Goo guage is drained but not removed. Shoots pretty hard. I like it.

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End cap with little flap made out of e-tape so it doesn't fall. Also, the etape keeps it from slipping all the way on, so it's still easy to just pop off with my thumb.

That's it for now, I think...

#284749 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 September 2010 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

Oooo two posts in one day. What an improvement. So here are the first two of many godly NFs to be recreated since the fire (bonus points for zebra print duck tape):
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Both are mine (I'm not sharing just yet with Whitemoonlight...hehe). I will be makin loads more soon. Oh, and btw, they shoot farther than your NF rifles. 110' easy...
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A superbly surprising blaster I made post-fire, pre-apoc, that proved to be really good. I was shooting over peoples' heads all day...srsly, it shoots excessively far...110'+ (if you guys haven't guessed, that's where the woodline is on this property...can't really measure after that. It hits that far at chest level though.)
And for when I just wanna hurt people:
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#212831 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 16 February 2009 - 06:03 PM in Modifications

Alright, time for my bulk Mods/Painjobs post. It’s more of just a Mods post though.

First off, my custom designed minimized, vacuum loading Nite Finder. It’s probably one of my favorite sidearms:
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Write up found here.

Now another custom sidearm. My Crossfire 2000:
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Write up found here.

Couplered 2k with a speedloader. Pump plugged, airflow increase mod:
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Quadded PETG 2k:
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Pump Action Shotgun Lvl. 2 with all of my different barrels:
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My breeched BBB. It’s a custom design/combination of designs. I combined Black Sunshine’s breaching system for his Azulsoli with Angel’s breach opening arm, plus my own internal coupler system to make this:
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Work in progress (broken at the moment):
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A CPVC couplered Nite Finder I made for my brother:
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Now for one gun that deserves an introduction. It’s an Angel breached, spring replaced, front gun integrated, painted, PVC in the stock, felt covered bolt handel, trigger linked Longshot. This beast was made by Forsakenangel_24 himself:
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And now another intro worthy weapon of destruction. My Zaxblast. It’s a BBBB with Marvelous salvo cleanly integrated. The trigger for the Salvos is comfortably within the foregrip of the BBBB. My favorite thing about it though is having three extra semi-auto shots backing me up whenever I need them. This beast was designed and made by Zaxbys, If you want one made for you, shoot him a PM. Trust me, you want one made for you. All of the barrels have great ranges, and having those extra shots makes this an insane primary. Here it is:
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#258454 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 08 December 2009 - 09:31 PM in Modifications

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'tis a green, decrapified Mega Missile. Decrapified by rork, turreted by me.

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Takes 1 pump, hits 90-100 ft. The firefly turret works on any pvc couplered blaster, by the way. It's 12" of PETG per barrel with 2 1/2" (if I recall correctly) of 17/32" nested in the PETG. I luz it.

#285249 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 10 September 2010 - 06:40 PM in Modifications

Finally got around to constructing a new diddle-BBBB:
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Took probably an hours worth of work, didn't use goop, and it's already airtight and ready to blast some people.

Aaaaaaaaaand...the beast:
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If you peed your pants, I understand.

#254549 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 25 October 2009 - 07:34 PM in Modifications

Got some more modding done this weekend. First up, a comission...my last, actually. For now, anyway. Unless it's for a friend, school just makes me a tad too busy to get comission work done.

Anyway, rearloading 1500:
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Pretty good ranges. To be safe, I could say 100', but a lot hit around 110'. That is flat, by the way.

And now, a little creation for myself...
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Yep, that is a rearloading 3k... :unsure: . Kudos to Ryan McNumbers for the idea. My design is a little different, and I may post what I did in his thread at some point if I have the time. Ranges are awesome, absolutely lives up to what numbers claimed. Over 110' every time. Like I've told a couple people though, my yard drops off at around 110' into a slight hill, so after that, it's impossible to get exact range measurements. I can say though that based on my judgement, which is generally pretty good, all the darts are landing at 120+' flat. I need to make some darts for it though...considering that somewhere around half of the ones I was shooting exploded. The gun's just a little too powerful for crappy darts. Those that did fire without exploding though hit the ranges above. I'll have a vid at some point...again, whenever I have the time. I have the raw footage of range testing...just need to make the video and all, yada yada. Feel free to PM me with any questions about the design, by the way.

