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#187591 The Cheapatizer

Posted by MercenaryXero on 04 November 2008 - 09:54 PM in Homemades

Looks nice. How long is the plunger travel distance?

#204724 Minnesnowta Recap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 19 January 2009 - 02:59 PM in Nerf Wars

So I heard this was tight, wish I could have gone.

Was there any talk of planning a spring war?

Anyway, on an unrelated note, midway target has blue/green BBBBs in stock. I got 2.

#191570 The New Xbox Experience

Posted by MercenaryXero on 23 November 2008 - 08:58 PM in Off Topic

I'm agreeing with everyone on here who said it sucks. Except the guy who called me a faggot because I like my avatar. Bring it bitch!

Lol, I was referring more to the concept of them, not the actual avatars. In any case, I figured how to deactivate them, so my badass gamerpic has returned!

#190970 The New Xbox Experience

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 November 2008 - 06:18 PM in Off Topic

It is a proven fact that if you like avatars you are a faggot.

I haven't downloaded it yet, but I want the netflix and the 8-way chat.

#189934 A Teaser

Posted by MercenaryXero on 16 November 2008 - 01:35 AM in Homemades

That is fucking tight!

I may have to build a variant of it sometime after you finish it.

#272602 Time To Look Inside... The Ldr!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 18 April 2010 - 04:56 PM in Homemades

Not the plunger itself, the tube that it's in. You opened the gun by taking off the top half of it.

#272586 Time To Look Inside... The Ldr!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 18 April 2010 - 03:24 PM in Homemades

Either I just don't get the pictures, or your plunger tube is cut in half.

Care to explain?

#237775 Spano 09 Recap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 21 June 2009 - 12:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Replying while this is still fresh in my mind.

Great war, especially Defend the Core. It feels so awesome to have a practically never-ending dart supply at your feet, and just load, prime, and pick people off. I must have had a double digit hit count for sure. We got a lot of nerfing done, which is always good.

Also, I came with about 70 darts, left with like 50. Scavenging is awesome.

Later in the day I got pretty tired, which just amounted to me yelling at stuff and trying to use a big blast one handed. Also like Busta said, those girls looked hot. (at least at a distance, lol) I remember we were chillin at our spawnpoint and I was like "Ya'know, I've become less interested in playing and more interested in boning those chicks"

Overall a great experience, despite the lack of a proper staging area.

#197476 World Of Warcraft

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 02:22 PM in Off Topic

Personally, I have learned that video games are a big waste of time unless you play it with your friends (brawl). Seriously, in RPGs, you level up to a really high level and waste a whole bunch of time on it. It really doesn't help you in any way except a way to pass the time. If your playing with friends face to face, there's also communication and bonding involved. Don't stay inside wasting your life on a video game.

Go play a sport, Learn an instrument, mod a nerf gun. These things are much more worthy of your time.

You can learn a lot more by not playing video games.

Just my Posted Image

Any MMO player who knows what they're talking about probably has a lot of social interaction via their game of choice. This is also true of console games, but is forced with an MMO.

#197391 World Of Warcraft

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 01:39 AM in Off Topic

Some friends wanted me to play, but I wasn't about to fall for that.

So instead, I became addicted to EVE Online. I can talk about modules and shit for a long time.

#244288 Beaver's Wonderous St Paul War

Posted by MercenaryXero on 28 July 2009 - 12:53 AM in Nerf Wars

Unfortunately I can't attend, because I'll be eating lobster and crab and whale and shit all the way from Boston up to Nova Scotia.

Leaving on friday for two weeks, fyi.

#215052 Mn Mini Wars Recap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 February 2009 - 11:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Lol I knew I should've checked if there were things going on...

Well whatever, the next war I go to will be warm, hopefully.

#192646 Riot At Chinese Nerf Factory

Posted by MercenaryXero on 29 November 2008 - 12:45 AM in General Nerf

1. Clean up mess
2. Get more workers
3. Continue producing guns
4. ????

#177831 "pneumatic Door Closer" As A Plunger Tube?

Posted by MercenaryXero on 16 September 2008 - 09:22 PM in Homemades

In my vast adventures with my screen door, I have gained great wisdom and power. Also, they make doors close slowly, and that's not really the idea you would want in a homemade plunger tube. Unless this is a type of closer I've never seen, or you have some internal changes planned first.

#233442 Snappy

Posted by MercenaryXero on 30 May 2009 - 03:09 PM in Homemades

How do people tolerate right-angle grips? In my experience, they just hurt your hand.

#189174 My Snap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 11 November 2008 - 10:25 PM in Homemades

I'm not one for unnecessary talk, so lets get going, shall we?

Posted Image

Here it is. I'll be discussing each feature individually.

Titan Integration

Posted Image

This one is fairly simple. Take your titan and attach it to your SNAP, making sure that a tube receptor is available at the bottom. Add a CPVC coupler, and a trigger of your choice. I added a layer of foam for comfort.


