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#208488 Clash Of The Coasts!

Posted by Silencer on 01 February 2009 - 12:18 AM in Nerf Wars

Last Bump or current lineup is gonna be final roster.

What do you mean the current lineup is gonna be the final roster? There is still well over a month before the war.

#219925 Clash Of The Coasts!

Posted by Silencer on 26 March 2009 - 02:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Would you guys want to have it at the park in Glen Rock where bcno is being hosted?

#257248 Modern Warfare 2

Posted by Silencer on 25 November 2009 - 02:59 PM in Off Topic

The intervention just looks wierd,

You're clearly mentally disabled.

The Intervention is most likely the most useful loser. I personally use the M21 EBR, but you get that at 56. From 1-56 I almost always used the Intervention. 1 hit kill any part of the body.

#257240 Modern Warfare 2

Posted by Silencer on 25 November 2009 - 12:59 PM in Off Topic

Eh, it's an alright game.

#206217 Clash Of The Coasts!

Posted by Silencer on 25 January 2009 - 12:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe at this point.

#219912 Clash Of The Coasts!

Posted by Silencer on 26 March 2009 - 11:58 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm pretty sure he got banned. So I don't know if it's still happening. Nerfer327, email me at tumerz@gmail.com

#243580 Guess The Amount.

Posted by Silencer on 24 July 2009 - 01:35 PM in Off Topic

I'll go with 52.67

#204865 The Nerf Schofield

Posted by Silencer on 19 January 2009 - 09:24 PM in Homemades

Very good work. I have been inspired by your owrk and I'm already in the process of making my own, with a turret. I'll try and post it when I'm done.

May I ask the diameter of your plunger tube, and the length? Thanks.

Also, can you tell me where you got the wood grips from? Thanks, again.

#205684 The Nerf Schofield

Posted by Silencer on 23 January 2009 - 04:47 PM in Homemades

Silencer - Its 1-1/8 ID polycarbonate tubing; length is 2-3/8. I got the grips online at vintagegungrips.net. Its a bit expensive for a nerf gun, but I was weak. Good luck with the drum (or "turret") dude. I have a few ideas floating around so we'll see how it goes.

Yea, I was planning on making one, but I've decided to make an original pistol. I plan on using your trigger/catch design though. I'll post it when I'm done, but that might be awhile since I'm in the middle of midterms.

#154064 Other Hobbies Aside From Nerfing?

Posted by Silencer on 30 April 2008 - 08:09 PM in Off Topic

1) Video Games
2) Rock Climb
3) Play the tuba
That's what I do, not much though. Nerf takes up time so I do that alot.

#148640 Njno - April 20th

Posted by Silencer on 01 April 2008 - 04:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I can't come even though I live in the next town over, Ridgewood. The 20th is in my town's school break and I'll be down in the Bahamas. I've never been to this park in Glen Rock but I might've drove past it a few times. It's a good place.

#275716 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 23 May 2010 - 06:20 PM in Nerf Wars

So my presence does not make you feel good about yourself? We shook hands.

Oh, and for anyone that wants to know, diamondback's aim sucks. He missed with a big blast from 40 ft away. lololololololol

#235331 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 09 June 2009 - 09:49 PM in Nerf Wars

-Not understanding Silencer and Keefs love for each other

-Triple double kill with Silencer(who by the way is still the coolest)

For the first one, we go way back. It all started with me being a creep, but then keef started to fall for my charms. After that we met up in November for a lil BOOTY CALL!!!. Yea, then we saw each other a couple weeks back at a rugby tournament, and a macked it up in a port-o-potty. Then he had a girl. That made him a faggot.

We're actually cool, we just love making fun of each other.

No, You are the coolest. That should be your description.

#235100 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 08 June 2009 - 09:32 PM in Nerf Wars

I shot Tim in the head after he called me a faggot.

It was a good day.

I guess i should apologize....just maybe. Yea I do. I love you keef, and your sisters, and your gal.

p.s.-----black donut hole....

#272129 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 13 April 2010 - 07:46 PM in Nerf Wars

We decided on May 22nd
Be there around 9:30/10. It'll be over around 3-4ish, whenever you all are tired.
Meet at the pavilion across the field. It's near the playgrounds.
No eye protection, no play unless over 18.

Wilde Memorial Park
670 Maple Avenue
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

Lunch!---There's a Killroy's across the street. You can buy shit/food there.
Primary and 1 pistol. (if you lack please PM keef, or I and we will bring an extra)
Money, people will have shit to sell.

