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#90827 Magstrike Video

Posted by munson20 on 29 September 2006 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

So I was watching cartoon network, and a nerf magstrike commercial came on. I was so surprised because the video isn't even in the site. Try to watch kid chanels and maybe you'll see one.

#90890 Homemade Wars

Posted by munson20 on 30 September 2006 - 02:43 PM in Homemades

hey 3DBBQ, what ranges do you get on your homeade pump guns? Do you mod the guns you don't make?

#91171 Clip Magazine

Posted by munson20 on 03 October 2006 - 07:50 PM in Homemades

Hey, maybe you have something there! Try it yourself instead of asking others. You could develop something great!

To answere the question, other materials are expensive, so they use balsa. It is maluable and can do the job. The next step up would be a gel deoderant container. The next step up which you are looking for is probably plexyglass constructed into a clip. This would be sort of dificult, but possible. Good luck!

#92070 Usb Missile Launcher

Posted by munson20 on 17 October 2006 - 08:53 AM in General Nerf

I think I will get one because in where we nerf, my basement, is very small. We also play with all thed lights off so it wouldnt be visible. This reminds me of like a computer gun from a videogame that you plant somewhere. Is the rotations with the remote control fast?

#92654 Stefan...?

Posted by munson20 on 22 October 2006 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

A stefan is a homeade dart.

#93111 Another Nite Finder Color Change

Posted by munson20 on 27 October 2006 - 07:12 PM in General Nerf

I actually really like the Nitefinder, Maverick, and Firefly. In person, they look so... ELECTRIC. I dont know about you, but I am picking up me one of them Firefly's!!!

Is the Firefly's box going to be those colored guns on the front, or the same as the old one, but with a different inside gun?

I think you could try switching the new maverick stuff, like the slide, and the loading chamber, and put it on the old one. That would be cool. Black, on blue, on silver, with some orange.

#93114 Dad

Posted by munson20 on 27 October 2006 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

Nerfer, even if he is lying, do you really feel right saying this?

For all we know,it could be true, and you could be being a total asshole. Give the guy some slack and lay off.

Sorry abuse, I havent ever lost anyone very close, it must be very hard...

#93273 Christmas Clash December 16 Il

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 03:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Just know I am pretty sure I am going, but I am still a little skeptical because Hokiefan might not want to. If he goes I go, and Vise Versa.

#93295 Magstrike 20

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 08:52 PM in Modifications

I just don't get what the hell that huge red thing with orange bands in the picture is? Also, is there a certain noise that the gun makes when it is fully pumped or do you just have to look at the pressure?

#93307 Nerfers In Il

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I would also be up for a summer Illinois war. I live in Winnetka, which is near evanston. Could it be by there?

#93310 Magstrike 20

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 09:59 PM in Modifications

How does it work without a bladder, or is there a bladder in the red thing?

---Wait, I think I get it. Does that fill up the bladder in the gun once it runs out so you don't need to use the compressor during a game? Ohh, I think I get it, but wouldn't the pressure keep dropping every mag 20 so that it won't pump as fast as the last? Please explain.

#93315 Magstrike 20

Posted by munson20 on 29 October 2006 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

Can you tell a difference in each shot, or is it such a big tank, it isn't noticeable?

#93387 Nerf Newb Questions

Posted by munson20 on 30 October 2006 - 06:59 PM in General Nerf

Everyone, before you begin the feast, be nice...

#93493 Plunger Question

Posted by munson20 on 01 November 2006 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

In a plunger for a spring gun, do you think it matters whether the hole where the air releases is in the middle or a little above. Will it get the same ranges? I would think it doesnt matter but I am not sure and before I build something I would like to be sure.

#93507 Plunger Question

Posted by munson20 on 01 November 2006 - 11:09 PM in Modifications

Im almost posative that if the hole is atleast in the middle of the barrell, then it should be fine. I know what you mean Nerf Monkey how the ss1 shoots up. That same thing happens to my LnL.

#93523 Plunger Question

Posted by munson20 on 02 November 2006 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

In a plunger for a spring gun, do you think it matters whether the hole where the air releases is in the middle or a little above.

The size of the hole matters a lot more than its position. The position of the hole in the endcap has no effect on the pressure that the plunger will generate.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Im going to have to relocate the hole. If not that, maybe connect a tube to the barrell where I want it to be.

