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#361676 Longshot Modding (noobie here)

Posted by Concat on 28 September 2017 - 09:21 AM in Modifications

Well even without the furniture pad I can't put a clip in.  I think the OMW plunger rod is actually slightly longer than stock...  perhaps because the kit is for the Zombie Longshot?


Looks like I will have to trim some of the breech to make it all work.

#361621 Longshot Modding (noobie here)

Posted by Concat on 18 September 2017 - 08:31 PM in Modifications

1mm eh... ok thats a lot lower profile than I thought was needed. Time to crack it back open I guess.

I rambled a bit at the ens of my last post, but dart checker = primer indicator I guess. Read up on it after and it couldnt be causing any issues.

Side note, here are my finished firestrikes. I "minimized" them and took out the ARs. More of a test run to get my feet wet. I tell you, and oscillating multi tool works great for cutting plastic. And taping it for paint was hard... definitely not perfect, but alright.


#361616 Longshot Modding (noobie here)

Posted by Concat on 17 September 2017 - 09:29 PM in Modifications

So I've put stage 1 and 2 in one of the Longshots, and removed the AR.

I put a circle of furniture padding on the end of the plunger, and its interfering when loading a dart. Basically, the sled goes back, and the plunger catches sooner (by the thickness of the pad). At this position I cannot load or take out a magazine (all locks gone).

I have to push the sled back an extra bit, which is quite awkward to hold while also fumbling with a mag. Too much for a kid to do for sure.

The furniture pad is not super thick, but I guess tolerances are tight so how the heck is everyone else using padded plungers?

Thanks... appreciate insights on this. Shoots well otherwise. Took one on the bare back as a tester. It stung. :)

Oh! I didnt put the dart checker thing back. Whats that for...?

#361539 Longshot Modding (noobie here)

Posted by Concat on 08 September 2017 - 09:05 AM in Modifications

And here I was going to follow another guide's directions for foam padding.  This is why I came for advice.  Thanks bud.

I'll post an update with some pics.  I just finished a repaint of one of their firestrikes.  I also cut off the terrible "laser" and removed the AR.  The AR removal actually increased performance for it quite a bit.  This was more or less a trial run for the longshots.  I've never modded a nerf gun before.

#361534 Longshot Modding (noobie here)

Posted by Concat on 07 September 2017 - 07:20 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the reply.

The longshots are the older blue versions. I think it says copyright 2006 on it, which is an odd thing to remember... ha.

I tested them with elites, and they were jamming. Thats why I was looking into the issue. I have like 300 accufakes coming in the mail, so maybe those wont be an issue. I'll probably just put the omw kits and test before I commit to modifying to fix the dart tooth issue.

As for where I got them - kijiji. A mom was selling her son's, and as soon as I said Id buy it, her other son wanted to sell his too. It was meant to be because the bday is a actually for my twin boys.

By the way... should I remove the AR? Even with the OMW kits? Seems common to pad the plunger when doing that. Is that also the case with the LS?

#361527 Longshot Modding (noobie here)

Posted by Concat on 07 September 2017 - 11:04 AM in Modifications

Hi everyone,


I recently picked up two longshots for 50 bucks total, and I plan to mod them for my sons' bday.  I have a stage 1 & 2 kit coming from OMW, but I was hoping for some guidance on a couple mods I saw regarding elite dart jam fix.


There's this one:  http://nerfhaven.com...s-in-longshots/

And this one:  http://oznerf.forumo...icial-version-1


Both seem to tackle the problem with different methods, so I'm at a loss as to which one I should implement.  Looks like the second method will push the dart in further, which might improve performance overall...  but I don't know.  The first method, I assume, relieves a lot of the resistance so the dart tooth is pushing against the dart less, allowing it to drop down without catching the end of the dart.


Am I right on my assumptions?


If anyone has suggestions for other mods, I'm all ears.  A lot of the guides here have broken images from photobucket :(