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#201421 '08 Highlights

Posted by Magic on 06 January 2009 - 02:23 AM in General Nerf

- Getting into Nerf
- Going to a few wars
- Meeting most of the admins
- Trading and buying/selling guns
- Getting the lancer

Just one comment about the lancer. There was about a month delay, but when I got it and took the first shot, it dented my garage door.

- Becoming a nerfer and making some new friends

#174863 "vicarious" Mk. Iv (bbb + At2k)

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 04:21 AM in Modifications

Very, Very nice.

#268721 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by Magic on 09 March 2010 - 10:42 PM in Homemades

Ok, I know this is a necro and I am sorry but this is a stickied topic. I just finished my first plus bow! I was getting around 150 feet. The next day i shoot it and it goes 60-80 feet. :( Does anyone know what is wrong with it? Here is a video The camera cut off but I measured around 80 feet. Please help!

You may have tightened the front too much. That happened to the +bow i had originally bought. Try loosening it up, and if the plunger tube is permanently molded, you may have to cut a new one. Hope this was of assistance. :)

#221315 +pistol, By Splitlip

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 07:24 PM in Homemades

Okay, I need to post in this. Seriously, why do people have to question greatness? I don't think Split was being generous when he said this is the farthest shooting springer ever made. Mind me if i'm wrong, but I believe he wa referring to homemade guns, which in that case, he is definitely correct. Split, awesome fucking work. The grip looks amazing, the gun itself is incredible, and the power is insane. I used to be scared facing a +bow, until I got one. Now i'm going to be scared facing this thing. Keep up the awesome work.

#201189 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 10:56 PM in Modifications

Comment? Sooo much dead space between the turret and the actual chamber. This could effect ranges negatively so I'm gonna say it gets less then your friends 5inch CPVC if his is singled.

That is all.

Yeah, not really. I may have forgotten to mention that the dart gets ramrodded down to right infront of the chamber. It goes through the original barrel and the 2k turret.

Edit: Yes, it is a fun blaster. :P

#201193 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 11:11 PM in Modifications

Comment? Sooo much dead space between the turret and the actual chamber. This could effect ranges negatively so I'm gonna say it gets less then your friends 5inch CPVC if his is singled.

That is all.

Yeah, not really. I may have forgotten to mention that the dart gets ramrodded down to right infront of the chamber. It goes through the original barrel and the 2k turret.

Edit: Yes, it is a fun blaster. :P

So you have a turret with 4 darts, but between shots you have to pump and ramrod?
Why have a turret? Ramrodding a dart that's already in the chamber is practically equivalent(when comparing ROF) to putting another one in.

You also have to note that this gun specifically wasn't intended for a primary for a major war. For a local war, in my opinion a fairly small 4 shotted gun that takes roughly 10 seconds to load and about 4 seconds per shot is pretty good. Loading all four in at once, and using a secondary for backup incase anyone rushes. Yes it isn't practical for most, but for me it's pretty good. For anyone who asks why not use your crossbow and turret it, it's because using the same gun over and over gets boring, plus my crossbows are big. =/

#201374 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 05 January 2009 - 10:13 PM in Modifications

One. Ice, who the fuck said you can speak? Two, i'm redoing it to make it more effective, so you all the bitches in this thread will shut the fuck up. Jerm had the correct way it should look, and ice, just because someone commented a positive statement on a not so positive gun it doesn't mean you should flip a shit. Have you ever looked at any of your things? Get back to me once you decide to not be an idiot.

#201195 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

This doesn't make any sense. Why is there a turret if your putting a dart into the original barrel after each shot. Why not just skip the turret altogether?

Read the post above yours.

Edit: Also forgot to mention only tight darts need to be ramrodded, as most just drop down.

#201186 2k Turreted Mega Missile

Posted by Magic on 04 January 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

Two of my friends stumbled upon a KB Toys that was closing down. Each of my friends got 5 Mega Missiles, and one was nice enough to give me one. Right away I new this thing had potential, especially after seeing previous mods done by other members.

Supplies Needed:
-Hot Glue/Hot Glue Gun
-Mega Missile
-PETG (6 Inches)
-PVC (2-1/2 Inches)
-Airtech 2000 Turret
-E-Tape (Optional)
-A dremel, knife, razor, or mini-saw

Okay so here's a picture of it in the box.
Posted Image
Take your sharp object of choice and cut off the stock barrel.
Posted Image
Wrap your PETG up in some e-tape, or just glue it straight in to the peice of PVC.
Posted Image
Glue the peice of PETG nested in PVC where the stock barrel used to be.
Posted Image
Now on the end of the 2K turret, where it used to be attatched to the 2K tank, there is a little nub. Glue that into the PETG. The end result should look something like this.
Posted Image

As for ranges, I haven't tested outside yet, but they're definitly above 100FT for ea barrel. My friend has one with a 4 or 5 inch CPVC barrel, and it goes 95FT flat. It barely pierces through cardboard. Each barrel on mine pierces through cardboard, so i'm going to estimate about 100-110FT flat.

