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#220691 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 02:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Is it because the crossbow is only half painted, and Doc Terror was half human, half cyborg? That's probably my best guess, considering i've only seen re-runs my dad recorded.

#175906 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 12:11 PM in Modifications

Okay, I use a mac and my parents are at work, so I can't find there camera. When they get back i'll use it, or i'll figure out how to use video on my mac.

#175826 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 07 September 2008 - 10:30 PM in Modifications

Just yesterday I PETG'd it with OMC PETG, and plugged the pump. Not integrated yet because i'm having a few problems with my baby.

#175888 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 10:29 AM in Modifications

I perform shots from what I consider flat. From my shoulder height. And just because I didn't connect the barrels to the singled barrel, that doesn't mean it has less power. I'm still gathering up the same amount of air as I would for 6 shots.

#173778 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 30 August 2008 - 07:36 PM in Modifications

Well i'm just hoping that it's reliable.

#175851 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 07 September 2008 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

Unless my measuring tape lied to me then i'm hitting 90 to 95'. This is no lie. The hornet becomes very powerful when single.
And Imaseoulman to answer your question - I singled it because the shots weren't consistant, now they are extremely consistant. To fire it you hit the shotgun button.

Edit - The AR's were partially removed. I had removed the peg and some of the AR came out with it.

Double Edit - Just a side note, my hornet went fairly well stock. I just looked up some mods and people are saying 60ish with barrel replacement. Three words, WHAT THE HELL? I was getting 45ish stock with a micro, and I have witness'. Is that normal?

#173554 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 10:53 PM in Modifications

Don't worry splitlip i'm not prepubescent, the only reason I have no shirt on is because I was getting ready for sleep. I have cross country time trials tomorrow. :P

#175979 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 06:26 PM in Modifications

Okay, you need a shirt. This is not prepubescent boys gone wild.

I'm going to sig this, if no one else will.

I'm guessing noone added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole it? ;)

#175976 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 06:13 PM in Modifications

I'm not going to quote that, just because you get the picture. You're correct and incorrect. The other barrels were COMPLETELY cut off, not moved to one barrel. They were destroyed, and they're never coming back. The reason I singled it was for one reason, every other shot would be crappy, and all shots were inconsistant.

#173536 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 29 August 2008 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

Okay. So today I was extremely bored so first I made my crossbow ammo holder, and then I decided to try to single my hornet. It was a success. I had known what to do because my friend did it yesterday, the only problem with his was he had over 20 leaks. :( Here's what you do.

Stock HornetPosted Image
Hornet InternalsPosted Image
Okay, now what you do is rip out all the internals, and cut all of the hoses except for one. Then fill those cut hoses with hot glue or whatever. Just make sure all 5 are airtight.Posted Image
Better look at the hoses.Posted Image
There's going to be a hole in the front of the gun. I used FBR plug it up and I hot glued over it (not pictured). You can use pretty much anything that's airtight. Everything in this gun has to be airtight and you have to be extra careful because i've seen more leaks in this single gun than many other pump guns combined.
Final Product
I'm not going to put it in a case because i'm going to be integrating it to one of my primaries.

Ranges - 10 pumps Flat around 95 FT. and angled I lost the dart because it's dark outside. :P

Questions? Comments? Flames?

#175899 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 11:21 AM in Modifications

Well what can I say, I have no clue why it shoots the way it does. I don't need anyones approval or belief, but it would be nice. I have no reason to lie about range but i'm happy with what it is.

#173650 Singled Hornet

Posted by Magic on 30 August 2008 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

Possibly my crossbow or plusbow.

#166146 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by Magic on 03 August 2008 - 10:57 AM in Nerf Wars

When I first arrived at Apoc I was nervous. As soon as I got out of the car Skitzo showed me the way to the nerfers and the fun began. It was my first war, and a great day. The rain wasted about an hour but we still went on playing. I will never forget when forsaken looked at me and asked me who I wanted him to hit. It was also nice meeting Groove, Dark Shrimp, Forsaken, Slug, and OMC. P.s. Thanks for the PETG OMC.

#170242 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by Magic on 18 August 2008 - 09:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Great video, I hope someone else puts on more footage.

