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Nerfassassin's Content

There have been 3 items by Nerfassassin (Search limited from 18-February 97)

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#185362 What Costume Are You People Wearing For Halloween?

Posted by Nerfassassin on 24 October 2008 - 05:16 PM in Off Topic

Hue Hefner.

#179762 Maverick Cocker Mechinism.

Posted by Nerfassassin on 26 September 2008 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Is this what you were looking for.

#163989 Airtech 2k Question

Posted by Nerfassassin on 23 July 2008 - 08:52 PM in Modifications

Where you looking to design it like a shotgun? If so you can take a look at CustomSnake202 modification. It does not have a write up, but it does have some pictures which may help. Here is the link.