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#260096 "new" Maverick Hex Design?

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 29 December 2009 - 03:53 PM in General Nerf

As well as college campuses, as far as stock wars go.

#234281 Bbbb : Lerazor Variant

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 04 June 2009 - 02:32 PM in Modifications

. Rear loading was well over 200 feet...with 15 pumps.

...? What devilish measuring system are you using?! Titans and Doomsayers are lucky to reach that.

I'm pretty sure you're just mistaken. But good job, otherwise.

I dunno... after all, he did plug the pump. I wouldn't be that surprised if it did go over 200 feet.
Titans can easily reach that.
Doomsayers aren't even supposed to go that high.

Eh I guess so. But I'm still skeptical. He did do a good job though, I will give him that.

#234278 Bbbb : Lerazor Variant

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 04 June 2009 - 02:27 PM in Modifications

. Rear loading was well over 200 feet...with 15 pumps.

...? What devilish measuring system are you using?!

I'm pretty sure you're just mistaken. Use FLAT measuring. But good job, otherwise.

#171716 Blaster Identification Tool

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 23 August 2008 - 08:32 AM in General Nerf

That's a really good idea. That should be a big help to the rest of the NIC.
CaptainSlug FTW!

Sorry about the AOL-speak. I thought it was rather suiting.

#172088 Broken House Hold Items

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 24 August 2008 - 05:07 PM in General Nerf

I've put two holes in dry wall while accidentally discharging a SuperMaxx 1500. I've had a few dents from AT2K's with the same cause. Once with a very well modified BlastFire (one of my favorite creations) I put two or three holes in a white board. I was in the conference room at work (taking a short break from the BBQ) and I was showing off my Blast Fire. One of my coworkers was laughing about it (the fact that I play with children's toys) and my boss was defending me and said, "Just show him. That'll shut him up."
"Where would I shoot it? I don't want to break anything."
"Shoot the whiteboard."
"I don't know...this thing's pretty strong."
"Oh come on, it's a NERF gun."
I was going to continue firing off the last two rounds when I looked and saw a dart protruding from the whiteboard and two holes near it.
"Dude! You just broke the white board."
My boss was a little upset, but couldn't really take it out on me because he told me to do it...hahaha.

That's hilarious!

Um as far as things I've done, just a few dents in the wall and a handful of darts that were vaporized out of my Titan, "Big Bertha." I'll get a few pics on the "Modifications/ Paint jobs" thread sometime soon.

#169256 Chuppacabra

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 14 August 2008 - 09:11 PM in Off Topic

Heard on Coast to Coast that they are actually Vietnamese POWs that got mutated in a lab in Texas and escaped to Mexico and surrounding states. he said :"They mutated em' and they are smart devils, mean as hell too. Anyway they figured out how to get out of the cages that they were in, course then the sonnovabitches mated like rabbits and inhabited Texas,Arizona,New Mexico, and Mexico itself"

And gullible is tattooed on my hairy butt.

And I agree, reports like that are pretty laughable. Even so, I am very interested in cryptozoology. There are a ton of creatures that are said to exist, but are still unknown to modern science.
We know more about the surface of the moon than we do our own oceans for goodness sake. And with the sheer number of reports of these "unknown monsters," at least a few must actually exist. Well, minus the mutated Vietmanese anyways.
[/end geeky rant]

I didn't plan on my first post landing in the Off Topic section, but I couldn't pass this thread up. :(

#171412 Do You Like Chubbs?

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 21 August 2008 - 08:46 PM in General Nerf

I think you're being a little too self-conscious here. It's a just a Nerf gun. And if that's what you wanted to mutilate make it look like, then just go with that.

It is pretty ugly though...

I think there's been an influx of polls recently...
From "which gun is the worst?" to "should I stay on YouTube?" and now... this.... thing. To each his own, I guess. I've even posted in two of them to state my opinions on the matter, but I don't think the mods appreciate all these freakin polls...

#169974 Happy Birthday Vacc And Talio

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 17 August 2008 - 12:08 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday!

#172681 Help My Vulcan Is Apart.