#219611 Longshot Breakthough (takes Stress Of The Boltsled) (writeup's Up)

Posted by Magic on 24 March 2009 - 07:56 AM in Modifications

A longshot's bolt sled won't last a single war without snapping if you put any power behind the plunger (springs). Yes, it reduces ROF, but is easy to reload while running (more then a single shot). I was the "pioneer" of the no boltsled longshot (singeled). Look it up before you insult me. I know I will have people disagree with me, but I like it, and made it for those that see the value and use of it.

I've been meaning to post in this thread for some time now. Ice you've done nothing special. Singling the LongShot may have been unique, but not godly. This, this is just stupid. Like Split said, it's the angel breech that always fails. C'mon man, you put a fucking priming-pin on an LS. Big fucking deal. All you did was take someone's idea, and your idea, and make it better and worse. Also a LongShot's boltsled won't last one war without breaking? Understandable, if you're a fucking idiot and put it in over powerful springs. If you put in 4 springs, of course it's going to snap. You seem to do that with many guns by the way. A RFSG spring is WAY to powerfull for a crossbow, even with internals easily replaced. Knowing you, you probably put an AR-15, BBB, and LS. Also, if you're going to do this, why not make a really handle? A priming-pin is going to kill your finger by the end of a war, and i'd rather my gun break than my finger. That's what backups are for, but we have no backup fingers. What's next? Bungeeing an LS? Jesus, just calm down and get over yourself, and I say that in the nicest way possible.

#218451 Dcno Spring 2009

Posted by Magic on 17 March 2009 - 02:19 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm ALMOST positive I can go. If I do go, Skitzo, I can pick you up most likely. Don't put all hope on me though, because there's still chances I can't.

#210375 The Howler

Posted by Magic on 08 February 2009 - 01:02 AM in Modifications

I just shit my pants. INCREDIBLE! KEEP IT UP!

#220091 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by Magic on 26 March 2009 - 10:50 PM in Modifications


#208842 Snap Rifle

Posted by Magic on 01 February 2009 - 11:41 PM in Homemades

With a better handle, this would be awesome. I like it, but the fact that you have to use a lathe kinda makes it hard for those of us who well... can't use one. (like me) so it kinda degrades from the whole "SNAPs are easy for anyone to make"

What do you mean by better handle? I personally like this better than the original SNAPbow, although it does look a bit weaker, it also looks much cleaner. Nice work.

EDIT: Nevermind, I believe you were referring to the priming handle. Woops.

#219582 Supernova

Posted by Magic on 24 March 2009 - 12:08 AM in Nerf Wars

I as well am a maybe, most likely with one guest.

#175950 Ecno - October 11 - Coplay, Pennsylvania

Posted by Magic on 08 September 2008 - 04:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm almost definite I can come. Just have to make sure with the parents.

#221063 April 1st

Posted by Magic on 01 April 2009 - 03:31 PM in News

Today I kicked my friend in the balls, and tripped him over a chair. The teacher then yelled at him.

How is that a prank?

Not really so much a prank, more of comical humor and revenge.

#221049 April 1st

Posted by Magic on 01 April 2009 - 02:38 PM in News

I think people should post their pranks if they pulled any today. They may be considered childish, but they're still fucking funny. Today I kicked my friend in the balls, and tripped him over a chair. The teacher then yelled at him. :D Happy Fools Day.

#221790 Check Valves

Posted by Magic on 05 April 2009 - 12:08 PM in Homemades

Thanks Zorn. I never exactly new how a check valve worked, just new they held air. Does it matter how strong the spring is? Would you recommend using one from a pen clicker?

#176315 Eliminator Internals

Posted by Magic on 09 September 2008 - 10:22 PM in Modifications

Not bad, but to be honest.. Did you really have to minimize it even more? :)

#217861 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 13 March 2009 - 04:43 PM in General Nerf

Yes, i'm talking about hard, hot glue tipped, stefans.

#217898 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 13 March 2009 - 11:21 PM in General Nerf

...50 acres(our block in the neighborhood)...

Surely, you mean 5.

My block's not even 1 acre...

Your block is definitly well over 1 acre. Trust me, unless your house is like 3 rooms, and your the only house on your block, then it's over an acre.

#217824 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 13 March 2009 - 05:55 AM in General Nerf

Alright. So were all basically on the same page about head shots.

