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#206233 Star Wars Storm Trooper

Posted by Magic on 25 January 2009 - 01:20 PM in Modifications

bpso86 or bobafan (prob. bpso) modded this by combining a nf and the stock plunger and their rods together to create a blaster with enough power to make its large size worth it.

Your mod was not new or anything...

I actually modified the rebel trooper blaster, not this one. The guts are nearly the same, aside from different priming mechanisms and catch mechanisms. Then, someone else just posted the exact same mod as mine the other day with a paintjob.

And even though I haven't seen this specific gun modded, all you really did was add a cpvc barrel to it... was it really worth it? I'm not trying to be harsh, but most of us look for mods beyond those that are so basic anyone can think of them. It'd be cool if you could get this to prime from the back like the rebel trooper blaster, then it'd have more reliability I'd imagine. Just a little constructive criticism for your next writeup.

Thank you, and yes. I would think of the nightfinder like primer.

#206205 Star Wars Storm Trooper

Posted by Magic on 25 January 2009 - 12:19 PM in Modifications

Okay, thanks for the questions guys. Lynx, thanks. Wasn't aware of it.

#176518 Munchkin

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 09:20 PM in Off Topic

Oh, so it's not a PC game? I only ask this because I just searched Munchkin on google and theres a like a whole site on it. Here's the link - http://www.sjgames.com/munchkin/game/

#176524 Munchkin

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 09:30 PM in Off Topic

Well then, I guess I must try this game.

#176521 Munchkin

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 09:28 PM in Off Topic

I'm still stuck on most computer games, I'm actually playing Last Stand right now. :(

#176513 Munchkin

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 09:14 PM in Off Topic

Sounds like a fun game, is it like a free game for the PC?

#267669 Ignore This Thread

Posted by Magic on 02 March 2010 - 09:07 PM in Modifications

EDIT: Nevermind.

#175300 Wierd At2k Leak

Posted by Magic on 05 September 2008 - 11:18 PM in General Nerf

Make sure the o-ring is good on the pluger, also add some e-tape to it. I had a similar problem with my crossbow. It was airtight when not primed, but when it was it wasn't airtight at all.

#175312 Wierd At2k Leak

Posted by Magic on 05 September 2008 - 11:34 PM in General Nerf

Retiate: No, just on one pump, and then when I pull it back out to pump it again, the air leaks out the barrel. I'll check on the pump assembly real quick but when I looked at the valve from the front it looked ok.

NerfOnFier: The at2k is a air powered gun, not a springer.

BustaDartInYourAss: I know where its leaking, its out the front. And covering the coupler with JB weld wouldn't help. At all.

I'm aware that the at2k is pump. I own two. I'm saying that the plunger tube may be looser toward the front of the plunger. E-tape or another o-ring may help your problem.
Edit: Post pictures if you can, it may help us get better results.

#169209 What Kind Of Stefan Do You Use?

Posted by Magic on 14 August 2008 - 06:02 PM in General Nerf

Well i've been looking through some topics, and almost everyone has a different way of making stefans. I personally use large fishing weights and hot glue in fbr. But i'm positive there's other ways, and i'd like to hear them.

#180408 Dart Tag/pop Shot

Posted by Magic on 29 September 2008 - 01:13 PM in Modifications

Interesting mod for a last resort. But I have one question, Is the DTB trigger what fire the gun or is the key ring that was hanging out of the middle of the gun? Nice work. Also ranges would be nice.

Dude, ranges are almost always bullshit. And seriously, did you even look at those pictures? I'm pretty sure if you use your brain you'll be able to figure out that the key ring fires it. I doubt he put it there for fucking decoration.

That and, good luck getting ranges with an unfinished mod. Read his posts fucktard.

#176526 Scout Tech Target

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 09:36 PM in General Nerf

I was looking around on hasbro, and noticed a scout tech target... Was anyone else aware you can get this?
Forgive me if you have, I just never knew about it. I like the colors, looks pretty cool.

#176776 Scout Tech Target

Posted by Magic on 11 September 2008 - 10:14 PM in General Nerf

"Blue and red version" might be his idea of the crossfire/strikefire pistols.

Or, it could be his idea of the original, RED Scout which came with the N-strike Unity set, and the new, BLUE Scout which comes with the Titan/Scout set.

Either way, it is unlikely for the re-coloured Tech Target Scout to outrange the originals.

I agree, it may have been a few feet of a better shot, only because of the varying ranges of all stock guns.