Posted Image

Take your Titan pump and a short section of CPVC. Wrap the CPVC in duct tape until it won't move in the pump handle. Now dremel a slot for the pump housing in the end of your handle. I then used epoxy putty to secure it.

Extend the pump handle into the 1/2" receptor at the end of the stock, so that one of the two holes in the handle is inside. (for this part I used a 3/4" L with a reducing bushing to 1/2") Then screw a 1/2" CPVC endcap into the handle.

Cut a piece of 1/2" PVC about 6" long (I used sch 20 to reduce weight). Cut down the length of it twice to create a slot about 1/2" wide. Now take a 1/2" coupler and do the same, taking just under half of it off. (this will help it grip the PVC while keeping friction low) Using a dremel, sand out the middle where the actual coupling would be. You now should have a completely even surface on the inside of the coupler.

Now take another 1/2" CPVC endcap and screw it into the top of your coupler. I used a metal-grinding bit on my dremel to grind the protruding end of the screw down. I also added epoxy putty to strengthen the joint. Here comes the part that you need to adapt to your own SNAP. Measure the distance between the two endcaps (see the picture for proper placement of the 6" PVC and coupler) and cut a section of CPVC to connect them. Secure the PVC with glue, and fasten the CPVC with screws. (I highly recommend this, mine was prone to breakage at MNHNO due to not having the screws)

Brass Breech and Barrel

Posted Image

The breech and barrel are made from 17/32 brass with the sliding cover being 9/16. The PVC casing is 3/4" PVC with 1/2" inserts. (this works because both are only about 3/4 complete, being grooved to accommodate being attached to the SNAP body more easily) The slider is a smoothed 3/4" coupler. It is attached to the 9/16 by a thick nail which attached to the brass with epoxy putty. The bit of putty on the top secures the nail, as well as being a sight of sorts. The Titan connects to the breech via vinyl tubing, wrapped in teflon tape at the breech end.

Tacticool Rails

Posted Image

This bit is fairly simple. If you have a SNAP with a coupler on the front, skip the next few sentences. Take a 1 1/4" coupler and cut it a little off-center (rork goes into more detail in his topic). Now, cut it in fourths (you'll only need two, but I used the others for support). Place two of them as seen in the above picture. Now cut two strips of 2" PVC (proportional to the length of your blaster) and screw them in to the front and back. You may need longer screws, depending on your SNAP. Note: if you add the other two coupler bits, as I did, DO NOT use screws, because they would get hit by the plunger, therefore fucking up your shit.

SNAP Internals

[sorry, no pic]

My SNAP uses modified SNAPbow internals. The main difference is that instead of having my cotter pin on the end of the CPVC rod, the rod extends into the 3/4" plug, allowing the "wiggle room" to be adjusted with various lengths of tape wrapped around the rod. The cotter pin is inserted where the CPVC exits the plug. (I didn't need to cut down my endcap, I don't know if it is a result of this method or not)

Overall, this think kicked mad amounts of ass at MNHNO. Ranges are good/average for a SNAPbow and lower/still more than enough for a Titan. (lots of dead space in the tubing)

There's something to be said for having a gun that has two barrels shooting ~110 consistently. Anyway, I hope you guys like it.


#189188 My Snap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 11 November 2008 - 10:54 PM in Homemades

Nice! That's a very interesting combination.

Is the Titan pump plugged?

No, its not. How would I have used it in a war if it was? :D

#185499 Favorite Call Of Duty Weapon

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 October 2008 - 12:27 PM in Off Topic

Red tiger RPD with a grip, stopping power and steady aim.

#220642 Mnsbw Recap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 30 March 2009 - 12:45 AM in Nerf Wars

A bit late to this thread, but I've been doing stuff.

Overall, a great war. A majority of the things I would've said have been covered already, so I'll keep it short. Also, thanks everyone for the praise, its convinced me to create even more SNAP variants.

* The SNAPs were performing beautifully, even with the moderate winds. It's always fun to take a shot, miss, have the person poke themselves out of cover, then realize I have another primed shot and scramble back behind their tree.
* Meeting and playing with a cool group of people
* The new location has some nice features, and its nice to have better cover spread more evenly throughout the field. You could actually utilize things like flanking and suppressing fire, instead of the "dudes stand in line, shoot occasionally" style of play.
* Many other things that I can't recall right now

* I'm gonna have to make darts next war, I have about 30 left of the 70 I brought. Scavenging helped a lot in that regard.
* Amp energy shots taste like shit with toxic chemicals on it
* My legs are soar as hell, didn't stretch and sprinted quite a bit. I've gotten into the habit of advancing into enemy lines, taking a few shots, then running like crazy. (to my credit, I can't remember anyone hitting me as I ran, much less catching up)

#247035 Recapping Summer Minnesota War

Posted by MercenaryXero on 14 August 2009 - 02:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Shit, I leave tuesday for the boundary waterssssssss

One of these days I'll stop being so busy all the time. Like after next weekend. Maybe.

#279236 July Minnesota Nerf Outing

Posted by MercenaryXero on 01 July 2010 - 10:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be able to come. Also fuck dart painting, that shit washes off in rain and gets on everything.