Questions? Comments? Flames?

#205038 2nd Annual Mnsbw

Posted by Magic on 20 January 2009 - 09:10 PM in Nerf Wars

hey im new to nerf and i wanna go if i do ill bring 1+ friends. i might go not sure yet

Necroed. Please be sure to follow the CoC, and look at the date. About a year ago this topic was made. Smooth.

#205712 3k Pin Leak

Posted by Magic on 23 January 2009 - 05:37 PM in Modifications

Don't you just spray silicone lube down the pinhole? I may be wrong, but I searched and that's what came up..

#176478 A Different Ls Dtb

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 07:37 PM in Modifications

Nice job ice, but it may have been a bit better if you painted it when it was open.

#216198 Air Zone Arrow Storm

Posted by Magic on 03 March 2009 - 09:55 PM in Modifications

Nice, and yes it is very similar to the Nerf Arrowstorm. Good job.

#213988 Alrighty. Here's Some Stuff To Look At.

Posted by Magic on 21 February 2009 - 07:58 PM in General Nerf

Your Nerf Killa - That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm just getting one, so i've been looking closely at them. Pump on the barrel, and everything.

EDIT: The dart tag guns aren't air guns.. Atleast I don't think. It says pump action on the box, and the PAS isn't air. Can these be new spring guns?

#213975 Alrighty. Here's Some Stuff To Look At.

Posted by Magic on 21 February 2009 - 07:35 PM in General Nerf

Sick, keep updating us. I'm liking every bit of these new DTB.

#214209 Alrighty. Here's Some Stuff To Look At.

Posted by Magic on 22 February 2009 - 04:03 PM in General Nerf

If this is an airgun, will it have auto rotate like a 4K?

#214383 Alrighty. Here's Some Stuff To Look At.

Posted by Magic on 23 February 2009 - 12:43 AM in General Nerf

http://www.zibb.com/... th Anniversary
I know someone posted this in the other speculation topic, but I read up more on the FuryFire Dart Tag guns. It says they have auto-advancing barrels, and rapid fire. This makes me think that they are springers. I wouldn't call the rapid fire 20 auto advancing, so it's either the same auto-advance barrel system as the AT3K or AT4K, or it's a springer like a Doomsayer. Just found it interesting, so I decided to post.

#214636 Alrighty. Here's Some Stuff To Look At.

Posted by Magic on 24 February 2009 - 08:03 AM in General Nerf

Nightcabbage: Where did you get your info? Im not believing anything that is not a direct qouote from the guy who kid flash is in contact with. He knows, he designs the interiors. Unless you got this from a good source, in which case you should say where, it is just speculaton.

I think he may be right though. It looks like a fancy 4 extra barrel, pump action nicely colored mav.

Where are you getting interior from? Kid Flash stated that the person he is in contact with designs the outside and "makes it look pretty". Correct me if i'm wrong? :lol:

#214141 Alrighty. Here's Some Stuff To Look At.

Posted by Magic on 22 February 2009 - 12:45 PM in General Nerf

Do people think you can fire off all 10 rounds in the furyfire without having to pump in between?

I actually think this is a possibility. There's only been a few other semi-auto air guns I can think of, and the first was the Mad Hornet. I doubt they're semi-auto, but it's always a possibility.

#193044 Ammo Belt And Cardboard Body Armor

Posted by Magic on 30 November 2008 - 03:53 PM in Modifications

Here is my newish ammo belt. It holds 28 darts, fit comfortaly and doesn't hinder my movement at all. I use it with my 3k I got from a friend over the summer. The belt part is a Guitar Hero 3 guitar belt.

Posted Image

Posted Image

I do realize the belt looks crappy, but it is functional.

haha nice job your barrel is sorta crooked

Dude, i've been gone for a month and my grammar is fine. Fix yours up.

#193042 Ammo Belt And Cardboard Body Armor

Posted by Magic on 30 November 2008 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

Is it just me or is your 3K barrel extremely crooked?

#193059 Ammo Belt And Cardboard Body Armor

Posted by Magic on 30 November 2008 - 04:22 PM in Modifications

If i'm not mistaken he said he uses a guitar hero guitar strap for it.