Field Diagram (I'll get it up soon, waiting for the link from keef)

This google maps link should do for now: The Park The actual field is south of the marker. There are two baseball diamonds.

Try just the address w/o the park's name in Google maps if you don't get the right place.
The address isn't exact, so you'll need this:
If you take the directions, you'll end up at S Maple Ave.
You'll see 2 baseball Diamonds on your left.
Go into that parking lot and get ready to nerf.
The field is less than 1/8th of a mile away.

If you get lost, get directions to 1 HARDING PLAZA.
The field is across from that.
PM Me for a cell # if you'd need it

BE THERE AT 9:30/10 we're playing at 10:30!!!

Attendance list:

Snowfall +1-2

White Moonlight-likely
Titan Kid

#274613 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 12 May 2010 - 06:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Would anyone be interested in a war on may 29th?

#234990 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 08 June 2009 - 03:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Well, that was a pretty fun war.

-Buying a breach and getting a SplitTech 2k.
-Using my LnL's for the first time.
-Seeing Hersh attempt an Effeminate slide, but the ground thought otherwise.
-Using the "Limp Dick" as Hersh calls it
-Buying a fucking Double Crossbow from Hersh. Best investment of $2 ever made.
-Shooting DBNF as he tried to run me down in the field
-White nmoonlight being Parkway the 2nd. Fuck you're sneaky.
-Making fun of keef...faggot.
-Getting shot by keef in the head after calling him the above
-Buying 2 donuts from keef and Tom.
-Tom shotgunning keef as he rushed me and Dux.
-"It's the coolest!"
-"You're goin down. Like this is up...you're going this way!"
-I don't know if this one is a pro or con, but I picked Rambo 2nd for my team...I think it was the only time he wasn't picked last...
-DS and Rambo discussing WoW at the end
-The rounds after Hersh left. Not that it wasn't fun with you, I just got more hits.

-Seeing Ted's ass hanging out of his pants while he sat at the picnic table. Sorry, I didn't want to say anything.
-One of my LnL's bursting open because I forgot to put the screws in...

The best of my day though, was playing Cod 4 with Hersh and a drunk Talio that night. No offense, it was Effeminate.

We have to vote for a blueshirt of the war. Post who you think.

#275514 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 21 May 2010 - 07:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Good news, if you guys are still around by 3-4ish, which BCNO's usually are, I'll be coming to get a few rounds in. I thought my other event was all day, but I just learned that it ends around 3.

No dart weight restrictions. What are we? Gay?

See you guys there.

Can somebody sell me a hopper clip??

#275655 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 23 May 2010 - 02:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Why was I not a highlight?

#275389 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 20 May 2010 - 03:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Snowfall, who is validating, will be attending with 2-3 guests.

#274589 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 12 May 2010 - 10:52 AM in Nerf Wars

I have bad news. Something really important has come up, and I will not be able to attend. I just found out today. I would like to know if people would like to reschedule, or hold the war without me, I am perfectly fine with that. Please post here so you guys can come to a consensus.

#272204 Spring Bcno

Posted by Silencer on 14 April 2010 - 03:07 PM in Nerf Wars

Lucian151, no bans as of this point. If there is something that is dominating I may possibly ask you to use something else. If you're not good enough, and are not dominating, I don't have a problem.
As for the rain date, if it looks like it is going to pour, I'll let everyone know of my decision.

And by the way, this war is gonna be the coolest.

#233377 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 30 May 2009 - 08:43 AM in Nerf Wars

Who is this Dave? If it's blueshirt, I will purposly rip my hair out of my head. :unsure:

No. It's keef's chill friend who does some pretty crazy stuff. That's what I've heard. It's alright. He's not a blueshirt.

#232850 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 27 May 2009 - 03:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Of course. It's the coolest.

#234587 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 06 June 2009 - 07:32 AM in Nerf Wars

It's alright. I'll see everyone in about an hour-hour and a half. Can't wait.

#231319 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 19 May 2009 - 04:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Be there at 9:30 AM, June 6th. It'll be over around 3-4ish, whenever you all are tired.
Meet at the parking lot by the Baseball Fields.
No eye protection, no play unless over 18.

Wilde Memorial Park
670 Maple Avenue
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

Primary and 1 pistol. (if you lack please PM keef, or I and we will bring an extra)
Money, people will have shit to sell.

Field Diagram (I'll get it up soon, waiting for the link from keef)

This google maps link should do for now: The Park The actual field is south of the marker. There are two baseball diamonds.

