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#246455 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by MercenaryXero on 10 August 2009 - 05:06 PM in Off Topic

It says I haven't posted here yet? I swear I did...

Anway, GT: MercenaryXero

I play a lot of stuff, but not very often.

halo 3

And a bunch of stuff I can't be bothered to remember. Feel free to add me/ invite me to any games if I'm on.

#197391 World Of Warcraft

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 01:39 AM in Off Topic

Some friends wanted me to play, but I wasn't about to fall for that.

So instead, I became addicted to EVE Online. I can talk about modules and shit for a long time.

#197476 World Of Warcraft

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 02:22 PM in Off Topic

Personally, I have learned that video games are a big waste of time unless you play it with your friends (brawl). Seriously, in RPGs, you level up to a really high level and waste a whole bunch of time on it. It really doesn't help you in any way except a way to pass the time. If your playing with friends face to face, there's also communication and bonding involved. Don't stay inside wasting your life on a video game.

Go play a sport, Learn an instrument, mod a nerf gun. These things are much more worthy of your time.

You can learn a lot more by not playing video games.

Just my Posted Image

Any MMO player who knows what they're talking about probably has a lot of social interaction via their game of choice. This is also true of console games, but is forced with an MMO.

#198905 Windows Tricks/downloads

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 December 2008 - 11:18 PM in Off Topic

Ew, prepackaged computers...

The first thing I usually have to do on my setups is have a disk full of the apps/ drivers I need.
Second, install stealth module.

Dude, do you know Kyaw? We sit in math and talk nerdy about all this type of stuff.

Yeah, I know him. Hell, we tried to start a company with a couple of dudes. :P

Also, kinda on topic, I'm replacing my graphics card/ motherboard/ RAM/ case cuz shits blowin up. Also future-proofing.

#198660 Windows Tricks/downloads

Posted by MercenaryXero on 24 December 2008 - 01:54 PM in Off Topic

Ew, prepackaged computers...

The first thing I usually have to do on my setups is have a disk full of the apps/ drivers I need.
Second, install stealth module.

#197389 Which Sports Do You Play?

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 01:35 AM in Off Topic

I run like a muthafucka

Oh, and I show up for track occaisionally.

#181140 Whats Wrong With My Nitefinder

Posted by MercenaryXero on 02 October 2008 - 10:28 PM in Modifications

If the problem is that the plunger rod handle won't slide far enough back to cock, remove a spring. (or get 1 strong one, an ace #49 for example) If it goes all the way back but won't catch, add another catch spring.

#188360 What The Heck Broken Stefan Tips

Posted by MercenaryXero on 08 November 2008 - 10:59 PM in Homemades

Cs darts should work too right?

No, the heads rip off the foam.

Yeah, I can't even begin to count the amount of times that happened today. I was at the war with BustaNinja, and we were playing a game on a playground. The stefan's tips are no match for extremely hard metals and plastics which the playground is built out of. It was really funny with the slug darts though because when they broke they almost looked as if they were splitting in half since the washer and felt would go flying in the other direction than the foam.

Yeah, usually my darts only come apart after numerous firings from a high-powered gun at a hard object at close range. But the cold decimated them so as to break them with one shot from a NF.

#190086 What Should I Do To My Bbb

Posted by MercenaryXero on 16 November 2008 - 06:02 PM in Modifications

Tight barrels are for spring guns, regardless of their size.

#180239 Weapon Choice For Assassins

Posted by MercenaryXero on 28 September 2008 - 05:55 PM in General Nerf

In your situation, ROF is important because you are in a concentrated area. I participate in city-wide games, where accurate and high-ranged guns are essential for pegging guys entering or exiting their houses from across the street.

#182314 We're A Threat!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 07 October 2008 - 10:57 PM in General Nerf

Awesome. Someone grab the video link when it goes up on the CR site tomorrow.

#175816 Water Gun-nerf Gun Mod

Posted by MercenaryXero on 07 September 2008 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

It would work, but it would be like a singled Reactor: Relatively inaccurate and dependent on the user's strength. Also, In order to utilize the full power of the gun, you would need some hella long barrels.

#233440 Vos Pistol

Posted by MercenaryXero on 30 May 2009 - 03:06 PM in Homemades

I've always wanted to do a gun with a magazine, yours certainly has a good thing going. My advice would be to build a larger version as a primary - using a +bow spring or other powerful means, you could have one hell of a blaster.

#197383 Twilight Review.

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 December 2008 - 01:15 AM in Off Topic

A large section of posters here just got my respect. Bionicle was the shit, up until '06. Those fucking inika with their light up swords and gay ass masks kinda made me lose interest. I'm still around in the community to be awesome though. Echnalaid gets bonus points for being a BZP member. (Although he joined in november lol)

Anyway regarding sparkling vampires, uh, lol fagets

also fuck you silentsnipe

#272586 Time To Look Inside... The Ldr!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 18 April 2010 - 03:24 PM in Homemades

Either I just don't get the pictures, or your plunger tube is cut in half.

