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There have been 376 items by neonerfer (Search limited from 19-January 97)

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#7108 Happy Belated 14th!

Posted by neonerfer on 16 July 2003 - 10:13 PM in Off Topic

Groove, you didn't send him the thong that I send you for your birthday, did you? If you did, then screw both of you, I had already worn it!

#7111 Happy Belated 14th!

Posted by neonerfer on 16 July 2003 - 10:25 PM in Off Topic

Thanks Julie!

#7136 Nerfchat

Posted by neonerfer on 17 July 2003 - 02:11 PM in Off Topic

Can't we just have one thread with out a violent Star Wars argument? I wonder why I even try anymore...

#7149 Nerf Pic Editing Contest

Posted by neonerfer on 17 July 2003 - 08:14 PM in General Nerf

Hehe, she has boobies.

#7192 A Call To Arms, Socal

Posted by neonerfer on 19 July 2003 - 12:26 PM in Nerf Wars

We were thinking of a SDNO. Where exactly are you going to be?

#7195 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 19 July 2003 - 01:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Jangadance brought a topic up about how he was gonna be in San Diego from the 24'th to the 30'th and that was around when we were going to do a San Diego Nerf Out. I'm not sure as to what my family is doing, but I think the 26'th is good. We have a beach house this coming week, then going to Louisville for a wedding the 2'nd to the 6'th, so I think the 26 would be the only time I could do it unless we do it after the 6'th. The location that we had last year was simply amazing.

The war will be at Felicita Park in Escondido. There's a huge rock structure in the middle of the warzone, that offers great cover and places to "eat shit." Around that there's enormous oak trees scattered all about. These things are 4-6 feet in diameter, great for cover. There's a creek running to the right with lots of bridges, and the rock structure sits on a large hill. Aside from that, there's lots of big rocks and fallen trees to hide behind. Finding darts wasn't as bad as we'd expected, but not as easy as it is at Venaldo. I prefer this place to the LANO area, as there's alot more cover and stealth tactics can really come into play. This park is huge, and this place is on the outskirts of it, so no one will really bug us. We did have someone call us "Nerf Nerds" last year...he was delt with swiftly and effectively. The rangers have no problem with us, and they thought it was kinda cool. They did say that if anyone in the park was accidentally shot, we would all be kicked out. It's not much of a problem, no more innocent bystanders than at a LANO.

It's about 45 mins from San Diego, 1 hour from Irvine and 2 hours from Santa Monica.

I know that all of my crew will be there, as they have no lives, and obey each and every one of my commands. That should be Me, Toj, Mark, Sam, Jon and perhaps Jeff and/or Carlo. Waylo has expressed interest in it, I'm guessing he'd bring 4 people or so. Who else thinks they can come?

SM? Senor Box? CXWQ? Ray? Ska Boy Evan? Waylo? Sandman? Come on people, you know you need to go to this.

#7196 A Call To Arms, Socal

Posted by neonerfer on 19 July 2003 - 01:15 PM in Nerf Wars

SDNO Planning Thread

#7212 Nerf Pic Editing Contest

Posted by neonerfer on 20 July 2003 - 12:26 AM in General Nerf

Box, you forgot what I said after that.

"No box, I'm not going to check out your wanker. Just put it away..."

#7214 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 20 July 2003 - 02:54 AM in Nerf Wars

I think the cloest train station is about 20-30 mins away from the park.

EDIT : Okay, I really spaced here. Looks like we're getting back from vacation on the 26'th, so then 27'th would work for me. I thought we were getting back a day sooner. How's the 27'th for anyone interested?

#7215 At Ballblaster

Posted by neonerfer on 20 July 2003 - 02:59 AM in Modifications

Sounds interesting, although I always have liked ball guns for some reason. They're fun for indoor wars and just for messing around, like for ambushing friends when you're not in a war. What's the range on it and can it still shoot balls if you want?

#7227 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 20 July 2003 - 05:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh, sorry, no trolleys. The park is in North San Diego County, a bit away from Balboa and downtown San Diego. Jangadance, how's Sunday?

I was thinking about maybe post poning the war to mid august. It's just seems like too short of notice for everyone, including myself. Sandman may be able to come mid august, and I hate to screw Jangadance, but I think it would work much better. Input?

#7245 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 21 July 2003 - 02:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah I think Saturday would work better for everyone. How's August 16'th?

#7270 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 22 July 2003 - 11:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry to change it on ya, but I don't think we'll be able to do it. We get back on the 25'th then leave for Louisville for a wedding on the first. We're gonna be pretty busy.

