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#75136 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by DX-Robert on 04 March 2006 - 12:20 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

Description: Single Shot Rifles
Caliber: Nerf Micros, Micro Stefans
Operation: Muzzle Loaded
Propulsion: Compressed Air
Max ROF: Slow as Hell
Max Range: 150 ft + angled
Effective Range: up to 90 ft level
Accurate Range: up to 70 ft level [Varies by user]
Intended Use: Long range defense, ambushes, stalling tactics, etc.

Yeah, pretty simple, nothing special. I am starting to build a 4 shot version of said guns, but using 2" instead of 3" PVC with 2 air chambers, themselves also split in half.

#316006 Apocalypse 2012

Posted by DX-Robert on 22 May 2012 - 05:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Me and clan TBH are ready.

^Your butt holes will be pretty loose after the Twinkies are through with you :P Clan war anyone? I'm in.

#292186 Rainbow

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 January 2011 - 09:14 PM in Homemades

Hey just wondering, has anyone used their Rainbow at a cold weather war yet? If so, how well did it hold up? I intend to use one from Ryan's batch in 5 days and it is looking to be about 30 degrees. I'm not too concerned, the thing looks pretty damn solid, but reliability in cold weather has always been on my mind since my Maximizer blew up last year.

#292615 Rainbow

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 January 2011 - 11:45 AM in Homemades

I'd just like to report that my Rainbowpump worked perfectly at BFNY back on Saturday, through a good 6 hours of cold and snow. No trace of wear yet on the catch. Hopper jammed several times, but I'll blame that on dart fit, I need to make a barrel for the stiffer, larger foam that I typically use.

#161901 How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 July 2008 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

I don't think I've updated in years...

1x Maxshot [cpvc]
1x Maximizer [pvc but I'm likely changing the barrel type soon]
2x AT3K [both singled, plugged, cpvc]
1x Sharpshooter II [cpvc]
2x Tech Target [1 cpvc, other stock]
2x Nitefinder [both cpvc, PPK'ed, 2nd spring]
1x RF 20 [basically stock]
1x Firefly [NIB]
1x Mav
2x Homemades [pretty basic, normally water balloon launchers with a 3/4" barrel for darts]

Used to have a heavily modded LS but I sold it last Fall.

#195101 Avatars

Posted by DX-Robert on 09 December 2008 - 09:28 PM in Site Feedback

I'd be careful what you wish for...just have one of those funny feelings :rolleyes:

#202612 Avatars

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 January 2009 - 01:34 PM in Site Feedback

This topic was originally made to get ideas for establishing the base avatar gallery. There are something like 600 general-themed avatars by now. There probably won't be any more. You should know what you've got to do in order to earn a custom avatar anyway - contribute original material. If you're not a big-time modder or builder that can be very difficult, so you need to be creative. War-related things could theoretically count if the subject is unique and/or significant. Having your own avatar is not even that big of a deal unless you're widely recognized by it on other forums, which is a concern that doesn't apply to very many members [you can tell by their posting styles that this is the only major forum they've ever experienced]. Personally I miss my own green X, but without lots of contributions there's no reason to have it here.

Anyway, that's why this topic is no longer of any value. The base gallery is solid, the path to custom avatars is well-known, and I'd bet my maxshot that further requests have been for years no longer necessary.

#355088 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by DX-Robert on 19 July 2016 - 11:46 AM in Nerf Wars

What is the correct term for an amount of Southerners? A bushel? A gaggle? A gossip? A humdinger? A hootenanny? A yokel? A shenanigan?

A Regiment of Rebels!  One that is ready to run into and get cut down by nawthorn fiyahpowah.  At this point, we have 7 mobstacles to bring for the superstock rounds/open field in the back.  There are more tarps and pipes available, but not more snap tees and clamps.  If someone has those items to bring, we could make more mobstacles.

#355263 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 July 2016 - 03:18 PM in Nerf Wars

What Team?




