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#354690 Looking back at 14 years in the LGLF...

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 30 June 2016 - 08:46 AM in Off Topic

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

#330167 Dart-related Nerf war accidents and dart safety tests

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 23 May 2013 - 12:25 AM in Darts and Barrels

At Massacre 7 I witnessed a glue dome tear open a persons forehead. Blood squirted from his forehead on impact and it literally looked like he had just been shot with a real bullet. He continued bleeding for quite some time after that, and returned to the war about an hour later bandaged but soaked in blood. I was really surprised he didn't go get stitches.

This was caused by a poorly made glue dome with either a slingshot or ball bearing weight. Instead of a round and smooth dome, the glue was pointy and extremely jagged. I'm pretty sure a little kid brought those shitty darts, and from my point of view it looked as though a homemade airgun with a soda can for an airtank did the shooting, from about 50 feet.

I'll also share my most painful experience was getting shot by both barrels of tailo (two singled 3k's) point blank with ball bearing glue domes also at massacre 7. Bruises lasted for several days afterward.

For the record massacre 7 was fun as hell.

I was the guy who took him to go get first aid.
He was bleeding pretty bad. It was the worst hit I have ever seen at a Nerf war. Only fitting it would happen at the very last Massacre.
He was hit by one of his own sons darts that was shot out of another persons gun.
This was after I told him to go through his darts and pick out the bad ones.
Unfortunately I as well have no pics from that day.

and it's Talos.


Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 11 September 2012 - 10:55 PM in Nerf Wars

EDIT: Details added. Promo Video added.


Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 10 September 2012 - 12:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Posted Image

#314793 Hasbro harassing Urban Taggers

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 25 April 2012 - 12:58 PM in General Nerf

Wow, just when I thought they could not sink any lower.
I won't be purchasing a Nerf brand gun again.

#314307 Happy Easter from the North!

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 11 April 2012 - 09:37 PM in Off Topic

That's fine, I thought it would be a festive/gory/slightly nerf related video would be worthwhile posting. I will not make that mistake in the future. This thread can be deleted now.

#314291 Happy Easter from the North!

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 11 April 2012 - 05:49 PM in Off Topic

Wow, 7 posts and only 2 of them have to do with the topic.
Go Nerfhaven!

#314171 Happy Easter from the North!

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 09 April 2012 - 02:16 AM in Off Topic

Delete thread.

#313945 Non-Nerf forsaken angel and friends footage

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 04 April 2012 - 12:15 AM in Off Topic


Sounds like a plan. I call 'not it' on being DD. Oh shit! Maybe I can talk wasko into adjoining rooms and then he can be America's designated driver. His reward of course will be his usual sense of quiet amusement while everyone around him makes complete asses of themselves.

Genius. absolutely genius.

#313734 Non-Nerf forsaken angel and friends footage

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 30 March 2012 - 01:26 PM in Off Topic

That sushi place was the shit!
I still cannot believe we had 30 Nerfers taking up a whole section of the sushi place after a killer war and right before an awesome after party at K-10's place.

#313721 Non-Nerf forsaken angel and friends footage

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 29 March 2012 - 11:15 PM in Off Topic

Nah Guitarzan you are good.
Thought you were younger I guess.
There wasn`t really a planned after party anyways.
We were so concerned the turn out would be small so we didnt bother planning one.

#313682 Non-Nerf forsaken angel and friends footage

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 29 March 2012 - 12:48 AM in Off Topic

The after parties are so much better than this footage.
After party invites are only handed out if you are 19 and older, someone vouches for you and you must have not purchased a Massacre kit for a reverse plunger gun.
That is all.

#312874 Rochester Area Nerf War?

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 15 March 2012 - 02:45 AM in Nerf Wars

If you are willing to cross the border for a war.
We host wars every 2-3 months year round up here in Canada.
Would probably only be a 3 hour drive for ya.
Everyone who has traveled up here has said the wars and company are more than worth the trip.
Shoot me a pm if your interested in attending one this summer.

#312680 Do you still use Nerf when you nerf?

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 10 March 2012 - 06:52 PM in Site Feedback

I gave up on Hasbro a while ago.
too many reverse plungers and disc shooters nowadays. Fucking pathetic.

Long live Buzz Bee and Lanard!
Even though I have a special place in my heart for ERTL.

