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#209103 Math Puzzle

Posted by nerfer34 on 02 February 2009 - 10:18 PM in Off Topic

I think the answer might be .414213562. (If that's right then.... I don't even know what I'll do)

#209221 Math Puzzle

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 February 2009 - 02:28 PM in Off Topic

Wooo... I got it right in under 2 minutes!

Nope, i didn't cheat. I just figured that the answer had to be some number that I've heard of since only the radius was given. Then I remember for something in math we used the square root of two. So I just subracted the radius(1) from suare root of 2.

And I get C's in honors math in high school, I'm really not that smart. Just street smart.

#209077 Math Puzzle

Posted by nerfer34 on 02 February 2009 - 09:46 PM in Off Topic

I got something similar to Enchelaid. The radius is half of the circle, so half of the larger circle is 1. So that means that 1 is the diameter of the green circle which is a .5 radius.

Yaaaa...it's a bit more complicated than that.

#209327 Math Puzzle

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 February 2009 - 08:24 PM in Off Topic

Hahaha, I don't unserstand why everyone thinks telling the answer is spoiling. If the person trying the problem really didn't want to know the answer then he really shouldn't be looking at page 3 or 4 of the thread.

#101820 New Style Nitemav

Posted by nerfer34 on 04 April 2007 - 04:34 PM in Modifications


#101718 New Style Nitemav

Posted by nerfer34 on 02 April 2007 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

How did you make the turrets removable, you seemed to have done it differently than I have....
I'll put mine up sometime soon.

Cool mod.

#103279 Your Weapon Setup.

Posted by nerfer34 on 30 April 2007 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

I'm working on my Ls with an angel breech and that will probably be my primary. But for now, I am roling with:
Primary- Maxshot

Primary-quadded 2k
Secondary-none/sm 750

#119280 Lanard Max Shot

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 August 2007 - 04:09 PM in Modifications

Wow, I'm going to get up a pic of my gun. They look the exact same.... wierd.

Brass+ Maxshot = Awesome gun!

Plus add some tightening rings.

Nice mod.

#75302 Canon Ammo?

Posted by nerfer34 on 05 March 2006 - 08:21 PM in Homemades

How about the titan missle? Is that too small? Also either a Nerf dodgeball or a koosh ball.

#74561 Nerf Warehouse

Posted by nerfer34 on 27 February 2006 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

There is a good chance that your friend id lying BUT, I thought I also heard somewhere that there was a Nerf warehouse. I also thought I remember hearing that it was located in Arizona. I know I heard something this but I am trying to remember where.....

#76680 Nerf Warehouse

Posted by nerfer34 on 17 March 2006 - 08:51 PM in General Nerf

OK OK we all get it... Can we just let this topic die?

#97382 Longshot High-cap Mags

Posted by nerfer34 on 29 December 2006 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

Well time is money.So costs should probably remain the same or a little less.

This is going to be so awesome if you get these to work.

Why isn't the Lonshot called the Slugshot?

#97271 Longshot High-cap Mags

Posted by nerfer34 on 27 December 2006 - 05:19 PM in Modifications

Well if your using stock darts then there really isn't a need to buy this.

I'll sell my LS clips, if CS gets this to work!

CS- you should sell it for like $17. ( atleast) Those things look pretty hard to make.

#97054 Longshot High-cap Mags

Posted by nerfer34 on 24 December 2006 - 09:59 PM in Modifications

The average stefan length is like 1.5 inches.

If you could make these stefan compatible, I'll buy 2-3.

#192880 Edge

Posted by nerfer34 on 29 November 2008 - 10:20 PM in Modifications

That's the best eab I've seen. Nice.

But you're setup has a ton of dead space... But there's no way to prevent that if you're using the inline(which was a good idea).

Nice work.

#139956 Btg And Rf100

Posted by nerfer34 on 13 February 2008 - 03:48 PM in Modifications

This probably one of my least favorite crossbows I have ever seen. First of all having a rapid fire 20 mounted on anything is pointless since they suck. Not to mention how front heavy this is going to be. Second the name is just gay. Hey I'm going to name my crossbow Jordan the guru because groove has a crossbow called guru, and I wanted to buy it off of him. He wouldn't give it to me so I said I was going to make my own; then everyone said that was lame so I decided to make something else that's even gayer.