EDIT- And YES, I am aware that the rearloading opening is not all that clean. It will be cleaned up shortly. I just wanted to get it so it was all fully functional first, then worry about things like that.

#300486 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 24 June 2011 - 10:22 PM in Modifications

Some stuff I worked on yesterday:
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^This thing shoots just so surprisingly far. I picked it up mad cheap from imaseoulman last summer at BCNO, expecting to just rip the tank out of it at some point. It's been sitting around in a box since then, and I'd never fired it. I shot it the other day, and it's crazy. So, I cleaned it up with some etape, and made a new pump handle, cuz the little one's just not comfy. Oddly enough, I may find myself using a ramrod instead of a hopper/RSCB/speed-loader. 120' plus, I kid you not.

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Did some real simple mods to it. Basically did this, but taken up a small notch. It shoots pretty well, around 90, respectable for the mods done. Just did this as a time killer while epoxy was drying on the next one...

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I wanted a modded gun that could compete with current, top homemades (Pump action, hoppered, durable, etc.) The thing shoots respectably far (around 110'), and is real comfy, so I'd say I accomplished the goal rather well. The raider stock is detachable, the internal mods are up to par with Zorn's and the re-enforcements in this thing would make Makeitgo proud. So ya.

#241839 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 13 July 2009 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

Comission #3. Supertech 9000.

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Merz is a very, very lucky guy.

Modding Service Thread.

#241646 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 12 July 2009 - 06:50 PM in Modifications

I recently got ahold of a new style 1500, thanks to Galaxy613, not knowing what to expect. I've always had old ones, and heard that the new ones just don't compare, comfort-wise. Personally, I like it. To me, since it's already bigger, I decided it'd be cool to be able to shoulder it. So I added a removable stock:
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I did it by using a female threaded 1/2" conduit adaptor attached to the back cap of the blaster (A screwdriver can still get through and un-screw the cap, allowing you to easily open the blaster without digging through hot glue or epoxy by the stock attachment point.

On the stock is a 1/2" male threaded adaptor.
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Then, I used pipe insulation foam cut in half to cushion the stock.

12" PETG barrels, shoots lazer straight. I love it. My darts are fairly loose (I can blow them down if they don't fall down on their own, which they tend to). And I can hold 4 darts in the original amo holders on the back (one forward and backward in each holder). Hits around 90-100 consistently. Plenty for this kind of gun.

#236504 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 June 2009 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

Hey guys, back, and I’ve been busy in my time away, and for awhile now. I’m just kinda behind on posting the products of my busyness here…so here’s a bulk post for ya.

First off, some side-arms:
1st gen and holster equipped with ram rod and mini bungee that I use on it (My holstered sidearm with certain guns. Others, I don’t use a sidearm):
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LnL. My first LnL, and I was very pleased. Will be doing plunger head replacement and another spring replacement when I get the time to do so:
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Disk shot. Short barrel, so I can push the darts down with my pinkie in the even that they don’t vacuum. Some kinda spring addition, o-ring addition, and FBR in the amo holders to keep darts from sliding all the way in:
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PVC coupler’d NF. My pistol for gunslinger, just because it’s fast ROF-wise. I’ve never seen a writeup for a PVC one before…but I believe Zorn did his this way. The spring is monstrous, and to compensate, the plunger tube is basically bathing in hot-glue in order to keep it from jarring out of place. O-ring addition, again. Ranges, good enough:
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Secondaries/Small primaries:
My SF. It’s generally mounted beneath my +bow, but it was off at the moment, so I decided to throw it up here. Pump plug, brassed, like CX’s mod. You’ll notice the front is cut in order to allow it to mount correctly on the +bow:
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2k. Just started and finished this baby up last night. Very easy mod, but very effective. This was inspired by OMC’s 2k at the first BCNO. It had this kind of coupler set-up. Basically, the benefit I see in it, is that the weight isn’t too far forward, and is mostly contained near the coupler, which allows the entire set-up to be very sturdy. Other than that though, I did the basics; Pump plug, glued trigger spring. Hitting around 90 flat. I’m satisfied:
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Primaries (Not necessarily ones I use. There are a few loaners that I modded because I was bored…):