Nerf needs to clean up their act.
The only reason I haven`t stopped calling them "Nerf" wars, is because I haven't thought of or heard of anything better.
Majority of wars I attend/host nowadays I don't see that much Nerf brand hardware.

It's only when someone brings out one of the newer guns to show people between rounds.
Everyone's thinking the same thing
"It's cute and quirky and might work in close quarters but there is no way I'm spending $30-$50 on that"
"Maybe I can use the shell and put something better on the inside."
"That gun is like a roid monkey or an annorexic supermodel, Looks good on the outside, but inside its ugly, decrepit and weak."

#312592 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 08 March 2012 - 11:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, hunter is right, they are assorted although we try and stick to 1.25-1.5"

#312497 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 05 March 2012 - 05:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Round schedule:

9:30-10:30 Set up. Trades, Sign up, Massacre man Target shooting.

10:30 Rules introduction

10:45-11:15 Team Death Match X2

11:15-11:20 Reload

11:20-11:25 Rules

11:25-11:40 Wingman Royal Rumble. 2:15

11:40-11:45 Dartsweep.

11:45-11:50 Rules.

11:50—12:30 Monster Mash Closer Targets. X2

12:30-12:35 Dart sweep

12:35-1:15 Lunch

1:15-1:20 Rules

1:20-2:00 Defend the Core. X2

2:00-2:05 Dart sweep

2:05-2:25 Group photo/slow motion video shot.

2:25-2:35 Rules/setup for dark round.

2:35-2:55 New and improved Dark round

2:55-3:25 720 Core round

3:25-3:35 dart sweep.

3:35-3:55 SLAUGHTER

4:00-4:30 Clean up

If we have extra time before clean up we will be playing an additional Team Death Match round.
This is a rough idea on what we would like to get done.
If we can start playing earlier we will.

#312453 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 04 March 2012 - 10:35 PM in Nerf Wars

If he needs supplies or plans on using the Massacre darts, then yes he needs to pay the extra $10.
Other than that bring as Many primaries and sidearms as you like.

#312011 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 28 February 2012 - 02:00 AM in Nerf Wars

I hate to do this, but I can no longer attend. My vehicle needed a fix and it ended up as a giant smack to my wallet. I can't spare the money for the trip any longer. :(

You must be joking.

#311683 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 23 February 2012 - 04:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Fair enough, on another note, I am 100% confirmed and will be bringing at least one guest. Will be pay pal-ing admission fee shortly.

Cool, just be sure to add `Hydro` to the notes section in paypal when you do.

#311563 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 20 February 2012 - 11:57 PM in Nerf Wars

So just to be sure, 1/4 slingshot weighted darts are legal?

As long as it weighs less than 1.4 grams it should be fine.

We do reserve the right to ban any blaster or stefan dart we deem dangerous.

#310890 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 08 February 2012 - 12:39 AM in Nerf Wars


The straight up facts.
Okay people 17 days remain for the early bird.
We need 30 people signed up and paid for there spot in the next 17 days.
We currently have received no payments from any member planning on attending M7.

If you plan on attending M7. Send paypal payment to Doublej1984@hotmail.com.
If you are paying with a credit card be sure to add $2.50 to the total to cover the paypal fee.

If we dont have 30 people signed up by Feb 25th, everyone will have the full amount refunded immediately and M7 will be cancelled.
Please dont allow all of our hard work to be for nothing.

#308496 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 20 December 2011 - 03:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks Langley.

#308483 Massacre 7

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 20 December 2011 - 12:22 AM in Nerf Wars

Posted Image

DATE: March 10th 2012

TIME: Arrive at 8:30 am. Games start at 9am-4pm

HOSTS: Forsaken_angel24, K-10, Uncle Fester, Pearson

296 Conestoga Dr
Brampton, ON L6Z 3M1

Posted Image


Entry $40 (Mandatory)

Supplies $10 (Optional)

Entry $40: Is the only admission for the Nerfer who brings all of his/her own equipment.

A primary and a minimum of 150 darts. Nerfer's who did not purchase supplies cannot use any of the Massacre darts during game play.

Supplies (Optional) $10: This Nerfer will be loaned a Primary Nerf gun, side arm and an INFINITE amount of darts to be used for the day. These darts may only be used in barrels of PETG or 9/16" brass. This option is in addition to the mandatory entry fee.