Care to explain?

#272602 Time To Look Inside... The Ldr!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 18 April 2010 - 04:56 PM in Homemades

Not the plunger itself, the tube that it's in. You opened the gun by taking off the top half of it.

#191107 The Snap-r

Posted by MercenaryXero on 21 November 2008 - 03:44 PM in Homemades

Pretty sick! Can't wait for a write-up.

Probably won't do a write-up seeing as its only an addition to any SNAP with a 1.25" outer shell, but If anyone wants to build one, I'd be happy to help.

Mmmm...Pretty. That looks nice. How is the balance?

Balance is fine, as long as you don't try to fire it with one hand. ;)

#191056 The Snap-r

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 November 2008 - 11:31 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

The goal of this project was to build a reloading system that was both fast and sturdy. After seeing Rork's teaser thread, I got to work.

Posted Image

The bolt is made from a 14" CPVC barrel with a 1" section of sch 40 1/2" PVC hammered on to the end. I used cut down 3/4" fittings (endcap and plug). The endcap lets 1/2" PVC through and the plug lets CPVC. The Barrel goes through the endcap and the plug, with the PVC anchoring at the back due to the plug having a smaller lip. I used E-tape on the exposed end and put a sheath of sch 20 1/2" PVC. I then reinforced it all with epoxy putty.

The front bushing is a 1"x1/2" reducing bushing with the inside sanded so that the 1/2" PVC moves freely. The rear receiver is half of a 3/4" coupler with E-tape and teflon tape wrapped around it. The SNAP itself is a SNAPbow, in the fact that it uses a +bow spring and a similar plunger head.

Posted Image

The spring is there because it wasn't cocking securely before.

Posted Image

Comparison with a BBB.

Ranges haven't been taken, seeing as its dark outside, but is shoots incredibly fast and hard. (I made a point of increasing the resting spring compression)

Questions? Comments? Flames? I don't get this tradition, if someone's gonna tear into you, they will, regardless of your invitation...

Anyway, don't mind me, enjoy.

#185758 The Snap-1 Compact

Posted by MercenaryXero on 26 October 2008 - 08:55 PM in Homemades

Lol, I was just going to build this. Now I'll wait for your assessment before doing mine.

#185245 The Official Snapbow Writeup

Posted by MercenaryXero on 24 October 2008 - 12:03 AM in Homemades

I didn't have any teflon tape, so I sealed it with hotglue. (But my gluestick was depleted mid-application, hence the leak. Shouldn't be a problem to finish.

#185240 The Official Snapbow Writeup

Posted by MercenaryXero on 23 October 2008 - 11:37 PM in Homemades

I recently completed my SNAP, which is basically a rev. 3 Snapbow with a charging-rod-in-stock design. Right now the front coupler is a bit leaky and the plunger head needs adjustment, but its still shooting okay. I should have pics tomorrow.

#185492 The Official Snapbow Writeup

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 October 2008 - 11:51 AM in Homemades

Functionally finished. I've been thinking about putting airgun internals, sheathed in PVC, on the bottom as a grip/grenade launcher style thing. The airgun itself would have some tubing running up to the top, into a petg barrel inside 3/4" PVC. Anyway, the picture:

Posted Image

#185511 The Official Snapbow Writeup

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 October 2008 - 02:44 PM in Homemades

Its a cpvc rod with a +bow spring. The charging handle is a threaded rod with washers and a nut on either side, currently wrapped in tape for padding.

#185840 The Official Snapbow Writeup

Posted by MercenaryXero on 27 October 2008 - 02:58 PM in Homemades

How can you guys get your cuts through PVC straight enough to make a cocking bar like that? Do you use a table saw or what? Whenever I drill through PVC it's never on the direct opposite side...

I used a bunch of tape to make a template, then dremeled out the slots. Takes patience and eye protection.

#190970 The New Xbox Experience

Posted by MercenaryXero on 20 November 2008 - 06:18 PM in Off Topic

It is a proven fact that if you like avatars you are a faggot.

I haven't downloaded it yet, but I want the netflix and the 8-way chat.

#191570 The New Xbox Experience

Posted by MercenaryXero on 23 November 2008 - 08:58 PM in Off Topic

I'm agreeing with everyone on here who said it sucks. Except the guy who called me a faggot because I like my avatar. Bring it bitch!

Lol, I was referring more to the concept of them, not the actual avatars. In any case, I figured how to deactivate them, so my badass gamerpic has returned!