Shotgunned BBBB. This thing’s awesome. I have yet to fix the o-ring problem, but I’m still pretty satisfied with it. I will edit a pic in of a shell that I use once I find the original one or make another…whoops:
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BBB. PVC coupler, RFSG spring addition, re-enforced, dead space removal. Ranges; good, adequate BBB ranges:
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Scorpion Bow. Same deal as the BBB, but different springs. Pretty good ranges as well. No, I’m not giving exact ranges for any of these. Range is over-rated unless you look at it from a velocity standpoint. I won’t get into it:
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Air Zone Arrow Storm. PETG’d. Can’t get it to work correctly. If anyone has any idea what I could do to fix it…that’d be cool. It’s just not firing and rotating in sync. Then, when it does fire, it fires super slowly, and the turret’s all messed up:
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My PAS. I love this thing. Brass breech similar to that on FA’s Countess (Well, sputnik’s now). Spring addition, re-enforced to the nines, catch spring replaced with beastly torsion spring, duct tape knife removed. Use that knife as an example of how bored I was one afternoon…:
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That’s it for now…check the Homemades thread soon for some more…

#302336 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 26 July 2011 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

^lol hopper clip^

Also, I don't think that I ever posted this:
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I was browsing my photobucket and stumbled across it. That pic is of a rear-loading AT2k that I made pre-fire that was intended to be part of a commission swap with Rogue. Obviously that never went down, but the blaster was pretty sweet, and to my knowledge, was actually the first rearloading AT2k ever made. It was made after Ryan's rearloading AT2k turret, but was the first actually made with intent to still work with the 2k.
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#253891 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 18 October 2009 - 10:37 PM in Modifications

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Bwahahahaha...such a fun gun to use. Really fast, and has the beastly LB as a backup. BBB has [k25] spring, seal improval (I can stop the plunger head with my finger over the coupler), full re-enforcement, 10" speedloader, and is hitting 100'+ flat. LB has 3" CPVC barrels with a little spacer in the middle, and is hitting from 55-70' at 15 pumps.

Best part about this BBB is that the LB's glued on half by half, so the front part of the BBB's still entirely removable, and thus can be swapped out with other front halves with different integrations. My turreted disk shot, for example...
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Awesome TTG. I minimized it a lot, but decided it was too squared off, so added a piece from the original front BBB handle to smooth it out a little. CPVC internal coupler, front piece left as a guide, seal improval, catch spring replacement, plunger cushion, industrial spring added.
Thing has a load of recoil if you're not used to it, but firing it flat as possible, it hits around 80'.

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Stormfire. Minimized, sprign replacement, etc. etc. All the stuff done to the above pistols. Haven't range tested. It's powerful enough.

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Beast 2k. 12" petg barrels, airflow mod, pump plug, trigger spring glued, breaks 100' flat, and I can blow darts down the barrel. PM me if you'd like to buy it, by the way. I'm making another, more awesome one, so this one's up for grabs.

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Raider. Not much to show...looks stock on the outside. Has a spring in the stock, RFDG spring replacement, ars removed, and holes plugged. Averages around 55 with modded streamlines with stock on, 45 with it off. Great gun for zombies.

There's also the fact that I have no pics of Alex's guns at the moment...I'm sure he'll post them up at some point. Feel free to PM me about any of them, by the way...

More to come later...but that's all for now.

#253890 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 18 October 2009 - 10:35 PM in Modifications

Results of the two mini mod parties the past couple weekends. We didn't exactly get all that much done the first day, so I didn't post. Today we got to work...

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Lanard Handcannons = AWESOME. Tons of mods done. Seal improval, re-enforcement, draw extention (reaches 9th notch), trigger safety removed, CPVC coupler, shell minimized for reasons you will see shortly, turret made for the blaster with a mav turret piece, and spaced with something special...:
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Shell cut to allow me to more easily rear load the turret:
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Zip ties in place of lost screw posts due to both the minimization to the front and to the draw extension.

Ranges are great. In rather cold weather, it's breaking 120, and the ROF's great due to the turret.

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Holstered sidearm on the left, gunslinger pistol on the right. The one on the right has draw extension and [k26] spring, improved seal, cpvc couplered, yada yada...on the left is just a 49 spring added, cpvc coupler, and all the other stuff, like seal improval, plunger cushion, the basics.

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Beast PAS. Lots-o-springs added. Fully re-enforced, seal is incredible, plunger head cushion, pvc couplered with almost no deadspace. Will get internal pics when I get a chance. Foam stuffed into the shell everywhere for sound dampening. 14" CPVC speedloader. Also made a polycarb spacer to keep the coupler steady and centered:
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You can actually see the green from the airzone arrow plunger cushion...ha.
No range tests yet, but I can say that it's scarily powerful shooting it across my garage.