#176530 Scout Tech Target

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 09:41 PM in General Nerf

That was my second blaster! It's long gone now. It's been out 3 years ago. It performs better than the blue and the red ones by a lot.

You mean the scout that comes with the titan? Whatever, I just discovered it. Well, I mean I saw it on Oranges nerf page but I thought it was old and discontinued.

#176334 Foam Ball Firing Crossbow

Posted by Magic on 09 September 2008 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

One, I believe forsaken has already discovered this and it's not worth it, I may be wrong. Second, Badger MOST ball guns aren't worth it, look at the singled doomsayer ball gun. It gets great ranges.

#178595 Help For People To Get To Wars.

Posted by Magic on 21 September 2008 - 12:17 PM in Nerf Wars

This thread is pointless, many people make there own carpooling thread. That's the way to get there and save money.

#220814 Firing Bbb Arrows

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

Thanks Assassin NF, didn't know that. I just slipped a BBB arrow over an old 2K pump tube. Perfect fit.

#220800 Firing Bbb Arrows

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

3/4" CPVC may work. Not a definite, but it's worth a try. It should fit them quite nicely though.

#208907 Mod Man Foam Question

Posted by Magic on 02 February 2009 - 02:38 PM in General Nerf

boom, follow the CoC. Use google, and search function before making a whole new topic. I know for a fact that there is a "Foam Directory". Next time, just look around a bit more.

#214285 At2k Question

Posted by Magic on 22 February 2009 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

It's not major, i'd say about a 10FT decrease. Personally I think it's worth it to keep it turreted.

#220820 Barrel Length?

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

I believe Angel's were 12", and SGM were either 8" or 10". I'd go for 10" personally.

#210230 Big Salvo

Posted by Magic on 07 February 2009 - 06:59 PM in Modifications

I don't currently use one, but I use to.

1 - 8" of your size fitting brass will work wonders.

2 - It's most likely glue or a lose end of extra plastic.

3 - That's someones opinion, but I had mine unplugged for safety reasons. Friends like to overpump

4 - At APOC I saw at least 2 people with them, and they served them well. It's a longer ranged gun, so you have time to reload if people are running at you.

Overall it's a great gun, and a good primary.

#156831 Make Micros Fly Farther

Posted by Magic on 24 May 2008 - 03:28 PM in Modifications

Thanks, by the way yes, I am a new member.

#156826 Make Micros Fly Farther

Posted by Magic on 24 May 2008 - 03:19 PM in Modifications

Okay, this is my first write-up so cut me some slack. I was playing a local Nerf war with a few friends and I found one of my old micros. It didn't stick to anything anymore so it had no use. I decided to try something to make it fly farther and the outcome was amazing. Here is a write up on how to make micros fly farther.

Micro dart
Hot glue gun with glue

Okay so the first thing you want to do is get a micro dart.
Posted Image
Now you want to start to peal off the suction cup, but do it slowly or you will rip the dart.
Posted Image
After it's pealed it should look something like this.
Posted Image
Now pull out the suction slowly.
Posted Image
Now you want to take your scissors and begin to cut off the little nub on the opposite end of the suction.
Posted Image
After it's cut it should look like this.
Posted Image
Now take the little nub you cut off and stick it in the front end of the cleared out dart.
Posted Image
Put some hot glue on the end just to make sure it doesn't fall out. Don't worry, the glue won't burn the foam.
Posted Image
Now put a dab of hot glue on the end of the suction cup.
Posted Image
Now stick the suction cup on to the end of the dart with the nub in it and let it dry. Here is the final product.
Posted Image

Now that you have your darts made, go out, have fun, and let em' fly!

#156828 Make Micros Fly Farther

Posted by Magic on 24 May 2008 - 03:23 PM in Modifications

Hmm, thank you for the advice. By the way the ranges are about 15 to 20 ft. farther then a stock micro dart.

#218725 Rork

Posted by Magic on 18 March 2009 - 11:00 PM in Homemades

It's a simple plunger spring gun. You prime the handle, and the spring catches on the pin that is nested in the clothespin (trigger). You pull the trigger, moving the catch down, letting the spring go. The plunger head has a seal inside it, and with the force of the spring, you push so much air out of the front of the gun, which is where a barrel is. The barrel contains the dart. It's pretty simple, and if you read it you could understand it very easily.

#178484 Pumpkin Carvings...post Your Own.

Posted by Magic on 20 September 2008 - 07:57 PM in Off Topic

Well i'm getting into the halloween spirit, and started pumpkin carvings. My first is an ode to Captain Slug. More to come soon. :)
Posted Image

#178527 Pumpkin Carvings...post Your Own.