#355372 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by DX-Robert on 05 August 2016 - 06:09 PM in Nerf Wars

In celebration of my 10th Apoc, I want to make a mini documentary about the war this time, and it can be used to help promote future Apocs.  I'll have one of the government access channel's DSLRs with me, come talk about your loadout, your past Apocs, anything.  It would be especially awesome if someone like Phil could come talk about the history of Apoc.  It would also be much appreciated if someone can help find old war footage from mid-2000s and earlier ones, quality of the footage does not matter.

#352814 Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

Posted by DX-Robert on 16 April 2016 - 01:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Honestly, you guys are way overthinking this.  Just bring what you want to use (within the rules) and have fun with it.  Superstock can work at Apoc if you are reasonably athletic, opportunistic, and enjoy a good challenge.  The woods in between the "alleys" and on both sides of them reduce the advantage of power, making your flywheels more competitive if you're good with them.  It's obvious that such blasters have difficulty making hits in the open and at range, so forget the obvious and try different strategies that play to their strengths.

That said, carpe testiculum is planned to take place during the dedicated superstock rounds, at least twice.  That alone will be worth attending for!  BRING LOTS OF MAGS AND LIGHT EM UP!

#234206 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 June 2009 - 10:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I am a definite, can't miss Apoc. I may be coming with 1 friend.

#275487 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by DX-Robert on 21 May 2010 - 05:34 PM in Nerf Wars

As of now, I am a definite. Possibly with a guest, but wouldn't bank on it yet.

#161898 Nj Apocalypse #7

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 July 2008 - 10:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Please confirm me for this war. I have a 100% attendance record of showing up to wars that I confirm to, so expect me to be there unless the sky starts falling.

#162833 Nj Apocalypse #7

Posted by DX-Robert on 14 July 2008 - 11:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Left out the great state of Connecticut...the Nerf scene here basically doesn't exist though...

#155365 Nj Apocalypse #7

Posted by DX-Robert on 10 May 2008 - 04:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll definitely be there if possible. I'm actually moving from NJ to western CT sometimes this Summer so not sure what the travel arrangements will be. If I can hitch a ride out of Ridgewood I'll make it for sure.

#177251 Crazy Prices You Bought Your Guns

Posted by DX-Robert on 13 September 2008 - 11:14 PM in General Nerf

I have not really had the good fortune of stumbling on deals, but I did get my Maximizer off Ebay for $28. That's about the price of a stock longshot and pretty good compared to what a Maximizer is probably worth.

#354104 Ebay Stock Dart and Acronym Guide

Posted by DX-Robert on 10 June 2016 - 11:47 AM in Darts and Barrels

At the power levels we typically play at in NIC/DIY style nerf, the ID of the barrel matters far more than the material.  Tight CPVC ran my #8 slugs just as well as the .527 aluminum, from a 2nd gen 4B with less power, even though that CPVC was too tight to even twist fit those darts into it.  Loose fits are better at long barrel lengths, but for practical purposes on the field, 18" is the longest barrel I would use for a primary of 4B length.  I still typically run 16" of .527 aluminum.  There's not enough of a difference at 18", so the shorter barrel is better, and weaker air blasters run the 16" better as well.  The length is still rather arbitrary, I never bothered testing 17", or 15".

If you want a barrel with less friction, use brass.  If you want a barrel that shoots thick foam, use .527 aluminum or polyester.  If you want a really lightweight barrel, use PETG.  It ultimately does not matter most of the time, as long as the fit is optimal.

#354181 Ebay Stock Dart and Acronym Guide

Posted by DX-Robert on 14 June 2016 - 12:59 PM in Darts and Barrels

Consistent high performance is the gold standard.  It's not enough to have all the darts fly at high range, but only some of them stay in line with your target, and it's not enough to have 280 FPS one shot and then 230 FPS the next.  Range, velocity, accuracy, and precision should be considered together as a package.  Longer, faster, closer, tighter.  If you only have some of these, or you have all of these some of the time, you're going to suffer inconsistent results on the field.  You've got to be able to stand in during a high stakes exchange and deliver that clutch shot, with confidence that your dart will go where you want it to.  Inconsistency can erode the confidence of even the most skilled players.