Now what about Cack shots? Should it count if you get shot in your cack, or should you be allowed to then freely kick the shooter square nuts?

Lmfao. Touche.

#217578 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 12 March 2009 - 12:33 AM in General Nerf

Split and Salind pretty much agree with what i'm saying. It really depends on the host of the war to decide if a headshot is a valid hit, but it shouldn't be something you want to get. For example: At Gankfest 2 weeks ago, I accidentally hit Langley in the head. I was very apologetic, and felt horrible. No one made a big deal about it, because it was not my fault that my 2K has horrible accuracy. I really think anyone who reads this thread should take some advice. No one likes getting hit in the head. You may feel that you're superior because you have greater accuracy then your foe, but it doesn't make you a better person. If you hit someone in the head you should be apologetic, and try not to do it again. Aiming for the face isn't what Nerfing is about, in my opinion. If anyone thinks headshots should be allowed please explain why, and give a valid answer.

EDIT: FA, please post in this thread explaining your reasoning. I mean, this thread was your idea..

#217658 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 12 March 2009 - 03:43 PM in General Nerf

Okay, some people in this thread are saying they don't know what the big fight is about. Let me clear this up. I'm not saying that headshots shouldn't be a valid hit, because by all means they are. The thread was trying to get across the point of people misusing their power. Headshotting on purpose for the person being a dick? C'mon, we're all mature here, and even if we're not we should try to be. I understand if a person accidentally hits someone in the head, but if you constantly hit people in the head, you're no longer nerfing. You're being an asshole. I don't want anyone taking personal offence to this. I'm just saying it's not right to aim for the head, but if it happens, it happens. You make up for what you did, and keep nerfing. I just wanted a valid reason on why people aim for the head, and I still haven't gotten one.

EDIT: Why are people thinking i'm saying you should take away headshots? I'm not. I'm asking why there would ever be a reason to aim for the head. Just wanted to make this clear.

#217574 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 12 March 2009 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

As requested by FA at my concern, a thread about if headshots should be allowed. I'd like to know everyone's opinion on if a headshot is a good thing to do. I asked him if he thinks headshots should be allowed, and he says yes. Does anyone agree with him? Personally I don't. Please post your opinion.

EDIT: If no one posts in this, just close it.

DOUBLE EDIT: I don't want anyone thinking I have anything against FA himself. Just wanted to mention that. I just don't agree with the statement he said in the other thread.

#217587 Headshots

Posted by Magic on 12 March 2009 - 06:10 AM in General Nerf

Okay, so far everyone that posted in this thread is giving something around the same idea. I'm going to school now, and when I get back I hope someone that disagrees posts in this thread. I can give a crap about the popularity, but I'd really like the opinion of FA and many others. I don't see a valid reason to allow headshots as a normal shot.

#176478 A Different Ls Dtb

Posted by Magic on 10 September 2008 - 07:37 PM in Modifications

Nice job ice, but it may have been a bit better if you painted it when it was open.

#174863 "vicarious" Mk. Iv (bbb + At2k)

Posted by Magic on 04 September 2008 - 04:21 AM in Modifications

Very, Very nice.

#170469 New Nerf Games On Kotaku

Posted by Magic on 18 August 2008 - 09:48 PM in General Nerf

That's pretty cool, where'd you find this? Just searching the web?

#170579 New Nerf Games On Kotaku

Posted by Magic on 19 August 2008 - 11:01 AM in General Nerf

If I heard correctly from the person talking, it will be available for the holidays. Supposedly it's a nerf game, and you can use it as a real blaster as well. Can't wait to see if they will actually come out. :blink:

#218347 Singled Recon?

Posted by Magic on 16 March 2009 - 08:25 PM in Modifications

Okay, search. There's been many threads like this, and fix up your grammar. Take a look at the CoC.

#204417 Purelife

Posted by Magic on 18 January 2009 - 01:10 PM in Modifications

Nevermind, i'm retarded.

#209735 Spring Seno

Posted by Magic on 05 February 2009 - 05:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down for a maybe, along with one friend.

#181000 Favorite Primary / Main?

Posted by Magic on 02 October 2008 - 10:43 AM in Modifications

I have a few, so i'll just post my favorites.
Posted Image
Posted Image
Big Salvo
Posted Image
And my most prized possession, The Lancer
Posted Image
Posted Image