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Most powerful unplugged BBBB I've ever seen...not a clue why, it's just awesome. Simple mods...PVC coupler, trigger re-enforcement, and another spacer for the front:
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I use a 12" PETG speedloader with like, 4" of 17/32" nested in the back. Breaks 130 easy...haven't really measured.

Damn picture posting limit...

#231372 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 19 May 2009 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

Damn you Tantum! You were supposed to wait until mine was finished... :blink:

Well, I'll throw up a pic of my LnL to ensure no 9999 day specials are dealt:

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And my PAS with "demon-breech" setup:

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Equipt with duct tape knife for close encounters.

And my 1.5k in it's current state...again...you were supposed to wait...:

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#301020 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 July 2011 - 12:28 AM in Homemades

Just for reference, I started building this a couple hours after I posted the last homemade seen two posts before this one...
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I thought that this one needed a background...

It's super duper clear...
-Clear PT
-Clear Stock
-Clear Plunger Rod (1/2" X 5/8" Polyester tubing)
-Clear stock mounting pieces
-Clear handle mounting piece

Also, everything's mechanically fastened just like my last SNAP, the pump action one above. Uses a skirt seal and a new plunger head design that works flawlessly. I'll post a little write-up the next time I make one. It's seriously awesome, and pretty easy to make.

I haven't shot it outside yet, being that it's dark, but this thing's terrifying. I struggle to even keep my hand over it to check the seal, which is perfect, by the way.

#300998 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 July 2011 - 05:15 PM in Homemades

Okay, so the following was inspired by NerfOmania's PumpSNAP design featured here. I used essentially the same priming mechanism, so the functionality of the blaster is basically the same. However, I made a few key changes that make the thing far more leet.
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Okey, so first off, every single joint is mechanical. Yes, I gooped around the bushing, but that was not for structural integrity, just simply to make sure the seal was perfect.
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Clothespin to plunger tube.

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Trigger to Clothespin (There are two screws there, one from the top, one from the bottom).

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Handle to plunger tube. This is a carbon style handle, but sized so as to not interfere with the pump grip. There are two screws on the other side as well.

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Pump grip to pump slide. I went with a vertical pump grip to make it more comfy to use. It worked, and is quite a lot more comfy.

I also made a few more changes...the blaster is >3" shorter than the original, and still has a 6.5" draw. I obviously used clear PVC, but I also used a skirt seal:
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Added a string stop for the plunger rod:
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I only used a single string, not one looped through, which goes through a hole in an endcap at the end of the plunger rod, and then is knotted so it can't pull out, so I ran a bolt through the stock, which allowed the string to stay centered in place, and then knotted it on the outside of the tee.

And a cover for the priming slide so that you can lay your cheek on the blaster without eating it up when you prime:
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Being that it has a 6.5" draw, a [k26] spring, and a skirt seal, it shoots super far, as far as my other big guns, though I don't have precise measurements. I'm super happy with it, works quite smoothly.

#300725 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 June 2011 - 10:50 PM in Homemades

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#300485 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 24 June 2011 - 10:08 PM in Homemades

Sweet-ass clear SNAPbow adapted to use a skirt seal:
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^Shoots so crazy far...(7" Draw, skirt seal, [k26]...)

And another pic of the Rainbow v2, sportin' a plunger stop for all the dry firing your heart could possibly desire:
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#301632 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 July 2011 - 10:55 PM in Homemades

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Short writeup tomorrow.

Some quick details:
-Uses original catch/trigger
-[k25] spring
-3/4" PVC couplers on either side cup the spring and keep it perfectly centered
-Plate in the back and rear 3/4" coupler allow everything to be mechanically fastened. Thus, no glue. Hooray!

For more details, wait for the writeup :D
(This was a surprise for my bro, btw, he's happy with it)

#319876 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 August 2012 - 06:48 AM in Homemades

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See you ladies on the field. (That includes you, Lucian. Your blaster is inferior).