As mentioned in some other thread, FVJs have acceptable-enough performance to be used exclusively in an NIC/DIY war.  I had a small (8 person) event called "Private Narfs" last year in the woods behind my house where we used only cut down FVJs out of almost all air blasters.  They hopped, it worked, we lost most of them, but that was why we used FVJs.  That said, consistency was bad.  I had some shots veer off literally sideways.  Some shots missed me by ridiculous distances.  The more you pumped, the worse the accuracy, but the less you pumped, the higher the risk of a misfeed.  

Compare that to using something like SCS, which is a snipped, cut down USC with a felt bumper on the head.  If we'd had SCS, Private Narfs would have gone down exactly like a regular NIC/DIY war with slugs, with one exception - SCS are more precise than slugs.  In an open field with full mobility, this is not a noticeable advantage, but in woods play where people tend to post up and move less, precision is important.  You might not hit them, but if you can keep putting darts in the same location shot after shot, you can keep them pinned down while your teammates flank wide.

#354066 Ebay Stock Dart and Acronym Guide

Posted by DX-Robert on 08 June 2016 - 11:01 PM in Darts and Barrels

If you have an air blaster, the fit you want depends on its power.  The weaker it is, the looser the fit you want.  Got a strong air blaster with a large tank (especially a 4B)?  Use a fit so tight that a springer won't run it.  This is why most air gunners max out around 250-270 FPS with #8s...they regurgitate an old idea that chronograph data in 2016 does not support.  Think!  Test!  Experiment!

#8s can be run at 280-300 FPS out of the exact same blaster with nothing changed except making the dart fit much tighter.  Once those darts have become well-used and worn out, their fit gets looser, and those exact same darts now run back down at 250-270 FPS.  The almost fall-through fit you describe is even worse - I was getting 180-260 FPS out of that, with wild inconsistency in velocity, range, accuracy, and precision.  

When the dart fit is optimal or acceptably near optimal, your velocity band will be very tight - your high outliers should be no more than 20-30 FPS from your low outliers.  You should be able to repeat these results across hundreds of shots, the band stays tight.  #8 and #6 slugs will still vary in range, accuracy, and precision, due to each one being made individually, but at least their velocity will be consistent.  Using suction clone slugs (SCS, which I still haven't made the writeup for, but it's coming) you can really see the result of conforming the velocity into such a narrow band - those darts do fly at about the same range, with surprisingly good accuracy and bash-me-over-the-head precision.  Once you let the fit loosen, all hell breaks loose, the darts go everywhere with that same wild inconsistency of loose-fitting slugs.

TL/DR:  You have a 4B?  Use a tight fit, not a loose one!

#354194 Ebay Stock Dart and Acronym Guide

Posted by DX-Robert on 14 June 2016 - 03:44 PM in Darts and Barrels

Suction Clone Slug.  A cut down USC with the cup snipped off and a felt bumper on the head.  I still haven't finished the writeup yet, which is why I briefly explain what it is every time I mention it.

#72937 Nerf On Frappr

Posted by DX-Robert on 12 February 2006 - 03:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Near the Glen Rock border. Congrats on being the 9,999,999th person to mis-spell my name, despite is being on all ~5000 or so total posts I have made on online forums over the past 3 years. :P

#202538 Magnificent 7

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 January 2009 - 12:48 AM in General Nerf

Personally, I'd rather hear about the new game types as opposed to whining about the banned guns. After all, what if you get a gun unbanned only to find out that it's horribly ill-suited for the new rounds? What's a titan going to do against a zombie horde? And what if new venues are chosen this year where really high range guns aren't a wise selection? I feel it is a waste of time to argue over banned guns. As many have said, stats are just stats, the human element is what makes Nerf interesting. Not only that, but any skilled nerfer should be able to find just as much success and have just as much fun, if not more, with a standard gun. After all, I believe that the ultimate goal of nerf is to have fun and for everyone attending to have fun, that includes the poor sod you're nailing from 120ft.

Anyway, I'd love to see some details on these new rounds, unless the info is to be withheld to make us salivate over the possibilities...

