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#6571 Driving

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 04 July 2003 - 10:01 PM in Off Topic

now, now, everyone, i have known Pontiacs for a long time, and my dad is subscribed to Motor Trend magazine, so that helps with the knowledge, and i know that Pontiacs are rather good cars. they can last a rather long time if treated with care, like all cars should, and the sunfire is especially good. so it would take a long time to break down if treated properly.

Thank you. Only thing is it's not a sunfire, it's a sunbird.

You see, cars have this magical little invention. It's a dial that TELLS you how many miles it has. It's called an odometer. It's located near your spedometer.

Look, I'm not stupid, but I'm not going to run out to my car and look and memorize the number of miles that's on it. It's somewhere near 132,000, is that good enough for you?

You may have a car, but I still find you annoying. Sorry.

And I care because? You may be some kind of Nerf God, but I still find you to be a jackass, but I'm not sorry.

Yeah, it's gonna break down soon. I'm sorry, but, yeah...

Uh... sure... Why would a perfectly good running car break down for no reason?

#6623 Driving

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 06 July 2003 - 07:41 PM in Off Topic

Its a concept called "engine wear". When a car is driven for quite a bit (132,000 miles is quite a bit), the metallic parts that form the engine begin to break down.

Okay... my mom's never owned more than a '89 and none of them have broken down, and yes they have had lots of miles also (some of them have tripped the thing also). My parents had a stationwagon that they ran (never broke down) untill the door fell off. It has a new alternator, radiator, breaks, two new tires, etc. It has been pretty much rebuilt, so I think it'll be good untill I get out of highschool. Seeing as I live in a tiny county, there's not really anywhere to drive. Drive to work and school, which is barely a mile to either. It's a nice car, why is it so hard to believe that a girl actually knows what she's talking about with a car?

#7046 Driving

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 15 July 2003 - 10:43 PM in Off Topic

I heard the new beatles come with condom deposit slots so you don't clutter the car up fucking you gay lover in the ass.....isn't that interesting...

~I can say FUCK here~

I don't even want to know how we got here...

#7219 Driving

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 20 July 2003 - 03:27 PM in Off Topic

Hah. That's actually funny.

Err... thanks... I guess...

#6553 Driving

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 04 July 2003 - 02:07 PM in Off Topic

I'd like to point out that the number of miles has been cleverly omitted.

Um... I said a lot of miles, doesn't that work? Like I know excatly how many miles are on it. And it runs just fine, so don't be telling me it's going to break down in two days.

#6530 Driving

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 03 July 2003 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

You all may remember this link, but if you don't, I suggest going back and looking at it. ;)

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I will be reciving my liscense on July 7th and that I also have a car now, which I did get for cheap.

Last week I bought a 1990 Pontiac Sunbird, very nice car for the number of miles it has. New breaks, two new tires, and a good bit of other new stuff I can't remember (nor really know what it is...), but anyways... as all of you said I couldn't get a good car for under 1,000 bucks, I have just proved you wrong. I payed an even 700 bucks for it. It's a two door automatic, wine colored (not just a flat color though) and drives very nicely (no play at all in the steering). And this is a car that any dealer would have wanted well over 1,000 bucks for it, most likely.

Now sure, the material on the back seat at the top was tore a bit, and on the driver's sit, and also the material on the roof was hanging down a bit, but that's fixable for cheap. The front seats just need two seat colors (silver, school colors are blue and silver... so I thought that worked nicely), and the back just needed a towel to cover up the back of the seat. Also a few thumbtacks did the trick for the roof. Anyways... I just thought you guys should know that I *did* know what I was talking about. If you want a picture I could take one with my digitial camera, if you really need proof.

#3211 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 10:16 PM in Off Topic

I've never really gotten into the whole 'dress up like the characters in a movie' thing. I just don't get into movies that much. I watch them, love then, watch them agian, then find another to watch. I don't look up the actors, fall in love with them, find out everything I can about them (I have a friend that does this, it's weird). I don't really care. Hah, maybe I'm the weird one, but I just don't do that.

#3249 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 01:52 PM in Off Topic

I just don't like to dress up. I prefer my jeans or shorts and my tshirt. That's perfectly comferbul for me.

What's The Return of the King? I don't think I've heard of it.

#3256 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 April 2003 - 04:31 PM in Off Topic

Speaking of costumes... kind of ironic but as soon as NerfHaven came up so did a pop-up for some costume univer or something. Says "The Hulk and the Matrix coming soon!". Funny I think...

#3190 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 07:53 PM in Off Topic

Hmm... I think it's funny, now, instead of calling a sequel '2', it's like "Matrix Reloaded" or "Charlie's Angel's Full Throttle". I just find that amusing. I probably won't be seeing it for a while. I still haven't seen Episode II yet. Lot of people said it wasn't any good. I dunno when I'll get to see it. But I probably will at sometime (MR and Episode II). Anyways...