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#2281 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 17 March 2003 - 03:13 PM in General Nerf

Goo, what is in a name? If I came everytime you called me, you just wouldn't respect me anymore.


But I allready don't respect you.

#2379 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 19 March 2003 - 11:34 AM in General Nerf

I so wish I gave a shit about people trashing my mother.

#2216 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 15 March 2003 - 08:01 AM in General Nerf

Has anyone heard from Code recently? For that matter, any of the old nerflist members who fell out of the community?

As for why this is my first post, even though I registered when this site was in it's early creation, I haven't touched my nerf guns for a while... hell, I haven't even unpacked my nerf guns since I moved to Texas, and that was about 6 months ago. I've been in Texas for half a year... Damn...

I suppose if there was an Armageddon or something, I'd manage to fly myself out there and proceed to suck worse than I had ever sucked previously.

Maybe I'll become active again... the disease that is online forums is back into my system, so who knows...

#2269 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 16 March 2003 - 09:40 PM in General Nerf

Yeah. The dude I know goes to U of T at Arlington. His name is Majinssjvegetto.


Did that guy go away? I sure hope so.

And I'm pretty sure I'm not a steer...

And it's Psychotic Monkey Squad... no "ron"

#2248 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 16 March 2003 - 03:06 PM in General Nerf

on using the name I coined for my trip to Ca without me there? That's cold dude, cold indeed.


Bitch, go to California.

#2231 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 15 March 2003 - 09:21 PM in General Nerf

Welcome back Goo. There will be an Armageddon this summer.

You in Texas for college or what?

I'm in Texas because I didn't really get into college, and that's where my parents moved... though I am taking classes at UT... so uh... I'll do my best to make it out for Armageddon.

#2240 Are You An Old Nerfer?

Posted by Goo on 16 March 2003 - 11:03 AM in General Nerf

What campus for UT? I know someone that goes to UT. Heh.

The UT in Austin, which is the one that generally goes by just UT, whereas others have their city-name initial attatched, like the one in Houston, goes by UTH.

#240664 Armageddon X

Posted by Goo on 07 July 2009 - 03:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Also, goo wants a blowjob. Which of you panty-runs are impressed enough with my legacy to get down on your knees.

Jesus....I thought you were in jail or something.

I actually was in jail for six hours a couple months ago. Funny story.

Y'know, just the other day someone was telling me about how much I had changed since high school.

But then I watched the video and well... read my own post that I made yesterday, and I guess the changes haven't been quite so dramatic.

#240547 Armageddon X

Posted by Goo on 06 July 2009 - 09:27 PM in Nerf Wars


I did some digging around on my computer. I save EVERYTHING. When I buy a new computer, I make a disk image of the old machine's drive and stick it on a RAID to be forgotten about until I need to find something embarassing.

Like right now.

Here's a video from Armageddon 2001:

And here's a video from a LANO, in October 2001:

Oh man, so cringeworthy.

If one of you fucks post these on facebook and start tagging people I might regret this whole exercise ;)

I'm pretty sure you can remove yourself from facebook tags.

Also, goo wants a blowjob. Which of you panty-runs are impressed enough with my legacy to get down on your knees.