APOC 2012

#301730 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 17 July 2011 - 10:37 PM in Homemades

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Super short Rainbow. Obviously the stock makes it a bunch longer, more than doubles its length, but the PT itself is only about 10" compared to the standard like, 15" necessary for a full sized one with an 11" spring. It has a 6" [k25] spring, and is made so that I could maximize the draw, while still having a blaster that could be used comfortably with a stock or without one, fired like a pistol. Uses the same dual endcap method that I used in the nitefinder, which cups the spring and keeps it perfectly centered. Uses a Rainbow catch, obviously, but it was made to use a square plunger rod (more work, but yields nice results. The plunger rod doesn't rotate on ya). The front piece of wood in the handle isn't actually attached to anything, I had this handle lying around that I'd made for a build I thought I was going to do, but never got to, so I just figured I'd use it on here. Looks good with the extra piece so I left it. All in all, I'm very happy. No ranges, cuz it's dark, but it should shoot farther than the NF I made for my bro, being that this has over an inch more draw. That shoots 80-90...you can predict what you'd so please...

#297621 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 27 April 2011 - 02:31 PM in Homemades

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I'll elaborate more and post pictures of the full gun when I stop raging at the fact that the PVC just broke for no reason at all...

#301124 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 07 July 2011 - 12:30 AM in Homemades

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Four for Four...
This one's a RainbowPump. Yippee :)

#301074 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 05 July 2011 - 10:41 PM in Homemades

Made yet another homemade today:
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It's pump action, and uses a ring catch.
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It was my first time constructing such a catch, and I must say, it works flawlessly. I like it a lot. Also, the handle is surprisingly comfortable. Functionally, it's pretty much the same as an RBP.

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Three different homemades in three days...the kid's on a roll.

#258518 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 09 December 2009 - 06:34 PM in Homemades

My new SNAP has met a little custom touch from Diamondback.
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The beauty you see above was made by Rork. Lemme just say, he's the man. My old SNAP was showing its age a little bit, and while it will always hold a special place in my arsenal, it needed an upgrade. Boy did it get an upgrade. New version is more comfy, far more powerful (I'm breaking 110' consistently with a 16" CPVC speedloader and 3/0 darts), infinitely more badass, and just overall, a huge improvement. Integration can be primed while holding the main gun handle (No need to hold down trigger like you usually do with SNAPs and had to with my old one), and it's hitting around 80' with a 6" speedloader. Handles are absolutely solid and made out of wood, then the backs were lined with foam. and wrapped around with e-tape. As you can see, Diamonds line the spine of the gun, just made by cutting black e-tape. Came out really nice, if I do say so myself...can't wait to use this at some upcoming winter wars. Watch out BCNO crew...

Props again to rork, thanks a lot man.

#257456 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 28 November 2009 - 04:42 PM in Homemades

^Great stuff man, now take a pic of mine and put it up^
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^Also great stuff^. Finished this up like last week sometime at a mod party...'tis beautiful...shoots real well too. Clip holds five darts. It's hitting around 100. Caping foam on the front and back of the grip. It's now loads more comfortable.

#253892 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 18 October 2009 - 10:47 PM in Homemades

My Baby...
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Details in an earlier post...only now, she's back up to speed and flinging foam like crazy. Replaced the rubber washer, re-teflon taped the bushing, and re-did the bushing setups with CPVC reducers, to use 1/2" cpvc. In order to do this, you just take some PVC, wrap it in etape until snug in the 3/4" to 1/2" CPVC reducer, zap a gap it in, and then cut the pvc leaving 3/4" exposed. Tap it into the coupler with a mallet, and you're good to go. Proved itself very well here. Oh, and by the way, that name tag's from apoc...decided to leave it on there..."Hello my name is Diamondback"...

#243758 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 24 July 2009 - 11:44 PM in Homemades

I'd like to introduce you to the mini-bow:
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Basically, my +bow fails. Probably my fault, I don't know. So...I did everything I wanted to do on the +bow to my LpL.

4-shot Sch. 80 RSCB clip. Low torque ball valve. PVC joints filled with CPVC to reduce deadspace. RSCB system strapped down and secured in place using pipe insulation foam and a zip tie. May be ugly, but it's solid:
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Makes opening and closing the RSCB quite smooth.

Also, I wanted to integrate a spiderman springer into the foregrip. Well, here you go:

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I used the RSCB's elbow as another point of attachment, seeing as there are only two holes in the LpL's integration rail.

Foam and e-tape were also added to the grip, and it's now super comfy.

So yeah, not the prettiest thing in the world, but functionally, it's awesome.

LpL w/ RSCB still tags around 80-90ish, and the spiderman gun tags around 40. It's only a backup if necessary though, so 40 is plenty.

