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#268767 Barrel Pod Mass Production

Posted by Magic on 10 March 2010 - 04:53 PM in Homemades

Awesome idea. Can "Great Stuff" be picked up at Home Depot?

#268721 +bow: Diy Thread

Posted by Magic on 09 March 2010 - 10:42 PM in Homemades

Ok, I know this is a necro and I am sorry but this is a stickied topic. I just finished my first plus bow! I was getting around 150 feet. The next day i shoot it and it goes 60-80 feet. :( Does anyone know what is wrong with it? Here is a video The camera cut off but I measured around 80 feet. Please help!

You may have tightened the front too much. That happened to the +bow i had originally bought. Try loosening it up, and if the plunger tube is permanently molded, you may have to cut a new one. Hope this was of assistance. :)

#268599 Tech Target Internal Replacement

Posted by Magic on 08 March 2010 - 09:32 PM in Modifications

Great mod. My friend (BustaDartInYOurAss) did the same thing to his NF. I put it in a diskshot, and it's getting great results. :)

#268452 Cpvc, Hard To Find?

Posted by Magic on 07 March 2010 - 11:16 PM in General Nerf

I don't know if this is just in America, but in Home Depot they only have PVC. At Ace Hardware they usually have CPVC. :) Hope I was of assistance.

I almost always get my CPVC from Home Depot.

In what isle? In the plumbing isle there's a lot of PVC but no CPVC.

#268440 Cpvc, Hard To Find?

Posted by Magic on 07 March 2010 - 10:15 PM in General Nerf

I don't know if this is just in America, but in Home Depot they only have PVC. At Ace Hardware they usually have CPVC. :) Hope I was of assistance.

#267669 Ignore This Thread

Posted by Magic on 02 March 2010 - 09:07 PM in Modifications

EDIT: Nevermind.

#224733 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Magic on 21 April 2009 - 12:30 PM in Off Topic

I'm sure I'm not the only one on vacation this week, so lets play some Call O' Duty 4 at 8:00 tonight.

I'm not on vacation, but i'll be up. Send a friend request to MagicSuit. We'll talk from there. By the way, in the message, put you're boss18. Seeya tonight!

#224732 I Am Very Very Sorry!

Posted by Magic on 21 April 2009 - 12:23 PM in Off Topic

Just wanted to let everyone know, I actually got my shit today. Of course noone on NH will ever do business with him again, nor will I even think about such a thing, but just to make speculations not so strong, the stuff actually got here. Mullet, I know you fuck up. BIG TIME, but the fact that you came back and actually gave our shit back was a smart move. Thank you.

#224091 The Official Internals Directory

Posted by Magic on 16 April 2009 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

I noticed the SM2K internals weren't up. It's understandable, because it's a pretty rare blaster. I decided to open it up, and fix my trigger problem, so here's an internal picture.

Posted Image

I also have a powerstrike, and I didn't see internals for that either, so I'll get on that when I have some time.

EDIT: I'll have to fix the IMG link when I have time as well.

DOUBLE EDIT: Fixed IMG link.

#223745 The Avenger (a Nitemanta With Added Awesomeness

Posted by Magic on 15 April 2009 - 12:09 AM in Modifications

Jaymel1989- That pic is in the WAY wrong thread. Before you post a pic, Look at what forum you are in. This should be in the Mods/Paint jobs thread.

Gazoo, my friend. You are incorrect here. Mukersman requested for Jaymel (which is the thread starter), to show a picture of his longshot that was sticking out partially in a previous picture of his manta NF.

#223738 Longshot Range Test Video

Posted by Magic on 14 April 2009 - 10:57 PM in Off Topic

Besides the fact this should be in either the General Nerf section, or Modification section, awesome job. I did notice that the LSFG was fired on an angle, and the actual LS was fired flat, but higher up. I think the video is pretty effective, but it would help in showing the breech in the video. Nice job.

#223587 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by Magic on 14 April 2009 - 03:10 PM in General Nerf

I'd be interested in hearing those. Many members can't get on every week, so if something comes up this would be a good way to hear it. I'm only 15, but if you still need someone to help out, I can probably do it.

#223536 I Am Very Very Sorry!

Posted by Magic on 14 April 2009 - 06:40 AM in Off Topic

Busta, I see what you're saying, but they're just best-friends. The finishing sentences of each-other is a bit much, but who cares. On topic, Mullet, you've been emailed. I'm hoping you stick to your word this time.

#223452 X360

Posted by Magic on 13 April 2009 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

I hear the Microsoft one is pretty good.

LMFAO. And on topic, if your looking to play like 5 games, get the normal. If your looking to play like 15 or 20 alot, get the elite. The elite has more memory. Hope I was of assistance.

#222614 Gotcha Shot

Posted by Magic on 09 April 2009 - 01:47 PM in General Nerf

My friend has one. His broke, so he opened it up. There was no way to fix it, so we took the spring. The spring resembled something close to the length of a chainblazer spring.

#222546 Unique Brass Breeching System

Posted by Magic on 08 April 2009 - 10:15 PM in Modifications

Nice job. Very unique. Keep up the good work.

- Magic

#222118 Buzz Bee Toys Belt Blaster With Suction Darts

Posted by Magic on 07 April 2009 - 12:02 AM in General Nerf

It's been spotted but never on Amazon before. Nice find.

#221790 Check Valves

Posted by Magic on 05 April 2009 - 12:08 PM in Homemades

Thanks Zorn. I never exactly new how a check valve worked, just new they held air. Does it matter how strong the spring is? Would you recommend using one from a pen clicker?

