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#179701 Longshot 2k

Posted by nightfinder on 26 September 2008 - 06:32 AM in Modifications



There's quite a few others as well. I guess I should apologize, if someone wants to take their gun and hinder it's capabilities for no reasonable or logical reason, I guess I can't stop them.

I KNOW HOW TO MOD A LONGSHOT!!!!!!!!God that is the easy part, its the 2k I want to know


#179630 Bat Man!

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:57 PM in Off Topic

I have a song:

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootidy boot him please?

Or, how about reading the CoC.

if you dont like the idea dont post...

#179628 Longshot 2k

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

I'm hoping that your longshot is actually broken. I'm getting kinda of outrageously pissed that just because Ice did it, tons of people are singling their longshots, broken bolt sled or not. <_<

i had the idea to do cpvc before ice did his, i like his mod and so do other people, flame us all but if we want a good longshot let us have it

#179624 Bat Man!

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:52 PM in Off Topic

Wow, your a tardo.

Dun un un un un un un un TARDO!

seriously, this is supposted to be retarded...

#179618 Bat Man!

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:47 PM in Off Topic


#179617 Longshot 2k

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Uhh, maybe you should look at the mod itself instead of asking how. As for integrating the 2K, it all about taking the internals and gluing it to the gun. The DTG LS ice made is similiar to what you want so check that out

Okay so i glue it in?That makes since

god im a noob someone shoot me...

#179613 Longshot 2k

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:34 PM in Modifications

Why don't you try it yourslef, then tell us how you did.

One problem, I have no idea what im doing

Edit:Crap i didn't use caps

#179611 Longshot 2k

Posted by nightfinder on 25 September 2008 - 08:28 PM in Modifications

I was wondering if anyone could help me, im going to single my longshot, the way ice did it and then integrate a turreted 2k, so i was wondering if anyone could like drawing in paint to show me where to put the things

#179110 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 23 September 2008 - 03:41 PM in Modifications

Ive tryed that but i stretched it too much, BTW im giving this gun to my 10 year old cousin so if i added a stock NF spring + recon + longshot do you think he could cock it?

Your punctuation and capitalization are horrendous, please fix these immediately. Also have you read this? Please do. And follow it, because you aren't right now. Furthermore, necroing is highly looked down upon here. Especially if the topic is more than a week old. If you have a question that's terribly important for the thread starter, than PM him. ( Or her. I can't really tell ice's gender ) That's what its for.


A pen spring? are you talking for the catch? If so, yeah pen springs are pretty perfect for LS catches.

What I wrote you can read clearly, its not like i wrote "i hat lsz bcz the blt slds brek alt"

#178908 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 07:32 PM in Modifications

Ya I'm totally stalking you because it would be outrageous for me to be asked a question and answer it.

That hurts like a stefan to the neck (taste my mad skillzzzzz)

#178904 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 07:25 PM in Modifications

Depends on what kind of tools you have. With a dremel and a metal cutting piece it is easy. Another thing you can do is work at it with wire cutters (just the ones that are like heavy duty scissors)


#178890 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 07:18 PM in Modifications

Well I have never used a recon before so I won't be able to comment on that. But my 9 year old sister was able to cock my nf/ls spring combo.

So has my cousin who also is a modder, and he cocked the LS with the recon spring easily, sometimes he gets where he bends his wrist when he cocks it

Ok I'm not answering the first question. But adding a recon spring with the stock longshot one (if both can fit on the plunger rod) would increase the range. If you are planning on replacing the stock longshot spring with a recon spring don't as it is much weaker (the recon spring). A good LS replacement spring is a spring from a big bad bow or an ar-15 spring.

I went and found a good pen spring but its WAAAY long so how would i cut it?

#178888 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

You could just use a pen spring. At my local ace, lowes, and home depot I haven't seen any springs small enough to function as catch springs.

Are you stalking me?

#178886 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 07:02 PM in Modifications

If it fits well go for it. Another spring that works well inside a LS is a stock NF spring.

Ive tryed that but i stretched it too much, BTW im giving this gun to my 10 year old cousin so if i added a stock NF spring + recon + longshot do you think he could cock it?

#178883 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 07:00 PM in Modifications

Gosh darn!(Dont feel like cussing)
but my question is if there is a ACE or Home Depot or Lowes spring that i can use for the catch?