Nerfers who need supplies must dart sweep whenever a dart sweep is called. They must also bring a pouch or very loose pockets to keep darts in. This will prevent the warping of the Massacre darts. The Nerfers who attend the war without a pouch or loose pockets will need to either rent or purchase a dart pouch on site.

$2 to rent a dart pouch or $5 to purchase.

Dart Sweep: When Players pick up darts in between rounds.

Loaner guns: Singled pump action shotguns, Lanard shotguns, Big bad bows, Max Shots, AT3K's, Big blasts and more.

Massacre 7 will be bigger and badder than any other Massacre to date!


All blasters are subject to range and power testing by the hosts. If any blaster is deemed unsafe to those on its receiving end, it will not be allowed.

Singled Titans will be not be allowed at this war. A Minimum 3 barrels is fine.

Plugged BBBB's will also be banned.

Homemade air guns.

Swords and other types of Melee.

All shields except for the Manta.

Singled Supersoakers.

Cobras, power plungers must have more than 3 barrels.

Big Blasts with barrels less than 14" unless approved by hosts.

Slug darts. (SGM and the LGLF are void from this rule. They are the only ones I have ever seen that didn't have exposed metal)

If you wish to use Slug darts and feel that your darts are not dangerous then pm me.


-Arrive at 8:30am.

-Pack a lunch, You will need your energy.

- Bring enough water to drink. You will be running, jogging, sprinting, dodging, ducking, sliding, jumping and shooting all day.

-Each player must bring a Primary and it is recommended each player also brings a sidearm. Unless they are going with the supplies option.

-Eye protection is mandatory

-Clean up ALL garbage and items you bring into the gym - Flagging tape, lunch items, water bottles, etc., all of these must be thrown out properly. If you leave trash behind, do not expect to be invited next year. There will be a huge garbage bin on site.

-Follow Instructions from the Field Supervisors - Select individuals will be Field Supervisors at Massacre 7. Each player is responsible for listening to and following the instructions of these adviser's, we cannot guarantee that the day will progress
smoothly otherwise.


Best Slide Kill-------------Self explanatory

Best Recruit---------------Nerfer who brings most new people

Purple Heart---------------Nastiest Looking Welt

The Wanderer-------------Those who traveled furthest by car.

From the Skies------------Those who traveled furthest by plane.

Survivor--------------------Last man standing in Royal Rumble

Wingman Champions------The wingman team that wins Wingman Royal Rumble.

Achilles----------------------Best Jump Kill

If you are interested in coming to the war, but do not have an account here, feel free to E-mail me at Forsaken_angel24@hotmail.com. Just make sure to have something along the lines of "Massacre 7" In the topic title. Everyone who plans to attend, has over a month of reading this to prepare.

Also if their are any American travelers coming or interested in coming. Pm me and we will see how we can aid in you getting here, lodging etc


If any new players wish to come out and make this war your first war. I promise you will not be disappointed. K-10, Pearson and I go over the rules very clearly before every round.

This allows for a smoother game play and more fun for everybody.


Like all of our wars, there are going to be cameras and video footage taken at this war. It will be video edited and posted on the site later.

So you can relive the memories whenever you want.

To see an example of this click on the link below.


We will only be allowing a maximum of 65 people.

First come First serve.


1. Forsaken_angel24

2. K-10

3. Pearson



MAYBE Maybes suck, get your butts confirmed already!

K-10, Pearson and I are really pumped up for this war and we are all putting a lot of work into this.

New things you will see at Massacre 7:

Larger CORE in DTC.
Angels freshly finished 720 CORE!
Improved dark round with small lights on every barricade.
New Count the stefans challenge.

Who is going to help us christen the new Venue with endless rushing and an unquenchable thirst for domination!

To help us further make sure Massacre 7 is better for everyone, Please write down your top 5 game types from most favorite to least favorite.


Defend the Core
Wingman Royal Rumble.

Also how many times would you like to play TeamDeathmatch?
2,4 or 6 times?

#307769 GNP for CNP Angel's 12th Contract.

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 25 November 2011 - 01:08 AM in Modifications

Although I love the sound of the name Big Blitz, Sublimedom is right. It is a play on her name. But at the same time she might change the name later.

