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#99123 Speedloaders...

Posted by ogopogo on 01 February 2007 - 11:59 PM in Modifications

My sm1500 with 4 speedloader things on it Posted Image

Posted Image Me useing them.

#73501 loser Poll

Posted by ogopogo on 18 February 2006 - 08:16 PM in Modifications

I like the super max 5000 better than my titan. So if you can get a hold of a sm5k go with that. But out of the guns on your poll the at2k is the best one for a new member to mod. The titan gets the best range and is also easy to mod.

#92560 My First Made Modified Darts

Posted by ogopogo on 21 October 2006 - 11:48 PM in Modifications

Yeah i know what everyone is thinking, " there crap why bother."

Well not really when i first started modding i used erasers as weights they worked very well.I started useing bbs when all the pencils in my house ran out of erasers. :o

#84486 My Super 2k

Posted by ogopogo on 06 July 2006 - 09:20 PM in Modifications

Ok i bought a Force from goodwill for 2 dollers i opened it up and found out about its weird airtank. So i desided to see if it would intagrade into anything i happend to have a at2k shell right there so i got to work. Here it is my super at2k Posted Image

INTERNALS Posted Image please post your comments here is a thread with a pic of the force http://www.nerfhq.co...php?topic=202.0 It gets ranges around 140-150 with 9 pumps I like were the pump is on this gun alot it makes it easy to pump for me.

#84492 My Super 2k

Posted by ogopogo on 06 July 2006 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

Well modding the force in its origanal shell would be very hard since the air tank points up. By the way that was my origanal plan until i opened it.

#65785 My Other Hobbie Cheak It Out!

Posted by ogopogo on 14 October 2005 - 05:26 PM in Off Topic

http://www.moreliapy...4d30b6b316eb387 here is a link to some pics of my snake ^ http://www.moreliapy...opic.php?t=5867 http://www.moreliapy...opic.php?t=6214 http://www.moreliapy...opic.php?t=6214 some feild herping pics ^ i hope you guys enjoy and mabey some of you have a reptile intrest to.