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#90339 Jac Pac Portable C02

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 03:13 PM in General Nerf

Thats a really cool idea. Many have suggested this but you actually have a specific item to use. Ive always wanted to do something like this but havent had time, money, or care.

I have a few questions and suggestions, what are you going to hook it up to, a homeade gun or an actuall nerf gun? I think you should hook it up to a homeade one, using a sprinkler valve system to release to air and a pvc body. If you have good pvc skills, you could really make a nice hand gun or fully auto gun! Good luck!

#92654 Stefan...?

Posted by munson20 on 22 October 2006 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

A stefan is a homeade dart.

#86030 Next Line Of Guns

Posted by munson20 on 29 July 2006 - 10:01 PM in General Nerf

I really wish Nerf would just make a 50 foot ranged gun. If only they make a huge cylinder to make the gun powerful! If they did this, Nerf would no longer be a pathetic toy, it would be a lifestyle!!! Kidding about the lifestyle.

#85979 Next Line Of Guns

Posted by munson20 on 29 July 2006 - 01:20 AM in General Nerf

This post is mainly to give ideas for guns we wan't next time and what we think Nerf will come out with next. I know the '06 blasters just came out, but that isn't a reason not to brainstorm what is next! Please give explanations of a gun you would like to see come out or what you think they will come out with.

-I will start it off...

I think they should make a clip fed gun, which is small and like a pistol-like the size of the gun on the front of the longshot. It should be like that gun but with a clip. It would be so easy to shoot! Also I think they will come out with a new N-strike pistol. I also think it will have a clip... I have noticed Nerf is starting to do everything with clips, it is their destiny...

Now, Beginnnnnnnn.....

#86034 Next Line Of Guns

Posted by munson20 on 29 July 2006 - 10:36 PM in General Nerf

Here is my gun Idea... Notice it is like the front of the longshot, but clip fed!

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Here is the inner part... It is complicated so bare with me.

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Ompa, I am just talking theoretically... no need to shut it down. Trust me, I have heard many times in my day that they just make them for kids. I think they would make more business because nerf wouldn't be looked like a totally kiddish toy, but for 12 and 13 year olds too. That is what they are doing with the longshot and magstrike... making their guns more grown up.

#87540 Electronics + Nerf

Posted by munson20 on 15 August 2006 - 02:28 PM in General Nerf

You can easily make a nerf gun using the same idea as a AEG airsoft gun or Tokyo Marui airsoft gun. If you got a strong enough motor, you could hook it up to a piston and make a great electric nerf gun. This is what nerf should try some day.

#94550 Need Help With Scar-n

Posted by munson20 on 15 November 2006 - 08:16 PM in Homemades

Shut the hell up eat shit, you said nothing important so your being a hypocrate.

-I think you should first try making a gun that you wouldn't even use in a battle, but something to get the concept! Im making a gun right now, so I will post in about a week or two.

#90890 Homemade Wars

Posted by munson20 on 30 September 2006 - 02:43 PM in Homemades

hey 3DBBQ, what ranges do you get on your homeade pump guns? Do you mod the guns you don't make?

#94156 Yay Im Happy!

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 03:23 PM in Modifications

Butt, You need to chill out. He obviously isn't as serious about nerf guns as you. Maybe give him help next time instead of trying to pick on him. Thanks retiate. You actually helped him get where he needed.

Streamwave- I think you were wondering whether it is worth it to mod a maverick, right? Honestly, I dont think so. My mav is fine unmodded because we play in a basement where ranges don't make the guns better or not, but the ROF does. It really depends on where you play. Good luck.

#79379 At2k Barrel Relocation

Posted by munson20 on 09 April 2006 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

I just got an at2k and I love it! It gets around 120, actually, with 8-9 pumps, and it is my main weapon. The only thing is, I can't find a sure way to keep my barrel straight. Right now, it is glued to the shell of the gun, but I won't another way!!!

-Nice job petrie! I like it!

#74704 Airsoft To Nerf

Posted by munson20 on 28 February 2006 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

If there are any websites of these guns, please attach them!

#74824 Airsoft To Nerf

Posted by munson20 on 01 March 2006 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

Im sorry Talio, It's just that I have been searching for a gun like this for a while yet i have never been able to find one! sorry...

#74673 Airsoft To Nerf

Posted by munson20 on 28 February 2006 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

I was thinking that it would be possible to mod an airsoft gun or paintball gun, most preferably a Co2 type, into a nerf gun. Has anyone ever done this? If so, send pictures because I have dreamed to do this for a while. maybe we can come up with a plan to do so...