#7316 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 24 July 2003 - 06:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry Janga, I think he said he could make it on the 16'th. He's from my crew.

#7330 Nerf Pic Editing Contest

Posted by neonerfer on 25 July 2003 - 02:18 PM in General Nerf

Langley, that's so great!

#7362 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 26 July 2003 - 01:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Actually the war was rescheduled to August 16'th. We're thinking from 11-5. Hope to see you and your dad there!

#7365 Googlism Of Nerf

Posted by neonerfer on 26 July 2003 - 04:03 PM in General Nerf

Googlism is a website that will "find out what Google.com thinks of you, your friends or anything!" It's a cool concept, you enter something such as who, what, when, or where; and it searches with google and finds information on the item. This is what google thinks of nerf.

Googlism for: nerf

nerf is human
nerf is a registered trademark of kenner toys
nerf is the fun
nerf is to invest in basic research with a focus on developing knowledge and capability to support the development of new
nerf is a recent funding initiative
nerf is dying
nerf is not an occupation
nerf is changing
nerf is more fun than paintball and they claim nerf is for little kids
nerf is fun
nerf is a registered trademark of hasbro
nerf is divided into the following sections
nerf is managed by the foundation for research
nerf is awesome
nerf is a cool handgun
nerf is fijn
nerf is an adrenaline rush
nerf is in the process of developing corporate partners
nerf is making decent guns now
nerf is strong with him
nerf is considered for kids
nerf is the man on the street
nerf is better
nerf is involved with oral history collection; travel grants; book grants; research grants; special projects; fundraising and administering the finances
nerf is growing at a massive pace
nerf is a state of mind and is perfectly customizable
nerf is doing what he should be doing
nerf is one of my biggest projects ever
nerf is zeer fijn
nerf is door mij
nerf is a state of mind
nerf is spelled out in chubby letters that are perched on top of a transparent half
nerf is nerd the biggest junk out here
nerf is copyrighted by hasbro inc
nerf is
nerf is fast becoming a referral point for quality education ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level in various professional
nerf is based on the unreal gaming engine
nerf is coming to the pc
nerf is connected to the following things
nerf is connected to because
nerf is a good dependable company that has dominated the sports toys category for years
nerf is good news
nerf is this line of guns that shoot foam darts
nerf is xe best for xe good community
nerf is nothing
nerf is actually good
nerf is het eenvoudig te lakken
nerf is cool
nerf is really in our hands people
nerf is growing continously
nerf is an independent organisation that aims to provide strategic direction for educational research nationally
nerf is playing with such a crappy band
nerf is still not putting out
nerf is that after you've adapted to the graphics and feel of the game
nerf is when one car
nerf is both a fantastic word and a
nerf is shaq
nerf is making lots of new products
nerf is a trust fund established in 1968 by nzno
nerf is a registered trademark of hasbro interactive windows is a registered trademark of microsoft corporation
nerf is an inititative of the foundation for
nerf is made of the hides of those star wars creatures
nerf is coming
nerf is a breeze
nerf is no longer needed as all reimbursements
nerf is a new way of fighting
nerf is het sterkste en het soepelste gedeelte van de huid en hierdoor uiterst geschikt voor motorkleding
nerf is used
nerf is a talented young artist whose ideas can be seen floating around the periphery of our media clogged
nerf is a trademark of hasbro
nerf is great
nerf is a trademark of someone

My favorites are : nerf is a state of mind, nerf is shaq, nerf is nerd the biggest junk out here, and nerf is strong with him.

#7369 Googlism Of Nerf

Posted by neonerfer on 26 July 2003 - 06:56 PM in General Nerf

"nerf is still not putting out"

...I hate it when they play hard to get.

#7382 Googlism Of Nerf

Posted by neonerfer on 27 July 2003 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

Wow Matt, I wish google would say that about me.

sandman is a big sick freak

vacc is a lazy lazy man

vacc is cultivated on monkey

spoon is 2 1/4 inches long

steve is sexxy

steve is a hacker

steve is freaking great

steve is evil

steve is a genius

steve is god

steve is spamming the board again...

#7396 Hey, Lawn Gnome Liberation Front

Posted by neonerfer on 27 July 2003 - 12:20 PM in Nerf Wars

You guys are so sick, and that's why I love you.