#202898 My Lbb Plays Music!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 12 January 2009 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

Oh my. Now I have to make an ipod shuffle connector in the bottom of a handle. Who has a 1st gen shuffle they don't want?

#197389 Which Sports Do You Play?

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 01:35 AM in Off Topic

I run like a muthafucka

Oh, and I show up for track occaisionally.

#190651 Reputation System

Posted by MercenaryXero on 18 November 2008 - 09:51 PM in Site Feedback

So what you're saying is enable the built-in karma functionality of invision? I kinda like the current "Piss off the admins and get banned" system :/

#188326 Mnhno Recap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 08 November 2008 - 09:23 PM in Nerf Wars

That was fun. My SNAP was really good, and that was with awful conditions and a broken component. It felt really cool to run within range and unleash two long range shots in succession. The worst thing was the cold, made my hands numb to the point where I would reach for the pump handle, not feel it, and think it had fallen off, but I was just too numb to feel it. Also the fucking breech hurt to operate.

Anyway, the war was awesome, though I'm looking forward to the spring so I can do some proper damage.

#174647 Switch Shot?

Posted by MercenaryXero on 02 September 2008 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

This gun definitely has decent modding potential, but the possible integrations are endless. Also, look at the wiimote for scale: plenty of space for lengthened plunger tubes, etc.

EDIT: Just noticed the sights on this thing, they look functional for once.

#192644 Bleeding Bullet

Posted by MercenaryXero on 29 November 2008 - 12:38 AM in Modifications

Don't they make 6mm paintballs? You could just glue them on the ends of darts.

#222254 Spring Mnno

Posted by MercenaryXero on 07 April 2009 - 07:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Pretty sure I can come, barring any shit

#225777 Spring Mnno

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 April 2009 - 02:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Whoops I slept until 2

Also I'd completely forgotten about this war until Julian mentioned on Thursday that I was going...

#182314 We're A Threat!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 07 October 2008 - 10:57 PM in General Nerf

Awesome. Someone grab the video link when it goes up on the CR site tomorrow.

#180239 Weapon Choice For Assassins

Posted by MercenaryXero on 28 September 2008 - 05:55 PM in General Nerf

In your situation, ROF is important because you are in a concentrated area. I participate in city-wide games, where accurate and high-ranged guns are essential for pegging guys entering or exiting their houses from across the street.

#185626 Recon W/ Sm3k(new Style-blue) Internals

Posted by MercenaryXero on 26 October 2008 - 12:10 PM in Modifications

I'm assuming that you're still using the stock breech - I'd imagine a brass one would greatly improve performance. Also, its snowing here too.

#188798 Lego Digital Designer

Posted by MercenaryXero on 10 November 2008 - 04:55 PM in Off Topic

I can't stand LDD. It just lacks the pieces and functionality I want. Ldraw is much better for proper building.

#189117 Lego Digital Designer

Posted by MercenaryXero on 11 November 2008 - 07:05 PM in Off Topic

And because I don't want to necro the "other projects" thread, I'll just leave this here.

#190000 Lego Digital Designer

Posted by MercenaryXero on 16 November 2008 - 12:26 PM in Off Topic

And because I don't want to necro the "other projects" thread, I'll just leave this here.

Is that a metal gear? If it is that's really cool. If it isn't, well, it's still cool.


Not a metal gear, but definitely inspired by them.

Also, that blowgun-shell thing looks like the single biggest waste of money and legos I've ever seen. And really, a "stock"? Fucking ridiculous. If it doesn't break after a few bumps on your shoulder, I'll be impressed.

#203180 Check This Out

Posted by MercenaryXero on 13 January 2009 - 10:14 PM in General Nerf

Confirming that haze is shit, but these are some pretty cool uniforms.

#177808 Could I Make This Shoot Nerf?

Posted by MercenaryXero on 16 September 2008 - 08:02 PM in Homemades

The thing about darts that don't go completely down the barrel is that they are getting next to no air from the plunger before they shoot (or fall) out. A bad barrel fit makes this even worse. So use a barrel type that lets the darts slide all the way in. (For taggers, 1/2 inch PVC fits the head of the dart.)

#176689 F2p Mmorpgs And Mmogs

Posted by MercenaryXero on 11 September 2008 - 07:08 PM in Off Topic

I'd recommend MapleStory on a private server. (Official version has insanely slow level curve, and in PS's the cash items that you would normally pay real money for go for in-game money.)

#183752 Breeches

Posted by MercenaryXero on 14 October 2008 - 06:42 PM in Modifications

Just out of curiosity, is there any size of brass that slides over PETG?

EDIT: Without a dremel, hmm? Maybe you could make two long sloping cuts towards the center of your intended hole, remove the V-shaped brass, then somehow get the extra bits out? I've never done it, but it seems plausible.

#183735 Breeches

Posted by MercenaryXero on 14 October 2008 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

For the lengthwise cut, use a dremel. I use a mitre box for the vertical ones, but you could just use any saw.