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#93310 Magstrike 20

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 09:59 PM in Modifications

How does it work without a bladder, or is there a bladder in the red thing?

---Wait, I think I get it. Does that fill up the bladder in the gun once it runs out so you don't need to use the compressor during a game? Ohh, I think I get it, but wouldn't the pressure keep dropping every mag 20 so that it won't pump as fast as the last? Please explain.

#93315 Magstrike 20

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

Can you tell a difference in each shot, or is it such a big tank, it isn't noticeable?

#76929 Boltsniper Scar-n Rifle Bs-8

Posted by munson20 on 19 March 2006 - 09:46 PM in Homemades

Hello boltsniper. I must bow to you, that gun is amazing!!! I really would like to actually see it in action, for example, a video of it shooting. i know you have videos of it but i want to see the dart in the video flying, than i can understand how it works!!! thank you and please post a video like i described!!! thanks, great job

#94815 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by munson20 on 19 November 2006 - 03:39 PM in Homemades

Have you begun the shotgun yet? Im really excited to here about it, or see it!

#77167 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by munson20 on 21 March 2006 - 09:58 PM in Modifications

[QUOTE]I honestly don't think it would get any better range from a longer barrel, as all it would do is increase the friction that the dart has to go through; it's already nested, so I'm sure that it get's plenty of air pressure.

when you say this, do you mean you actually stuff stefans down the barrell? i like to use dart tag bullets so maybe my barrell should be diff?

#77009 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by munson20 on 20 March 2006 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

Hello, great work on the crossbow, however i have a few questions... Did you cut off the yellow tube coming out of the compression chanmber? i am not sure whether it would help or not... Also, your barrell seems pretty short or is that just me? would it get better range with a longer barell?