#7730 California Recall

Posted by neonerfer on 06 August 2003 - 02:34 PM in Off Topic

I think Grey Davis is pretty cool. He'll probably get re-elected. I dislike how people say he's screwing our schools over. We're in a recession now, or at least the tail end of it, state funding is obviously going to be less than before. It's not Davis' fault that the country is in a recession. CA has a debt of about 30 billion, right? I don't think that's too bad compared to some other state's 70-80 billion. I really think Bush has alot to do with it though. During the energy crisis, we didn't get a whole lot of help from him, he said it was a state issue and he was going to stay out of it. He's an oil-energy guy, so I think he knew a little bit more about the whole Enron deal than we've been told. Anyways, I think that if Davis was elected fairly, he should remain in office until his term is fairly over. Then people who don't like him can vote differently when it's appropriate. I'm dissapointed that so many jackasses are running. When I ran for school president, there was this one kid that ran just for the hell of it and didn't really want to win. People were amused by him, and although most didn't think he'd make the best president, he got an okay amount of votes. The ASB class knew that he didn't know shit about ASB or being ASB president, and it pissed us off that he wasn't serious about it. Anyways, he ended up cheating and lost by default. That doesn't have a whole lot to do with anything, but I just don't like the people who are running for publicity/the hell of it, unless they're sure they won't win.

Anyways, I'm not sure if all my data is correct, but that's my distorted view on things.

#7748 California Recall

Posted by neonerfer on 06 August 2003 - 07:34 PM in Off Topic

I just heard that he's going to announce that he isn't running.

#7751 California Recall

Posted by neonerfer on 06 August 2003 - 08:28 PM in Off Topic

That's a future estimate. What's the current debt? The federal goverenment is running one of the highest deficits in history, does that trouble you as much as CA's? I still believe that the deficit has been caused by the recesssion, not by Davis alone. Anyways, I got a pretty good amount of info here. Can anyone verify Evan's and/or my debt figures? I'm not trying to totally support Davis, I don't think he's that great, but I can live with him. I don't really like most politicians anyways. I could deal with him and I could probably deal with Arnold too. I just think that whoever is governer should be elected in a regular election, after Davis' term is up. Do you honestly think that another candidate will be able to get us out of this mess?

#7760 California Recall

Posted by neonerfer on 06 August 2003 - 10:28 PM in Off Topic

This is Evan posting, right? Just wondering, because parents and other people tend to get more involved in political arguments between kids than they normall would. I hope you aren't taking any offense to my argument, as I consider both you and your dad good friends and want to make sure that this is just a debate.
That out of the way, Davis stepped into a bad situation, and things really went downhill with the power crisis. Kenneth Lay, the texan CEO of Enron, had visited Chaney numerous times, advising him on the country's energy policy. When asked for the documentation of the visits, and how many times they had personally spoken, release was refused. Lay's company was buying, selling, and reselling contracts, jacking the prices up for California. When your power is being supplied by a corrupt company, such as now bankrupt Enron, it's pretty easy to slip into such debt. How is this Davis' fault?

Why are you saying the estimate looks better though? Didn't you just say I should check my data before posting such misleading information? With your current argument, you just contradicted your previous statements of the debt being higher than I had stated.

Edit : Looks like Arnold is running.

#7763 Images/quizzes

Posted by neonerfer on 06 August 2003 - 10:51 PM in Off Topic

Posted Image

#7778 Bbb Problem Plz Help!

Posted by neonerfer on 07 August 2003 - 12:24 PM in Modifications

Yeah, common problem. The little orange things that have knobs that stick out the sides of the case. Those are really important. I just put those in and tape them on from the outside until it's together, then take the tape off. Oh, and use lots of lube, don't want to hurt it.

#7799 Pc Game Mod's

Posted by neonerfer on 07 August 2003 - 06:42 PM in Off Topic


#7800 California Recall

Posted by neonerfer on 07 August 2003 - 06:57 PM in Off Topic

Oh man...

"Issa, who made his fortune selling car alarms and pumped $1.7 million of his own money into the recall effort, broke into tears at a news conference Thursday as he announced that he had decided to stay in Congress so he could work toward peace in the Middle East."


#7805 Fireside Chat With Vacc And Spoon

Posted by neonerfer on 07 August 2003 - 08:02 PM in General Nerf

Damn, that was refreshing to read.

Thanks, guys.  My hope about NERF being just a fun time popping each other and trading welts has just been revived.


p.s. VACC; yeah, mine too  ;) , to me.

No popping each other. I don't care how important your dicks are on this board, stop popping people.

#7807 Pc Game Mod's

Posted by neonerfer on 07 August 2003 - 08:34 PM in Off Topic

J, I already told him.