The pressure gauge is there so she knows not to over pump it.
Anything past 40 psi and the gun could break, leak, or even shoot too hard.

The first time someone pointed this at me, I remember thinking. "Yeah, that would scare me on the field"

If I do end up making a video for it. I will post it in this thread.
Making videos take up a ton of time and I am already so busy with:
Editing war footage
Setting up Massacre 7.
Repairing Talos.
Repairing other guns.
Wifey time.
Largest Top Secret project I have ever worked on.
Starting on Pearsons gun.
Whipping fat people into shape.
Whipping skinny people into Beef Cakes!

On the topic of Pearsons gun though.
It will outweigh every other gun I have ever built.
But I would rather not go into any more detail on whats coming with that.

#307760 GNP for CNP Angel's 12th Contract.

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 24 November 2011 - 08:59 PM in Modifications

GNP or Gun Name Pending.
Was my 12th Contract gun I built.

As most know at this point. I am only willing to do contracts for people I actually war with. I also have to feel that the person deserves the contract.
CNP has been a member of the Canadian Nerf scene for sometime now.
She has made several long trips to attend our wars and is usually quite fierce on the field.

It all started with a drawing.

I wanted to take a big blast and add a lightning Blitz and bring them together.
Posted Image

Adding the Threaded quick connect to the LB was easy.
I cut off the layer below the plastic nipple.
Posted Image

Ripped out the check valve.
Sanded inside then globbed PL Premium adhesive to the threaded quick connect.
Then just screwed it in. It was a perfect fit.
Posted Image

I love LB's Super strong and now super easy to make a quick connect for.

Skipping right to the finished product.

Posted Image
Small picture doesn't do it justice. this thing is scary in person.

Posted Image
Aluminum trigger and better look at blast button. You fire the LB by extending your ring and middle finger.

Posted Image
Easy to read pressure gauge.

Posted Image
Staring down death.

Wouldn't be complete without my signature would it?
Posted Image

Closer look at removable shoulder stock. That's right it says REMINGTON on it.
It is a shotgun recoil pad, and its comfortable as hell to Shoulder now.
Posted Image

Retractable dowel on a zip line. Pretty hard to lose this dowel.
Posted Image

Turret and Shoulder stock are removable for transport and storage.
Posted Image

Here is a closer look at the back of the GNP without the stock. I love how clean that threaded coupler went in.
Posted Image

No official ranges.
Big Blast is firing stronger than a standard big blast.
LB is firing like a typical plugged LB.

Pump is a basketball pump from Canadian Tire. $7

I can proudly say CNP took down 3 people at once with one LB blast at APOC this year.

Well there you have it.

Not quite a write up and yet not quite just a picture of a finished product either.
What do you guys think.

Contract #13: Pearson
Has already begun.

What do you guys think?

If this is in the wrong section let me know and I can delete it and put in the mods and paint jobs thread.

#307084 No Time to Nerf

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 07 November 2011 - 01:40 PM in Off Topic

Goodbye old friend.

#305754 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 12 October 2011 - 02:32 AM in Nerf Wars

I will fix your account.
I hope stone cold can make it.
That kid is tough as nails!

#305423 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 05 October 2011 - 10:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright people, Huge news!

So far HBH5 is looking to be the largest war Canada has ever seen.
The attendance list exploded within 24 hours of posting on the forums.
I was originally planning to do this for HBH10 but I think we are more than ready for it now.

Posted Image

If attendance at HBH5 reaches 80 people or more I will be giving away a Crossbow!
All players will put their name on a ballot upon entry.
At the end of the war, 4 ballots will be chosen.
The Chosen 4 will enter a competition where their Nerfing skills will be put to the test.

1 Player will walk away with a Nerf Crossbow in hand.

Details about the competition coming soon.

Details about Crossbow.

1/2" PVC coupler in front. (Easily removable if you wish)
Top screw port still functions. (Most people destroy these when modding them)
Metal plate reinforcement by the catch.
Priming bar reinforced with metal plates.

Oh and K-10 and myself are obviously excluded from the draw.

We currently have 71 people on the confirmed list.
Realistically we need 90 confirmed because we all know some people say they are coming and never show.

What do you guys and gals think about that?