EDIT: I wouldn't joke too much about injury. You weren't there when Nibordude took a crossbow shot directly to the eye at one of the BCNOs a few years ago. That incident is the one that made people across the country take eye protection seriously, as that eye is now permanently damaged. However, that was a standard gun, I wouldn't worry about titans and the such when an ordinary crossbow can do that.

#352955 Spring/Summer 2016: Once More Unto The Breach

Posted by DX-Robert on 22 April 2016 - 12:47 PM in News

^ Cover type definitely makes or breaks it.  Some NJ wars are hosted at a site (Axel Ave) with an elementary school and light woods out front.  While we usually just run NIC/DIY rounds in the area of trees, last year at "Gnomelessfest" we tried a few rounds of megas/pistols/awfuls/superstock mix around the school and it was a hit.  Even though there were only like 2 portable classrooms and some dumpsters/posts/walls for cover, it was intense and players loved it.  

Due to the introduction of newer dart styles like USCs, ACCs, Xplorer V*s and the whatnot, superstock is no longer limited to 120/150 FPS by physics.  These generations of darts fly straight and stable at high velocities, are capable of being used at 200, 250, 300 FPS.  In the future, I see superstock finally advancing into more of a gray zone between its current limits and NIC/DIY, Aeromech dubbed this "uberstock".  Mag-fed springer homemades, semi-auto air, and flywheels with ever more powerful motors/batteries should replace the current dynamic.  

120/150 FPS will always be a thing due to HvZ and more casual groups, but I foresee a split in the superstock community by those who wish to press on, and those who either can't or want to keep the status quo.  In the meantime, China darts will keep improving, so innovation will come regardless.  If future darts with NIC/DIY level performance are not picked up by superstock, they will be picked up by NIC/DIY and compete with or gradually displace slugs.  Between buying 1,000 USCs for $33 shipped or making 1,000 #6 slugs, I'd much rather get the USCs.

So, I think superstock will come to or near NIC/DIY level, whether it be via the darts or the blasters.  When thinking in future terms, superstock blasters should be competitive with NIC/DIY ones and players will have no problem mixing.  When you only think about how things are today, of course there are challenges and limited utility of superstock blasters in NIC/DIY wars.  It doesn't need to be that way, but innovation is not going to come to superstock quickly.  Flywheels are entrenched, players are still using voberries and FVJs, people are still playing under obsolete assumptions about what their gear is capable of.  It will take a long time to see this evolution through.

#113134 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by DX-Robert on 26 June 2007 - 11:43 AM in Nerf Wars

Flaming and a ban in a war planning topic, and APOC at that? Disgustful.

Anyway, I have marked it on my calendar. The question is not whether I am coming, but how many friends I can convince to come along too. :rolleyes:

#115339 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by DX-Robert on 10 July 2007 - 07:16 PM in Nerf Wars

LBI is not that far...in fact I made it to last year's Apoc because I was in Normandy Beach instead of at home in Ridgewood.

Confirm me for this year. I don't know if any friends can make it yet.

#116989 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by DX-Robert on 24 July 2007 - 11:14 AM in Nerf Wars

Don't take the eye protection recommendation lightly. I'm sure that most of you heard about Nibordude in the first BCNO - a crossbow shot directly to the eye. He's fine now, but he couldn't really use that eye for several days.

#118095 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by DX-Robert on 02 August 2007 - 10:00 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd just like to say that the masses need not act like idiots between rounds. Just shut up and listen when someone with authority wants your attention. It's that easy, we come to Nerf more than to babble. I'd also like to remind everyone to treat this park with even more respect than your own home turf, if you're like me and haven't ever been to Deal before. Let's not have it look like the aftermath of BCNO, with bottles and shit everywhere.

#118199 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 August 2007 - 07:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Is there any chance that someone could give my friend and I a ride back to Bergen County after the war? We have a ride to Deal, but so far no means of returning. Spending the night is not an option, we've got to be back in Ridgewood around 8pm.

#292850 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by DX-Robert on 15 January 2011 - 12:56 AM in Nerf Wars

Can't do the 19th, but the 12th is open, barring a miracle in indoor track.