I also don't think that the internals of that crossbow will be able to take the force of a full size bungee or did you replace all of the internals with aluminum you machined in your shop?

Someone call Crossbow Services quick! This one needs to be rescued!

First time I've LOLed on the boards.

GC, I don't understand you at all. First, you kiss Darkshrimp, and Groove's ass. Now you call out the FingPecan because your xbox 100(HOW DO YOU CONSIDER IT AN RF100!!??) is worse.

If you live near any of these guys, I hope you physically teach them a lesson, considering how cut you are.(nah I'm just kiding I won't go there).

I recomend painting it. then it might look good.

#98400 Double Blast Mods?

Posted by nerfer34 on 16 January 2007 - 09:53 PM in Modifications

Well anyway, I was walking around in the mall with a few buddies, and we wandered into KB toys, and saw the buzz bee shotgun. My friend prompted me to buy it, and we had fun walking around shooting random people in macy's <_<

Peer presure?

#237964 Attn Boston/ma People

Posted by nerfer34 on 22 June 2009 - 10:03 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm in boston and I'd be able to make it.

But I'm sure there must be a better location for a war around here..

#193314 Internal At3k Inline Clip

Posted by nerfer34 on 01 December 2008 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Now this is sweet.

I have two completely stock AT3Ks that have just been waiting for me to do something sexy with them.

I think this is the answer, and I'll even add a push valve to eliminate the dead space. Push valve open, tip gun forward, let valve close, fire.

Oh, and of course back loading with a screw on back cap, or maybe even screw on clips so that I can have multiple clips ready at any time. Hmmmm... I must think. And finish my damn Clear Mav LED project so I can work on other things.

You have just given me the best idea ever. I won't let you guys down...You'll be seeing a new inline clip when I get a 3k.

#192883 Internal At3k Inline Clip

Posted by nerfer34 on 29 November 2008 - 10:22 PM in Modifications

That's badass. Great idea dude. I would have never thought of that. Although, I've had some issues with that RSCB clip. I presonally prefer the inline, but that's great thinking.

#92032 Buzz Bee Big Blast Vs Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by nerfer34 on 16 October 2006 - 04:59 PM in General Nerf

If you dont believe me, I'll get my Video Camera tomorrow and a 100' tape measure.

I'll prove it.

No Drugs, No Angle, Just a 2' Barrel, a Tight Fitting Dart, and 35 pumps.

Please do. I will be glad to send you $50 if you can prove to me that a Buzzbee Big Blast can shoot 300'. THREE HUNDRED FEET.

#91968 Buzz Bee Big Blast Vs Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by nerfer34 on 15 October 2006 - 04:07 PM in General Nerf

Echo, just stop posting. There is know way a Buzzbee Big blast shoots 300'. Get off your drug medication, grab a tape measure and shoot thing thing angled paralell to the ground, then come back and tell me it shoots around 120'.

#109076 Nf Plunger Head Reinforcement Write Up

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 June 2007 - 05:21 AM in Modifications

These springs absolutely destroyed my NF. It shot the plunger/barrel assembly a good 7 feet! But they do add a lot of range onto your NF, while it lasts. I don't recomend using these springs.

We need to find slightly less strong springs for the nF!

#73156 Nightfinder Silencing/standard Mods

Posted by nerfer34 on 14 February 2006 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

Sounds like a good job! My question is in your range testings. How does the sam estefan shoot 49' and the 82'? Last time I checked the NF was a very consistent gun.

#73158 Nightfinder Silencing/standard Mods

Posted by nerfer34 on 14 February 2006 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

Yea I could see 20 feet at max but not 30. Probably there was a little wind involved.

#87933 Eab Mod Variation

Posted by nerfer34 on 20 August 2006 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

Blade is right. I modded my friends a year ago and he got better range sthan mine! I think I know why now... I lubed mine with WD40.....Yea...

#87812 Eab Mod Variation

Posted by nerfer34 on 19 August 2006 - 02:07 PM in Modifications

Hmmm.... Sir Tofu you and I did something wrong with the mod. I don't know what yet. WE should be able to hit 75' with no bands or spring replacement. Dude great mod. I actually just used some yellow foam(like craft sheet). I think you and I are doing something wrong with the seal because it is hard to make a perfect seal with the plunger size.