#221693 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Magic on 04 April 2009 - 10:59 PM in Off Topic

Cod 4: Tonight, 12:30A.M. I'll be on at around 12:15. Message me if you wanna play.

#221542 Help!

Posted by Magic on 04 April 2009 - 11:31 AM in Modifications

The front wings? Put your thumbs on the end of the wings, close to the yellow cap, and push off. It will make a snap noise, but that's normal. I hope I was of assistance.

#221367 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 11:17 PM in Off Topic

Okay i'm on now. Sharpie, to answer your question, I don't go on on weekends. I'm usually out on weekends. Maybe over break though.

#221322 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 07:55 PM in Off Topic

Anyone up for Cod 4? I'll probs be playing til about 1:30A.M. It's 9:00. Message me if your willing to play.

#221315 +pistol, By Splitlip

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 07:24 PM in Homemades

Okay, I need to post in this. Seriously, why do people have to question greatness? I don't think Split was being generous when he said this is the farthest shooting springer ever made. Mind me if i'm wrong, but I believe he wa referring to homemade guns, which in that case, he is definitely correct. Split, awesome fucking work. The grip looks amazing, the gun itself is incredible, and the power is insane. I used to be scared facing a +bow, until I got one. Now i'm going to be scared facing this thing. Keep up the awesome work.

#221300 The Monk

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 06:42 PM in Modifications

That looks like crap on a bun. Plus, that's nothing close to the guru. More of a knock off of the CrookedsBow, and TantumBull's LS. What's the point of RSCB clipping a previously clipped gun, besides range?

#221227 New Longshot Spring

Posted by Magic on 02 April 2009 - 02:59 PM in Modifications

Yeah, my friend got an LS about 2 months ago with a black spring in it. At first I thought it wasn't an LS spring, until I looked at it closer. They can easily be compressed when compared to the old LS spring. All of the newer guns seem to get suckier and suckier, if you ask me. Many people don't know about this, so you get some points for posting. :P

#221063 April 1st

Posted by Magic on 01 April 2009 - 03:31 PM in News

Today I kicked my friend in the balls, and tripped him over a chair. The teacher then yelled at him.

How is that a prank?

Not really so much a prank, more of comical humor and revenge.

#221049 April 1st

Posted by Magic on 01 April 2009 - 02:38 PM in News

I think people should post their pranks if they pulled any today. They may be considered childish, but they're still fucking funny. Today I kicked my friend in the balls, and tripped him over a chair. The teacher then yelled at him. :D Happy Fools Day.

#220820 Barrel Length?

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

I believe Angel's were 12", and SGM were either 8" or 10". I'd go for 10" personally.

#220814 Firing Bbb Arrows

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

Thanks Assassin NF, didn't know that. I just slipped a BBB arrow over an old 2K pump tube. Perfect fit.

#220800 Firing Bbb Arrows

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

3/4" CPVC may work. Not a definite, but it's worth a try. It should fit them quite nicely though.

#220795 Guru Mk. iii

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 10:01 PM in Homemades

Jesus Christ. Now you say this is not getting as good ranges as a +bow, but it hits over 100'? Can you be more specific, or is it too dark or annoying to range test? Just wondering. This thing interests me greatly.

#220691 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Magic on 30 March 2009 - 02:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Is it because the crossbow is only half painted, and Doc Terror was half human, half cyborg? That's probably my best guess, considering i've only seen re-runs my dad recorded.

#220528 New Breach

Posted by Magic on 29 March 2009 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

Okay, I've not said anything for too long. Nice breech, i've seen it done before, but you get points for posting it. I have a little pet peeve with the spelling of breech. It's breech, not breach. Carry on.

#220407 Guru Mk. iii

Posted by Magic on 29 March 2009 - 12:54 AM in Homemades

Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. I do have one question. Is it sturdy? Is it top-heavy, or pretty evened weight? How hard is it to hold on a scale of 1 to 10? Thanks in advance.

#220404 Guru Mk. iii

Posted by Magic on 29 March 2009 - 12:20 AM in Homemades

Jesus Christ. At Meltdown, I told Groove I was hoping to see his new primary. He told me what it was. I anticipated the arrival. This thing is fucking amazing! Not only keeping the traditional and awesome guru look, but updating the internals to the newest, best thing. Awesome work Slug.

#220359 Lnl Question

Posted by Magic on 28 March 2009 - 08:43 PM in Modifications

Not at all. People put more powerful springs in it. I suggest possibly cushioning the plunger head, but it won't break. By the way, all that and only 72FT.? Wierd.

#220301 Quick And Dirty Mod.

Posted by Magic on 28 March 2009 - 02:20 PM in Modifications

I did the same thing a few months ago in this thread. Mine was getting about 10 feet less, but I also had a few inches of PETG on mine with loose darts.

#220105 Clash Of The Coasts!

Posted by Magic on 27 March 2009 - 12:25 AM in Nerf Wars

I was a maybe, but now I definitely can't. Just too many wars to prepare for, and going to aunt's house. Sorry. Maybe next time.

#220091 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by Magic on 26 March 2009 - 10:50 PM in Modifications


#219971 Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

Posted by Magic on 26 March 2009 - 05:34 PM in General Nerf

For my nerf war injury, tripping over a stump in front of my friends gate and tumbling, struggling to get up, only to get owned by him. For my modding injury, trying to pry off the ring in front of the 2K pump. Screwdriver sliced off part of my finger.
EDIT: I forgot about when I burnt myself with a hot glue gun, about 3 days before Gankfest 3.