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#55822 Please Help! Maverick.

Posted by ken2k7 on 28 May 2005 - 02:18 AM in Modifications

i dont know what you mean about respect to my english teachers. I really dont care about any writting typos, since i actually have a life and got better things to do besides triple checking all my posts. Stop being such an E-thug, and tolerate it.

as for the maverick, yeah i think im going to acept the fact that its broken, thanx anyways guys.

#55579 Please Help! Maverick.

Posted by ken2k7 on 24 May 2005 - 07:06 PM in Modifications

guys! alright i lengthened the foam things that replaced the air resitors and the gun shoots .... like 4 feet, what am i doing wrong?

#55539 Please Help! Maverick.

Posted by ken2k7 on 23 May 2005 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

hm... well is there anything like common house hold objects i could use?

i really apriciate all your help. Thank You!

#55534 Please Help! Maverick.

Posted by ken2k7 on 23 May 2005 - 10:31 PM in Modifications

i already threw out the plastic holder things, all that is left is the foam.

#55511 Please Help! Maverick.

Posted by ken2k7 on 23 May 2005 - 07:25 PM in Modifications

yeah i made sure the air holes *areN't* covered.

i have no idea whats wrong... maybe the air pusher thingy isnt connected well?

#55493 Please Help! Maverick.

Posted by ken2k7 on 23 May 2005 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

Please help, me and my friend were trying to mod a maverick. We followed pretty much ever instruction and now the gun wont shoot.

Alright this is what we did. We took out the air restrictors and thing with the spicky thing. And cut up a foam dart and filled in the spaces where the air ristrictors were. So now when we put it all togeather. it doesnt fire.

Plesae help!

wen i shoot it, i can feel a bit of air. There is Nothing blocking it. What are we doing wrong?

is my marverick junk now?

thanx in advance.