#173454 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 06:52 PM in Modifications

A few days ago I was playing around with my crossbow when I had decided to make a flip barrel. I wasn't to pleased with it so I just used my single barrel again. I started thinking wouldn't it be a good idea to put ammo holders on the end of a barrel? So I did... Here are the pictures.
Posted ImagePosted Image

Questions? Comments? Flames?

#173563 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 11:02 PM in Modifications

Thank yuh. :P

#173458 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 06:56 PM in Modifications

To be honest, no. Actually if there aren't any stefans in the top holder, it helps my aiming.

#173460 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

That may help, this is just a prototype I created when I got bored. I've seen people put ammo holders on just the crossbow, but I don't like that look.

#173599 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 30 August 2008 - 05:46 AM in Modifications

I did it too. But I put them back about an inch or so, and on both ends. I would fire, then load a dart in the front of the barrel, then flip it around in the coupler. It works pretty decently, since in my current project speed loaders aren't an option right now.

Edit: A quick commentary: Is your name supposed to be Fire? Or was Fier intentional?

My name was supposed to be Fier intentionally because my last name is Fierstein. It's sort of a play on words. :P

#173476 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

I've done this before with one of my PVC blowguns, but it was made out of paper. It was convenient, but I prefer the felt bag I attached to my foam vest. It'll hold ~100 darts, and it's conveniently placed at my hip.

Don't get me wrong.. I'm still going to be using a mesh bag clipped onto my belt, but this is for faster reloading, instead of opening the bag, taking the dart out, closing the bag, etc..

#173558 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 10:58 PM in Modifications

Not at all actually. The hot glue was enough to hold it on and I just added some E-tape for extra help.

#173467 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

There's a bit of a difference between his ammo holder and mine. His is a slide on without a coupler, mine is glued onto a barrel.

#173464 Ammo Holder On A Barrel?

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 07:00 PM in Modifications

I see, but keep in mind it's a coupler and I can always just remove it and put in a straight barrel. It's not perminant.

#174574 Animals And Nerfing

Posted by Magic on 02 September 2008 - 06:51 PM in Off Topic

You sick sick person. :P

#174560 Animals And Nerfing

Posted by Magic on 02 September 2008 - 06:17 PM in Off Topic

Something similar happened to me. I have my darts in one of those cheesey poof buckets. I leave them in my room and my room door is usually open. My cat basil seems to like to latch on to the jar. I also shot a dart in to my shoe and forgot it there for about 15 minutes. Let's just say I needed new shoes after that day. :)

#170242 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by Magic on 18 August 2008 - 09:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Great video, I hope someone else puts on more footage.

#166146 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by Magic on 03 August 2008 - 10:57 AM in Nerf Wars

When I first arrived at Apoc I was nervous. As soon as I got out of the car Skitzo showed me the way to the nerfers and the fun began. It was my first war, and a great day. The rain wasted about an hour but we still went on playing. I will never forget when forsaken looked at me and asked me who I wanted him to hit. It was also nice meeting Groove, Dark Shrimp, Forsaken, Slug, and OMC. P.s. Thanks for the PETG OMC.

#221063 April 1st

Posted by Magic on 01 April 2009 - 03:31 PM in News

Today I kicked my friend in the balls, and tripped him over a chair. The teacher then yelled at him.

How is that a prank?

Not really so much a prank, more of comical humor and revenge.

#221049 April 1st

Posted by Magic on 01 April 2009 - 02:38 PM in News

I think people should post their pranks if they pulled any today. They may be considered childish, but they're still fucking funny. Today I kicked my friend in the balls, and tripped him over a chair. The teacher then yelled at him. :D Happy Fools Day.

#217569 Assassin

Posted by Magic on 12 March 2009 - 12:02 AM in General Nerf

25. Do not aim at a players face ( I DON’T want ANYONE getting hit in the eye)

I like that one.

That one only works with Assassin games though.
They don't wear eye protection.
Nerf wars are different.

How so? You don't agree that all Nerf related games should have the rule of not aiming for the face?

#193049 At2k And At3k Tanks

Posted by Magic on 30 November 2008 - 04:02 PM in General Nerf

Like busta said, they still make 1K's. As for 4K's, stores out there sell them, but they're difficult to find. I'd reccomend buying online. Just keep your eyes open.

#214285 At2k Question

Posted by Magic on 22 February 2009 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

It's not major, i'd say about a 10FT decrease. Personally I think it's worth it to keep it turreted.