#178881 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

Ok I'm not answering the first question. But adding a recon spring with the stock longshot one (if both can fit on the plunger rod) would increase the range. If you are planning on replacing the stock longshot spring with a recon spring don't as it is much weaker (the recon spring). A good LS replacement spring is a spring from a big bad bow or an ar-15 spring.

A recon spring fits decently, and i guess im not THAT nooby, (i can mod several guns)And also i looked at the DTB post and should i all a lil bit of cpvc because that would be a tee fitting into a coupler

#178879 Ls That Funtions Well Without A Boltsled

Posted by nightfinder on 22 September 2008 - 06:51 PM in Modifications

Okay, Ice i am a VERY nooby modder and I was wondering since you did the dtg integration what the lengths of the cpvc were?So i can be more exact, and also will a recon spring make it shoot well?

#178596 Please Help A Noob

Posted by nightfinder on 21 September 2008 - 12:20 PM in Modifications

It really depends on what your ammo is.

If you're using stock tagger darts like most noobs, Sch. 40 PVC will fit around the velcro tip. You don't want a very long barrel though because it's such a poor setup. CPVC will work for stock taggers too, but won't cover the whole dart, it'll only go up to the tip.

If you're using CDTS or stefans, I wouldn't recommend either. CPVC works, but it's extremely tight.
Most people use:
-17/32" Brass tubing: spring guns with a quick discarge
- 9/16" Brass tubing: Air guns and springers with slower discharges
- PETG: All-around good barrel material.

You really only need PVC to nest your barrel material in and possibly to use with Mega stefans.

EDIT: ah, Mxer4life369

I've found cpvc at home depot but it's extremely tight to where the stock streamlines have to be twisted into it and they still barely fit in half way.

is it half inch?

#178285 Non-nerf Applications Of Nerf Guns

Posted by nightfinder on 19 September 2008 - 04:58 PM in General Nerf

Most of us have used Lbb's or BBBB's i think they are the best "Non nerf" gun :rolleyes:

#176956 Dtg Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 12 September 2008 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

Well, Slaya hasn't been on since August 4th(he's an infrequent member), so it's okay to put the question out for others to answer, I guess.

Thank god someones on my side...

#175286 Simple Ls Brass Breech.

Posted by nightfinder on 05 September 2008 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

This looks alot like a cpvc'd longshot, so it cant take clips

#173751 Singled Hornet

Posted by nightfinder on 30 August 2008 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

95 ft flat without barrel replacement?Hmm, i think you should cpvc or pteg the barrel (almost said barrels :P )then it should get 100 ft :o that on a crossbow, Crap, thats gonna hurt

#171550 Rapid Fire 20 Ar Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 22 August 2008 - 01:50 PM in Modifications

Could you check the modification directory and find out what you want to know for yourself?
Could you? Because you probably don't want to get suspended.

I don't want the mod, I want to know if it is possible

#171527 Rapid Fire 20 Ar Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 22 August 2008 - 12:27 PM in Modifications

I was wondering if i could unscrew the turrent to do the AR mod, because i don't want to open this gun up,I hae a bad experience with pump guns :D (titan and lbb were torture)So could i?

#171506 The Chimera (titan Rifle)

Posted by nightfinder on 22 August 2008 - 08:55 AM in Modifications

Add a shell on that thing!!! :D

#168143 Dtg Mod

Posted by nightfinder on 11 August 2008 - 03:25 PM in Modifications

Sorry about this but i want to do the mod and the pics were moved, is there any other way to see the pics? :o

#167177 Nite Finder Issues

Posted by nightfinder on 07 August 2008 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

I bought a Nite Finder At Walmart. I opened it up and did the basic mods, AR removal and removing the peg. I have not had a Nite Finder before, but based on the reviews of stock and modded NFs, I expected a little more than what i got . I tested it flat and got 33 feet. It's range under a lot of of Nite Finders I have seen and heard of. Is there a problem with the gun? If so how can I get more range ? Or is it because i only took out the peg and the AR? Please give your analysis of the gun. Thanks

I get around 50 feet with ar removed and the peg a strikefire spring added and a 4 inch CPVC barrel,of course its a old nightfinder the green ones, so newer ones will get more,But thats mine and yours sounds about right for just AR removal

BTW first post ;)