#7839 California Recall

Posted by neonerfer on 08 August 2003 - 01:17 AM in Off Topic

Bah, I just realized that this isn't really worth my time. I don't know enough about the situation and politics in general to effectively debate, so the only thing I could really do is point out the flaws in other people's arguments which is no fun. This is the third time I've deleted what I was going to say in this post, so I'll sum it up. Kevin wins. Yay.

#7854 New Virus! Urgent

Posted by neonerfer on 08 August 2003 - 12:36 PM in Off Topic

Thanks for the heads up. And thanks alot, Jesus!

#7862 New Virus! Urgent

Posted by neonerfer on 08 August 2003 - 01:05 PM in Off Topic

Yeah, I didn't think it looked too real. At least it wasn't one of those hoaxes that makes you delete the "virus" from your computer when you're really deleting a needed program. Anyways, the "It takes Guts to Say Jesus" email is probably just a religious email, and an anti-religious person or group of people started this hoax to stop people from reading the email and giving the senders a bad rep.

#7987 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 10 August 2003 - 04:45 AM in Nerf Wars

I just type up a huge reply and somehow lost it. Here we go again. First battle starts at 11. My crew is going to get there at about 10:30. Be ready to play at 11, and eat before hand. At 2 or so, we'll have a 20-30 min break. You're encouraged to bring a snack to eat during this break. We'll have 5-10 minutes between each battle, and ammo pick up after every battle. Everyone who shot ammo in the round will pick up all ammo, not just their own. Then we'll regroup, and pile then claim the ammo from the last round. We'll be playing mostly standard 5 hit wars, west coast style. Count down for 15 seconds, counting the last 5 out loud before you are back in. Please try not to take more than 30 seconds between lives, as we want this war to be as fast paced as possible. If a park ranger or police officer needs to talk to us, let me do the talking. If any non nerf war participants are hit, or hurt as a result of our nerfing, we will most likely be kicked out. If we somehow are not kicked out, but a civilian is hit with your dart, you may as well go home, because you won't ne allowed to play for the rest of the day. Please people, think about where your dart is going to land before you shoot, don't ruin the war for everyone else. The park rangers are pretty strict. If any punk kids give us trouble, don't by any means resort to any sort physical contanct, including shooting them. Don't even threaten them. I don't know if our location has power outlets, so bring batteries for any electronic devices. Don't bring anything expensive that you would hate to lose because it will just tie you down. We'll be playing in the same area as last year, near the creek with the waterfalls. Our tables are at the beggining of the downhill to the creek, ask a park ranger at the front where it is. It's to the left once you eneter the park. If we are for any reason kicked out of the area, of it if is too crowed, we'll play near the large feild. There are trees skirting the sides, and a large ditch running through it. There's bridges over the ditch, and one bridge leads to an "island" looking piece of land, mostly surrounded by the ditch. There's a large, broad tree over there, so look for that. We will more than likely be fine in the original area though. If we need to change, or you can't find the park and/or site, give my cell a call. (760)533-4941, I guess I feel okay posting this, but of course don't abuse it. I'll try to kee it on at all times. At 5, we'll finish up our war, and do one last clean-up/dart pickup. Obviously don't bring anything illegal to the park. Post any questions you have, hope to see you all there.

#8000 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 10 August 2003 - 01:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds good. Oh, and if Julie wants to get some video, I can edit it if you like.

#8041 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 11 August 2003 - 12:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Is hand to hand stuff allowed?

Feel free to bring it, I'll have a couple swords in my car or something. It's not allowed in wars, but that doesn't mean you can't bring it. I'm always up for a duel inbetween wars. What kinda stuff do you have?

#8042 Double Blaster 2 Finish

Posted by neonerfer on 11 August 2003 - 12:10 PM in Homemades

Bit bigger than I expected, but very nice gun. How many pumps does it take to prime it and what's the effective range on it?

#8055 Double Blaster 2 Finish

Posted by neonerfer on 11 August 2003 - 02:20 PM in Homemades

Wow that sounds great. 6-8 pumps for the entire thing, or 6-8 pumps for each side? Most homemades are just for fun and shooting around, but not don't work too well in a nerf war because of their rate of fire. Yours seem to have a very practical aspect to them, which really appeals to me.

#8075 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 11 August 2003 - 04:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I have some extra swords, and my crew has some. We're pretty good with swords. Mark's just crazy fast, and good at anything involving movement, and Toj is actually trained in sword fighting.

#8150 August YANO Planning Thread

Posted by neonerfer on 13 August 2003 - 01:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Can you not shoot me this time, Ray? It really hurts when you do that. ^_^