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 26 August 2008 - 08:22 PM in Modifications

To start, you should update the date on your camera, or make it not put the date on your pictures; your choice.

#169968 Light Storm 2/ls2 Internals

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 17 August 2008 - 11:54 AM in Modifications

No. It shoots the bullet-esque projectiles off to the top left corner of his first pic.
It has a magazine on it, and generally shoot all of about 4 feet. The rounds look a lot like streamlines,
except these are plastic and glow in the dark.

I can see the confusion, however. There was a line of Light Storm water guns a while back.

#175381 Longshot Scope Bayonet

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 06 September 2008 - 12:32 PM in Modifications

Well.. it's interesting..
although most melee weapons are banned at a majority of wars. It is ingenuitive, I will give you that.

A Titan air tank (even though there are many other [and better] uses for it) should do the trick.

#172091 Longshot Scope Modification-ls2k

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 24 August 2008 - 05:16 PM in Modifications

The integration possibilities of that thing are very promising.

Nice job!

#172685 Mag Strike, Pressure Gauge? Impossible?

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 26 August 2008 - 08:27 PM in Modifications

I don't have much experience with Magstrikes (seeing as I don't own one), but I was wondering, do you have any previous experience with modding a Magstrike (or any other gun, for that matter)?

Usually Angel's mods are for the more experienced, but if you wanna do it, go for it. I don't wanna come off as trying to bash you or be condescending or anything, I just wanted you to get a heads-up before you possibly break your gun.

#172388 My Titan Has Balls! Arrows Too!

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 25 August 2008 - 06:18 PM in Modifications

I would seriously consider changing the title of this thread.
Unless post-pubescent guns are your thing...

#172705 My Titan Has Balls! Arrows Too!

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 26 August 2008 - 08:53 PM in Modifications

Perhaps I worded that kinda wrong...
I'm not very serious about too many things. Actually pretty much nothing... :lol:
I guess putting "seriously" in there kinda got misunderstood there a little. And yeah, it can be funny sometimes. Albeit a little over-used at times.

#171436 My Youtube Account

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 21 August 2008 - 10:00 PM in General Nerf

I voted to go.
To be completely honest, I think your videos are friggin annoying.
I think one of the biggest reasons you're attracting all the kids is because you're about the same age as them anyways. I suppose if you cleaned them up you would do alright, but it would require a lot of change.

#171521 Nerf Vulcan Mods

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 22 August 2008 - 11:04 AM in Modifications

New rule. Only Forsaken Angel and those who don't show their face, don't speak, or are generally awesome may make videos.

I don't think the mods are gonna appreciate you saying that...
This isn't gonna be pretty.

#172008 Stripping Paint

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 24 August 2008 - 11:35 AM in Modifications

Lol I found some WD40 in my garage. That, and I just bought some paint thinner. When I put my Recon back together, It'll be hot. Wish me luck guys!

I'm beginning to get the feeling that this guy's gonna come back with a half-melted, but unusually well-lubricated gun.

Why would you want to do that?
Why not just paint over it? It won't hurt the detail any.

I'm guessing that it was already painted a color that would be hard to paint over (such as that awful orange that most Nerf guns have on them.)

#171719 Super Clipped Bbb Shotgun

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 23 August 2008 - 08:55 AM in Modifications

Yeah he went into like 2 different comas for at least a week and so he doesn't remember much from when he was here. I had talked to him on youtube awhile back.

Oh wow. I'll be sure to pray for him then. :unsure:

#171413 The Scimitar

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 21 August 2008 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

That looks really good. I have to agree with Splitlip though, I would think that blocking shots would be easier if it covered your hand.

Even so, it's pretty awesome.

#171615 Which Gun?

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 22 August 2008 - 05:37 PM in General Nerf

and i need some thing to counter my friend's recon

Would you happen to be playing indoors?
If so, then a Vulcan would do just fine. If you're outside, then a Recon shouldn't be a problem at all.

#171652 Which Gun?

Posted by Darth Gram Gram on 22 August 2008 - 08:09 PM in General Nerf

Well in that sort of area a Titan modded with a "shotgun" barrel should do just fine.

A Big Salvo is another recommendation.