#291928 Beltway Bedlam

Posted by DX-Robert on 31 December 2010 - 01:58 PM in Nerf Wars

This site is a resource for nerfers to get and share information. Improving a gun's range is only part of that exchange. You'll find that even in the modding sections, many mods are not focused on range, but ROF or perhaps cosmetics. Besides, range is only as good as the person pulling the trigger. Just because something can shoot 150' flat doesn't mean that you'll hit people at 150'. I've found that a lot of kills take place from 50' to 75', so if you are accurate in that section, you'll rack up kills even if your primary is far from top of the line. I used a stock spring PAS shooting 80' to 90' for quite a while, and it could be taken head to head with +bows and the such despite the lower range. Speed, aggression, and good accuracy while shooting in motion more than make up for a deficit in range.

And this war, hopefully, will secure UMD...probably the Art-Soc building, an indoor venue. You don't need long range in there. There's so many stairwells and corners that ROF is what counts more. Even in the open hallways, standoffs could be broken by shifting people to pressure other entrances. Just remember that we're shooting each other with plastic toy guns and foam darts. The point is to have fun, regardless of how far your gun shoots and how many players you hit.

If this pans out, I'll definitely get drawn down to DC again, the venue is too great to pass up.

#340884 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 August 2014 - 05:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I had to head to my uncle's place to take care of his dogs today/tonight, so I was unable to get more PVC. I only have 18 sticks with me.

#340890 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 August 2014 - 07:35 PM in Nerf Wars

^ Can you please bring the remnants of Max?

#204440 Mcno & Gankfest 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 18 January 2009 - 01:39 PM in Nerf Wars

You also need someone to hit you with maxshots all day long, I believe. When I posted that the BU meet might be on the 28th, I forgot that that meet is always on Valentines' weekend. So I am actually potentially free on the 28th, there is a meet, but it's like Easterns and I'm not that good hehe.

My attendance chances here will be the usual, this is the general trend:

Maybe [awaiting transportation] and then Confirmed [if anyone is driving down from the north jersey area]. Wish I didn't have to do this every single time but that's life when you don't own a car and can't get one for a while.

#179054 Mcno & Gankfest 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 23 September 2008 - 11:17 AM in Nerf Wars

You know you're allowed to have more than one war per month. What's wrong with November or early December? This is way to early to start a poll for a war in February. Those of us in college don't know our schedule, for one.

I know it's a bit early, I just need more planning time.
EDIT- Yes, I updated with street names.

None of those dates work except the Sunday. I am assuming that I have track meets away on all of those Saturdays, but not even that schedule is finalized this early...

#186396 Mcno & Gankfest 3

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 October 2008 - 10:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Low chance would be optimistic at this point. I'm pretty sure that the BU invitational in Boston is on the 28th. Count me out on nearly every Saturday war between the last week in January until like late April :) .

#216210 March Meltdown

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 March 2009 - 10:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I would definitely be out. I'll be lying on the beach at Mazatlan, Mexico that following weekend ^_^

#216184 March Meltdown

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 March 2009 - 08:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, I'm just wondering if March Madness will stay as scheduled with the forecast of rain on the weekend. I'd personally rather nerf in the rain than miss a rescheduling, which would happen if it were postponed to the 14th. That and its status will drastically affect my travel plans this weekend. As of now, I will be leaving New London at the crack of dawn for the Jersey Shore, then rushing for Boston the moment the war ends. It would be helpful to know if the war is still on before booking rails and rides.

#216241 March Meltdown

Posted by DX-Robert on 04 March 2009 - 01:07 AM in Nerf Wars

It WAS a 60% chance a couple of days ago. Then again it's supposed to be really warm [a good 50 degrees higher than it was here during practice], so I don't really care if it does rain.

#217448 March Meltdown

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 March 2009 - 02:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, I made it to Mexico even with that crazy trip back from the war! Since Im typing on a Spanish keyboard and dont have any clue how the punctuation works on this thing or even which keys do what, Ill make my highlights list short and sweet this time.

It was an awesome war, nuff said. My maxshot did break in the first round though, but that wasn't all bad. If it had not broken I would not have used that loaner gun from Skitzo with that quick firing barrel. Never seen a maxshot do that before, will be making one when I get home.