I hope I'm not sounding discouraging at all. I'm just saying this to see what other people get on their EaB's. Also thank you for being honest on ranges!

#110970 Summer Pine Banks Games

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 June 2007 - 08:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow great! I will be there if I have nothing going on. My schedule is so last minute with sports, I can't really confirm.....

#105960 Summer Pine Banks Games

Posted by nerfer34 on 16 May 2007 - 07:11 PM in Nerf Wars

If it's in after school ends, I'm sure I can be there. Is it going to be in Melrose or Lexington?

#110938 Summer Pine Banks Games

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 June 2007 - 06:46 PM in Nerf Wars

Yea, I think I'm going to be there!

So its about a 30-40 minute drive from Milton?

#72301 The End Of Night Finder Production?

Posted by nerfer34 on 04 February 2006 - 08:22 PM in General Nerf

Ya I'm noticing that there are no Nfs in TRU but my Kmart still has some. I'd check Kmart or walmart out.

#142324 The Snap-3m

Posted by nerfer34 on 23 February 2008 - 09:35 PM in Homemades

I love how it primes like a maverick.

You're really really progressing over the years at NH. Look at your first homeades and now look at these newer ones.

Really cool.

Sorry that I can't ask a question about the homeade itself. :unsure:

#114280 The Cole Breach

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 July 2007 - 07:54 AM in Homemades

So this is THE best breech on the NIC and it is impossible to jam it when IT HAS NEVER BEEN BUILT? Wow, how does that work? Isn't this just another concept design thread?

I still can't really see how it works. It'd be great if you built it..

#114312 The Cole Breach

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 July 2007 - 02:04 PM in Homemades

The Cole Breach IS one of the best breachs to come out of the NIC these last years.

Um deaddumpster apparently you didn't read the post, because he clearly states it IS the best breech.

Lets let Cole show us his breech before the mods close this thread.

#92444 Another Nite Finder Color Change

Posted by nerfer34 on 21 October 2006 - 03:00 PM in General Nerf

The mav looks nice. I don't like the FF or NF though.

#153178 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 April 2008 - 10:43 PM in Off Topic

Uhh, I thought Dark shrimp lived in Old New Jersey. Didn't America designate it a national landfill waste land in '69?

Sucks to be you.

Oh man...........

CS, I'd like to thank you. You've really helped me out a TON.

#125436 What Happened?

Posted by nerfer34 on 08 October 2007 - 01:08 PM in Off Topic

I think the simple answer to this is that the nerf content is down. We(including me have to produce some mods or help out in some way). I apologize that I haven't been doing anything productive lately. When I get an offseason, I will contribute.

But back about a year or two ago, there was CS, carbon, ompa, boltsniper, FA24, and others that I know I'm forgetting.

Now we just have to fill their shoes.

#113021 My Real Hobby...

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 June 2007 - 05:37 PM in Off Topic

I really like the wedge and rotary saw combo. I don;t particularly like the "120" pound one. I also noticed you had some trouble driving it.

But do you win money in these tournaments? How much did you win for second?

#112954 My Real Hobby...

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 June 2007 - 07:15 AM in Off Topic

Wow! You know how to build those things?!

Man one of those things were going fast! What are they powered by? Is that electricity powered?

That's cool. I like your design weapon on the one that pops other bots up.

#115698 Mod Difficulty

Posted by nerfer34 on 13 July 2007 - 04:48 PM in Modifications


That Java thing you made is really cool! I'd throw up a big link to that somewhere, where it can be easily accessed.

System looks great to me.

But how is cutting a breech only 2? Don't you need a dremel(which I don't have :D ), which is a 3?

edit- Also, I'm not quite sure about the time rank.... I mean Boom13 said it took him 90! hours. It really depends on how fast people work. I personally am a very fast worker, and nothing takes me over an hour. I'd balance the time rating out a little more fairly. But great job!

edit again- I have found another problem I was randomly selecting stuff on tyhe java thing and it came out to a 6.1. Then I went back and added a PVC barrel and it went down to 5.9. I understand why this happened, but should it? I mean thats just making the mod more difficult, not less.

third edit- I also think you should add what type of barrel system the mod uses. Like
-RSCB clip
-homeade clip
-LS clip
-coupler system
-telescoping barrel

This is just my constructive crit. Thanks