#93682 First Shot Vs. Maxshot

Posted by munson20 on 04 November 2006 - 09:19 PM in General Nerf

Hi, I am about to buy a first shot or a maxshot, and since I have never had either, I need to know which is better? I mean, Ranges, size, rof, difficulty to operate, and other characteristics. If there are any offers for trading or selling either one, please say.

#93879 Surefire Cap Blaster

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:00 PM in General Nerf

I was looking online and found many undiscovered guns.

1.) I was looking around online and I found this. It shoots darts like a normal blow gun, but it makes a cap gun pop when it hits something because you load a cap into the dart! Isn't that cool? Well, also, they have very strange darts which could be something new for the Nerfing Community. I probably won't get one for the gun, but maybe just get one for the new darts! State your opinion.

A secon more of looking, and I found the darts being sold separately here. Wow, will anyone get these? A lot, but they could be a whole new generation!

2.) Also I found a yughio blaster. It is like a dragon, it looks really stupid. Here it is.

3.) ALso, I found this, a marshmallow launcher. It really looks like it could be modded! It even said it fits foam darts! I am definately going to get it, but is is very pricey. I am skeptical whether it is pump or spring. I hope spring, It could be like a crossbow be cause if it can shoot a big marshmallow 40 feet, It can shoot a stefan 110'.

4.) Lastly, I found sources to buy the big salvo and buzz bee rapid fire rifle! Im not sure if this is common to see, but I had never found a source. It is on Etoys.com

Please comment on all these guns...

#93880 Online Source For Rf Shotgun

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:03 PM in General Nerf

Hello, I was searching around on the internet, and I found a place where you can buy the new rapid fire shotgun. It is being sold for 24.99 here at cabellas sporting goods site. Will you guys be getting it? I might.

#93883 Online Source For Rf Shotgun

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

Of course you can, there was just a whole post on it, and how someone modded it! Read!

#93889 Surefire Cap Blaster

Posted by munson20 on 07 November 2006 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, i saw that blowgun that has cap darts. Looked interesting. Almost got one, but i decided to get my viking hat instead, only thing that seems scary is that if the caps went off inside the blowgun. I guess they have to take the necassary cautions, but i'd still be worried about a small explosion inside.

Yeah, i saw that blowgun that has cap darts. Looked interesting. Almost got one, but i decided to get my viking hat instead, only thing that seems scary is that if the caps went off inside the blowgun. I guess they have to take the necassary cautions, but i'd still be worried about a small explosion inside. EToys also has the big blast, the LBB copy.

no, when it hits, they go off, they dont go in the gun, you load the caps into the darts.

#94061 Pvc Sanding

Posted by munson20 on 10 November 2006 - 12:47 PM in Modifications

I need to shave some of the end off of PVC to fit into another thing of PVC. What is the best way of going at this? I have been sanding for hours and it isn't working, and it come out uneven! Help!

#94065 Pvc Sanding

Posted by munson20 on 10 November 2006 - 01:59 PM in Modifications

I have a Lathe sitting around, I might even try that! Or Ill put the pvc in a drill, and sand it will it is spinning

#94156 Yay Im Happy!

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 03:23 PM in Modifications

Butt, You need to chill out. He obviously isn't as serious about nerf guns as you. Maybe give him help next time instead of trying to pick on him. Thanks retiate. You actually helped him get where he needed.

Streamwave- I think you were wondering whether it is worth it to mod a maverick, right? Honestly, I dont think so. My mav is fine unmodded because we play in a basement where ranges don't make the guns better or not, but the ROF does. It really depends on where you play. Good luck.

#94184 Homeade Plunger

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 07:34 PM in Homemades

I am making a homeade plunger, and I am having trouble getting it so there are no leaks. I sand it down around so I can put on O-rings but I don't do it perfect, so some parts are too far in, and others just right. Is there a way to fix this?

#94202 Homeade Plunger

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 09:50 PM in Homemades

No, you don't understand. I make crevices where O-rings go, but the depths they go in are uneven, so it doesnt make a perfect circle in the cylinder, which allows air to get by instead of suction.

#94213 Homeade Plunger

Posted by munson20 on 11 November 2006 - 10:54 PM in Homemades

Carbon, your idea sounds great, but can you translate a little into something I can understand? Maybe pictures of the tools?

How did BoltSniper do his? I was looking at the scar-n and Far, and they both are perfect!