#189411 The Crosssnap!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 12 November 2008 - 11:40 PM in Homemades

I must say that this was the only gun at MNHNO that kept me hanging back behind cover. It is truly a sight to behold, what with the sanding and all. Also, glow-in-the-dark. Shit is so cash.

#189755 The Crosssnap!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 14 November 2008 - 08:13 PM in Homemades

Wait, did you ever tell me what spring setup you have? Because I just bought some aluminum rod, and I don't want to use an ACE #62 (or whatever that one is) for power reasons.

Ok, the ACE #62 isn't a good spring for SNAPs. Its too powerful, and has a much smaller length. For guns, you want a longer spring, with a high compression. I have 3 ACE #49 springs in it, an idea that Venom sent me, but i claim because he broke his SNAP. Just kidding, it was Venom's idea. It gives a good compression, while being easier to pull then the one #62, and better ranges. Good spring setup there.

And the springs, having space between them and the plunger rod, don't grate/ touch the catchpin? Because that was my concern when I was looking at making one of these with a +bow spring.

#189752 The Crosssnap!

Posted by MercenaryXero on 14 November 2008 - 08:03 PM in Homemades

Wait, did you ever tell me what spring setup you have? Because I just bought some aluminum rod, and I don't want to use an ACE #62 (or whatever that one is) for power reasons.

#187591 The Cheapatizer

Posted by MercenaryXero on 04 November 2008 - 09:54 PM in Homemades

Looks nice. How long is the plunger travel distance?

#174647 Switch Shot?

Posted by MercenaryXero on 02 September 2008 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

This gun definitely has decent modding potential, but the possible integrations are endless. Also, look at the wiimote for scale: plenty of space for lengthened plunger tubes, etc.

EDIT: Just noticed the sights on this thing, they look functional for once.

#222254 Spring Mnno

Posted by MercenaryXero on 07 April 2009 - 07:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Pretty sure I can come, barring any shit

#225777 Spring Mnno

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 April 2009 - 02:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Whoops I slept until 2

Also I'd completely forgotten about this war until Julian mentioned on Thursday that I was going...

#275360 Spano 2010

Posted by MercenaryXero on 19 May 2010 - 10:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Turns out I'll be in San Francisco that weekend.

I'm ragin yo

#273350 Spano 2010

Posted by MercenaryXero on 25 April 2010 - 10:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Ooh, I hope I can go...

Dependent on a few things, like getting jobs and stuff, so I'm a maybe for now. Should be able to say for sure in a week or so.

#274037 Spano 2010

Posted by MercenaryXero on 04 May 2010 - 09:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I am now totally able to attend, but 9am wars are ugh.

Seriously its already a pain to get up for the 10am ones.

Also, Beaver, I saw your project at the design show thing today, didn't see you though.

#237543 Spano 09' The Phantom Menace

Posted by MercenaryXero on 19 June 2009 - 10:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Due to space/packing issues (15 hour drives suuuck), I am only bringing a bare handful of guns (a pistol, 3 primaries). If possible, I'll need to borrow a couple of pistolas for the pistol rounds, or sit out. ~R

Unless your pistol sucks, it shouldn't be a problem. I've been using about the same numbers or guns for a while with no problems.

Although I'm certain there will be extra pistols that someone will let you use.

ALSO: If anyone has a spare inline clip, or one that they won't need during the ridiculous round, I'd appreciate being able to use it. My reactor hasn't gotten its fair share of use.

#237038 Spano 09' The Phantom Menace

Posted by MercenaryXero on 17 June 2009 - 10:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Shit this war got real while I was gone

Unfortunately I couldn't get any cool new stuff done, I was in canada for the last week and before that I was working on lego shit (check out my lego shit). Add the fact of my lengthy departure the next day, and... no, i'm still coming, I'll just be a broken shell of a man.

So who wants to hide my body when I inevitably die of stress?

#232917 Spano 09' The Phantom Menace

Posted by MercenaryXero on 27 May 2009 - 08:06 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm leaving the state on the 21st, so I'll just pack beforehand. I'll be there, hopefully with some cool shit.

#237775 Spano 09 Recap

Posted by MercenaryXero on 21 June 2009 - 12:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Replying while this is still fresh in my mind.

Great war, especially Defend the Core. It feels so awesome to have a practically never-ending dart supply at your feet, and just load, prime, and pick people off. I must have had a double digit hit count for sure. We got a lot of nerfing done, which is always good.

Also, I came with about 70 darts, left with like 50. Scavenging is awesome.

Later in the day I got pretty tired, which just amounted to me yelling at stuff and trying to use a big blast one handed. Also like Busta said, those girls looked hot. (at least at a distance, lol) I remember we were chillin at our spawnpoint and I was like "Ya'know, I've become less interested in playing and more interested in boning those chicks"

Overall a great experience, despite the lack of a proper staging area.