#236507 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 15 June 2009 - 06:07 PM in Homemades

My first post in the homemades picture thread, and I’m gracing you with two beauties. Neither originally made by me, I must add. I have made changes and done a few things to each of them along the way to make them my own, though, and basically, now I have a template to work from when I make mine.

First off, my baby. This has been my primary since I got it, and as that it shall remain for a time to come.
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Basically, it’s a Mk. 4 SNAPbow with a reverse facing SNAP-1 Compact integration. The main gun uses a two way speedloader at tops out at around 130, while the integration hits 60-70, equipped with its 3-way speedloader. The integration serves as a nice backup shot if I get rushed while reloading, and has proven its usefulness. Since I’ve gotten it, I’ve added pipe insulation foam to the foregrip, stock, and along the top of the stock so that it’s all comfy, and have re-enforced the grip and the ninety coupler of the integration so that it’s rock solid. It may not be beautiful, but it has served me well, and gets the job done. It’s damn accurate, too. People at BCNO can vouch for that. All credit for the blaster’s design and construction goes to Rork, who I now thank every chance I get for this baby.

Now, the polycarb iteration of my primary:
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A +bow made by Ryan Mcnumbers (Buy from him, by the way. His work is great), equipt with a speedloader, hitting normal +bow ranges, and a LpL made by Draconis (Another recommended seller) mounted beneath it. The LpL is equipt with a four dart RSCB clip set-up, maintaining ranges of around 80-90 feet, which I thought was incredible. The LpL could even serve as a primary of its own. Basically though, this follows the same principal as my SNAP. Poweful, accurate main gun w/ speedloader, with an integrated backup shot of some form that is quick to get loaded again (so you’re always ready with a backup). Anyway, this has yet to be war tested, and I cannot wait to do so. This should prove to be quite a force. By the way, Tim, that's your hint. I wouldn't mind comin' down for another BCNO.

By the way, I will be adding tape and FBR down the back of the +bow handle shortly as well. It makes it super comfy, and now that that's shown with the LpL, I'm definitely doing it to the main gun.

Anyway…done with my lengthy post. Tell me what you guys think. God, I write too much…

EDIT-Damn it, I've been nagged about this enough. People have jumped down my throat, namely lce9. This set-up was not my idea, and I'm not a "copy-cat" he keeps calling me. He did it first. I'm sorry I stole his idea when he clearly specified that it was never, ever to be done again by anyone. It's special only to him, and I can't believe I would ever think to do it myself. I'm going to go drop this off a cliff now because I can't bear the fact that I'm now a copy-cat.

Since ASON obviously didn't get it. Input massive amounts of virtual sarcasm above.

#257966 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 December 2009 - 12:15 AM in Homemades

For posterity...
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The SNAP that kicked it all off...never to be forgotten, never to be sold...will still come with me to every war. Sadly, every gun shows its age eventually...and my baby has begun to. Rork, looks amazing man. Can't wait to adorn it with a "Hello my name is Diamondback" sticker, my stock, some orange e-tape, and take it to war.

Oh, and I know I posted this earlier in the thread...but it was fitting with the last post...

#284748 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 04 September 2010 - 11:29 AM in Homemades

Finally I got a hold of a way to get some pics up here for you guys ta see, and here are, for all intents and purposes, my two favorite blasters I currently own:
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The one on the left was made by Rork, features a superlative plunger head, as well as an integrated backwards half-snap just incase.
The one on the right was made by myself the other day, also features a superlative plunger head, and super excessive zip tie usage, but as opposed to the integration, I decided to give it a modular forgrip.
Both seal supa dupa well (I can hold my hand over the bushing and entirely stop the plunger rod about halfway through the PT), and both shoot farther than your +bow.

#297424 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 21 April 2011 - 10:20 PM in Homemades

So, my work for the day, the Rainbow Rev 2:
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Keep in mind, I did not make/design the original Rainbow, so I really can't make this the official "Rev 2," but many improvements have been made between this and the original version. One of which, as you can see, is the use of a new style of handle, the same kind that Ryan developed for use on his RBP, which is super sturdy and mad comfy. It also looks damn good.
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The plunger head is also of his design used for the RBP, which works wonderfully. Another very notable change is the design for the catch that I devised...which uses two 6-32 1/4" OD Nylon spacers on each of the screws to provide a perfect spacing between the two circles, eliminating lopsidedness, amongst other issues. Also, rather than tap both sets of holes, only the front set is tapped, which allows the screw to properly pull the assembly tight together, as opposed to tapping both holes, in which case the threads are spread at whatever distance you start screwing the screw in at. It's difficult to explain, but basically this way is much better:
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Ryan put together the templates for the new catches, being that the holes needed to be farther towards the outside of the circles in order to accommodate the nylon spacers as well as the sliding catch piece. I'm sure he'll post the templates up when he feels like it.

