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#364308 Need Retaliator 7KG or 9KG spring

Posted by tannercortes on 21 November 2019 - 02:28 PM in Modifications

Hi all,


Hoping someone can help me source a Retaliator spring upgrade in the USA.  


I ordered the 9KG spring with the Sig Sauer MCX kit from Worker but they failed to include that spring in the order.  It happens, I still love them!


As you know it's gonna take 3 weeks to get one from HK and my son and I are looking at the gun with the nice new plunger, breech, metal catch, reinforced sled, and no spring.  I did try the stock spring but it is way too weak to move the new plunger assembly, even greased up.


Sorry if this is a lame first post.



Tanner Cortes

#364326 Need Retaliator 7KG or 9KG spring

Posted by tannercortes on 08 December 2019 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

Hey James,

Thanks a bunch. 



Hello Tanner, and welcome to Nerfhaven!


My recommendation for an upgraded spring in the U.S. would be to check Out of Darts. Luke has a really decent inventory and is great with getting items shipped out in a reasonable time. I usually receive items just a few days after placing an order.