Posted by Magic on 20 September 2008 - 10:24 PM in Off Topic

I'm not gonna lie, that is a little weird.

That being said, it is also pretty cool. Good work.

I will agree it is a bit wierd, but I'm a huge fan of Captain Slug's work. Plus BM rules (Bomberman, not bowel movement).

#216466 If My Other Idea Was So Stupid...

Posted by Magic on 05 March 2009 - 03:43 PM in General Nerf

So everybody thinks my "cell phone sight" is a stupid idea. I started to think of other uses for the sight and thought "why not make a corner gun", (for those of you who dont know what the corner gun is, youtube it). I beileive with the right gun(s) and parts i could be able to pull this off. I know im gonna get flamed for this...

Any obligitory comments?

In the last "stupid" topic, didn't someone say do the idea first, than come back to us with results. You may want to listen to them.

#206322 Defender T3 Writeup

Posted by Magic on 25 January 2009 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

One word. FUCKING SICK. Actually that's two words. Whatever. On topic: The gun itself looks good, and for 93FT out of a battle pistol, it's worth it. Nice job.

#179403 Cpvc Barrel System

Posted by Magic on 24 September 2008 - 09:09 PM in Homemades

Great idea yet again rork, how airtight is it? Is this so the dart doesn't fall in to the plunger?

#220359 Lnl Question

Posted by Magic on 28 March 2009 - 08:43 PM in Modifications

Not at all. People put more powerful springs in it. I suggest possibly cushioning the plunger head, but it won't break. By the way, all that and only 72FT.? Wierd.

#219872 Ligntning Blitz Pump Help

Posted by Magic on 25 March 2009 - 10:28 PM in Modifications

The same exact thing happened with my Secret Shot 2, when I got it. You need to re-tube it. Get a tubing coupler, and glue it onto the pump. And then, well, re-tube. Hope for the best. I hope I was of assistance.

#219901 Ligntning Blitz Pump Help

Posted by Magic on 26 March 2009 - 10:12 AM in Modifications

Yeah, just get some new tubing and plumers goop. Problem solved! I think its 3/8 OD 1/4ID clear tubing. Alternatively I have a stock LB that I would sell you with no pump problems. Hope it works out for you as the LB is a great gun.

It's the pump tube actually, the top part where the clear tubing attaches to the pump broke off. That's what I'm trying to fix.

Like I said, the same thing happened to my SS2. Get a tubing coupler and glue it where the piece snapped off. Then do what ever you need to do to make sure it doesn't snap.

#214198 Let's Argue About Music!

Posted by Magic on 22 February 2009 - 03:20 PM in Off Topic

This is one of the most stupid fucking ideas i've seen from the NIC. I doubt this will get passed 5 posts before the moderators close it down.

#180335 New Jersey

Posted by Magic on 28 September 2008 - 10:01 PM in Off Topic

You want to go to New Jersey?!?!?!?!? Are you insane? Come to the Sacramento delta....Its awesome...and also better than visiting America's armpit

Go fuck yourself... California. Oh and you too "Nerfer9". This is a site dedicated to nerf so was it really necessary to include nerf in your name?

I also doubt that you are the 9th nerfer. The sport has been around a long time before you showed your face around here. I'm member number 165, but I am far from the 165th nerfer. You sir are a liar!

EDIT: Woot 798th post!

Dark Shrimp makes me laugh very much so. California can suck my wiener. New Jersey is always fun especially the wooded areas. I go up to my friend's aunt's private lake. :(

#182087 Li War Saturday, October 11th

Posted by Magic on 06 October 2008 - 09:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Of course, the one war on long island has to be a shitty stock war.

#182975 Nigiahiga= Nerf Fan?

Posted by Magic on 11 October 2008 - 10:03 AM in General Nerf

if you havent heard of nigahiga hes one of the most subscried people on youtube. and in this video, at exactly 2 minutes into it there is and old nerf gun(not sure of name) HEre is the link

Nerf Sharpshooter.

#182986 Nigiahiga= Nerf Fan?

Posted by Magic on 11 October 2008 - 10:32 AM in General Nerf

"Wait I'm not injured, You are now". Shoots him in the face with a Sharp Shooter 1, Priceless.

I really didn't think it was funny, actually I thought it was rather retarded.

#218081 Need Help

Posted by Magic on 15 March 2009 - 05:01 PM in Off Topic

Or on Photobucket, once uploaded the picture, hover over it, and go down to image url. Copy it and paste it here, and you're good.