Try just the address w/o the park's name in Google maps if you don't get the right place.
The address isn't exact, so you'll need this:
If you take the directions, you'll end up at S Maple Ave.
You'll see 2 baseball Diamonds on your left.
Go into that parking lot and get ready to nerf.
The field is less than 1/8th of a mile away.

If you get lost, get directions to 1 HARDING PLAZA.
The field is across from that.
PM Me for a cell # if you'd need it


Attendance list:
Silencer (+1?)
Skitzo (+1 or 2?)
Dark Shrimp
white moonlight

Chris is cool
Mr. Magstrike

#233265 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 29 May 2009 - 03:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Somebody seriously better get in touch with parkway. He HAS to be there. Also, no blue shirts please. Thanks.

I've sent him a pm. I'll send him an email too...


#231327 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 19 May 2009 - 05:22 PM in Nerf Wars

I should be there, assuming that it is still the coolest.


It's cooler than that cigarette you're smoking.

#234439 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 05 June 2009 - 11:55 AM in Nerf Wars

I just checked, and tomorrow is looking sunny with a high of 81. It's on as of now. I'll post tonight to see if it changed. Also,I'll nerf in the rain, so even if it does rain, It'll still be on.

diamond- check your pm's regarding a breech and the ST2K.

#233799 Bcno (again)

Posted by Silencer on 01 June 2009 - 04:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Just a reminder the war is in 5 days. I'd like to see some of the maybe's confirm.

#150244 Your Biggest Nerf Regret

Posted by Silencer on 09 April 2008 - 03:54 PM in General Nerf

My biggest regret was trying jump over a 5 foot wide creek/river and landing on loose mud then fell into some doggy droppings that someone forgot to pick up. By the way, my hair got in the shit and I had to wash my hair like 10 times to get the stench out.

#221658 Battle For New York Iii

Posted by Silencer on 04 April 2009 - 09:21 PM in Nerf Wars

What do you mean? Like a parent or something?

#218304 Battle For New York Iii

Posted by Silencer on 16 March 2009 - 06:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a possibility since I only live 40 mins away. Also, isn't this the Battle For New York III? Wasn't the 2nd in the summer?

#221677 Battle For New York Iii

Posted by Silencer on 04 April 2009 - 10:12 PM in Nerf Wars

It doesn't really matter...If you're worried I know fora fact thjat Skitzo is 19. I'm pretty sure all on Nightshift is over 18 too.

#222963 Battle For New York Iii

Posted by Silencer on 11 April 2009 - 09:58 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry, couldn't get on yesterday to tell you guys I wouldn't be able to come. It's the dat before easter and I'm needed at home. Hopefully I'll see a bunch of you at bcno.

#147131 Is Nerf Teaching Us That Guns Are Fun/cool?

Posted by Silencer on 26 March 2008 - 05:07 PM in General Nerf

1) What do you think of real guns?
P{ersonally, I think that real guns are highly dangerous. But at the same time they are interesting and cool.
2) Do you think that nerf guns promote gun related violence?
No way! Nerf guns do not promote violence. They provide us with a way to have fun, and it's not as dangerous as paintball or airsoft.
3) What is your opinion on the newer more "realistic" N-strike lineup?
The only reason they look "real" is for the sales. As said before Hasbro found a boost in sales from the N-strike line. They are not trying to make us think they are real guns or anything.
4) Nerf is generally considered a toy for boys, so alot of feminists think that toy guns promote the whole "men are powerful" idea in young boys, do you think this is true?
The way I see it, the only reason that nerf promotes this is because men used to be the gender fighting on the battlefield. Now that women are fighting too there shouldn't be a dilemna.
5) What do you think about guns in general( EDIT: nerf, airsoft, paintball, laser)?
I think they are all really cool. Even though they are potentially dangerous, they are very fun.

#262608 March Meltdown 2010

Posted by Silencer on 21 January 2010 - 04:32 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe.

#269691 March Meltdown 2010

Posted by Silencer on 19 March 2010 - 10:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, I can't go. Sorry for not telling you sooner. Just found out.

#150093 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by Silencer on 08 April 2008 - 06:15 PM in General Nerf

I was attempting to mod my LS by taking out the AR's when I tried to used a power drill for some odd reason. I started to drill and the LS part starting blowing apart, and it was obliterated. That's my story.

#297864 Apocalypse 2011

Posted by Silencer on 04 May 2011 - 06:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Any date works for me.