#78530 Bbb Question

Posted by munson20 on 02 April 2006 - 08:58 PM in Modifications

Where can you get this new BBB and how are they different from the old ones? Why isn't there a BBB mod on the modification page?

#78543 Bbb Question

Posted by munson20 on 02 April 2006 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

I still dont understand where you can get them or if they are still being sold... What the frick is TRU? I guess im not up to date on Nerf jargon...

#93114 Dad

Posted by munson20 on 27 October 2006 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

Nerfer, even if he is lying, do you really feel right saying this?

For all we know,it could be true, and you could be being a total asshole. Give the guy some slack and lay off.

Sorry abuse, I havent ever lost anyone very close, it must be very hard...

#78542 Extending Barrel Tip

Posted by munson20 on 02 April 2006 - 10:11 PM in Modifications

A marble wold most likely double or get 175% greater. I have also thought of spraying SHI*T load of this stuff into the gun, letting it dry, then removing the parts which stop the motion of the gun, then cutting it in two... This would act as an inner protective shell and silencer. then the plastic shell would go over this because it was molded to it.

-It costed $4.17 for me at home depot, but it probably differs. the can is big so it is a great deal... I used up about 2% on my crossbow.

#78528 Extending Barrel Tip

Posted by munson20 on 02 April 2006 - 08:50 PM in Modifications

Hello, I recently got a crossbow and have been meaning to mod it. I extended the barrell, but it is a little off, to the right, so I went to home depot for something to hold it in place. I got this foam stuff call Great Stuff that expands and dries out of the bottle. All I did was put a little on the front and then held the barrel straight for an hour while I watched a movie. When it was done, the barrel was exactly how I wanted it. Also, Since it doesnt stick to plastic, you can take apart the gun easily without having to re-do it. And since it is so strong, if you hit your barrel when in a war, it wont break off the chamber. Lastly, this stuff is good because it can be used in every hole in the gun to decrease noise, making it a silencer material... This Stuff is Great!!!

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#78903 Extending Barrel Tip

Posted by munson20 on 05 April 2006 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

I may try to fill my gun in the areas where there is no motion of parts just to silence it!!! Im first going to try it on a cheap gun. Then maybe move onto bigger fish...

#95816 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 03 December 2006 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

Hello, I am just starting to get into painting, so this is my first battle-worn job... Tell me what you think. I will soon be doing a bbb to match the LnL because they go along so nicely, but for now, here is the LnL...

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#95843 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 03 December 2006 - 08:26 PM in Modifications

Here is my BBB that I just finished to match the LnL... I love it!

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#96043 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 06 December 2006 - 07:06 PM in Modifications

Thanx for the comments everyone! Well, If there are any guns you would like to see painted and even buy, just say so! Right now I am working on a magstrike in which I will be selling either here or ebay... Thanks

#95904 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 04 December 2006 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

I am thinking about doing more of these, and maybe selling them. They wouldn't be older guns like LnL's because those are too hard to get, but Nitefinders, Firefly's, Mavericks, and my most ambitous project Ive always wanted to do, a rapid fire rifle. They wouldn't all be gun metal, there would be different options, but what do you guys think? I could be a lower end, less costly Direct threat. Here is a list of Guns I am planning to paint and sell...

1.) Maverick
2.) Nitefinder
3.) Firefly
4.) Big Bad Bow
5.) Rapid Fire rifle
6.) Magstike

#90400 Sprinkler Valve

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 09:19 PM in Homemades

puggy, I was looking at a picture, and it looked like there was two places to put things,like tubes.

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Also, I don't really understand sprinkler valves. I know they are electric, but how do you open and close it-is there a button?? Can you regulate the time of openeing and closing? Please someone explain how they work!

#90370 Sprinkler Valve

Posted by munson20 on 24 September 2006 - 07:48 PM in Homemades

I was wondering, do sprinkler valves have places where you could hook up co2 adapters or something like that? If so, is there a link? Thanks

PINEY EDIT: I'm throwing this to homemades.

#93387 Nerf Newb Questions

Posted by munson20 on 30 October 2006 - 06:59 PM in General Nerf

Everyone, before you begin the feast, be nice...

#96700 The New Nightfinder

Posted by munson20 on 17 December 2006 - 03:56 PM in General Nerf

Do you think 1/2 inch pvc can fit inside the new nf spring? If so, thaqt is great news for me. Yo guys will see later.

