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#168932 Longshot Bolt Removal?

Posted by Cagger on 13 August 2008 - 09:55 PM in Modifications

all i did was take a piece of string and tie a loop around the bolt and tied the other end of the string to a pole and yank the gun till it popped off lol, but it works better with claw hammer

#172410 Which Barrel

Posted by Cagger on 25 August 2008 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

Im in the middle of integrating my secondary gun from my longshot to the main gun and the question of what should i do with the barrel? came in my head. So i was wondering which barrel should i use? Should i just leave it with the standard barrel which shoots farther but not nesessarely as accurate?
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Or should i take the barrel from the secondary gun which is more accurate but decreases range.

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I have removed the AR and added another spring. Im new to modding Nerf guns so i just want some opinions from those who are more experienced. Im bad at making decisions ^_^

#172435 Which Barrel

Posted by Cagger on 25 August 2008 - 09:09 PM in Modifications

i didnt care for the bipod and the secondary gun looked like crap so i just wanted to put in with the main gun. The main gun shoots around 90 ft and the secondary gun shoots like 40 ft. But ye i think ill just keep it with the main barrel i guess.

#172484 Which Barrel

Posted by Cagger on 26 August 2008 - 12:13 AM in Modifications

ye it was angled, sorry failed to mention that

#181177 Official "show Off Your Longshot" Thread

Posted by Cagger on 03 October 2008 - 05:11 AM in Modifications

This is still a work in progress with getting the trigger for the integrated gun to work.Added NF spring and removed AR's. Gets about 60-65ft and about 90 angled. (sorry poor quality pics)
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#182142 Longshot Help.

Posted by Cagger on 07 October 2008 - 05:21 AM in Modifications

umm? u just unscrew it with a small screw driver, if thats the answer u were looking for. That's what i did. You just have to be careful because the places in which hold the screws can break easily after adding another spring.

#182257 Longshot Help.

Posted by Cagger on 07 October 2008 - 07:34 PM in Modifications

How was it inapropriate? I answered his question. If you are talking about the "ummm?" that was just showing that I wasn't exactly sure of the question. If I was trying to be offensive or inapropriate you would know it. I'm sorry for trying to help.

#182347 Longshot Help.

Posted by Cagger on 08 October 2008 - 04:56 AM in Modifications

Ok? sorry for being inapropriate.

#183875 Lancer

Posted by Cagger on 15 October 2008 - 05:15 AM in General Nerf

Looks like today TecheBlog featured Forsakens famous Lancer in an article.

#184358 Hvz

Posted by Cagger on 17 October 2008 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

Yea so does anyone here play Humans vs Zombies? Its a Nerf based game. Check out this website.


I played a game at a summer camp that went from 9 pm to 9 am. Adrenaline running the whole time, it was insane.

#184467 Led Flashligh Help

Posted by Cagger on 18 October 2008 - 11:48 PM in Modifications

Yea so i just finished my first modded gun. I did the standard LS integration,AR removal, and added a NF spring + a new paint job. (sorry bad quality pictures)
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Any way i was wondering if some how i could integrate an LED flash light into the gun somewhere? I usually use it for Humans vs Zombies when clearing out rooms. I always have to duct tape a flashlight on which gets really annoying and sticky. So can anyone give me some ideas on how to make a flashlight attachment or integrate a flashlight into it.?

#184471 Led Flashligh Help

Posted by Cagger on 19 October 2008 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

yea about that, its cut in half because i didnt think i was going to need it and i was trying to get the actual gray piece out of it that attached to the gun so i could put a flashlight on it but i couldnt figure out a way to mount one on it. Its got awkward stubs on it.

#184490 Led Flashligh Help

Posted by Cagger on 19 October 2008 - 09:02 AM in Modifications

I could possibly do that. I would also need to rig a trigger to turn it on if it were inside.

#184523 Led Flashligh Help

Posted by Cagger on 19 October 2008 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

wow i really like that Longbow, could you tell me how you rigged this up?

#184568 Led Flashligh Help

Posted by Cagger on 19 October 2008 - 08:06 PM in Modifications

Ok cool, I just want to shove as much stuff in the gun as I can lol.

#190748 Nf Spring

Posted by Cagger on 19 November 2008 - 04:21 PM in Modifications

Does anyone know the size of the spring in the NF? I ended up giving the spring to a friend and I'm not sure of the size. Better yet, is there a better spring than the one that comes stock with it?

#190751 Nf Spring

Posted by Cagger on 19 November 2008 - 04:39 PM in Modifications

Ok thanks, is that the same spring that comes with the gun or a better one?

#190756 Nf Spring

Posted by Cagger on 19 November 2008 - 04:58 PM in Modifications

Hey don't be a jerk because I'm new to modding. I was just asking if the the #49 spring was the one that came with it. Obviously I am going to get a better spring. I don't need idiots like you calling me a "noob" when you could just simply answer the question my previous post.

#190758 Nf Spring

Posted by Cagger on 19 November 2008 - 05:05 PM in Modifications

Thank you, that's the answer I was looking for. I just need some kind of spring that I can put in it. I'm just working on a flashlight integration and possibly working in a barrel mod. It's only going to be my secondary weapon so I don't need it to be too complex.

#191573 Nf Spring

Posted by Cagger on 23 November 2008 - 09:02 PM in Modifications

Thanks for all of the help guys, ill run out and get myself a #49 spring tomorrow.

#200271 Ls Intergration

Posted by Cagger on 01 January 2009 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

I just used fishing line, but whatever you can get your hands on that would work I guess.