#304797 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 18 September 2011 - 11:20 AM in Nerf Wars

Updated first post with:

The K9 cookout!
Picture of entrance to park so nobody misses it.
Also updated the steadily growing attendance list.
Looks like we are going to break some records for the North.

#304065 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 30 August 2011 - 09:26 AM in Nerf Wars

Awesome yes, but horror he is not.
If you want to wear a punisher shirt that's cool.

But if you are getting.dressed up it needs to be horror theme.

#304010 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 28 August 2011 - 10:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Edited original post.
Added promo video.
Added Drinks details.
Edited out conflicting info.

I wonder if Soothsayer will be joining us this year?

#303756 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 23 August 2011 - 09:41 AM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, the banned thing should say "No slug darts", as the ones we've seen in Canada are poorly done in general. So glue domes are the assumed dart of choice.

Good catch, Buff.
Original post has been edited accordingly.

#303748 Hell Before Halloween 5

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 22 August 2011 - 10:07 PM in Nerf Wars

Posted Image

Hell Before Halloween 5 promo video

Date: October 22nd 2011
Time: Arrive at 9:00am. Games start 10:00am - 6pm
Hosts: Forsaken_angel24, K-10
Location: Wild wood park, Mississauga, Ontario Canada.
(Only a 1.5 hour drive from the border!)

Cost $10 (Goes towards park rental permit, supplies, etc)


The address is:
3430 Derry Road East
Mississauga, ON

Get to the 401 ( Go whichever way you need to get to 427 North)
Take the 401 to 427 North.
Take the Derry road exit.
Turn left on Derry Rd/Rexdale blvd
First immediate left after Goreway. You will see a Grey building and a parking lot.
Posted Image
Drive straight through the parking lot all the way to the end.
You will see two roads. at the back corner of the parking lot.
Take the left one.
Take the one way road all the way there.
The one way road is very scenic enjoy these last moments before sacrificing your soul as you enter the parking lot.


All blasters are subject to range and power testing by the hosts. If any blaster is deemed unsafe to those on its receiving end, it will not be allowed.

Singled Titans will be not be allowed at this war.
Plugged BBBB's will also be banned.
Homemade air guns.
Swords and other types of Melee.
All shields except for the Manta.
Cobras or power plungers with less than 3 barrels.
No Slug darts unless you are the LGLF, SGM or Kimchi. If you are insistent on using slug darts pm me. All Slugs must be first inspected by K-10 or myself.
Stefans max weight 1.4g


1 Forsaken_angel24
2 K-10
3. Pearson
4. Dumpster
5. Mercy
6. Butters
7. CNP
8. Buffdaddy
9. Sublimedom
10. Jwasko
11. Slim
12. Cheyner
13. Bookworm
14. Nerfhunter
15. Gizmo
16. Mad Dog
17. Langley
18. Grizzly
19. Biohazard
20. SGM
21. Kimchi
22. Tank
23. Gears
24. Padowan
25. Geronimo
26. Dantas
27. Chuckles
28. Col Munchies
29. Jlego
30. Chops
31. Crankymonkey
32. DC
33. Greed
34. XIII
35. Makeitgo
36. Cookie
37. Cpt Hacks
38. Fluffy
39. Brock
40. Muse
41. Padre
42. Artemis
43. Curly
44. Curlys Dad
45. Rambo
46. K9
47. Illithis. (ill for short)
48. Nitemare
49. PrinceXBuster
50. Sleepy
51. Cheyner guest 1
52. Cheyner guest 2
53. Cheyner guest 3
54. Cheyner guest 4
55. Cheyner guest 5
56. Silent
57. Pittsy
58. Shadow
59. Bowser
60. Orikai
61. Switchblade
62. Kingpin
63. BUG!
64. Specimen
65. Silver bladed swan.
66. Vindy
67. Tbone
68. Blackwater Jamie
69. AZN
70. Brookie
71. Dr. Science

Buffdaddy guest
Sublimedom guest
Longshot lord

Shoots with Glass

Video Crew:
Frog face

Every player in attendance will receive a Hell before Halloween 5 Badge.

To be announced.


-Arrive at 9:00am.

-Pack a lunch, You will need your energy.

- Bring 200 darts minimum. I will not have any useless scavengers at this war.

- Each participant must sign off on a HBH5 waiver form upon admittance.