#73929 Nerf Tech Target Modifications

Posted by munson20 on 22 February 2006 - 09:50 PM in Modifications

Thank you for clarifying. i was talking about the scout. does any one have anymods for this gun?

#73828 Nerf Tech Target Modifications

Posted by munson20 on 21 February 2006 - 10:34 PM in Modifications

Hello, i was wondering, are there any modifications for the green, blue, and silver tech target? i tried extending the barrel; however, it will not shoot any more! any suggestions?

#74459 Razorbeast?

Posted by munson20 on 26 February 2006 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

i heard that there was a gatling gun rotorbeast that actually shot full auto and there is a video of this? if so, will someone please give me the link?

#88429 Six Flags Bazooka Rocket Launcher Xxl

Posted by munson20 on 27 August 2006 - 05:04 PM in General Nerf

My friend went to a KB Toys in the Gurnee Mall in Illinois, and he got me a Six flags bazooka rocket launcher XXL for 24.99! I had this gun once and it broke, but now I have it again! I am so excited! Are there any mods on this gun?

#78890 Lbb With A Mounted Scope

Posted by munson20 on 05 April 2006 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

I love the scope, it looks awesome, I just have a few questions:

1.) How does your loading system work. Breech barrell or do the darts slide down?

2.) How tight are the darts you use in the barrel? Do tighter darts make this a better gun?

3.) What types of darts do you use? Are they stefans or Nerf darts?

#78264 Nerf Gatling Gun

Posted by munson20 on 31 March 2006 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

I know this may sound dumb, but i have heard of a nerf gatling gun. It was modded from a rotory blast (or some gun with a chain, big, orange purple and black) and it was on a tripod. My friend found a video of this, but went off to vacation without showing me... Has anyone seen this video?

#95073 Longshot 3000

Posted by munson20 on 23 November 2006 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

This is an ok modd... No I'm going to say what I really meant to. WHY? It's rather a good idea but why why why didnt you keep the clip system? The clip system is what makes the Longshot a good gun to begin with!

Spelling, and why not make something new? He said he did it because he liked the case, so making a good feeling very powerful gun is very rare, besides, the airtechs alone feel like crap when losing.

Ice nine, I have one question, how does the trigger feel? I would think it would be a little shaky/squishy because when I made an airtech in a nitefinder, it was very hard to adjust, however, that may be because there was really no space. Also, Im surprised you didn't use A 2000 internals. I havent really worked with 3000's, but I know for a fact that they are at dispose more than the 3000.

#90827 Magstrike Video

Posted by munson20 on 29 September 2006 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

So I was watching cartoon network, and a nerf magstrike commercial came on. I was so surprised because the video isn't even in the site. Try to watch kid chanels and maybe you'll see one.

#85672 Online Source For The Long Shot

Posted by munson20 on 24 July 2006 - 10:34 PM in General Nerf

I bought it a minute ago. I know it is a lot, but i have been waiting for it for a while, and it costed about the same price in all as the magstrike! Critisize all you want, but I am very excited for it!!!

#77365 Nite Finder Silencer

Posted by munson20 on 23 March 2006 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

Hello. I have been inspired by many people on this sight to build something unlike anyhting else, therefore I made this silencer.... that actually works!!!

here are some pics...

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1.) glue crayola marker to end of the barrell and take out the air restrictors.
2.) drill holes in 3/4 inch pvc, then glue onto marker.
3.) wrap pvc with kleenex and then with electric tape.
4.) get 1 1/4 pvc and drill holes to your style, then glue onto 3/4 pvc.
5.) stuff gun with kleenex for no vibration.
6.) paint to yout choice.

without a bullet, it is only half the sound of a normal modded nite finder, but when you are actually shooting a real dart, it is so muffled it is unbelievable!!!

please, give suggestions so I can make it better!

#77367 Nite Finder Silencer

Posted by munson20 on 23 March 2006 - 10:58 PM in Modifications

Yeah i know, this is my first picture post and i messed up a lot, this took 20 minutes for the pictures... haha. The gun feels great because the front is so heavy!

-no, the silencer is not removable. i dont have the right materials for it to be screw on.

#94202 Homeade Plunger

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 09:50 PM in Homemades

No, you don't understand. I make crevices where O-rings go, but the depths they go in are uneven, so it doesnt make a perfect circle in the cylinder, which allows air to get by instead of suction.

#94184 Homeade Plunger

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 07:34 PM in Homemades

I am making a homeade plunger, and I am having trouble getting it so there are no leaks. I sand it down around so I can put on O-rings but I don't do it perfect, so some parts are too far in, and others just right. Is there a way to fix this?