I also added a couple holes along the top portion of the blaster, drilled and tapped, which will be used to outfit the blaster with a super-sleek shoulder stock, pictures of which I am sure will be up tomorrow. Here are the holes drilled in:
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This beauty is already outfitted for a hopper, and will be sportin' an integration and a stock ASAP, as you gents will see. By the way, the seal is perfect, and it has a [k26] spring in it, so I can only assume it shoots mad far.

#297204 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 16 April 2011 - 11:19 AM in Homemades

So, a little bit of gun porn...this is the entirety of my collection...the homemade branch, anyway.  Starting to build it up again.  I know I've probably posted about a couple of these blasters already, but in case you happened to miss them:
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^My PAC, which I had at one point converted to spring power, and it was awesome, but then, after getting the blaster pictured below, I decided to convert it back.  It's super cool, and I think I'm going to paint the bow arms entirely red...cuz the red just looks super cool.

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My RBP along with it's little bro, an LpL-sized pistol but with a Rainbow catch, which, IMO, is much sleeker and super cool in comparison.

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And in the realm of opaque PVC...my fav SNAPbow, which rapes unbelievable amounts of face, as well as it's little bro, which I made today.  This little one shoots about as far as its polycarb cousin above it.

A better pic of the little guy, seeing as I haven't posted a pic of it yet:
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One big happy family :D

My two other SNAPbows, that are equally as awesome as the first:
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The top one I made at the house I was renting while my house was being rebuilt with like, zero modding supplies.  The bottom one, I actually prefer w/o a stock...I just run a hopper on it and shoot from the hip.

Also, I guess this is a homemade...
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Louiec3 made it...it shoots really far.

#296934 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 30 March 2011 - 09:46 PM in Homemades

For you, Mr. McNumbers...I hope you're happy :P
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Yayayayay cell-phone camera quality!

#296309 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 20 March 2011 - 04:03 PM in Homemades

EDIT: Thanks to taerKitty, I'ma go ahead and call this the minusBow.

So, my newest toy is sort of a mod to a homemade...I received a PACbow from Ryan McNumbers awhile back, and as expected, it was super awesome. However, recently I decided that the bow arms were annoying, even though I've never, yet, warred with the bow arms equipped. Maybe I just got stuck in too many doorways for my liking...Regardless, a solution was in order. Thus, I present to you my PACbow minus the bow:
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Sweet, huh? Here's a little before pic from Ryan's sales thread:
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Fun stuff. Basically, where the string used to go through the plunger rod, I added a machine screw, coupled with a nut on either side of the plunger rod, and some vinyl tubing over the screw to keep it nice and smooth-like:
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^What you're seeing there is a bit of 1/2" PVC superglued to a flat-washer, with the PVC secured into the end of the [k25] spring. This is meant to keep the [k25] centered properly, and keep it from threading around the machine screw and creating lots of headaches.

[k25], you ask? Yes, [k25]. It allowed me to use a longer spring, keeping some precompression on that spring, makes it mad easy to prime, and it still gets plenty of power, but we'll talk about that later...

Instead of that big ol' dead-space-machine 'T' on the front, a simple, airtight bushing took its place:
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Also added a string stop to the back of the plunger rod to dampen the blow a bit. Although not necessary, this keeps the noise down to a minimum, because rather than striking the front of the plunger, the plunger rod is stopped by the string:
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I was looking through some threads earlier today, and the above blaster looks eerily similar to Beaver's proposed pump action rainbow variant...with a +bow catch of course as opposed to a rainbow catch.
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With a 10 dart hopper (not-pictured), in less than ideal weather conditions, this thing shoots around 130-140'. How cool is that?

Another Edit: Cuz people are cryin...I'd just like to clarify that this can be undone at any point and can be returned to its former bow arm functionality. Easy as pie.

#297454 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by diamondbacknf1626 on 22 April 2011 - 08:48 PM in Homemades

Hate to double post...but...
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^Pic with the stock I put on this morn', as well as a million dart hopper and barrel.

The screws securing the stock are all internal and super duper duper sturdy.
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