- Bring enough water to drink. You will be running, jogging, sprinting, dodging, ducking and shooting all day.

-Each player must bring a Primary and it is recommended each player also brings a sidearm.

-Eye protection is mandatory for everyone.

-Clean up ALL garbage and items you bring on the field - Flagging tape, lunch items, water bottles, etc., all of these must be thrown out properly. If you leave trash behind, do not expect to be invited next year. There are plenty of garbage cans around staging area.

-Follow Instructions from the Field Supervisors - Select individuals will be Field Supervisors at HBH 5. Each player is responsible for listening to and following the instructions of these adviser's; we cannot guarantee that the day will progress
smoothly otherwise.

Posted Image

I personally think this is still the best staging area I have ever been at.
There is a roof over your head and plenty of places to sit down.

The washrooms are near the staging area.
Yes, they have running water, soap and toilet paper.


Costumes are Optional.
MUST BE A SCARY OR HORROR COSTUME. Absolutely no stupid costumes, like a cat or something.
Do not wear something you are worried might get damaged or ruined at a Nerf war.

Also optional.
If you do not wish to wear a costume but still want to support the HORROR feel of the event. Wear a T shirt, long sleeve shirt or hoodie that has a real scary print on it.

Bonus points for vintage horror.

Best scary costume.
Best scary print on a shirt.
and more.

We will have:
Bottled water $1
Gatorade $2
Red Bull $3

The great Canadian K9 cookout will be happening for lunch.
He will have Burgers,smokies and possibly salad.
More details coming soon.

If you are interested in coming to the war, but do not have an account here feel free to E-mail me at Forsaken_angel24@hotmail.com. Just make sure to have something along the lines of "Hell before Halloween 5" In the topic title. Everyone who plans to attend, has over a month of reading this to prepare.

Also if their are any American travelers coming or interested in coming. Pm me and we will see how we can aid in you getting here, lodging etc


If any new players wish to come out and make this war your first war. I promise you will not be disappointed. K-10 and I go over the rules very clearly before every round.
This allows for a smoother game play and more fun for everybody.


Like all of our wars, there are going to be cameras and video footage taken at this war. It will be video edited and posted on the site later.
So you can relive the memories whenever you want.
To see an example of this:
Check out last years footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTonXDTiCQg&feature=channel_video_title

We are more excited than ever to present HBH5 to you guys this year.
Who is ready to take on the horrors that lie in wait at Hell Before Halloween 5?

#302771 Apoc Round Schedule and Sign Up

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 03 August 2011 - 07:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Pearson, K-10, Dumpster and myself are coming. Crooked is AWOL.
So it will be just the 4 of us coming.

I would prefer mostly primary rounds.
Death matches and other game types allowing primaries are good in my books.
See you guys Saturday.

#302456 Apoc 2011 Dart Restrictions

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 28 July 2011 - 07:34 PM in Nerf Wars

That dome is massive.
I feel that a felt disc on top of a smaller dome would be fine.
My two cents.

#302299 A Nerf gun leads to serious charges for a Quincy teen

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 26 July 2011 - 12:50 PM in General Nerf

This is pretty stupid.
This isn't going to give Nerf a bad name.
This isn't going to stop Nerf from producing crappy guns.
All this is, is two kids being idiots.

To think otherwise would be like worrying they would stop the production of tennis balls had the kids thrown tennis balls.

What I would like to know is, how did they run over his leg? It's not like it was a foot that was accidentally under a tire.

#301481 Massacre 6 videos.

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 13 July 2011 - 09:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Part 3 is uploaded.
Let me know what you guys think.
That's all Folk's!
Thanks to everyone who came out!

#300832 Massacre 6 videos.

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 30 June 2011 - 08:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Part 2 is uploaded.

#300789 Massacre 6 videos.

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 30 June 2011 - 12:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Posted Image

Silent's Ascension, Slims leveled up, Pearson's leveled up as well.

Enjoy the videos.

Massacre 6 part 1

Massacre 6 part 2

Massacre 6 part 3

Feedback is the main thing that drives me to make these videos.
What do you guys think?

#299259 Apocalypse 2011

Posted by Forsaken angel24 on 03 June 2011 - 11:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I also need to start making arrangements to get down there.
Booking the place to stay, Booking a rental Van or two.
Taking a look at costs and the like.