#94550 Need Help With Scar-n

Posted by munson20 on 15 November 2006 - 08:16 PM in Homemades

Shut the hell up eat shit, you said nothing important so your being a hypocrate.

-I think you should first try making a gun that you wouldn't even use in a battle, but something to get the concept! Im making a gun right now, so I will post in about a week or two.

#94726 Holiday Raffle

Posted by munson20 on 17 November 2006 - 07:20 PM in General Nerf


#94815 Nerf Shotgun

Posted by munson20 on 19 November 2006 - 03:39 PM in Homemades

Have you begun the shotgun yet? Im really excited to here about it, or see it!

#95073 Longshot 3000

Posted by munson20 on 23 November 2006 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

This is an ok modd... No I'm going to say what I really meant to. WHY? It's rather a good idea but why why why didnt you keep the clip system? The clip system is what makes the Longshot a good gun to begin with!

Spelling, and why not make something new? He said he did it because he liked the case, so making a good feeling very powerful gun is very rare, besides, the airtechs alone feel like crap when losing.

Ice nine, I have one question, how does the trigger feel? I would think it would be a little shaky/squishy because when I made an airtech in a nitefinder, it was very hard to adjust, however, that may be because there was really no space. Also, Im surprised you didn't use A 2000 internals. I havent really worked with 3000's, but I know for a fact that they are at dispose more than the 3000.

#95099 My New Puppy

Posted by munson20 on 23 November 2006 - 11:14 PM in Off Topic

My family got a black female pug, and then after 2 years, we bred it with the neighbor male fawn (tan) pug. We took care of the 5 puppies. It was great waking up every morning to running 1 week pug pups. we sold 4, but kept 1. The mothers name is Olive, and it's baby is named, well... Baby. I may have pictures up later.

#95625 Christmas List 2006

Posted by munson20 on 30 November 2006 - 10:12 PM in Off Topic

Hi, I thought it would be a great idea to have a thread where you say what you want for christmas. In this thread, just post a christmas list, or if not christian, then get the fuck out... just kidding, anyone just post what they want for the holiday season.

Ill start...
-Digital all terrain BDU camo
-Tippman a-5
-opsgear.com folding stock
-opsgear.com tactical belt and co2 pouche
-Cell phone- keybord one...
-tippmann flatline barrel
-paintball co2 remote
-tactical gloves

As you notice, I love scenario paintball

#95816 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 03 December 2006 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

Hello, I am just starting to get into painting, so this is my first battle-worn job... Tell me what you think. I will soon be doing a bbb to match the LnL because they go along so nicely, but for now, here is the LnL...

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#95843 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 03 December 2006 - 08:26 PM in Modifications

Here is my BBB that I just finished to match the LnL... I love it!

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#95904 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 04 December 2006 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

I am thinking about doing more of these, and maybe selling them. They wouldn't be older guns like LnL's because those are too hard to get, but Nitefinders, Firefly's, Mavericks, and my most ambitous project Ive always wanted to do, a rapid fire rifle. They wouldn't all be gun metal, there would be different options, but what do you guys think? I could be a lower end, less costly Direct threat. Here is a list of Guns I am planning to paint and sell...

1.) Maverick
2.) Nitefinder
3.) Firefly
4.) Big Bad Bow
5.) Rapid Fire rifle
6.) Magstike

#96043 Lnl Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 06 December 2006 - 07:06 PM in Modifications

Thanx for the comments everyone! Well, If there are any guns you would like to see painted and even buy, just say so! Right now I am working on a magstrike in which I will be selling either here or ebay... Thanks

#96216 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 10 December 2006 - 02:28 PM in Modifications

Most of you know I am just starting out doing older paintjobs, I have already done 2, my lnl and bbb, but here is my next adition of a magstrike. I am going to be selling this gun online. I will be sellling it on ebay;however, if there are any offers here that I like, then I will sell it here on the haven, but for now, please comment on my newest creation....

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#96218 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 10 December 2006 - 03:10 PM in Modifications

The trigger is gold, and the clips are black scratched.

#96232 Magstrike Paintjob

Posted by munson20 on 10 December 2006 - 05:25 PM in Modifications

Actually for the mag I will be putting a coat of protective enamel over it so it slides nicely. Thanks for the comments, and I will have pics of the clip and whole gun soon...